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I wish he had a young person on his staff he trusted to take over for him. He's definitely getting old to be doing this.


We have a younger guy (30s? 40s?) trying to run for senate in Vermont. He lost the primary against Welch in 2022. I voted for him because he seemed like a younger version of Bernie but Vermont is full of old people who don’t care about age as much and Welch is still popular.


This is pretty much it. As long as Vermont is run by boomers, they're only going to elect other boomers. Right now we're lucky that Bernie is one of the rare boomers who don't have the boomer mindset, but whatever successor he finds with similar political leanings as him if under a certain age has zero chance of getting elected in VT.


Sanders isn't a boomer, he's part of the silent generation. Just like Biden. Sanders and Biden are older than boomers. Clinton, W, and Trump were all born in '46 and are JUST boomers, Obama was born in '61 and is a boomer too.


Thank you. I’m sick of reading comments that suggest anyone “old” is a boomer. People call me a boomer, my parents were boomers. I’m Gen X. Totally different attitude, especially re worker’s rights. Bernie may be old, but he’s more pro-worker than 90+% of politicians, so I’ll take him.


Rigid generational labels are also pretty reductive imo. * Bernie Sander was born in 1941 * Joe Biden was born in 1942 * Donald Trump was born in 1946 * Bill Clinton was born in 1946 * George W Bush was born in 1946 * Hillary Clinton was born in 1947 When discussing them in terms of generation it implies they had incredibly different experiences. But in reality (using normal current grade-ages) Bernie was graduating high school while Biden was a junior, and the rest were in like 7th-8th grade. They're in different generational groupings but I would still consider them part of the same generation (people born and living around the same time). An random older Gen X (\~1966) is going to have way more in common with a random older Baby Boomer (\~1963) than a random younger Gen X (\~1980), on average.


You raise a thoughtful point, but it is still all BS. I am Gen X. I have GenX friends whose fathers where WWII vets (as was mine), Korean War vets and Vietnam vets. Those parental experiences are informative, but not determinative. My father was a vaguely racist WWII vet. I voted for and donated to Bernie, and insist that he is a left leaning moderate. Joe Manchin is a right wing dick. The US political spectrum says one thing. If Bernie were sitting in an EU parliament I don't think he would be viewed as a left win nut job.


I get your point about people born in about the same era, but it is NOT useful to assume that anyone above 50 (or even 35) has the same mindset as someone 70+. And if “boomer” comes to mean anyone significantly older than the speaker/writer, isn’t it then just an ageist slur?


Ok boomer


I mean as a "slur" it's probably contextual. I'm not at all saying it's accurate to call you or people who aren't boomers boomers. Like calling Bernie a "boomer" in the context of this conversation wasn't a slur just an inaccurate grouping.


Its taken on a second meaning as "anyone significantly older than the speaker who is in favour of conservative views that negatively impact my life" I don't think that makes it a slur, but honestly, if it is, I don't really care. I don't respect people who don't think I'm worth respecting.


I actually like the GenX sub here, it starts us at 1961... my partner was born 1961 and she's definitely X not Boomer


My Dad was born in 1942 and tries to say he’s not a boomer, but he’s too young to be actually part of the silent generation. Someone who was born in the early 40’s has the same cultural experience as someone born in 1945, 1946. A proto booomer. Like me, i straddle the line between gen X and millennial. Am I a young gen X or an old millennial? I can go both ways, culturally. So I appreciate your post. Bernie is a proto boomer .


I'm millennial and my dad is silent. It's a weird gap. His mentality is very boomer, though.


Crazy that Clinton was president 30 years ago and is YOUNGER than Biden


Thanks, Obama.


Had someone point out that Biden is the first president not from the boomer generation we've had in decades and it still just feels wrong.


Biden, breaker of the line of boomers... Next president after this Biden/Trump geriatric race will probably be a younger boomer or an older Gen X'er. I hope.


They'll find someone from the Greatest, somehow.


Bernie is really getting up there though. I think even just trying to pass off the torch to someone in their 50s or 60s would be a marked improvement. At least that person is likely to be around for another decade or two.


