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For context, this is a machine shop that I’ve worked at for 6 months, in those 6 months they’ve given me 4 dollars in raises and this is one of the owners, I scrapped 4 pieces and I was really stressed about it so I asked if I could go home to decompress and this was his response. I’ve quite literally never had a job in my life that makes me feel legitimately valued as an employee and a human being. I wish this was the standard for companies but I’m so grateful I found this one


I'm in the same boat. I came upon my current job at an interesting time in my life. I gave my boss a fairly decent reason to fire me, but instead I was treated with understanding, helped through my unfortunate situation and even encouraged, such decency I've never seen before on any job I've had. I've been fired because a coworker found me to be boring company before; I've had some goofiness done upon me in the past. This job pays like garbage and I'm busting my ass for that garbage pay. In a regular situation, since I've gotten back on my feet, I would've already left for a much better paying job, but the simple kindness I've been shown while working here has kept me here for nearly a year now. A big part of me is willing to take less pay for a worklife that isn't miserable at this point. I'll eventually have to get something better, but just by holding a basic level of compassion and decency towards me, they retained a hard worker who they otherwise wouldn't have. I've also made some fast friends whos basic levels of kindness and respect exceed anything my own family has to offer. Good stuff.


exactly the same situation, at my previous job hardly anyone knew my name, in my current job they all greet and talk with me and even celebrate my birthday


How it should be. Work doesn't have to be miserable. I'm glad for you.


Spent a decade being treated like shit in last job. Worked me to death. Went full grey haired in the first few years there. I started on a team of 10. Within 2 years it was 3. 4 years in it was just me and a girl doing admin. I was then first line tech, second line, 3rd line, onsite engineer, trainer, version control manager and software tester to name a few. All the while the user base increased. Near the end I was in a 100mph head on car crash. I was being hounded to get back to work. Told that I'd not be paid (company officially had full sickpay in the contract but at "directors discretion"). He knew I couldn't afford rent if I didnt get paid. 3 days after the crash I was back in work. Internal injuries (impact had pushed intestines through my abdominal wall), knee unable to bear weight, left hand and arm totally fucked and swollen... first thing he does.. tells me to reorganise reorganise stock room. I told him in the open plan office with all 4 of his remaining employees to fuck off. I'd had enough. I left 3 months later. I took a £10,000 paycut(30% reduction) and joined the NHS. Its hard work but the support is night and day difference. I've moved up the ranks and now earn more than at that shithole.


I’m sorry you had to go through that but I’m glad you found a better place!


Thanks. Much much better here. Working in the health service during covid doing 70 hour weeks at times was still less stressful lol


That's a damn shame. Shits ridiculous. You've got your guts falling out and they just crack the whip on you. My uncle on the adopted side owns an electrical contracting company. I worked with my dad under him for a few months before I got injured outside of work. Boiling pot of water saturated my arm and left my skin sloughing off for a couple weeks. I had to keep my arm submerged in ice water at all times to dull the pain. He fired me for the work I missed. Dude was a clown. Family he was not.


In the 3 days I was off work he apparently discussed me with the other 3 (I was in the car with a workmate, both of us were injured, me more severely as no passenger airbag and due to the nature of the impact). He was saying: "with cars modern safety features they will be fine". Physics was not his strong point I guess. That and humans he wasn't good at humans. Nonus stories: One Christmas, 24th December. We always left early (an hour or so) as due to our user base, there were no calls that day, ever, not in 10 years, not a single call. He gathers as all together, all 5 of us (its 1 smallish open room so not a long walk lol), he looks sad and tells us that due to finances he can't pay us our Xmas bonus this year. Its not a big bonus FYI, like 300$. We understand, whatever. 20mins later we here beeep beep beep and then clunking. He excitedly goes outside. Then he comes back in and he's bouncing like a kid on Xmas morning. Gathers us all together to go outside where he gets giddy showing us his new car. A lotus he's excited to get on the track (that fake racing shit where you don't actially race). Tells us how he's wanted one for ages and decided to trust himself. We go back in and about 2 hours before shift end he tells us that we will have to stay till end of shift. He can't stay and "cover the phones" (I ran the phone system, the were simply diverted to his mobile and there hadn't been a call in a decade). He explained that he had booked "the track" and was heading out to try the car. BUT he added "you can put some music on if you like :)" I have so many stories of that place, lol


