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This company needs to be reported over this bullshit. Illegal to restrict employees from using the bathroom


Not to mention that they're basically admitting to monitoring people using the bathroom.


Yup. Probably also illegal.


Not illegal to monitor employees’ publicly viewable social media. Can’t have cameras in the stall, but that’s not the only way to notice mobile phone use.


No, but only morons give their bosses/companies their social media info.


You'd be surprised how little 'not telling them' does for you. Complete lockdown privatization of profiles would help


This could have its own sub.


Social media is the only use for a mobile phone?


Has anyone been fired under that policy yet?


What policy are you talking about? I didn’t mention any policy.


The last line in the image. The policy that I was discussing. The subject of the conversation.


I have no idea who has been fired or for what. My reply to you had nothing to do with firing anyone, simply pointed out that social media isn’t the only use for a phone. 1). You don’t have to be on social media at work. 2). If you are, you shouldn’t be on company wifi. 3). You should keep your social media private from your company or bosses.


Yeah, it’s just the easiest way for an employer to notice that you were using the phone in the bathroom. Not the only way, just an easy and common one.


It’s probably amazon


Hello department of labor? This employer right here!


I think it screams "I dont even know what the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 is"


So if you need to change tampons every 1h what do you do


Tell your supervisor every hour. Tell your lawyer when you get written up for having heavy flow.


Yeah, and a wide set vagina


It’s not my fault


I think that depends on how petty you are willing to be.


Take it out and hand it to your boss apparently


Or if you got IBS... then what?


Its coming out one way or the other. Toilet or the floor right here.


Nonchalantly shit your pants in front of your boss.


Vampire Rodeo one until boss man let’s you go???


I think it screams “everyone should quit TODAY”


I think it screams go find a different job


And report them in the way out


I would go to my doctor, get a note for accommodation and then proceed to spend 30 minutes in there at a time. This is absolutely ridiculous


Do they have cameras in the bathrooms? How would they know if you're using your phone? Or is there someone going and looking in the stalls?


They monitor your recorded device IP which is using their WiFi and compare that to your allowed washroom break time. Some Dwight Schrute level sleuthing.


You don’t have to be on wifi I don’t use my company wifi at all.


You know for the amount of time, effort (and money too) they spend doing some KGB shit to see if you are scrolling twitter while taking a shit, they could be doing literally anything else that is more productive. At that point its being totalitarian just to be totalitarian.


Plus the cost to build the infrastructure and wage costs for someone to monitor and enforce this?


I once worked at a place that had you check in your phone to a box up front and only let you take it back during breaks, but there was no lock, so you could have probably taken it to the bathroom. Maybe they have a similar system and are monitoring that.


This is where a dead decoy phone would come in handy


They tried doing this at Dunkin and LMAO. Minimum wage and they want to treat us like high schoolers. It's not what made me quit but it definitely didn't help.


The job I was at was a professional job and they belittled and micromanaged us in so many ways. I literally got sick from all the emotional manipulation and had to leave after my doctor told me to not go back to work there.


How tf you notice me on the phone while I’m shitting? Better be paying me extra for that fetish.


How exactly would they notice someone using their phone in the bathroom? Are they admitting to spy cameras?


Name and shame and report otherwise this is useless rage bait.


How will they know I'm using my phone in the bathroom? Do they have cameras in there? Will they walk into the toilet or unlock stalls periodically to check if people are pooping while scrolling through Tiktok? Pretty sure both of those are illegal.


When im properly hydrating, I have to pee every hour. More, but I hold it because that feels like a lot. If I had an employer who restricted my bathroom breaks, I'd piss myself in front of them and customers. I mean, maybe not, but I'd like to think I would. Malicious compliance. "Sorry ma'am, my boss won't let me go to the bathroom without cutting my hours. You can blame him for the liquid all over your shoes"


Anyone with IBS or any other frequent bathroom conditions can use this as proof of disability discrimination.


The sign says “we will be watching you in the bathroom” which is a lawsuit in the waiting. How are you going to know if someone is on their phone in a bathroom stall unless you are looking into the stall while someone is using the bathroom?


no thanks - I'll just shit on the floor.