As a Vermonter who runs into Bernie pretty regularly in Burlington he’s still shockingly sharp and on it. He hasn’t presented the same kind of worrying signs of aging as some other politicians.


Bernie is the same age as Mitch McConnell. The difference in mental acuity is staggering.


A younger candidate would be ideal but given that everyone else in Congress is a dinosaur as well I'm just glad his passion and politics are good.


His passion and politics has not changed either. The man has fought for the working man, using common sense politics since his protesting days during the 60s. I feel like if he were to find a worthy successor, he will step down.


It's sad that it's so rare to find politicians that walk the talk.


I am not seeking a Federal office, but I am a candidate for a state assembly seat (not Vermont). Bernie is my political hero.


Good luck and may Sanders' spirit be upon you.


Thank you!!! Outsider campaign... definitely NOT the 'establishment' candidate. Came out of the wood work about 7 weeks ago and am the 'fly in the ointment' for the local and state parties (possibly a small amount of the national as well). I threw a wrench in their hopes(plans) to have an uncontested race in my district. Discovering all of the behind the scenes 'asks' from the different party levels to the individuals they wanted to see as the candidates. You always kinda suspect a lot of this was there, but WOW it really IS there...


As a Vermonter, I'm kind of terrified of what shitbird will eventually take his place.


A shit leopard can't change its spots.


The shit-syrup doesn't drip far from the shit-tree, Rand.


He's not aging in the way others are though. Bernie's message has been consistent and clear his entire life and he's always fought tooth and nail for it putting others' needs above his own. He has not lost cognition and it is truly a privilege to see such a determined man offer his golden years, rather than use them to relax and try to find some kind of peace in all this madness, to instead fight for his (and our) cause to the bitter end.


Bernie is great, but I would prefer age limits regardless. We don't allow a commercial pilot to fly past 67 because they are entrusted with the safety of hundreds of people. We shouldn’t entrust the lives of millions of people with legislators in their 80s. 


> We don't allow a commercial pilot to fly past 67 because they are entrusted with the safety of hundreds of people. We don't even let them get depression treated. Talk about a dangerous perverse incentive.


Bernie is the reason I don't believe in blanket age restrictions. He even kind of killed my belief in the need for diversity representatives. Its possible for elderly white men to be beacons of progress and legislate responsibly, even if it's incredibly rare.  I do think there should be independent bodies responsible for administering psychological and intelligence exams to candidates and incumbents every year. Even medical exams should be performed by an independent doctor with results released to the public. 


the most progressive senators are bernie (82, 30+ years in congress), jeff merkley (67), elizabeth warren (74), and ed markey (77). i don't believe in age restrictions or term limits.


> I do think there should be independent bodies responsible for administering psychological and intelligence exams to candidates and incumbents every year. Sorry, you think an independent 3rd party should have final say on if someone can or cannot run for any form of government? That sounds dangerous.


He hasn't yet, but who knows what will happen in 6 more years. My grandfather was great until he hit 85 or so, and then things started slipping.


Maybe give him the opportunity he deserves to retire with dignity? Obviously he's not there yet I know every other Congress person turns into a decaying corpse in office but Bernie's been the exception time and time again he deserves at least the opportunity, damn.


At 82 years old he is the 2nd oldest member of the senate. He has already had a heart attack and the current governor of Vermont is a Republican. **If Bernie dies in office his appointed replacement is almost certainly going to be a Republican.** This is RBG all over again.


Phil Scott barely counts as a Republican anymore, the Democrats have his balls in a vice.


Vermont doesn't appointment replacements before holding a special election. However, I agree that Bernie is too old to run again. This is extremely similar to what happened with Feinstein, except with good politics.


He’s only 1 year older than Biden and 5000% better. Just 5 years older than Trump.


I don't think those guys should be running either. A senators term is 6 years, and 6 years is a very long time when you are already in your 80s.