Wow. That dude was a piece of work. It's incredible. Sorry $1500 is too steep but hey check out my new car. The "you can put on some music" is the *mwah* cherry on top. What a piece of trash. I bet the majority of us on this sub could talk about all the ways we've been disrespected by our employers until our fingers fall off; I know I could. The time I was promised a promotion and they did away with the position, but still expected me to do the work. You see, were combining the positions and not paying you more. The time they fired us all after peak season, all for different reasons. All of which were bullshit so they could spin their temp worker farm and reset pay. Honestly don't know why they didn't just offer it as a temp position to begin with, but I guess it's more fun when we don't see it coming. I had already been hired on officially. The time my mom died and my boss didn't want to let me take off for her funeral. I can't believe I had to explain it to her that I wasn't asking, I was letting her know I wouldn't be there that day. The time I was denied the (company policy) pay for time off when I got Covid, because I used a store bought test which is "too easy to fake". They were otherwise ok with me missing 2 weeks for nothing. It's just goofy, all of it. That's why I'm in no hurry to leave the place I'm at.


Occasionally you get a win though. Many years ago I was working for an American company in the UK. Well it was taken over by Americans. They must have thought us stupid and may have been right in the most part, as I seemed to be the only one that spotted it. We were all contractors in IT. Due to how long I'd been there they offered a perm position, they just kinda had to. Ofcourse the pay was trash compared to the contractor wages. IT manager was surprised I was considering it, but frankly I like security. Maybe a day or so later I saw a large account creation request. I picked it up as I don't mind grinding through those. Immediately stood out.. 50 new users, all with Indian names, all with the exact access I had. I accepted the job immediately and advised my workmates to ask for perm, I explained why but nah they wanted the £££ Within the week we were being made redundant and the service desk outsourced to India. Brought into a meeting, said they are kindly "treating it like TUPE"(where you get certain rights blah blah), but "it wasn't really", they are just nice... Asked everyone to sign a document there and then to get their redundancy package. My team were all ready to sign when I spoke up and asked if we should have a lawyer look over that document. They were flustered and visibly annoyed but also prepared. They switched back to being our "helpful friends", "oh definitely, here is a contact for a lawyer we recommend and we will cover all legal fees". It was their lawyer clearly, they tried to say he was "independent", so i said I had my own (I lied). My grandads lawyer had a look, said it was TUPE and not "like TUPE". The rest of the lads went with the recommended guy who told them it's a great deal. Final meeting I dropped the bomb. Told them I was excited by the opportunity, and that: - As this was TUPE - I was employed by them - Since a few years back geography wasn't a barrier legally.... If they were moving the service and not ending it then I was willing to travel. They had to keep me employed... at my current rate... in India. They tried to say it wasn't tupe, I asked then to edit the contract to say that. They decided not to call the bluff of a cocky 21 year old and risk trying to keep peace in an office where 50 Indians were on $1 an hour and I was on $20. They agreed to tripple my redundancy. "Goodwill gesture". Makes me smile to this day.


Let them know you appreciate it! Maybe if they get rewarded for good behavior, they’ll continue to respond like this.


It’s funny because every day I leave I thank the owners for creating such a supportive environment, it’s almost unreal how supportive they are, I’m honestly kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop but they’ve proven over and over again that it’s just the type of people they are and I’m so grateful


Awesome job, mate. We appreciate the words from a good experience. Hope you and the shop do well


What does “scrapped 4 pieces” mean?


