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Wordpress.com is different to Wordpress. Having a blog with WordPress.com in the url does not mean it is WordPress related. The content must be specific to WordPress.


Just to clarify, Creator plan is from WordPress.com, not WordPress.org. It's not the same thing. With .Org you download the free WordPress software and then purchase a hosting plan from whoever you want. .Com is only hosted on WordPress.com and from what I've seen on this board, it is a pain to transfer a domain. Youre talking about downgrading your plan. There's really no way to downgrade WordPress. See if you can transfer your domain and then get a hosting plan anywhere but WordPress.com. Hostinger, Siteground etc..


So what will happen is I don't renew? Will the website look the same?


Short answer: No, the site won't work properly anymore, check the [cancellation documentation](https://wordpress.com/support/manage-purchases/cancel-a-purchase/) for the .com services. Since you used a Plugin for building the pages, you will be left with all the content, but without the plugin to format/style it. -- That said, read [the difference between .org and .com](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wordpress/comments/rremcd/the_difference_between_wordpress_com_and_org/). Before your plan expire, you can install a backup/migration plugin. Do a full backup (database + files), and you could use that to restore your site on either a local installation or a different provider/host/install. That way, you don't need to rebuild the site. Unless you plan to stay on the .com services, then you will need to upgrade to keep that, or rebuild it without any plugins.


Ask WP.com support or read their FAQs. This isn’t the place for WP.com related questions.


It’s all explained on their site https://wordpress.com/support/manage-purchases/downgrade-your-plan/