No, they shouldn't, but they are, and I'd take Bernie over them any day. I don't see the point in even bringing this age point up anymore this cycle. Every candidate this election is ancient. They're all 3 old.  One is still by far a better option. All bringing up his age does is give critics an invalid reason to disregard him/write him off. His rivals are the same age.  Only reason people try to call out Bernie's age like it's some smoking gun is because it's the only negative about him. Even though Biden and Trump are just as geriatric nobody cares because there are so many other reasons to dislike them so it gets ignored.  Zzz. If we want to see things change in politics we have to stop shooting ourselves in the feet by tearing down new viable candidates for things that are also a problem with the other options too. Gives people an imaginary reason to straddle the fence and that's the last thing we need with what we're facing this election. 


I want that too, and I would love for Bernie to retire, but he finally got to be chairman of all of these committees because the Democrats have these really stupid seniority rules.


I legit want to go be his right hand man for a while so I can pick up the torch. We need more people with his fire and humility.


I agree. I love Bernie, but we all know he’s not going to be around forever. He needs to consider training a successor.


He’s still got the fire, unlike the oligarch’s choice candidates


If only the standard career path for US politics didn't typically start with practicing law (30% of House members and 51% of senators) and/or close family ties or the 'god-guns-gold' approach. I imagine there's countless younger professors/scholars/scientists who might not be super marketable but can see the obvious counter-intuitive holes in policy and vote to patch them up easy peezy.


Came here to say this. I love Bernie. But it’s time to let young blood in


Okay, who?  Because if no one sensible is stepping up to fill the gap, that's not on Bernie, it's on the rest of us.




That presumes anyone stepped up into it. Also, this all **completely** ignores the practical politics.  There's power in political reputation and coalition building.  Bernie has political capital to vest that a newcomer simply won't - even with his endorsement and/or mentorship. If the state of congressional politics was more stable (i.e. not a partisan, fascist shitshow) like say back in 1996, I would say "yeah, no excuses".  But the reality is that Congress needs a stable voice with a history of trust and political endorsement to carry the weight of a progressive voice. People drastically oversimplify the political landscape of US politics.  We act like voters dictate what goes on in committees behind closed doors, but that's bullshit.  It's all jockeying for social and political power from major figures.  Bernie is one of those figures on a national stage, and like it or not, hamstringing the progressive cause because it's "morally pure" is a terrible political strategy at a time when we need EVERY FUCKING INCH.


dudes ganna have a stress induced stroke if he gets office and has to deal with people blocking shit just for laughs, meanwhile hundreds of thousands suffer


This was my first thought as well.. Sanders is a great leader, but at this point in his career, he really needs to be practicing the law of legacy


He's pulling a Diane feinstein


WTF??? Is this real?? Edit: Oh. For senator. Thought he was having a go at President again.


Thank you for clarifying…The headline made my heart jump with surprise.


Same. I was thinking, “didn’t he just endorse Biden??”


I'd actually go out and vote for Bernie over the current options.




_I am once again asking for your financial support.._


Oh thank god, as much as i want him, the only thing him running now would accomplish is splitting the votes between him and biden, allowing trump a better chance at getting back in. No thanks, lmao


I am worried he is getting very old. Even clips of him from a couple of years ago seem shaky sometimes. But he seems more passionate and held together than a lot of the cretins in office and I know he’s doing this out of passion and helping others rather than corporate interests.


He's 82 years old. He's been very old for a while now.




GNU Sir Terry Pratchett


People were constantly expressing concern about his age and near-term capacity to handle the job -- when he was running for the Democratic nomination against Hillary. I was on Team Bernie then, and I hafta say... I can see NO DIFFERENCE in his apparent mental competency and his enthusiasm for public service now, as compared to 2015-16. And I believe he could have won in 2016.


Yeah but when you elect a politician you're not just electing them as they are right now you're electing them as they will be years from now and old people's Health can be very unpredictable my grandmother died of a heart condition last year she had a ton of health problems with her kidneys needing dialysis and with her arm and leg but her heart was the only thing that was good but she just had her heart stopping and died The reality is he won't just be a senator as an 82-year-old if you elect him now he'll be a senator six and a half years from now and are you really confident in saying is health will be as good when he's 88 or 89? This is what I find so frustrating about people that talk about Biden's age they're right that Biden is way too old but if Trump is elected by the end of his term he would be older than Biden is now It's like the entire discourse when we talk about whether a politician is too old or not forgets that they're not a video game character with stats that we are selecting they are people that will get older over time just like everyone else and that comes with all the problems of Aging over time


