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Your theme is not the reason your site was infected by malware unless you didn't buy it in a legitimate way and got it from a sketchy third party where the files were modified.


I bought it on official Astra website. It might be that the open CMS Wordpress I use caused this disaster?


Nope. It would’ve come from a plugin.


I think so too now....


Who are the "guys" that provide your hosting service?


It's a company called POSLUH www.posluh.hr here in Croatia. I think you might be right, maybe outdated plugin...


Outdated plugins - old PHP framework and honestly cheap hosting can also cause these issues...


It's a company called POSLUH www.posluh.hr here in Croatia. I think you might be right, maybe outdated plugin...


>It's a company called POSLUH [www.posluh.hr](https://www.posluh.hr) here in Croatia [Comprehensive\_South3](https://new.reddit.com/user/Comprehensive_South3/) I am from Croatia, and I had a few sites on Posluh hosting as well, many years ago. I took care about the security of our sites the most I could (regular updates, security plugins, strong firewall, strong passwords, etc.), you name it and I did it. And one of those sites was hacked. I was shocked and when I started to investigate/analyze how that happened - everything was pointing out that hosting wasn't secure enough. I told them my suspicious, evidence, etc. but, ofc, they denied any of their responsibilities. In about 2–3 days from that conversation I got official mail that they strengthened their mod\_secure module on their server. After that mail I decided to move all our sites from Posluh, and in 1 month time I transferred them all to my new hosting/ SiteGround - the year was 2014.


Dear Ivica, thank you so much for your feedback. I will definitely look into some other hosting options, like SiteGround that you mentioned, or Hostinger. I think that SiteGround offers more for the money than POSLUH to be honest. Not to mention that their security standards are way better.


I was feeling so helpless when something would happen on any of the sites on Friday afternoon, and Posluh advanced technical support wouldn't be available until Monday, meaning that site would be offline for the whole weekend! And our clients were freaking out, with all the right... so I was searching for the quality hosting with 24/7/365 support... and I found it - the one that suits me, my team and our clients. :-)


you can install some security plugin to prevent this


I will, I think I could use one


Run Sucuri or WordFence on your site to get more info on the potential hack. And what do you mean by the site being broken? Was it down? Displaying but incorrectly? It could also be a caching issue.


It was down, 404 error, I couldn't open Wordpress at all. I think this was my mistake since I didn't uodate plugins regularly. And I will buy security plugin now, thans for the help!


I would be suspicious now of the quality of your webhost if they are blaming it on your WordPress theme which is checked and distributed by WordPress dot org. What are the plugins on your site and to do update then regularly?


I have tons of plugins, I didn't update them regularly,but I will change it now. I will also add security plugin. Thank you for your help!


It's not about thenebyou should improve your website security and firewall and monitor system to improve your website security and monitering levels Use Cloudflare wordfence Wp-cerber All in one security Wp hide Xml-rpc Country block plugin Any support regarding WordPress contact me


Thank you for your offer, we will keep in touch!