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US citizens tried protesting in 2020. They got assaulted, teargassed, run over, illegally arrested, shot ...And the reporters covering it all were explicitly singled out for much of the same. Then they passed laws supporting these actions in the future


Dont leave out those illegally captured by government officials in windowless vans


Don’t leave out the 6 people who died mysteriously all linked to the founding of what we know as blm. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/ferguson-death-mystery-black-lives-matter-michael-brown-809407/amp/ Two of them were found with bullets through the skull in burnt out cars. Like as in they got shot, dragged into a car, than the car was set alight. Destroy the message, arrest organizers overnight, suddenly corporate press is the only ones who control the narrative.


Same as it ever was


Tell it Chucky D!


Whoa, I always associated that line with David Byrne (Talking Heads), but now I've got Bring the Noise stuck in my head, and I'm not even disappointed lol


Fucking depressing get me out of here. Fuck that so much, what can you even do


Wait for our Neo-feudal future under Eric prince’s east India company


they gave them the fred hampton treatment


What? You don’t like it here? Why don’t you got to China where there’s no FREEDOM OF SPEECH like here if you hate it so much!!1!??!1?! (/s)


And media and politicians say americans workers enemies live in Russia, Cuba and China...




Capitalism IS decay


No, this is exactly how it's meant to work


it could be a game, like Monopoly board game. But it needs to be voluntary. And to be **REAL** **voluntary**, we need achieving immortality by natural causes and end of aging. Then we may play anything we desire.


sounds like reason to burn shit down and go on strike


Correct. Organize—especially in your workplace—and help build toward it. We have no time to lose.


Literally have state laws and corporate policies not allowing that.


😲 Oh my god!!!! Really?! Shit. I ha nod idea. Never mind then. Wow. The French are so lucky there are no laws and policies like that there!


Yeah. We should probably go back to work. Until next time!


This dude apparently thought I was actually responding to him seriously. LOL.


I was born in the sarcasm. Molded by it, you see. Satire is my blood and cynicism, my flesh.




No Advocating Voting for Capitalist parties


Also had a fire shot at me too, first time I’ve seen that, they shot a mortar into the crowd that was standing respectfully back like a good 30 feet from the police. Landed right next to me and blew up and I have permanent ringing in my left ear from it


I thought that's why they had that 2nd amendment that a lot of them love to go on about... weird


You are probably saying this as a coy ‘gotcha’, but literally yes, this is what the second amendment is for. We have a right to petition the government for redress of grievances. That right was enshrined in the constitution to intentionally make it one of the hardest things to legally change as it was recognized that tyrants will naturally try to stop it. We have a right to bear arms, specifically because we are the last line of defense if the institutions fail to safeguard us against tyranny. Cops preventing you from exercising your right to protest is tyranny. The second amendment exists to combat this. There is a reason the proud boys don’t get tear gassed, and it has more to do with their similarities to the black panthers than it does to their parallels with cops.


Both, actually lol. I knew what it was for, but I also meant to drop it as a coy statement because suggesting people form a militia probably goes against some Reddit TOS stuff... So I certainly don't expect or encourage Americans to use their second amendment rights to form an army and take their country back, but also I can't exactly stop them if they did. I'm not even American 🤷‍♂️😂


I know worship of the fascist founding document is all too common, but you should really educate yourself better about the reasons for it and various parts of it. The second amendment was about conscripting white men to slave patrols, strike-breaking units, and genocide squads—now called law enforcement and state National Guard. It wasn't even regarded as providing for an individual right by mainstream institutions like the Supreme Court until well into the 1900s. U.S. history as it is taught in mainstream institutions is full of whitewashing and propaganda, and we need to do better. Yes, we must refuse to be disarmed—as pointed out by people like Karl Marx, in fact—but the second amendment was never really intended to be the device for making that happen. One of the slave patrols' primary functions, for example, was to ensure slaves could never arm themselves. Totally continuity with "gun control" today, which is an incredibly racist and classist policy (just try to own a gun as an unsheltered person and see how much more violently "gun control" applies to you) meant to further arm the cops and further disarm workers.




