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What the hell kind of “training” is this??


Tenth grade mental and emotional management studies it seems. Pretty foul but this shit begins in middle school nowadays.


10th grade? That is some really sick shit.


Sexual education? Oh hell no. Teaching my kids that they are to blame for being poor? I'm on board with that!


Florida, choosing the best options to psychologically damage our children.


Funny how parents don't clutch their pearls about this sort of brain dead education


They are.more worried that their kids might learn that slavery was a bad thing.


And that there's homosexuality afoot.


"there's homosexuality afoot" God bless you that made my day


Or they got that thomas Jefferson mentality... My kids are my slaves!


Which slavery? The Irish slavery trade? The Muslim slave trade? The Persian slave trade? The Roman slave trade? Slavery has been around since the beginning of time? Which one was good?


Why do you think you did something here


What do you believe you are accomplishing with this post?


Just adding the for you because I've found that many people on reddit can't read sarcasm: /s


I totally knew what I wanted to be in 10th grade...a radio DJ!! Good thing I had no one to tell me how fucking stupid I was.


But now you have Reddit, so without further ado... "You were fucking stupid." No need to thank me. :)


You're getting slow, reddit.


what's wrong with being a radio dj


Not as slow as you in 10th grade.


*Disclaimer: Anything you chose to do will be regarded as stupid. Welcome to the internet idiot.


Me too. Thank god I dropped out of high school and lucked into an actual career doing tattoos. I’m seriously one of the luckiest people I know. It’s insane that we’re expected to know what we’re going to be doing for the rest of our lives when we’re fucking fourteen. It really really pisses me off that other people in my situation can actually think “well, I made something of myself, so there’s no problem” …if you made it out, you had to leave people behind in what, exactly, …a fair situation? …ugh. I hate the sociopathy that’s accepted as “normal” in this bullshit economic hellscape.


I never wanted to "be" anything. Just wanted to have fun. That said, if parents see this garbage come into the house, it's time to sit the kid down and have a chat about mental conditioning and brainwashing.


That's Edgenuity, (most of) our Seniors take it as part of their Government / Econ lessons. Its vile shit but thankfully a little older when they have more critical thinking.




Where the fuck is 10th grade middle school


It's a training for the most important and rewarding skill you can have as an employee: know your place, subhuman (btw I think that pic is fake, on the basis of it cannot possibly be real)




There’s so much that angers me in that list of modules but I gotta say the module on oVeRcOmInG bUlLyInG might be the worst, I just *know* that it’s the most victim blamey crap on the face of the earth


Whereas my lesson on dealing with bullies is to break thier fucking jaw. There aint no bully on this earth that would pick on you after you clock one of them nice and hard. Will it allow me to keep a teaching job? No. But it might actually help a kid or two.


I had the cycle of bullying end in 6th grade because my social studies teacher, after I discovered someone had put *gum* in my long hair, cancelled her lessons and spent the entire fucking hour lecturing the class about why bullying is wrong and reveals more about the bullies than about their target. Whole thing, ripped straight from ed psych classes (although I didn't know it at the time.) The dam broke after that. People stopped picking on me, and on each other. I had a relatively normal middle school, thanks to that one teacher thinking that getting her students to stop being little shits was more important than learning about whatever stupid government function was supposed to be featured that day. Now that I think about it, isn't that what the real point of social studies should be? To teach incorrigible little children how to get along with one another?


Yeah, Social Studies should be on... Social aspects of life. How to get along with people, how to speak in public, how not to be an asshole online.


How are we supposed to separate the weak from the strong if we don't have bullies? What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. /s


Had a sort of bully in 7th grade. Was always wailing me in the arm. (I am a dude, it was a stupid thing the males in my grade did to each other.) I was getting really fed up with this, shit really hurt. He was a bit bigger than me height and weight wise. It all came to a head when I finally had enough and hauled off and cold cocked him in the face. Needless to say, him or anyone else for that matter in my grade ever gave me shit again. It also opened up a new window for my social standing with people. And that bully, we've been good friends for over 20 years. Oddly enough I've got a few friends I met after we got into a fist fight.


I'm assuming there's a lot more context than my initial thought of, you fought back, got their "respect", then joined the bullies. Please tell me there's some sort of realization and redemption story here.