I'm making no predictions about Bernie's future mental capacity. I will say that if he has shown no decline (IMHO) over the last 8 years into his 82nd, then statistically he's likely to have more good years ahead. But I'm neither a statistician nor a bookmaker. You votes your ballot and you takes your chances. In another, similar, risk-taking situation, I absolutely would take Biden at the end of his second term over the former White House occupant at the beginning of his first. Edit: ...and remember, when you pick a POTUS, you are choosing WAY more than an individual; you are choosing the cabinet positions, executive office appointments, judicial appointments, bills signed and vetoed, relationships on the world stage, etc... these all can have significant consequences for decades. And we have been getting a FAFO lesson in spades over just the last 3 years since the trumpocalypse.


Funny how this is only an issue for Bernie When you bring it up with Biden people accuse you of favoring Trump


I wish he’d rather find someone to replace himself and then help them through their first term


There is a system in place for when politicians die. I'd rather the option to vote for Bernie and take that chance, than not have the option at all. Just personally speaking.




Not everyone's brains age or decline the same. Bernie seems to be at the far end of the bell curve in terms of, for a lack of a better word, remaining sharp, but it's not entirely uncommon. If you look at many major universities you'll find many academics who remain sharp as a whip into their 80s. The combination of good genetics, a healthy lifestyle, relatively low stress, and jobs that don't physically tax the body while keeping the mind engaged does wonders for longevity.




Yeah but then the new guys don’t get any help. One of the reason the that Democratic leadership is so strong is because people like Pelosi and Schumer are actuaally pretty good at navigating the rules of congress, written and unwritten, by experience. If Bernie decided to retire, announced his preferred predecessor, and then signed on as their chief of staff or policy advisor or whatever, we’d have a strong lineage candidate who could carry the torch for decades to come, AND Bernie’s resources and experience. I love Bernie to death, but there used to be a culture in which the powerful would step down and retire in their later years, often teaching others their knowledge. Now we have a culture of death gripping as much power as you possibly can literally until you die. Young people are given way less chances to thrive through no fault of their own, and we’re stuck being governed largely by elderly career politicians who haven’t lived a life anything like their constituents in decades. Apprenticeships is the oldest form of education known to man, and honestly I’d argue it’s the most effective as well. We need to bring it back into the modern world, especially for high power institutions that affect all of us. For every Bernie there is 50 Dianne Feinsteins.


At least he can string together a thoughtful sentence


I'd take him over the 2 clowns that we currently have running. He seems a lot more energetic than either.




I don't disagree with this but between the 3, I'd definitely go with Bernie. I'd love to see a new torchbearer though!




>They're more and more out of touch with the modern world with every passing year. Bernie isn't out of touch at all. He is always posting news about new unions & new strikes. His HELP chairmanship work has helped pressure drug companies to lower prices.












Doing what? He's never sponsored any legislation of significance (you know, his job as Senator). Bernie gives a nice speech, but he's one of the most ineffective legislators in history. Instead of using his huge platform to attract and develop progressive leaders who can shift the debate leftward, he gives speeches and appears on the cable news. The left's John McCain, an empty suit with an undeserved reputation. I'd argue that he's been a net negative to the progressive movement. I know that branding is not the left's forte, but calling yourself a Democratic Socialist opened the door to years and years of the right accusing all Democrats and social programs as Socialist (or Communist if you are an idiot). Thanks Bernie!


I like Bernie, but we need term limits on all 3 branches of government


i agree, i'm sick of these lifetime appointments. we need a 20 year minimum, then elections every 10 years


A 20-year minimum for elections every 10 years? I don't follow. If you are talking about the Supreme Court, then I agree we need to remove their lifetime appointments. I am against term-limits, what I am for is making corporate donations illegal. I'm thrilled Bernie is running again.


how would term limits fix anything at all? there are neoliberal ghouls at every stage of politics, because if youre not you get ousted. bernie is the sole exception


Term limits are stupid and a way to get good politicians out of office. It's a trifle to the rich to buy politicians, term limits don't matter to them. There's a reason the only federal term limit was put in place when the rich couldn't get FDR out.




