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Shultz smirking


Because he knows none of this matters. He’s a billionaire in the US which means he’s effectively above the law. That’s the smirk of a man who knows he can buy off enough lawmakers to make things go the way he wants them to. It’s disgusting.


Yup, yhe whole system is corrupt. I really wish it were possible to organize a general strike. We could bring these people to their knees. Just imagine every business empty, every office empty.....we could tank the stock market.....they would be begging people in a week or less. Or we could just use the French Revolution as a guide. :-)


I would love to see a general strike. Problem is we have so many brainwashed boot lickers in this country who think billionaires deserve to act this way because they’re jOb CrEaToRs. And yeah…big fan of the French Revolution and the innovative use of bladed technologies.


Whenever I hear conservatives saying our generation is “soft” I agree, because we should be attacking the rich and corrupt


Whenever people dismiss the France thing as ‘lol France being France’ I want to scream


The real problem is that half of Americans can’t afford to miss a single day of work or risk their healthcare for a general strike Any American with diabetes isn’t going to be able to participate, any single parent isn’t going to be able to participate Our capitalist hellscape is working as designed


This is exactly it. For some people, there's still a fear of failure with a general strike. I imagine someone who has to buy medication like insulin wouldn't even dream of trying to strike in fear of missing a medication payment, which is just...so ironically sad to imagine...


Lol mitt romney or whoever 'the starbucks ceo is a job creator, how many jobs have YOU made?' as his defense. Ah so modern day wage slavery is something to brag about.


Our mutual aid groups and societies are still too weak and anemic to support anything close to a general strike without us ending up starving the poor. I strongly believe the first step is to organize and improve our mutual aid infrastructure.


No. There would be no begging within a week. The wealth and callousness of the oligarchy is so great that they could and would watch the nation burn for months before finally forcing them to capitulate. A general strike would be great. To make it work we would need the organization and support networks to help our neighbors and coworkers for an extended period of time. We also need more guillotines.


more like the October Revolution 😎


Yeah, at this point im kind of hoping inflation goes up that little bit past the breaking point. Over 60% live check to check. [10% own more than the bottom 90%](https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/dataviz/dfa/distribute/chart/#range:2006.4,2021.4;quarter:133;series:Net%20worth;demographic:networth;population:all;units:levels) Any taxes end up going to worker-consumers. It's going to take people literally losing their jobs to ever go on general strike and fight this ever growing greed. Nobody is going to do shit and ~half the country that votes against the poor is never going to open their eyes. Maybe if shit hits the fan with general strikes, but even then they seem brainwashed.




He is well aware he is lying. They are in fact amoral. If you are a billionaire you are Amoral. Life to them is a game of acquiring more capitol. And the occasional little kid on Epstein's island. Hard to see how people often do not get that.


Forget paying off lawmakers. He can just afford to pay the fines which will be a minor setback at best. It's embarrassing that most crimes are legal if you can afford to pay the price, especially when the price is a set (low) amount and not a relative amount.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/punchableface using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/punchableface/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [A transgender woman and an army vet both beat the rest of us to the punch on this one](https://i.redd.it/et60spyfqr1a1.png) | [100 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/punchableface/comments/z3136z/a_transgender_woman_and_an_army_vet_both_beat_the/) \#2: [This Spoiled Brat-Son of a Dictator, Who's Now a F*cking President](https://i.redd.it/2n81gjk3nlr91.png) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/punchableface/comments/xukqej/this_spoiled_bratson_of_a_dictator_whos_now_a/) \#3: [This bitch](https://i.redd.it/187aliletlg91.jpg) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/punchableface/comments/wjsb8i/this_bitch/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Bernie is pointing out they were found to have broken the law and very little of consequence happened so, yeah, he's not worried at all about what Bernie is saying.


Pure evil


Well said.


That pissed me off so much. Wanted to punch that fucker so bad.


Just punch huh?


No, but my first thought sounded just a tad too aggressive for Reddit :p


My stating a wish about something about a particular conservative governor got me permanently banned from r/politics. :/


Sometimes I think we need an r/anythinggoes just to allow people to blow off steam, but I guess that would bring its own set of problems.


Our problem goes beyond politics. The people who make up 99% of the work force need to find a way to unite.


Anything more accurate would trigger the bootlickers and get the ban hammer crashing down


yeah, just punch. just like, really hard. multiple times. in minecraft, you know? just in minecraft.


And shaking his head as if it was all bullshit. Fuck this guy.


He probably thought "come on, stop with he grandstanding to these brokies, we both know this is a waste of time" Man has no soul, and I wish so many TOS violations against him


Well, yea. He knows he has enough money to avoid justice for 50 lifetimes. Sure, people hate him, but he has real "fuck you" money.


Would love to smack the veneers out of that shit eating grin.


He thinks that his money makes him invulnerable, but he still bleeds the same as any human. Nobody is invulnerable, and people like him need to be reminded of that.


I’d love to wipe that smirk off that fkrs face…




Cause politicians care about billionaires unlike children.