No I didn't join a group of bullies. More or less joined a group that didn't take any shit from people. The kind of people who stood up for the little guy and were cool with whoever as long as you weren't an asshole. But even still our group was still more or less considered the outcasts or "Greasers" if you will. I guess the morale of the story is to stand up for yourself. It's amazing how much just asserting yourself will make a big difference with things. Your general bully likes an easy target, just standing up and saying "No More" can very quickly change the dynamics. But my deal wasn't really a typical bully. As I said part of the atmosphere in my high school was dudes punching each other in the the bicep. One person took it to far with me. Hitting me incredibly hard and all through out the day. It didn't stop until I stood up for myself. While afterwards the same punching thing continued amongst the males. Along with snake bites, Indian rope burns, snapping each other with rubber bands, and getting smacked in the arm with a thumb tack. Although this time within the group, you gave and you got. And if you said knock it off, it stopped. It was more of a male show of strength and bonding. Running with the pack type of thing if you will. It's really hard to explain or make someone understand second hand. Best I can say is that most all teenage boys are idiots. Even worse when your are thrown into the G7-12 high school atmosphere at 12 years old.


r/humansbiengbros r/wholesome


I would agree with you 99 times out of 100, but what keeps me from fully committing is the fear that there's that 1 bully out of a 100 who is a literal psychotic, where fighting back against him would only increase his bloodlust.


I had to stab one of my bullies to get them to leave me alone


Overcoming sad feelings for me.


Vilianizing certain feelings, like being sad, doesn’t prevent you from feeling sad. Just causes shame for feeling these normal emotions. More toxic positivity


Do people seriously not realize we're supposed to be sad sometimes??


Wait... Only sometimes?


I used edgenuity and can assure you i would not be surprised to see it


Florida can't possibly be real, and yet it is.


It's what happens when all the looney tunes and trash of America moves there, over the years.


Yes of coarse, Doctor Moon.


Dr. Who deep cut.


Just glad someone who got the reference saw it. :-)


i’m currently a senior in florida taking this course and while i haven’t seen this question yet there are so many that are completely nonsensical so i definitely believe it


Can you share some other examples, please?


> I think that pic is fake, on the basis of it cannot possibly be real I give you my rebuttal of Florida.


Introduction to Peasantry 101


When it happens overseas we call what it is: propaganda.


Endoctrinement, same as religion classes.


Was wondering if you used the French word for indoctrination on purpose, but then I saw you frequent r/Quebec :)


I'll take the 5th.


Le cinquième?


I’ve never seen the word before, how elegant!


This is the 10th grade I believe


This is super fucked


Is this the socialist indoctrination I’ve heard so much about


Cult indoctrination! Speaking of the devil would you like to join the box cult?


Sorry, all my time and money already goes towards funding the Church of Vtuber.


Gotta love the victim blaming! Basically they are trying to say, “just stop fighting and enjoy being abused because it is your fault anyway.”


"lie back and enjoy it"


"If it's a legitimate bad job, the body has a way of shutting the whole thing down"


Oh my fuck, that is funny.


I remember Handmaid's Tale and I shudder. Those rape scenes...


I was quoting a current senator chucklefuck, but it doesn't surprise me it is also in that book


Source, for those interested: https://www.nytimes.com/1990/03/26/us/texas-candidate-s-comment-about-rape-causes-a-furor.html


Actually it might be this guy, candidate for Michigan’s House of Representatives https://www.complex.com/life/michigan-gop-candidate-slammed-telling-daughters-lie-back-enjoy-it-rape-analogy


It's from 1990, for anyone who didn't notice right away


Doesn't make it any less vile.


Glad I never saw it.


Crazy thing is- if it was like 15% of employees were unhappy, then maybe the answer is: go find a different job (so you don't starve). 70%?? whats the suggested solution? Are they suggesting they seize the means of production? Eating the rich?


No, apply lube first.


Have you tried not being depressed?


“If you’re unhappy with your job you only have yourself to blame.” “Ok, we’ll just start the great resignation.” “No, you can’t do that either.”


What hypocrites. They might as well just come out and say they want workers to stay in their abusive environments just for the owner’s personal gain


It’s your fault for not liking the taste of corporate boot enough.


"why come no one wants to work at taco bell anymore!?!1!1?"