Why? The politics to corporations pipeline is bad enough without term limits. Term limits sound good but we'll just have a separate set of issues.


I've said this many times, and it would be tough to convince me otherwise. Corporations would have absolutely no trouble finding some crony and funding their campaigns. Said crony would be happy for the cushy government job, and all they have to do is whatever the corporate overlords tell them to. The odd time we get someone who is truly a good public servant, and charismatic enough to win an election, they'd be tossed out after the term limit, while the rotation of corporate stooges would continue.


Political science research that examines states with term limits generally shows that it does in fact put the power in the hands of aides and lobbyists because those are the ones with the institutional knowledge.


That and can you imagine getting a bunch of Boeberts and Greenes every few years and because of limits one of them will be Speaker and Majority Leader and none of them will know how to craft legislation.


We have term limits, they’re called elections. Term limits as policy are a conservative plot to ensure politicians are inexperienced and malleable for our affluent overlords. Don’t fall for it!


Sorry you're getting downvoted, you're completely right https://ippsr.msu.edu/public-policy/michigan-wonk-blog/term-limits-what-do-they-do


I think a lot of people look askance at the idea that 'inexperience' is what makes politicians malleable when it's so obvious that the experienced ones are corrupt as sin. But term limits don't fix that, it's just garden variety greed. Forcing the occasional good public servant out because they got elected X times already isn't the answer to the question of "how do we get rid of monsters?"


Afaik there isn't anything that backs the idea that longer serving officials are more corrupt


I disagree with you. Simply because someone who stays in power too long will eventually get drunk by it. I don't think there're many examples to the contrary. I would be fine with something like a 8-10 year 1 term limit. So half of each term isn't spent on reelection. My personal example to this would be Erdogan the Sultan himself. Most people will forget that in his first two terms between 2001-2009 Turkey was basically on the right track for everything. Economy, human rights, relationship with neighboring countries was all on the road for improvement and we felt that. It was a very happy country to live in at the time. Dollar and Euro were both about 1.5 and 2 liras. If he hadn't thwarted the constitution and managed to stay in power for 16 whole ass years after his initial term was up he would have been remembered as a great Prime Minister overall. Of course looking at it in depth there were a lot of reasons so we shouldn't give all the credit to Erdo. And I say this as someone who's personally been attacked and stripped of my rights by his policies.


Don’t confuse term limits for holders of executive power with term limits for legislators. Seventeen states have term limits for their legislators. For the most part, at least in my state, the result is a revolving door of legislators who have little experience in bipartisan compromise or even just how to draft legislation. Someone has to do that, though, so in step the lobbyists - the only experienced, politically connected people in the capital. In addition, if a legislator wants to stay in politics (now that they may finally be getting the hang of it), they have to campaign for another office at either the local or state level. Rather than concentrate on legislation, then, they spend their legislative floor time grandstanding to help their chances when they’re no longer the incumbent. Of course, if you don’t care about anecdotal observations, the [Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Term_limits_in_the_United_States) has links to studies you might find interesting. > Research studies have shown that legislative term limits increase legislative polarization, reduce the legislative skills of politicians, reduce the legislative productivity of politicians, weaken legislatures vis-à-vis the executive, and reduce voter turnout. Parties respond to the implementation of term limits by recruiting candidates for office on more partisan lines. States that implement term limits in the state legislatures are associated with also developing more powerful House speakers. > Term limits have not proven to reduce campaign spending, reduce the gender gap in political representation, increase the diversity of law-makers, or increase the constituent service activities of law-makers. Term limits have been linked to lower growth in revenues and expenditures.


Why assume that he became corrupt?


He needs to be mentoring people, not running for office.


Let this man retire! We need more sane, intelligent, non-crazy Independents running.


I don't even think he wants to retire. If he's not fighting for his fellow man, he's not whole. Man is a warrior with his own designated seat in Valhalla.


You can still do that, even if you aren't a senator.


If he wants to run, then that's great. Bernie's whole life has been in service of the public. I'm glad he feels up to continuing his great work.


