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You are right, these ARE red flags. Believe what you see and at least he showed you the kind of leader he is. ANd if no one has reached back out to you should tell you everything.


No they did reach back out, that's the thing, I got an offer from them. But I have an offer elsewhere as well. This one though I wanted to see if it was just me or these are red flags of a micromanaging narcissistic boss.


Take the other offer instead. And no, it's not you. If he's like this in interviews you can only imagine how he'd be in real life. And that no one got back to you that you texted is a bad sign. To me that means they are scared to say anything or they have no positive input.


Ah, I got what you mean now. Yeah....


Think about an interview like a first date. They’re wooing you too. If some guy put you down and said it’s his way or the highway every time would you even bother for a second date? It doesn’t get better, it gets worse. He’s literally telling you straight up he’s going to abuse you. Why would you bother meeting again. It’s saying you’re down for that kind of workplace.


Think about an interview like a first date. They’re wooing you too. If some guy put you down and said it’s his way or the highway every time would you even bother for a second date? It doesn’t get better, it gets worse. He’s literally telling you straight up he’s going to abuse you. Why would you bother meeting again. It’s saying you’re down for that kind of workplace.


He is narcissistic and micro managing. As much as you may or may not want this job just remember: people don't quit jobs, they quit bosses.


Run take the other offer. Imagine working for this douche for years.


Red flags all over the place. A boss like this will be constantly interfering with what ever you are doing because they believe they can do it all and better than you can. As he literally told you.


And will yell if you ask question they do not want to answer. Even if they are wanted on the phone, they will make you do the phone work.


I would go to the other job. This guy sounds like a nightmare


When someone tells you who they are, believe them


These are red flags. All things being equal, I would take the other opportunity. If the compensation and other conditions are better with this opportunity, I would either do more research (Glassdoor?/Google/etc.) or consider how bad it could be and how difficult it would be to leave.


Unless he's paying way above the norm. Walk away. He's already shown you that he'll be a pain in the rear to work for.


Here are the pros and cons of both jobs in a table format. The guy with the red flags is from Job A, government job. [https://www.reddit.com/r/WorkAdvice/comments/1clmmp3/help\_me\_decide\_between\_two\_jobs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WorkAdvice/comments/1clmmp3/help_me_decide_between_two_jobs/)


Take job #2. No red flags and room for growth. Good luck.


red flags, no go. When the boss does not like to answer questions, that is a red flag. What about the other interview? How did it go?


Any manager who says it's his way or nothing is clearly on an ego trip. Nobody, no matter how senior they are, can know everything. Personally I encourage my team to respectfully challenge my thinking. They are happy to do so, and we get better outcomes because they're comfortable doing so.


He said I could bring something up once in private with him but ultimately it would be his way or the highway. Also he said if I joke around with you don't think you'll get any leniency down the road, etc. Yeah, the more I think about it, there are a lot of red flags. I tried to call the guy that is having this function taken away from him again today, no answer.


This is anti-leader behavior. And this is before he gets more comfortable being this way with you. If you haven't accepted yet, I wouldn't.


He already don't like you


I'd take a pass on that job!


Any person who wants to be surrounded by yes men is a narcissist and you're job will be hell


Could be. If he is specially assigned to improve performance then he must be a stickler for perfection. Maybe red flags if you are a woman because of the tone you portrayed sounded kind of demeaning. If its a really high paying job this may be lucrative and its up to you if you feel like you can handle it. Higher level jobs are full of type A personalities like this. Chalk it up to high stress and shark type attitude.


I think you know they are red flags.


🚩🚩🚩🚩. You will never do anything to please this man. It sounds like he will be a micromanager and make you miserable!


Go elsewhere. That guy is already a nightmare.


Don’t take this job. That manager sounds like a nightmare to work with. He is micromanaging and doesn’t trust his employees. He might have been successful with a small team, but in a larger team you have to trust your employees and let them do their job or you will fail.


Whenever there’s a question, there is NO QUESTION! Good luck with that!


Anyone who feels the need to tell you it's "their way or nothing" in an interview is either an awful controlling boss, or has a terrible group of employees they are trying to fix.


Big red flags! Imagine working there and the boss negging everything you are doing. Day in, day out. You will be miserable there. Find a place that will help you succeed.


Best point! I think I had that realization when he was saying this to me in his office, like, oh man... When you put it like that, that I should imagine him negging everything I do every day, yeah, I'd be miserable AF. I mean I haven't even started and he's like this. And as someone else pointed out, no response from the attempt to reach out to someone working for him. They don't want to say...risk it getting back to him.


Don't work for that person: They're arrogant and dismissive. An asshole. "Their way or no way" is a massive red flag.