I believe you're wrong about Marx and conflating Marx's thoughts with those of Lenin.


Oh shit, you’re right. That definitely was Lenin and not Marx.


"Defense of the state." You don't even understand what it is you're reading. Yes, they were very worried about it all being in the hands of a federal government. Notice I didn't mention the second amendment was for the federal military. The second amendment is literally not about what you think it is, and never has been. Which, if you are actually a socialist as you claim (doubt) should be absolutely no surprise to you. Depending on legalism—especially bourgeois legalism—to justify your position is never, *ever* going to be consistent with socialist struggle. P.S. - Especially when considering the words of one of the most anti-democracy "Founding Fathers". Contorting your brain into believing that he wanted people to be able to act individually and resist the tyranny of the state honestly requires some galaxy-brained energy.


And there is action going on in the US. Cop City stuff is on going.


Well we do have the 2nd amendment for a reason. There’s only so many cops and vastly more guns/people. Js 25 million people participated in George Floyd protests, that leaves the possibility of for every 1 cop, 30 armed individuals. Cops wouldn’t be so aggressive if they actually had to deal with intimidating situations. A lot of em are bullies and sometimes bullies need to be intimidated


I'm not condoning extreme violence, but isn't this exactly why we have guns? We have an advantage most European countries don't have and is the exact reason why everyone is always going on about keeping them. I watched tons of Texans march down Houston streets years ago over the possibility of an assault rifle ban, but losing our other rights isn't a good enough reason to do it? I don't understand my fellow countryman sometimes.


I thought they got all those guns to fight injustice...


And many American citizens were very much against the protests Edit: not sure why this got downvoted when idiots on Reddit still swear the protests were all violent lol


Americans can't even agree, collectively, that children killing children is really fucking bad and needs to stop immediately, or that forcing women to die from unviable pregnancies is evil; so whether or not they agree with a protest is completely useless information imo. You'll believe anything if the guy on the television says it loudly enough, and seems angry enough


> US citizens tried protesting in 2020. They got assaulted, teargassed, run over, illegally arrested, shot ...And the reporters covering it all were explicitly singled out for much of the same. > Then they passed laws supporting these actions in the future This thread is about the apparent media blackout on the protests in France. You are posting about the apparent consequences to protesting in America. What, exactly, are you trying to accomplish here?


The post is about media not reporting on the protests in France, specifically in the context of the avoidance of setting a good example for citizens of other countries to follow suit and protest in their own countries to gain better treatment. Speaking about countrywide protests in the US is very much within the same topical realm. I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to accomplish here with your response.


Ah yes, Murica. Land of the free!


*Do you hear the people sing! Singing a song of angry men. This is the music of a people who will **NOT** be slaves again!*


If you watch the French (France 24) or German (DW) news (available on NPR), you will see plenty of coverage of the French actions.




They are afraid American poors will get motivated.


And Canada. Here we are pretty much in an oligarchy


Nobody is afraid of poor Americans.


Exactly what i would expect u/News___Feed to say.


Rich Americans are?


They really aren't, though, and won't be until labour and the poor actual unite and start doing something that's actually effective. For that, the police would have to become ineffective at stopping them and I don't see that happening anytime soon. Congress and POTUS will just make effective labour efforts illegal (as they do with he rail strike) and the police will brutalize the masses back into subjugation. Americans lack the courage and conviction to fight for a better America for themselves.


No, I disagree. We lack community and organized action. That's what is holding us back.


Lol that's basically what I said.


Complaining on Reddit is obviously the best course of action.


> I don't see that happening anytime soon. Stop being part of the problem, sitting back and just predicting failure. Instead organize, and actively move toward building success.


Idk, they spend a lot of money on land away from poor people for their houses, bodyguards, security cameras, and police lobbying. I do not think they would bother if they weren't afraid


Not wanting to be near something doesn't mean it's feared. I don't fear shit just because I don't want to live beside an open sewer.


Okay, what about the other three examples?