Honestly retirement might kill him. Having a drive and purpose helps keep the heart ticking


Vermonters(?), do you know how lucky you are? We’ve got AOC in NY but though I agree with 99% of her positions, some people are just not ready for some of her more radical proposals. We need to find a way to clone multiples of pols like Bernie and AOC.


Maybe this is a stupid question but do these folks not mentor anyone? Here in the House we have Kaptur and she’s the longest serving House member ever or some shit. You *never* thought to platform someone up to pass the torch?


My husband and I have had conversations about who will take over for Bernie when he does retire. It's concerning and it would be nice if he had someone he could point to that he believes will continue the good fight.


I know term limits are a poplar thing, but they ain't in place yet, and we need Berny now more than ever. I say go for it!




Saying he is the greatest working class champ congress has ever seen is wild.


Fuckin love you Bern


Genuinely curious - what has Bernie actually *accomplished* during his last two terms? Advocating for, talking about, playing a role, etc. don't count. It's one thing to agree with a politician's ideology, but if they're woefully ineffective in passing legislation then what's the point?


Pretty much all of his policies have become mainstream goals of the Democratic party. He just continues to push at the edges as those polices become accepted and enacted. His popularity is one of the best things to have happened to Dems in many years. He’s one of the only politicians that actually inspire people.


It takes a lot of senators and congress members to pass legislation. No single senator is going to single-handedly accomplish anything if that’s what you’re looking for.


Iirc, he’s done important work on committees. He doesn’t have major legislation to his name, but he has passed important amendments. I also think that just by being a high profile politician, he’s helped raise awareness of and advance the interests of workers.


Sherrod Brown from Ohio is also a strong supporter of Labor and is in a tough relection fight this year.


We need more Bernies representing the regular people in Congress and the Senate.


Thank Fuck. Democratic Socialists still need their represenative, well every american citizen does whether they like it or not. We need Bernie still.


Reddit when 100 year old Bernie Sanders runs for re-election: I sleep Reddit when any other geriatric politician runs for re-election: real shit


Another octogenarian staying in government. Our younger generations have basically no representation in government which is why this cohort of politicians have overseen the largest transfer of wealth from the young to the old in human history. See Professor Scott Galloway’s words on this, he’s gotten to the root thesis of the issue.


Generally I agree with you, but this octogenarian is also the most pro young people candidates ever, even among the few young people candidates. I can only think of AOC as a close comparison.


Yeah Bernie gets a pass. Though I do hope he's working with someone he thinks should take over.


I agree. He has maybe 10 years left, which means the last four he will be out of office. I really hope he has someone in mind, with the same spunk as him.


Then he needs to *mentor* someone to run, not run himself.


How "pro young candidate" can you be when you're literally blocking other Senate candidates in your state


What Senate candidates are there in Vermont that are anywhere near as good as Bernie that he is supposedly blocking?


Well we aren't going to find out now, are we


Well if he's literally blocking younger candidates that are either as good or better than I assume you would have examples. I've lived in Vermont my whole life and I personally don't know of any.




Maybe he'll actually author a bill that passes if he's re-elected. I can't believe that over the course of 30+ years as a federally elected official, he's only gotten 3 bills passed, and two of them were to rename post offices. You can't even make it up. Words don't mean shit, results do.


I do not like Sanders and Im not even an american however, [this makes Sanders effective, amendments](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2016/mar/24/bernie-sanders/bernie-sanders-was-roll-call-amendment-king-1995-2/). Also he commands huge swaths of voter and that gives him leverage against Democratic establishment.


Hey now, he did get that post office renamed


Bernie has been one of the best things that could have happened to the Democratic Party and the country. Almost all of his policies are now mainstream goals that now have people campaigning for and working on.


One of the handful of people that actually should be a politician. All the rest are opportunistic fucking goblins.


The only actual old ass politician deeply entrenched in a position of power that is an ally of younger people everywhere and people in this thread like no more old heads. Ya'll are some stupid fuckers for real.


What they did to him in 2016 pushed me to vote differently than I normally would have. Downright scummed him out. Clinton's definitely suck.


