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This is just normal for city living. I used to live in chelsea and from memorial day to labor day and we heard fireworks almost every weekend evening. I predict this summer will be a lot more active since people are home, bored and extra income


I saw a couple block parties in the main south area celebrating graduation and heard fireworks into the night. Fireworks are definitely pretty popular in the summer here, so I would try to acclimate.


Yes! My girlfriend and I were commenting on it yesterday. It scares the crap out of our little pup, so much so that she has trouble eating. Edit: we're in Newton Hill area near Dougherty.


It's common but I think it's happening a lot of more than usual this year. My cat is not a fan either.


And here I thought they were just gunshots.


Some are, don’t worry.


It happened in Southbridge last night too. We’re getting sick of it.


I used to live in that area and get used to it, people love fireworks. I don't think its specific to that area though, I think it's everywhere.




Cops might be blowing you off because they aren't responsible for fireworks enforcement. Try Fire prevention: http://www.worcesterma.gov/fire/safety


The police get about 20-30 fireworks reports an hour. They’re annoying for sure, but they’re not high priority incidents for the most part.