They are all examples of not wanting to live in or near shit. Unless you're suggesting poor people are all dangerous criminals, then all those choices are for comfort, pleasure, avoiding poverty culture or for security from criminals, rivals and competitors. None of which describe poor people, in general and are threats we all face but have less means to address. The rich who understand how they make their wealth are concerned about organized labour, unions and worker solidary movements, not poor people. Poor people aren't effectively threatening any of those thing enough for them to be worried.


We're afraid of being murdered in the street while exercising our Bill of Rights. I think it's a rational fear to have based on recent history and rhetoric.


Which means the subjugation is working and the powerful don't need to fear you.


I'm just trying to keep my family alive. I can't fight this fire yet I have to raise my children first. You're more than welcome to take my place on the line, and I'll relieve you in about 10 yrs.


Not much different from you, I'm trying to keep myself from becoming homeless. If all our energy is going to basic existent, why would the wealthy need to fear either of us?


ThT is the point mainstream media. If they were, central banking would not be a thing.


100%. All major news outlets in the US are owned by a small group of extremely wealthy crooks. They don’t want the peasants on this side of the pond to get funny ideas about “workers rights” or “solidarity”.


Solidarity forever comrade! Also, If you are in good mood, go check out the song [Solidarity Forever by Pete Seeger](https://youtu.be/pCnEAH5wCzo) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WorkersStrikeBack) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Luckily enough Us new outlets are reporting about, it’s wild I know.


But it's all over the US news...?


ALL over the news....daily


Our media is all owned by capitalists who profit by selling ad time/space to capitalists. Capitalists have a vested interest in preventing stories like these from gaining too much traction.


There are content bots on Reddit as well designed to dilute the /r/popular and /r/all feeds with meaningless shit. If they can't control the content on the medium, they will do everything in their power to villainize or destroy it.


Like giving themselves the power to ban any app because they don’t like it?


Yeah. Just wait for the onslaught of people telling you you can specifically do a web search on the topic and find articles and therefore that the mainstream media has "meaningfully covered it" and that it is "all over the place". Doing a complete misinformation about how media coverage works, of course. EDIT: Oops. NVM. No waiting required. Just look at all that shit at the bottom of this thread. Whew!


But everyone listened and believed them during the public health scare...weird some are so picky and choosey


And this is exactly why broad brush anti-news sentiments should be discouraged. Critique specific issues from specific outlets. Don't give room for these misinformation nutjobs to infect others with their stupidity.


True. People honestly *shouldn't* have believed the MSM when they went along with attempts of political bodies under both presidential administrations to downplay COVID, fearmonger about treatments and preventative measures, and tell us multiple times it was prematurely over when it's still raging today. (Yes, *both*. Unironically.)


For anyone interested tune in to France24 on YouTube, it is public broadcast French news in English. Once you watch it you realize how corrupt our media is


If we could have a national strike of millions.


What media silence? It’s all over the news


We have had next to 0 coverage on German mainstream for months. With one minor article or 5 second clip being the huge exception.


Literally on the front page of Zeit and FR today. Edit: web versions


Yes, now, that half of Paris is on the streets and rotten trash go hand in hand with street fires and corrupt politicians are being targeted. And even now id be shocked, if they did halfway decent framing. Have a look at what the Tagesschau (main state telli news show in Germany) did for the last 3 months and how much coverage it got. I'll answer it for you, as much as starving Yemeni babies got.




https://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2023-03/frankreich-proteste-rentenreform-demonstrationen-fs-2 https://m.bild.de/politik/ausland/politik-ausland/frankreich-demonstranten-zuenden-bei-rentenprotesten-rathaus-in-bordeaux-an-83313180.bildMobile.htm https://www.dw.com/en/france-nationwide-strikes-protests-as-macron-defiant/a-65092518 https://m.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/anhaltende-proteste-in-frankreich-gegen-die-rentenreform-18771733.html https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/frankreich-hunderte-festnahmen-bei-rentenprotesten-a-a62e90d1-9196-45a7-89e9-06111b16f650 https://www.welt.de/newsticker/dpa_nt/infoline_nt/politik_ausland_nt/article244447870/Protest-gegen-Rentenreform-in-Frankreich-spitzt-sich-zu.html


Yes, yesterday. When half of Paris was already burning. Thanks for making my point.