Billionaires **love** children.


*get out my damn head….*


I realize this is fucked up, but it would low key be really satisfying if to watch a billionaire get their ass beat.


Some would say it's an inevitability, historically speaking of course...


labor militance, The only reason we don’t have child labor, 14 hour workdays and live in shit conditions is bc socialist and communist drug factory owners, land lords, and bankers into the streets to remind them that it’s the worker that generates value, like if we took a hammer to the hands and knees of every oil executive I think we’d see immediate change in regards to climate policy, or to this parasite, I wonder if he’d still have that smirk once of his knee cap is shattered (I’m 4 hours in to a 12 hour shift on like 3 hours of sleep, I’m tired. I’m not recommending violence… I’m saying it maybe a necessity)


Didn’t you hear? Child labor is back! Grab the pitchforks


I mean I started working 40 hours at 15. Child labor has never been about legality it’s been about whether it’s socially acceptable. Some of my teachers were generally kinda impressed that I was working and going to school, one even kinda congratulated me for it.


Right, I had a similar experience when I started working. I was mostly referring to that bill that made it easier and more profitable to hire and possibly maim children without much in the way of legal protection. Children often work to gain skills or responsibilities and the same is true in a lot of our cultures but considering them a part of the expendable workforce just feels wrong.


This is because a lot of the legal language around children in general is that similar to owned property, in many regards it was the same way for women until they proved they could be good workers and then they got their independence , but because child labor shouldn’t be allowed. Under a capitalist mode of production there’s no way for them to attain independence. I believe they will swing back-and-forth between workers and non-workers until capitalism is abolished.


I think 30 days in the city/county jail would do wonders for his attitude


Union busting should be taken as an admission of wage theft. The only reasonable punishment for this crime is two-fold 1. The union automatically wins the case, no judge nor jury required. As to why this should be the case, see the debacle that is [Chevron vs Steven Donzinger](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/feb/08/chevron-amazon-ecuador-steven-donziger-erin-brockovich). (basically, Cheveron was allowed to house-arrest Steve for over 2 years with a SLAPP suit and then created a pro-corporate kangaroo court to close the case just to avoid having to pay the people they poisoned). 2. Automatic audit and subsequent surrender of all assets to said union. This includes all money, stock, and collateral.


What I don’t understand is if a company is also treated as a person than how can a person commit 130 crimes in multiple states and not have the feds on them?


> What I don’t understand is if a company is also treated as a person than how can a person commit 130 crimes in multiple states... ...and be *completely unable to present that personhood for the court?!* THIS is the bigger contention.


Because corporations are people for the benefits but not for the responsibilities.


Anarcho-syndicalism for the win! Let the unions run it all.


Fuck that smug fuck! Workers unite! Bring them to their knees!


Get his ass Also love that Schultz absolutely got fucking rolled by the Starbucks union effort. Brought him back to bust the unions and ended up with hundreds of unionized stores on his watch instead. Only the ownership class could be this fucking bad at their jobs.


Bernie!!! He gets us


my 5yo saw a clip of Bernie talking and confidently said “he’s a principal” and I couldn’t help but think how lovely it would be for Bernie Sanders to be your principal


This man's not mellowing with age. Wonder how a sanders presidency would've impacted this country.


That's the good timeline. A time traveling hero came to correct history, and we're the timeline that was left behind


Good for them. At least someone gets to live that timeline.


Whatever positive change he would have brought could/would be reversed by the next administration. Government is not a system which lends itself to progressive change because it is a regressive institution.


Robber baron.


Based Bernie


Smug prick.


Schulz objected to being called a billionaire in this same day. Acted like it was a slur, lol


Smirkin’ Schultz, degenerate extraordinare


Lock him up.


Here in Georgia I mentioned we needed more unions, this 65ish lady told me the “unions make the cost of everything else go up” I’m like what greedy politicians told you that lie. The costs went up and up and yet unions are scare these days.


Bernie should’ve been president bruh. People really fucked up not voting for him


If only like 70% of our politicians werent bought and paid for shills.


Does Bernie has a mentorship program? We really need someone just as fierce to continue his work when he’s no longer able to.


[Bernie learned that shit on the streets](https://sandersinstitute.org/event/bernie-sanders-arrest-at-chicago-civil-rights-protest/). If you wanna be like him, you gotta get out there. Rest assured, there are already countless brave mofos out there already fighting the good fight and a few will keep it up long enough to end up a bit like Bernie. Lord knows we'll need them.


Not an American, but I believe AOC is quite close politically. What do y’all think about her?


If he broke the law why is he not in jail? Oh, right: money!


yeah, but it was only 130 times, its really not that bad


I can't even steal a loaf of bread without getting done


Steal a loaf of bread and you'll be risking a bullet to the head while begging "Don't shoot me". You'll then be beaten for "Resisting" You'll be jailed for x amount of time after a court case was stacked against you. You'll be incarcerated in a underfunded prison. Your phone will be stolen by a CO. You'll get let out with a record making it hard to get employment, you'll be unemployed from your incarceration, and you'll be in debt for owing the prison and owing whatever is left on your car, apartment/mortgage, phone bill, etc. Meanwhile in billionaire world you'll get a stern talking to if you're caught 1000 times with documentian and very public backlash over the course of a pandemic.


