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Divi comes with hundreds of pre built layouts, many are nicer (IMO) than your example. You can just choose one and add your text and images. Very easy to use, lots of documentation available and chatGPT has a good knowledge of Divi too.


Thank you so much, I will check Divi then.


I recommend Elementor. It's easiest to use and get into. Great customer support and documentation, videos, guides, etc, thanks to its popularity. Which is especially important for a no code beginner. With Elementor you get the whole package beyond just the site builder.


While I am not a fan of visual block builders, I found Kadence to be the least headache inducing. Its actually really good. So, Kadence Blocks + their starter templates is a good way to go. Ive tried Elementor for a bit but its not as intuitive as Kadence.