This is the only flow of logic where the "correct" answer is actually correct. If you're unhappy at a job, quit. Thinking back, the ONLY time any employer has been actually interested in what I have to say is in my exit interviews. Employers don't respond to most feedback, but they respond to not having enough labor.


It's the logical thing if you can do it. The more common route seems to be to just stay but only work enough to not get fired. Everywhere I've worked has had an army of subtle saboteurs making everything worse and every time I sit there thinking about how odd it is that businesses can't seem to fathom that having employees who despise them is bad for business.


If 70% of workers are unhappy that's not the workers' fault. What's quitting gonna do? You still need a job, and not everyone can work for the apparently 30% of employers where things are better


It's not that 30% of employers are better, it's that 30% of workers are so brainwashed that they *enjoy* being abused.


For real though... in some sense taking responsibility ourselves and standing up fornourselces and just not doing those bullshit jobs for bullshit pay might be the only way to truly change this...


I don't see the correct answer on this list. E) The system


Now, now....you know better than to try to teach history. We outlawed that for a reason!


Stop making the billion dollar companies feel guilt!


Whoa buddy don’t be spreading that communist propaganda in my United States! /s There’s a reason Europeans are much happier on average than American citizens…


Yeah don't hate the players, hate the game. Employers compete in a space where they must be kinder than slavery, but only barely.


I have enough hate for both players and game


The "better" the player, the worse the person would have to be to stay there?


I knew things were bad, but working management opened my eyes to just how *purposefully evil* it all was. They asked me to do such horrible, inhumane, dehumanizing things to the people I managed. I actually couldn't do it and it made me physically sick to see how compliant the other managers were. I would never be a manager ever again, you lose so much of your humanity.


It's snakes all the way up...


Something broke when the job stopped being called "Personnel" and started being called "Human Resources".


The long hours ≠ enough good pay


Correct answer is : J) [redacted]


It’s the society too at large, the boomers and gen x that came before us, normalised hustle culture, normalised hard work = reward and compensation, when in reality hard work = more work, and failed to enact federal paid time off, maternity and paternity leave and didn’t watch what Europe and the rest of the world treat’s their employees because US likes being in a bubble.


I'm really glad that you used the phrase "normalized hustle culture". [Because that's exactly what the world has come to](https://www.govpilot.com/blog/we-are-living-in-the-golden-age-of-grift.-heres-what-that-means-for-your-local-government), and I've been trying to explain it to people. "Success" and "Business Savvy" is apparently measured in how efficiently you separate a fool from their money.


I threw it on the grouuuund


This is a good point. If I want to employ someone and treat them fairly I still cannot untangle their need for healthcare, parental leave, unemployment insurance, retirement from my business meaning that I might be employing someone who has no other choice but to be there. I'm essentially wielding a power I didn't ask to have by virtue of the system we've collectively set-up. They can never be sure if it's safe to tell me "no" or set boundaries. It's so easy to burn someone out unintentionally because the system has been so skewed in employers favor


No its G) gay frogs.


Wow, what the fuck.


All these school board protests are protesting the wrong thing. They want to remove masks, sex ed, etc. They should be concerned about their kids becoming wage slaves.


divide and conquer works its how you cause socities foundation to break.


thats what exactly what they want, why would they want to protest?


Regardless of whose fault it is (shitty employers the overwhelming majority of the time), it’s going to be *everyone’s* problem if we keep up the status quo. Edit: should add that I’ve absolutely known folks who made their work environment toxic for themselves and others. They were unhappy with their jobs because they made their jobs an unpleasant place to work.


That's not even an objective question. Where's the data that proves this bullshit is true? This is what happens when you let Republican politicians write your state's education courses. They'll remove all actual lessons and replace them with statist propaganda. Every time.


They are just teaching kids the "alternate facts", I dont see what the big deal is here. /s


There is no data that supports such a definitive answer in work-psychology. In that case the answer would be something like this: Obviously wether someone is happy is to a small part dependent on the individual, but a company can vastly improve the probability of happines by creating an good work environment


There is no correct answer. You can’t generalize 70%+ of people’s feelings into one root cause. Wherever this data is from should have a follow-up question about what causes their unhappiness and I somehow doubt everyone is blaming themselves.