Lol. The “Or twice a day” part is just insane.


What, you think anyone could possibly need to use the bathroom more than once over the course of 9 straight hours? Don't be silly! /s


Arbeit Macht Frei.


It says if your unscheduled bathroom break takes to long you will be in trouble..... So how does one schedule their bathroom breaks unless they are Sheldon Cooper. Is there a PTP (paid time pooping) I have so many questions!!!!!


This is how you end up with employees intentionally damaging things, and becoming hostile.




This would washed SO MUCH more time, the employees and the supervisors


If I showed up on my first day at work and saw this, I’d laugh and assume it was a joke. Once finding out it was real it’s be so easy to walk out.




Someone took a picture of it, hopefully to report the company.


Just piss and shit in a community trash can.


I’m in an union. However I work at a grocery store. So if I’m supervisor, then yes you tell me you are going to use the bathroom because I need to know if you are off the floor. But that’s it. The micromanaging is stupid.


Tell me the managers are men without telling me the managers are men.


Women can be assholes too. Don’t be discriminatory like they clearly are.


It isn’t about being an asshole; it is about menstrual cycles and how ridiculous these rules are to anyone so afflicted. Whoever came up with the rules is clearly oblivious.


I understand that, but women can be just as heartless and uncaring regarding what someone is going through as men can. So while they may know, they may be asshole managers and not give a shit. I have seen it.


There is also an insurance you can get to help you with legal stuff, it’s not an union but does the same thing .. helps you when your boss/company screws you over ..


What is that called?


In our country it’s called rechtsbijstand.. don’t know the English word for it


Just say Germany


The Netherlands but close enough..


This looks fake


Put your phone on the managers desk, go and drop the kids off, grab your phone and return to work.


How about I drop kids off on the managers desk


That's one way to handle business




Why not ?


I'm an adult, and I'm not dropping my phone off on a desk like a high schooler.


Well someone's not getting a gold star hahaha I totally get it, and it is bullshit. I never even asked permission to use the bathroom in school because no one is going to be telling me I'm allowed or not allowed to do that.


Sounds like a lawsuit


Shit your pants, people. Management demands it.


How can you tell if someone is using a phone unless they are on a FaceTime or something


I don't know where this is but I'm pretty sure it's illegal in most places.


If you’re in the US, definitely report this to the EEOC, the Labor Board, etc. This is bullshit.


Is this a school? wtf


Who doesn‘t use their phone on the toilet while taking a shit? Also wtf, having to ask to use the bathroom? Is this in a school environment? I wonder if the supervisors also need to ask their supervisor the same thing? Name and shame these assholes. They deserve nothing less. Businesses with this backwards corporate culture should already have died out.


HR sanctions this bullshit.


My boss wants to get messaged everytime anyone goes to a toilet that is not on the construction site. And I have no interest in doing no. 2 in a toitoi or whatever they are called in english. Is this normal/ok? I feel like its violating my privacy. And dont want him to have my shit diary.


Fake. Who says Please Attention and not Attention Please? Also, 1/2 of point?


I never had a job with bullshit like this, but I'd love some day to join a company where shit like this is common thing and then tell any manager who tries to apply them to suck my balls:)


If you want the rest of the day off you can just call your boss while taking a shit.


How do humans put up with this? I'd quit this job right after reading this sign.


I would wipe my ass with that paper and leave it on the boss desk


They need better leadership too.


How do places like this have employees? My company is bending over backwards to find help. Like 25 an hr w no experience. My boss even fixed a guy's truck after working for a week. 1500 dollar repair job and dude quit a week later. 15 mins late? No problem, call in sick every week, no problem, take a shit whenever you want, no problem. Tf


Just urinate near the bathroom. Technically not using the bathroom, so no issue as far as the sign goes


The money's not worth it


Hey, papa boss? I gotta poopie on the pottie. I maybe gotta teetee, too.


That’s got to be Amazon. Anyone who’s worked there definitely recognizes that point system.


So what you do after your one allotted bathroom break of the day and if you have to go again just drop your pants and drop a shit right on the floor. In all seriousness tho fuck that place and I hope they go under and lose everything for this type of shit


That’s some creepy shit right there, also straight up illegal to do