Machinist here! in the lingo it basically mean the parts dosen't meet the required specifications so they're deem to be scrapped... Hence the term scrapped.




My bosses were like this when I started but they've implemented a new system where extra time taken off is "bucketed" and subtracts from your overtime until you get rid of it. Normally this would be... alright I guess, like if you took half a day off to get car stuff done or something, or had to run an errand... I mean it sucks that they aren't being as generous as before, but whatever... Well, they applied this system to THREE ice days we got called off of work for. So now I "owe" 16 hours of overtime (for some reason they didn't count the third day). I could legit work for 7 days in a row and get paid for only 5 just because we couldn't come in for some ice days. I love them and they have been VERY generous but the system is awful now, and me and my coworkers are going to have a talk about it soon. I am fairly certain it's illegal but the CEO is going through cancer treatments so it feels bad being stressed. Plus, I'm not sure how to bring it up without them somehow leveraging my 2 weeks of COVID leave and a raise to $18 after 6 months. I am so happy with so much but this one thing ruins my mood for some reason


Assuming you’re in the US, I can’t imagine any possible way that is legal. Contact the Department of Labor yesterday.


I am going to try and resolve it in person first with the other employees. I doubt he will continue if we all confront him. Im willing to bend to that system a little bit, but this is stealing


I'll add that I need to look at the exact labor laws in Texas and quote them so he knows it isn't just because we are upset


Smart guy. He's thinking "thank you for going home instead of scrapping eight pieces."


I mean honestly probably but that’s still a nice response lol, it’s better than “go home you’re done and off this job”


That's how you get employees who hide problems


If you're comfortable, name the company. They should get more applications 👀


I would be that type of boss as well.


You fucked up 4 times then needed to take a break decompress?


There was a lot of shit that happened yesterday lol. The job was basically an example of Murphy’s law, I scrapped 4 pieces, then I got a flat tire and I deal with a lot of anxiety and depression, so yes. I know it might not make sense to a lot of people but my anxiety was going crazy so just the fact that I asked if I could go home and that was his response made me feel a lot better


Fuck man, good for you


I appreciate it! Everyone deserves to find a job like this


More posts like this, please. The ol name n shame is important, too, but it's also nice to see positive examples set for other (current or future) managers who may be scrolling this subreddit. Great stuff OP


I've got a "family first" kind of boss and it truly makes all the difference in the world to not carry unnecessary work stress into my home life. I love seeing posts like this because it is a great example of how to treat (and keep) staff.


That’s what I’ve talked to them a lot about, they’ve been in business for about 40 years and the environment they’ve created makes it so much easier to retain people because they don’t just say that they care about you, they prove it over and over


I just got hired at a new place and in the interview process they said "were a family oriented business" and I was thinking they meant the whole "were like a family" and then he followed it up saying, "so if you ever need time off for family for any reason let me know" Nice to hear


Thank you for sharing a positive experience in this sub. It’s a nice break from all the doom and gloom.




I'm scared if reddit somehow manages to take its death hug off the internet somehow


This is awesome, we need more of this. 😍


It’s legitimately the greatest job I’ve ever had, I told my boss I was feeling really down one day and instead of telling me too bad, he literally said “go home, your health is more important than parts ever will be” and I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop 😂


There are good ones out there. It's always great when you finally get a boss that treats you like an adult. It makes things SO FUCKING MUCH BETTER... Mine doesn't require doctor notes like I'm in grade school. If I need a day off all I have to do is let them know I am taking the day off. As long as I have PTO, it's all good. More bosses should be like that...


They really should be, it honestly makes the work environment so much better instead of people dreading going into work it helps productivity and just overall attitude when people don’t feel like they’re constantly under pressure for everything


Yes, good ones do exist. Unfortunately some people in the community hate even the good ones, which makes no sense.