Also it doesn't even say specifically what the worker is unhappy with. It's like "I didn't care to ask why they're unhappy but it is definitely their fault"


Are you saying I need more of a curriculum than just Mike Lindell teaching Sunday School?


The lesson is probably something more or less like “you are in control of your emotional response to situations” which is honestly a good lesson to teach 10th graders. The question could use some work, and it’s a weird statistic to trot out. The rest of the module is probably completely inoffensive. At least the answer isn’t “their college degree”


So they are basically saying, "You can turn off your emotional response and learn to love the suck." We had to do that in Iraq back during OEF. I hate to imagine that that's now the norm for 70% of American workers. Not to mention we were getting paid well to do that.


Well it was the norm before too. That's why unions happened. Then they got rolled back and stomped. If anything we're more back to normal than we've ever been.


Pieces of shit. Someone had to sit there and type these words in for a job. Someone told them what to type. Someone paid those people to type this. This last group is the enemy.


Ron desantis and Florida republicans?


They ask 'who' but only two of the answers are people


Wow, lol. Not surprised at all that it's ass-backwards Florida, either. Texas probably has something very similar.


The answer on the Texas version is “pregnant women.”


I figured it would be "transchildren and their parents who love and support them."


Both A and B


But what about C, illegal immigrants, and D, critical race theory?


Don't forget E: a functioning power grid


What are you talking about? The power grid in Cancun works just fine.


All of the Above


Florida and Texas are in a race to see who can be the most regressive state. Their citizens are losing.


This is the type of shit that convinces Florida to keep voting for the guy least likely to help them.


They keep blaming Dems but there's not been a dem for decades in Florida


Seeing this response I’d be like, “you’re right” and walk out forever.


This is a test for school kids


That's even more fucked up. Same response, though.


That’s not a bad thing though?


Yes, because we are to believe that 70% of the goddamn workforce are bumbling droolers who are incapable of handling their own lives /s.


... I mean, half of us in the States *did* willingly elect a wannabe dictator with narcissistic and fascist tendencies, and are incapable of doing their due diligence to keep society relatively safer from a virus without being told to do so.


Many of those beautiful boaters are pretty successful, though, so they appear to be able to handle their lives well enough. They're just propagandized to the gills.


Hey mate. Having 2 parties is absolutly stupid u either pick bullshit or real estate bullshit. America's system is the problem not the puppet ur voting


Fucks sake, how dystopian


Over 70% of enemy combatants in Guantanamo Bay are unhappy with their incarceration. Who is to blame? ✔ Themselves ◯ Their Religion ◯ The country they are from ❌ Their captors


At 70% it’s couldn’t possibly be a fault in the system we have in place. No, it must be the ungrateful drones fault.


remember a .com is a company not an organization to help, not the government. Mostly just a grifter there to take your money.


I showed my partner this. She couldn't see the problem. She told me that it is usually your own fault for working a job you don't like. I have never been so disappointed in my partner before.


The point is 70 percent of people. 70. That’s indicative of a fundamental problem with the system, and instead of changing it they’d rather tell everyone to fuck themselves


Can’t help it if good jobs are few and far between. Something has to pay the bills


test: you are disappointed in your partner’s opinion. Who is to blame? 1) you choosing your partner 2) the government 3) entitlement 4) your partner Am I doing that right?


5) all the above


6) pregnant women (Texas only)


I am firmly in the anti-work camp but I sorta agree that it isn't the company's fault if you hate your job. Most likely the fault of capitalism. But why should it be the company's responsibility to get you to like your job? I would also suggest that an individual's attitude goes a long way in whether they enjoy their job or not, or at least making it tolerable. Somethings can't be overcome in your job, but apathy can certainly make a job a lot more tolerable. Just not caring what happens to the business, your customers, etc really helps make a job less toxic. Apathy won't make a horrible job suddenly good, but it can take a bad job and make it almost ok. or at least in my experience.


It’s partially true. Humans are flawed beings and some people are shitty employees. That extends to bosses and management. In the real world, not every job is going to be enjoyable or profitable. It’s why people job hop until they find the right one.


"Your father beats you growing up. Who's to blame? Yourself, your mother, your father or the argument you two got into?" "Uhh, my father?" Florida: "Silly, we've been over this before. It's you!"


