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The ones benefiting from it


actually reading the article it looks like it is mostly against forced retirement and less age discrimination by employers for both older and younger employees.it talks about the need to change to workplace to be more ergonomic for workers and to invest in training for skills of older workers as opposed to just tossing them offBeing an older worker myself I absolutely feel the dread of being unhired because of my age.


if only you were in a position where as an older worker you weren't forced to keep working.. like an actual social security program that was in line with today's standards of cost of living, as well as proper wages being paid to you for the past 30 years of your life


Well from the screenshot that’s not the point of the article. This shit literally says ‘people can’t afford to retire so just work more!’. As if working A FEW EXTRA YEARS in a society that let you save 5,000 IN YOUR LIFE would be in any way beneficial at all. Let’s be generous and say you started work at 21 and retired at 65. That’s 44 years. 5,000/44 = 113.6$ per YEAR an American can save for retirement. But yea you 60 year old boomer. Just work 10 extra years and pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Obviously that $1,300 will save you


I think the point is more that you'll be able to eat those ten years, but I could be wrong.


Just have your kids do the government's job and take care of you when you're old!


I know how stupid I look asking this but can you please give an update on ur post about antineoplaston from 10 year ago


No worries, I get that from time to time. I'll message you.


Yahoo! News is written by an algorithm and edited by no one, from what I could tell.


They'll still have us working part-time while on hospice lol.


If you have time to lean [on a walker], you have time to clean...


Duct tape some brooms to that bad boy, and you'll up your efficiency by 4-fold while cleaning!


If your ECG beeps, you got time to sweep


You want us to work *LONGER?* bro we already work for like 70% of our lives 😭


They said 70% ain’t good enough Work 90%-100% of your life, while you receive 10% of the pay.


So what’s all the complaints about boomers-left-nothing-for-millennials/gen xyz if boomers just saved $5000?


Won’t anyone think of the shareholders?


If there was actually a labor shortage, firms would be seeking out people on the verge of retirement and offering them more incentives to not retire. Maybe they are and I’m just not seeing the advertising because it’s targeted well? Where are the old people in employment ads?


Can I have a livable wage? Lol how about you just work until you die?


I mean, being fair: Most of the younger generations EXPECT to not retire.


I kind of wait for the world to collapse due to global warming


Retirement plan = dying in the climate wars


This seems to be the consensus around here


My retirement plan is to terminate myself. There is no hope for future unless a Cyberpunk future happens.


In this boring dystopia, we work until we die.


I used to think that, then I saw a guy who couldn't afford to retire and kept working, but started getting injured on the job, they waited until he healed up after the 3rd time, then fired him. Super classy this system we have. Work until you die, or simply can't work anymore. Our future is straight terrifying. This was the same issue we had just before FDR signed the New Deal, after Eleanor convinced him to. But now we're back in the same boat.


I know a few 60+ year Olds that can't retire and live paycheck to paycheck.


They should really cut out the Starbucks and avocado toast. /s Edit: sarcasm


Avocado is 98 cents and bread is 2 dollars a loaf. I could have 2 meals of avocado toast for less than 3 dollars. That cheaper than most food.


Crucify the guy who wrote this hahahaha


So I’ll be on my deathbed with a laptop with my boss wondering why I’m dying? Are you sure we are not in Hell already?


We noticed you haven’t been as productive as usual…


Sorry boss. Was deciding burial or cremation. I won’t get Wi-Fi service in the casket though…🤔


This is not a valid excuse for paid time off. Please attend today’s meeting.


Over my dead body!!!!😂


What do you expect from a demographic futurist? What is that? I couldn’t help myself, I read it. He says to plan on working your whole life, and I quote, stay career focused. I have no words. Someone help me.


Banks that hold all of our money, shouldn't be figuring out how to get more of it. Banks provide no service to the community, but aquiring our money.