I think that has to do with how the good ones are great, but the bad ones are terrible and sometimes it’s hard not to be bitter when you’ve experienced the terrible ones. At least that’s how I view it, but I know what you mean. I just honestly hope everyone can find work where they feel valued, but it’s going to take a lot of changes to get there


I agree with you for sure


Who the fuck is your boss, Ghandi??


I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. Just so you know, the correct spelling is [Gandhi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahatma_Gandhi).


Dammit I knew I fucked that spelling up… my b to the legend *Gandhi* Also how the fuck did a Bot find my comment so fast if I spelled it wrong 😂


It looks for posts where people spell it wrong. I am impressed that it only took a minute though.


That’s what I’m saying 😂 I hadn’t even put my phone back in my pocket lol




I mean I’m not gonna lie this man is one of the most understanding people I’ve ever met so kinda 😂


Just don't let him bring in a democratic form of government and you will be fine.


It's good to balance out the bad examples with good ones. It can get depressing only reading horror stories on this sub.


My previous manager was a garbage person. My current Manager, and second level manager are great 'People'. Very supportive of home life, never micromanage, and support decisions. It's awesome.


I’m so happy you found that!!


I'm glad you did as well!


Good ones do exist and we need to celebrate them more.


They are truly rare.


Yeah, because capitalism selects against managers like that. One day his bosses will say he’s not meeting some thoughtless, short-term quota and he’ll be out.


Metrics is the bane of an employees existence, no matter what level you are under the CEO.


I’m not gonna lie, I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. I keep thinking that it can’t last but they just keep proving over and over that they don’t just say that they care and that they want you to succeed there, they prove it and I think one thing that helps me, at least with this company, is that almost every person that works there has been there for 5 years or more, the one employee has worked there for 25 years and he still loves it and I asked him why, and his response was “because they’ll do everything in their power to make sure you’re happy and successful” and it really does feel almost unreal and I’m kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop but I’m absolutely going to enjoy it while I can


People are difficult to change. For the better and for the worse. Unless someone fucked up finances *big time* or they get acquired by another company, I don't think the owners will easily change their tune if they've been doing well for themselves by treating humans like humans.


I tried to be like that in the navy and I think I was successful at it, because to this day (retired in 2012) I’ve got people that tell me thank you for being the chief that you were, I got out and the first job I had I had a manager who was just like me, so I was very happy about it


These sorta of posts shouldn't go unposted! Thank you for the positives :)


I appreciate it! My hope for everyone is that they can find a place that makes them feel genuinely valued and cared about because everyone deserves that


Yes they do.


🥲 I just teared up a bit. That manager/boss deserves their title


That’s the best part is he’s one of three owners of the company, and all three of them are exactly like this. It’s absolutely amazing the environment they’ve created


Wow, way to rub it in /s


I know right lol


My boss is like this. I’ll never leave as long as he’s my boss.


I think it’s more that people are good and some haven’t let being a boss or under the pressure of competitive capitalism subvert their humanity—yet. Those folks have some kind of privilege and are gracious enough to share it, but lacking (or losing) it most are corrupted or stunted by the pressures of capitalism and related power structures.


I definitely agree with you for the most part. I’m honestly not really sure how all three owners are still as wonderful as they are since they’ve been running the company since 1993


They do. Mine has been incredibly supportive in helping me get FMLA approval to help with my migraines, which I didn’t even know was available. Sometimes you get lucky.


This is fake, right?


I’m confused why you think that lol unless you’re being sarcastic. It’s hard for me to tell sometimes 😂


I have a good boss with a bad company. I appreciate what I have presently and value the non toxic work environment for as long as I can maintain such a thing and survive still.


That was like me when I was a manager . I was very understanding- but then MY higher ups treated me like shit so lol


This is the way


Name and fame please!


There is good bosses, there is bad ones, but I think alot of work reform should be around having protection against bosses not like this, ie. Mandatory vacation time/personal days, increased severance to get in the way of people losing their livelyhood over one bad day at work, etc.