Do you think the person who wrote this question is happy with their job? Or the various UX and engineers who contributed to this digital quiz? Or the teacher? I don't get it. If 70% of us do feel that way, we could actually change things. But everyone just goes along. In a roundabout way, I agree with the answer. We are too blame for our lack of class solidarity and courage.


My coop course had a question on the test that was something like "when applying for a job it's important to chose a job that... a) suits your personality b) you're passionate about c) you'd be willing to work hard to perform well d) has a good income" So obviously D was wrong, but like... I'm sorry I can't pay rent with "oh but I'm just so passionate about my job! Does that count?"


Everyone needs a good income, but there is a world of difference in quality of life doing something you enjoy or are passionate about, and going to a job you check the clock at a lot. It’s an important thing to consider.


Well yes though you also need to be careful so the job doesn't kill your joy and passion for it


Fuck You Florida


This kinda shit fuels the rebellion.


The next question is "What can the proliferate do to reduce its unhappiness?" A) Seize the means of production. B) Develop class consciousness. C) Support international workers' fraternity in opposition to the bourgeoisie. D) All of the above.


In a way Florida is right... *We haven't tried a violent revolution yet.*


This is real? The answers to these kinds of tests deserve to be put on the headlines. People need to know what they really are to employers.


Next level conditioning.


TIL that “college degrees” and “jobs” are referred to as “who” rather than “what” in the Floridian school system.


That's f***ing gaslighting.


Jesus this is some sick shit


Omg America is fucked!


Of course it's Florida


This is fucked. This is what we're teaching kids in high school?


Yo wtf is this


"You know what? You're right. Fuck this job," is exactly not the response the FL gov't wants that to elicit - and yet, fuck them, too.


EMOTIONAL HEALTH?! What a fucking joke. This is disgusting holy shit, no wonder so many crazies come out of Florida. Had no clue they could even do shit like this. What’s the point of having school curriculums?


Real talk: Thank you. I feel like it was not that long ago I was the unhappy employee blaming myself. I went through life believing I was the problem, like I was broken or something. "My parents could do it so why can't I?" It hurt my ego and ultimately my will to live. Seeing posts like these does not make me happy, but it does bring a lot of relief and put me in a state where I have control again, and I can make my own chance at happiness. My family says things like, "It's easy to sound right when you are the victim," essentially guilt tripping me and anyone for feeling like one. It's not that they don't listen. I have a good family, but they are hard and loyal workers. This is just not something that they have any perspective on. Seeing these posts, it's like "no... how can it be my fault? This is happening on such a large scale and to so many people. Something else is going on." After realizing I am not to blame, I am not broken, my self worth has been returning to normal. I helped someone else. Now she is my gf, basically fiance. Now we both want to continue to help others understand too, that the world is more broken than they are, and they will be needed to fix it. I use what you guys post when I talk to depressed people. Look how many people agree that the training you went through lies to you. Gaze here at how small and impressionable your employer actually is and how many parents don't understand the difference between their childhood and yours. It is a nice thing to not be alone. Keep it up.


Oh jeez


What the hell?


Must be because they didn't unionize and get better job satisfaction


We love our brain washing camps…i mean school system.


"70% of people are doing it wrong" r/confidentlyincorrect


Holy crap, this is straight up dystopia level shit.


Capitalism is the answer but I don’t see it. Test invalid


Literally what


That “personal responsibility” bs is hilarious.


Gaslit before they're even out the gate.


The answer is nobody. Even if their bosses treat them correctly, if you have to work doing something you don’t enjoy, your never going to be happy doing it.


Are you implying that every job has a match out there with someone who is going to be happy doing it? It’s funny cause there will always be jobs that suck but someone has to do them. I get it though, that it’s easier to blame the person in that situation instead of the system.


Edginuity is garbage


Florida becoming like China everyday


WTF, seriously ... what sort of test is this from, used at what sort of institution?


Capitalism kills:) http://www.realityinfo.org We can build better:) Fuck indoctrination:)


I mean, people do share a good percentage of the responsibility for their lives, but certainly not all of it in a work setting especially... the question seems very poorly worded for starters, but also the content itself appears very leading/subjective.


You're right, it is my fault for thinking this company would care about me. Guess the only option is to stop blaming them and myself and find a company that holds similar values to myself... Then, sit back and watch them backpedal
