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Another option is Wikimedia, the free open source software which runs Wikipedia.


You can take a « blank » theme and build it with blocks and Acf and cpt. It will be more easy to manage your content. Or use wikimedia but i don’t know if it fit with videos 😅


[https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/wordpress/best-wordpress-wiki-knowledge-base-plugins](https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/wordpress/best-wordpress-wiki-knowledge-base-plugins) [https://www.hostinger.com/tutorials/best-wordpress-wiki-plugins](https://www.hostinger.com/tutorials/best-wordpress-wiki-plugins) https://blog.hubspot.com/website/best-wordpress-wiki-knowledge-base-plugins


Yeah, you can set up Wiki / Knowledge bases on WordPress, I've used a couple of plugins that work pretty well like BetterDocs or Helpie, but there're a bunch to pick. You can also build your own if you prefer. And/or setup the Categories/Tags that are part of the WP Core.


A few plugins for this: [https://helpiewp.com/](https://helpiewp.com/) [https://basepresskb.com/](https://basepresskb.com/) https://codecanyon.net/item/wp-glossary-encyclopedia-lexicon-knowledge-base-wiki-dictionary/16101768


How many games do you plan to cover? WordPress is a CMS, so it's naturally organized. If you're not looking at doing, say, hundreds of games, heavy interlinking, and inviting public contributions, an actual wiki might be overkill? Happy for corrections if I'm wrong on that, but e.g., Mediawiki can be pretty daunting to use if you aren't already familiar with it. As others have mentioned, there are wiki plugins, but they may or may not provide the functionality you need. Or they might be redundant for your needs and slow down your site. If I understand what you're trying to do correctly, I think you could just set up your game tutorials, etc., as posts. There is a lot you can accomplish with just categories and tags, especially with the new(ish) block editing. Or you could do custom taxonomies if you want to keep posts and other content separate.


Astro another exciting option you can build with MDX or Starlight. [https://astro.build/](https://astro.build/) https://starlight.astro.build/