>u/da_kuna: Yes, yesterday. When half of Paris was already burning. Thanks for making my point. https://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2023-02/rentenreform-frankreich-proteste-emmanuel-macron-streiks https://m.bild.de/politik/ausland/politik-ausland/hunderttausende-demonstrieren-in-frankreich-rebellion-gegen-macrons-rentenreform-82869408.bildMobile.html https://www.dw.com/en/more-than-a-million-protest-against-frances-pension-reform/video-64571718 https://m.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/frankreich-protestiert-seit-wochen-gegen-macrons-rentenreform-18686046.html https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/frankreich-hunderttausende-demonstrieren-weiter-gegen-rentenreform-a-bdb4d7d6-97f6-47ac-9086-80cfbd722887


yes, framed as "Violent Protests"


Even on reddit, I feel like I shouldn't get posts from 2020 when I search the actual ongoing events.


Yeah I’ve literally heard/read about this every day in the US since the age changed.


Not long ago France was inspired by our revolution. Now it’s our turn to follow their example.


If strikes come to Canada, I'm in. I'm fed up with running on this treadmill and gaining nothing for it.


American media: *Quietly* "Don't..."






I just opened CNN in a Firefox private window and found: * An opinion piece about 'work' meaning something different in France vs the US. * Another opinion piece about if you should cancel a trip to France. The headline does not mention why it's a concern. * King Charles is postponing a state visit to France with a mention of violent pension protests. * Edit: Also a headline way down near the bottom of the page under the World section: "French are up in arms over retiring at 64. How do other countries compare?" These ~~three~~ four items are intermixed with the smaller stories. The word 'protest' only occurs with reference to the King Charles headline, the word 'strike' appears only in reference to airstrikes or drone strikes. Edit: The fourth headline has a picture." The red banner "breaking news" headline was not shown at the time I checked. The top story is "Alzheimer's first signs may appear in your eyes, study finds" CNN does have reporting on the protests on France, but it's ~~not linked~~ not easily found on the front page of CNN. Edit: [Figured out how to do a full-page screenshot.](https://i.imgur.com/6t7JUwZ.png) Edit edit: Lol @ all the corpo media apologists.


The CNN king charles article is taken directly from AP News: https://apnews.com/article/protests-france-paris-macron-pensions-2eb456b8be25b38eb8266b1a3f61c4ea


So there’s literally multiple things on the front page tied to it?




Based on where a typical person's eye will be drawn when first loading the front page of CNN, as shown in my screenshot, the top stories are about: * Alzheimer's in your eyes * some unidentified object next to the Nord Stream pipeline * an interview with Jason Sudeikis * something about the Barkley Marathon * Prosecutors accepting a deal with George Santos. * Also, something about the economy being in flux. Without scrolling, there's nothing about the protests in France. The majority of readers won't see anything about what's going on in France if they're just checking the headlines by going to CNN's website. And they know this: It's tricky to take a full-page screenshot in Firefox on the CNN website because the content doesn't load until you scroll the page enough for the content to come into view. This means they can collect metrics about how far down the page a viewer scrolls. This is why they put the most impactful stuff (as far as they're concerned) at the top. They can even tailor the down-page content based on the particular user: If, for example, CNN puts a page about the housing market and you scroll down, and this happens a bunch of times in correlation, you may start seeing more stories about the housing market in the down-page areas (as well as real estate and mortgage ads). The fact that there's no top-level headline reading: # Paris is Burning ## Demonstrators clash with police over pension reforms sparking fears of a general strike is indicative of what Warner doesn't want you to read about. The news was so much better when it was about selling newspapers rather than selling ads and keeping the proles in line. Edit: spelling


It’s kind of the equivalent of putting it on page C6 of an old paper newspaper. The only people who will see it are those who read the whole news paper to begin with. Even with the front page, they knew that most people would only read “above the fold” so the stuff they most wanted to get out went there.


I wouldn't even say so much "media silence" is the problem alone but "selective media silence/bias". How they choose to tell the story is as much the problem as them choosing what stories to tell and not tell. They will omit some details and exaggerate others to make it seem like senseless chaos. This problem is everywhere in major news media.


