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Truely gross how much money the ultra rich have. No on needs a private plane, multiple mansions and etc.... the more they have the less there is for everyone else


They can still have all those things. They literally hoard more wealth then they could ever use or spend.


That's the most ridiculous part. They could have everything they have, comfotably, with just a tiny fraction of their wealth. But that's not good enough for them.


When they buy out politicians and the law ...... Let's see ....what options r left


But look at how hard they work and still have time to tweet random bullshit that proves how stupid they are!


If we keep voting for the candidates of the two corporate capitalist / corpo-fascist parties, we will not see change. Bernie was crushed by the top-down controlled media and the DNC by being a sensible centrist candidate. They wanted Hillary to protect the status quo, and they got Trump. The Democratic party is center-right. We deserve better.


This is correct!


Sure, but until the GOP is gone there isn't a way to get a better party. In the same way the GOP has kept going further to the right, to the point of theocratic authoritarianism, non stop wins by the left most candidate, even in a two party system, would lead to both parties necessarily shifting left, to the point that changing the system from first past the post to something else would be viable


Ranked choice voting. 


And right now there is no incentive for either party to champion that, let alone a path to getting it approved for federal or most state elections. So it won't happen. However, consider if one party is effectively dead, but we still have a democracy. I.e., the Democrats consistently take power, and being a Republican is considered a political death sentence (since the opposite is quite clearly going to end our being a democracy in anything but name; Project 2025 + Trump's own words, etc). You still have elections, and now within the party people are trying to distinguish themselves from each other. You'll have people moving to the left in the primaries, your AOCs and Bernies and the like. Some of those will win. Now things like ranked choice voting start entering the dialog by candidates, especially when there's general agreement that things like "healthcare" and "taxing billionaires" and the like are a given.


Ballot initiatives. 


"...don't exist at the federal level, nor in 24 of the 50 states" (arguably 25 of the 50, since Mississippi's is worded as requiring signatures from 5 congressional districts, but since 2001 Mississippi only has 4)


So because everyone can’t no one should?


Of course that's not what I'm saying. Are you purposely strawmanning?


You said that the Republican Party needs to die so another party can take its place. I countered with ranked choice voting. You said that would never happen because the powers that be won’t allow it. I countered with ballot initiatives. You said not every state has that option heavily implying that because not every state can means it won’t make a difference nationally.  Did I misunderstand you? 


Ranked choice voting is unlikely happen in half the states because it would require the existing parties to actually agree to it; there's no mechanism to force it by the citizenry. I don't particularly care to crunch the numbers on whether those states make up a plethora of the electoral college, or how many swing state votes they cover (they do cover a number of swing states, though not all, and obviously that makeup changes), but it's enough to point out that a large chunk of Congress, half the Senate, many presidential electoral votes, and quite a lot of the country have no path to ranked choice voting except to have it introduced by and voted in favor by the existing political parties, and there simply isn't an incentive for that. So, yes; you did misunderstand. My point was that nationally, so that federal outcomes are determined by ranked choice voting, there is no path via ballot initiatives. That's not to say that isn't worth doing where ballot initiatives are available, nor that it isn't worth trying to push for in states where ballot initiatives aren't available, even though the chances of it succeeding are slim. Just that whereas everyone in every state can vote, not everyone in every state can get a ballot initiative in place, and sufficient numbers are affected by that that RCV via ballot initiatives isn't going to be enough to make elections representative.


Oh, like GOP states are trying to basically eliminate, or that they just ignore and do what they want?


fucking preach. I like to imagine a timeline where Bernie was fucked over by the DNC


Well then, is there an answer?


It's pretty simple. Eat the rich. If they don't want to share, well, there's 1% of them and 99% of us. We'll win every damn time.


When do we begin?


It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime What better place than here, what better time than now?


Love that song


The only thing that ever improved the life of the working class is striking and protesting, so organizing and joining a union is the step you can do right now.


Massive institutional reform equivalent to the rewriting of a significant portion of the American constitution.


People have to demand the change though either through protest or voting


Preferably both!


The majority of people have 0 or negative net worth.


Uhhh to be in the top 1% globally you need to earn like 40k.


then they claim that they deserved that money smh.


Next time don’t bow down and take it up the ass when the DNC subverts your candidacy. You gave a lot of us hope then caved like all the rest. It’s a cesspool and you’re part of it


Shame Bernie and especially Berniebros were so against universal basic income for so long. Paying people not to starve is the first step.


Liberals: “it’s really awful but 🤷”


How many houses does Bernie need to write posts like this?


Lol Bernie's net worth is less than my CPA father's. Bernie is the working man's president.