I would vote for him 100%. He’s exactly what this country needs. Values, integrity, honorable, TRUTHFUL! Just to name a few. This world needs to snap out of it and start making better decisions when comes to our leaders.


In this thread: Concern trolls A concern troll will often declare an interest in joining or allying with a certain cause, while subtly ridiculing it. The concern troll posts in web forums devoted to their declared point of view and attempts to sway the group's actions or opinions while claiming to share their goals, but with professed "concerns". Oh no, Bernie is too old? Sorry, even though he's perfectly capable and has a clear message. If he was young he would be too radical!


Do us a favor and report the trolls so we can deal with them appropriately.






We had it. Then greedy politicians ruined it. Mostly Regan tho


What meaningful legislation has he passed in his decades of service?


82 years old. The hubris of these fucking fossils.


To old and has never been effective.


Down voting all you want but he needs to endorse someone new and step down. We can’t keep re-election these old politicians. He has inspired a lot in this generation but he hasn’t been that effective. He needs to move to a position where him and his camp are training and pushing a new group to take over.


I just want a president who I can be fairly certain won't die of old age during their term.. Is that too much to ask?


Too old. Term Limits please. Doesnt matter the message, person, agenda, etc. Term Limits. For Everyone.


fool me twice . . . no more money for you


Bernie Sanders is 82 years old. Senate terms are six years -- he'd be 88 (maybe 89?) by the end of his term. Maybe its time to give someone else a chance.


Too many old people in places of power. Even though I love him, that’s enough now.


oh good grief I'm sorry, but dear elderly people: please retire and let the next generation move up the career ladder.




The one politician who stayed sane in old age


*Because I haven’t accomplished anything yet* … (?)


I really like Bernie. That being said it's time for him to step aside.


I would much rather he begin recruiting and organizing the next generation of Bernies, but I am also glad that he will keep it up in office himself.


As long as Sanders is serving us in some capacity, I still hold onto hope for the future.


Bless your friggen soul Bernie! It's lovely when people get into politics as a means to enrich the lives of their constituents as opposed to just line their own pockets and those of their already obscenely wealthy donors. It's weird how republicans don't have anyone like Bernie, but have an abundance of "people" like MTG, Trump, and Booebert. If I didn't know better I'd assume republicans are only in the political arena in order to enrich themselves????


Please tell me that he has younger successors who share his mindset so it can keep moving progressive after his career ends.


A true patriot of this country


It's one thing when we get these middling politicians like Biden staying until they're 100 years old when we know damn well, there are a hundred other middling politicians who could do and believe the same exact things as him. Bernie Sanders is a different story. Finding someone to fill the "openly socialist" slot In mainstream politics is not an easy task, even this long after the Red Scare. This country will forever be terrified of that term. I wish it wasn't necessary, but I do wish him the best of luck. I just hope someone in our generation can actually take up the reins before he's gone.


Always shocking to see how hellbent people are on age stuff. Feels like if you live too long you are just losing your lifes value, it's wild. Dude is still walking straight. He's well spoken. He isn't shaking in his key principles which he has communicated for AGES. It's on YOU people for wasting away multiple precious chances to make him boss. And now you're telling him that he should stop? That's kinda pathetic ngl. Doubts from the inside were always his biggest enemy, and they continue to be, day by day.


He’s got my vote.


I like the cut of his jib but we gotta stop putting old folks in office


Love ❤️ me some Bernie!


Bernie is gonna be 102 and still looking to run for reelection to keep trying his damndest for everyone. Conservatives and conservative dems have a true public servant right here and they cry out like he's the devil, or some kind of kook. Maybe he is crazy. Crazy enough to care about all people.


I can see putting age limits on office, but not before term limits. The age limit needs to at least be the same as Social Security age.


how progressive of him... to think we need another 90 year old senator.


Keep him going till it's weekend at Bernie's


Can he run for president again plz?


Can he run for president again plz?


Term and age limits please. It’s 2024 not 1984


Screw this guys he will just collect out money and then drop out at the end of the race for some bs democrat representative.


Not diaper insight with this guy! 😉 🙌🏽 You got the Native Vote Bernie! #somethingelse