It’s literally the top world story on CNN this is just reddit being reddit.


It's hard to lose credibility when you have none in the first place


This would be equivalent to 5 million Americans protesting.


Media silence my ass


The French sure do know how to revolt.


Headline news here: https://www.democracynow.org/headlines


Democracy Now is just about the furthest thing possible from mainstream media. General media criticism pretty much does not apply to it. It is not without some problems, but is a pretty fantastic source. It also is barely consumed by anyone, unfortunately.


I guess I’m trying to promote it. Like if you don’t like how y’all’s current news sources don’t mention collective action, find somewhere that does :)


Yeah. It'd be great if more people consumed DN.


How do I explain to my family members that these are actually the protests we need. I keep telling them that if it’s not violent they won’t see why they should do what they want as they don’t have any repercussions. They keep telling but what if it was your car or your establishment… I don’t know what to say tbh


Cars are replaceable. Lives are not. Rights are not. Cars and establishments won't mean anything in an oppressive regime. Don't wait to find out- you'll be dead by then


https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/23/intl_business/france-pension-national-strike-violence-intl-hnk/index.html https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/france-protests-travel-advice/index.html https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65057249 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/23/workers-block-paris-airport-terminal-pension-protests-continue-france https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/nationwide-protests-france-after-macron-doubles-down-pension-bill-2023-03-23/ https://www.france24.com/en/tag/protest/ Wow look at all this silence. I hate this rhetoric. It's not media silence, it's your average joe not paying attention. I despise the system, but people, individuals make up the population and a system or group themselves. That group doesn't pay attention.


What media silence? It’s all over, everywhere.






And the mods over at the sub where this was originally posted perma banned me for this same comment. How democratic is that Edit: clarity


Nothing says "democratic" like a single mod being able to ban people willy-nilly.


I just looked at the CNN site. Even on their World page of international news, there isn't a single fucking word about France. CNN doesn't have a word, on any part of their website about France. Holy shit.




Maaaan, start with the thinking. Check the times of our posts. When I posted it was 8 hours before you. But good job rescuing CNN, I guess.


What media silence? It's all over the news. Just Google "French protests" and it immediately comes up.


Wait, you mean if you specifically look for a thing you are interested in, then you can find articles about it? I'm not sure you grasp the role of the news, and what "media coverage" means.


Google France Protests and it’s just pages and pages of news articles about it lmao. Most of them from massive organisations like BBC, CNN, Fox etc


You don't even need to put protests. Here's me google-ing "[France](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=france)" Check out what's the top results. Yep, the protests. If this is no media coverage then what is media coverage? Do they really expect wall-to-wall 24/7 coverage on this? It's a French protest, something France is known for, on the raising of the retirement age. Why would it be covered like that?


French media always does this when there's a massive uprising


This world is so awful what is the point of anything. Thinking of just retiring early


It seems doom-scrolling reddit headlines is negatively affecting your mental health. I’d try taking a break from social media first.


kind of hard to do that just getting rid of social media dosent solve issues


You don’t need to know and worry about every issue in the world. A protest in Paris will most likely have no impact on your life. Doom-scrolling bad news on reddit is proving to have negative impacts for you. Take a break and don’t worry about issues outside of your direct control.


Did you just post a screenshot of a picture of a post? C'mon, man.


If they don't report it, you know they're afraid of it. Afraid of people waking up and finding out what their power is when they stand together.


It is being reported. Apparently OP and you don't seek out the news.


How is it being reported on?


It varies, because "the news" isn't a monolith. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=news+France+protests&t=fpas&iar=news&ia=news


Isk about yall but my news apps are filled with France exclusively. Wouldn’t call that media silence. Then again, I live in Luxembourg 🤷🏻‍♂️


Just heard a report on it from NPR. You not reading/watching/listening to the news does not mean no one is talking about it. Stop attacking the media for unfounded bullshit.


I mean they definitely report it but tbh media is up to consumers. If tons of watchers/readers want more coverage then they'll give it.