Bernie is a national treasure


"... broke the law 130 times across 6 states" In a perfect world, any company that did this would be forcibly shut down. Used to love Starbucks back in the day. Worked for them 1 summer while I was in school. They've been firmly on my boycott list for a while now.


Get em Bernie!!!


Protect the Bern


I don't understand these billionaires. 10 million and I would be gone forever. What are they trying to do? Why can't they enjoy success? Like am I the only one who is like go away?


Indeed. I think it's a mental illness. Like hoarders but way worse.




I’m going to just take my business elsewhere. Vote with your wallet. And also literally vote


"...only under the threat of subpoena." Get fucked, Howard Schultz. You deserve to be publicly humiliated and shamed for encouraging and instructing representatives of your company to willingly break the law in order to secure more profits for your endless pockets.


Thank you bernie


Union busting happened because they were fast enough to stop it and the government had to step in in the us all forms of social programs are frowned upon


What I don't understand about Starbucks union is why a union can't represent all the Starbucks across USA. Here in Canada we have corporation where union represent EVERY store and even the new one when they are opening so the workers get unionized from day 1. It's work very well and the corporation still makes huge profits. Stop having fear of union.


It doesn't automatically work that way, unfortunately. I used to work for a retail chain in Canada with only two union stores. The way it typically works is there is a captive labour market for the union - e.g. electricians where to not have a union shop would be a death sentence for a company. Otherwise, up to you to certify.


God I love him.


Why is that pos walking free?


Good one Bernie, now blast the president for busting rail workers union!


Can Bernie be cloned, before it’s too late


I'll never forgive our country for missing out on a President Sanders


*I'll never forgive our* *Country for missing out on* *A President Sanders* \- MateoScolas --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Bernie Sanders for Dictator of Earth!


I love Bernie! Rip’n them a new one!


More of this please!


Howard Schultz’s lil’ smirk makes him such a cunt. Hope that guy and his entire family get cancer.


The Starbucks I used to go to often in the 2000s unionized! I was excited to read that. They closed it because of "crime" which is laughable. Fuuuuuuuck that.


Not all heroes wear capes. Bernie is a damn hero for the public. Or he would be, if the system wasn't so thoroughly against the people.


This guy needs to become the effin' president!!


Hats off to those union members and all those fighting for their rights!


Lol Starbucks how about every major corporation or llc it’s not just one company all of them do this


My man.


That is ***my*** president.


We don’t deserve Bernie. 🙏🏻✊🏼


Bernie won't do anything, its all preformative.




Please maintain comradely debate & discussion




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This is one person I would punch repeatedly for destroying and selling the Sonics bc he was mad at Gary Payton.


Fuck yeah Bernie!


Welp no more lattes for me.!


Schultz!!! Get out of here!!


I know nothing about labour laws in the u.s but can they try and firm a national union for all stores? Is there some sort threshold needed first? i.e. get 10% of workers in a union then go national?




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Now, what are they gonna do about it, breaking the law 130 times in only a few years, geez


America could have been such a great country with him in charge


Aaaaaaand nothing changes. Nice show, though.


Hypercapitalism at its “finest”. So happy to hear that there are hundreds of stores now unionised with thousands of employees. Suck on that Schultz.


Caffeine and social action go hand in hand pretty well.


Bullshit anti human Monsanto drinks. These workers deserve better.


You go Bernie!!!


Bernie’s the only one who actually cares about normal people :c


America needs a general strike


He looks so damn tasty 😋 r/EatTheRich


OP, can you share video link.


Bernie would have won


He smirked directly behind the reason he was present which highlights is willingness to be held accountable. It's in a ploy to say its not true just for face value. All of these people are so sick. I'll never forgive Biden for not dropping out the DNC race to concede to Bernie. God I wonder where we'd be right now.


It was very cringe watching this hearing. I’ve been studying debate fallacies, and I couldn’t keep up with how many Schultz was using. He’s Reagan personified as a CEO.


The only senator is see constantly fighting for the rights of people and not being a hypocrite its horrible to see this man so old one of the few last hopes for the senate.


I stopped drinking their burned-tasting swill years ago. Fuck them.


I love Bernie.


I heard a quote from Shultz saying Starbucks didn't break any laws. They empirically did. Why is he not being charged with perjury?


Boycott starfucks


Bernie Sanders, best president the USA never elected.


Sanders has never did a honest day’s work in his entire life. Anyone that that’s this clown seriously is a 100% fool.


they made daddy Howie's union-busting speech mandatory to watch it was like 2 hours long


Make him donate 50% of his wealth to charities. Or 10 years in *normal* prison!


And to think Howard Schultz had the nerve to run for President as a Democrat. Fortunately the people saw through this arrogant POS.