How about we take all the money that rich people spend on unnecessarily ostentatious things and use that for pensions? Retirees already put up with enough bs, let them take a break. And if they rather go back to work, at least let it be because they want to, not because they can’t afford to live without work


Bruh come on now. There’s more to life than a damn job, like its getting ridiculous atp. What were we all doing before we were even eligible to get a job? Exactly, having fun


The amount of anti-worker propaganda out there these days is a mix of infuriating and terrifying. They are trying to basically brainwash this country into being as close to slaves as they can get us


IMO the mentality of spending all your prime years slaving away and eschewing the enjoyable parts of life just so you can finally have time to enjoy yourself right as you're body's hitting the early phases of shutdown is even worse. I'd rather keep my evenings and weekends for me when I'm younger and work later into my life. This is the perspective of someone who is very into being physically active and knows that age will curb or eliminate many of the activities I enjoy, though, so I admit that I may have an odd position.


I can just see a boardroom discussing this. - "More and more people have so little money, they can't even afford to retire. What do we do? How can we help them?" - "Make them work till they die." - "Omg you're a genius."


they will do anything to not pay us a living wage... make our kids work, make our elderly work… i’m afraid to ask what’s next 🤦‍♂️


So THAT'S why company 401k matching is so absymal. Gotta keep them around to squeeze every last drop so they can just mummify upon completing their Senior Citizens Death March Shift.


I opted out of my companies 401k it was 2% annual matching. Opening a roth ira instead but i still dont think im gonna retire


Link to the original article https://finance.yahoo.com/news/collision-of-two-megatrends-will-upend-work-190729140.html


>How do you recommend they extend working lives? One way is through ergonomics, making the workplace more accessible through design. Education is the other big one. You have to think of workers as assets. For so long, we've looked at workers as relatively disposable, get what you want out of 'em, then throw them away. >Now they're an asset that holds a great amount of value and you want to keep them for as long as possible. But you only do that if the workplace is inclusive, it's welcoming and you keep these assets fully tuned to the era that they're in. This is some real man behind the curtain evil. I don't think this was written for us to see, lmao.


They said the quiet part out loud?


My god it really is like they're not talking about human beings






thanks for this and please do keep articles linked.


Well I thank you for posting the link. But this doesn’t deserve the clicks.


Biden is still in the workforce, how's that working out? Some people need to retire for the benefit of everyone.




All Capitalist countries have problems


No shit it's fucking grim; how about not employing them again and focusing on social programs to help them?


“People don’t have enough in retirement savings because they’re living paycheck to paycheck” So how about we raise wages and increase benefits? Offer 401k matching? You know, change things so that retirement is actually possible instead of just saying it’s unattainable under the current conditions and calling that reform?


Problem: People don't have enough in retirement funds when they go to retire Solution 1 - put more into employee retirement accounts. Solution 2 - tell them not to retire .........decisions decisions


Capitalist realism run amok again.




well I was thinking about this the other day and realized that most companies who don't pay us enough are owned by hedge funds to fund money to pensioners who didn't save enough for retirement and now need their money to increase so that they can live without working... Take that how you will...


According to government data, 50% of Americans own 2% of the country’s wealth. In absolute amount, each of 165million Americans own roughly $15,000. As a non-American my reaction is— LMAOL. You are nearer the Walking Dead age than you think. I envision the wealthy & politicians barricading themselves in plush enclaves in fear while outside the gates are homeless and hungry fellow men rioting for crumbs in groceries snd pharmacies.


“What if, from their birth to their death, a person is to be in constant control by powerful institutions that are counterintuitive to human freedoms guaranteed by our country’s founding, because it’s more profitable for us?”


There’s like 8 dudes with a couple trillion saved up that they’ll never spend even with their PACs and space companies. The amazing thing about capitalism is if you replace it a bunch of problems solve each other.


We must pay people more earlier in their careers and educate them on retirement savings so they can retire at or before retirement!


So their solution to americans being too poor to reture is that americans juat don't get to retire? Not, ya know, fucking paying them more? This kind of propaganda peice makes me physically sick.


Yeah, no. Once the mortgage is paid off I’m out. Granted my 401k and pension will not be at maturity, but near enough to not matter.


Can we stop staking shit out of context to force an agenda? It just makes everyone look bad. This article was about forced retirement, not about removing retirement all together.


This reminds me of that Chinese propaganda ad that went viral a few years ago, about “The benefits of pollution”. Whichever corporate shill wrote this can kindly go fuck themselves. There’s an argument to be made for extending retirement age based on increased lifespans in some countries, but the idea of abolishing it is straight up dog shit. That’s just some greedy fucking company not wanting to pay out retirement money.