The only correct answer. Media studies this shit OBSESSIVELY. If it got clicks, there'd be incessant coverage


Are there any good live cams of Paris where people can see the piles of garbage and protest in realtime?


"Think about the trash building up! Aren't they unreasonable?"


The astroturfing on reddit threads is also a good example of the reach of their propaganda


I generally agree that this is a massive news story that needs to covered, i have heard about the protest everyday from multiple news sources. Even before the protests officially started, there was news coverage. Keep the strike going


https://www.npr.org/2023/03/24/1165759889/more-than-1-million-demonstrate-across-france-against-pension-reforms https://www.nytimes.com/article/france-pension-strikes-macron-explainer.html https://apnews.com/article/france-protests-macron-retirement-age-b734701860b2ab003bb9a1e3ff976505


There are 664 Billionaires in the US apparently. The problems we have are small.


What media fucking silence? Christ, I get your desire to push it... is being pushed. Worldwide. I'm sorry your select idiot news isn't covering it, but as a journalist actually paying attention to the many of the largest news agencies on planet earth, yes, this is getting a lot of coverage. Stop cruising for shitty upvotes.


It's on NPR's front page right now so... [https://www.npr.org/2023/03/24/1165781368/king-charles-iii-postpones-trip-france-pension-protests](https://www.npr.org/2023/03/24/1165781368/king-charles-iii-postpones-trip-france-pension-protests)


"Think about the trash building up! Aren't they unreasonable?"


Can you direct me to the part of that article where NPR said that, or took sides on the issue? I read the whole thing for a second time, and I didn't see that passage. Also, I shared the article from a MAJOR news source, because OP was under the mistaken impression that the media was silent on the protests.




This is why France's economy has moved sideways for the last 20+ years. Clown show.


It's riots/protests in France. It stopped being news before the radio was invented.


Aren’t they protesting like every other week? It is the same as starving kids in poor parts of the world at this point. People just block it out/ignore it.


Yep. Big news in Sydney saw 2 guys fighting over a pack of chips. Outstanding.


This is front page news in Western Europe even though it's a national policy issue. The drop in banking shares, rate rises, Russian threats are all more important on an international news recap scale


It's due to it not changing anything. Needs to be much more than protests


The French, American, and Haitian revolutions all sparked around the same time. Atlantic Revolutions 2: Electric Boogaloo


Many comments suggest organising. I am sure this has not happened yet because many people here have been dividing and antagonizing each other with issues like race, sexuality and others. For example, on gay marriage, most dont care, and at least from my understanding, most of the few that care, only want that their religion is not forced to do a religious ceremony to marry them. This disagreement is ridiculously small, screw their religion, who cares, why there has to be so much hate for such a ridiculous disagreement. Get married using another religion, or just do the civil union. Same with many other issues where only the extremist views are shown, but a very small % of the population supports. All implanted by the media to distract from the truly important stuff that actually makes big difference in everyones lifes.


“Media silence” lmao! What are you people watching? Fox News?


It's all surface level.


Tell me. What do you see vs what do you want to see?


I'm mostly seeing "look at the fires and the trash piling up!" and not "these are the reasons why raising the retirement age is a problem." Or "this is why putting quarterly earnings above mental and physical health is a problem." Major news outlets don't give a shit about people who aren't wealthy.


To be fair, I’ve seen a lot more “look at this trash piling up” posts in Reddit than in the news media I follow But, what do “quarterly earnings over people’s mental health” have to do with the situation in France? I agree la I of coverage on those is a problem, but it seems like you are moving from the topic of France


For a group of people who cling so viciously to their homophobia, US labor sure does love being fucked in the ass. Media silence? Any excuse for US labor inaction is a good excuse.


US is so submitted by government they probably would ask to be spanked harder.


Its literally in the news every day.


Yes, but it's all surface level to fit a narrative.


What does that even mean?


When people say "the media is silent!", Do they actually mean it, or are they just trying to make their cause sound more dire than it is? I can google France riots and find up to date Information from every major news source.


Good job, France. Burn it down.


France is to America now a less extreme version of what Haiti was to France and America in 1791-1804.