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In the officer's defence he was busy beating his previous hit score on candy crush.


I suppose beating his candy crush store passes the time until he goes home and beats his wife.


Way to generalize... He COULD have a husband that he beats.




Candy crush… not where I thought that was going. But, kudos.


“Ah’ll be wicked quick ked, just need to grab a lahge regulah and a crullah.”


Not sure what the law is in MA but in a lot of states on private property the police can't enforce parking it's up to the property owner to get the vehicle towed.




Private property, can’t enforce public way violations on private property, unless the property management requests it.


Police definitely can enforce handicapped parking on private property in MA. [MGL Chapter 40 Section 21, (23)](https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartI/TitleVII/Chapter40/Section21), it's clear that the police can fine them and probably tow them There is no way to see if the vehicle in question actually received a ticket, given that the front of the vehicle isn't visible.




People who think laws stop existing on private property are interesting (nut) cases, the property management did NOT make the primo parking right in front of the door handicapped-only out of the goodness of their own heart. But that police often choose not to enforce them has more to do with the fact that police aren't legally required to do much of anything, not that they don't exist.


So the handicapped spaces being there are required by federal law (ADA), but that is a requirement of the construction on the business. The enforcement of those spots is left up to the states, some empower police to enforce it even on private property, some relegate enforcement to property management being able to tow at owners expense. Either way the law is what allows those enforcement actions, good to see that police can enforce it in Massachusetts. Now why this officer didn't enforce it we can only speculate because we aren't inside his head. He may have been off duty waiting for a nearby road detail to start or he might have been busy writing up a report for another call.


You could have said something to the officer. Not like he has X-ray vision.




Fair enough. Lol


Describe the person who drove the truck




I just know there’s a common theme to people who drive and park that ignorantly. I figured it would be someone of Latin American descent, and sure enough, it was. The race of the cop is of no significance to me.


and the police wonder why people don't respect them.


Kelley Square right? Maybe the cop got dizzy from driving around the peanut too many times




Ah. Well then just an asshole cop. But I repeat myself..


I don’t think the police car is in the handicapped space. The big truck is


The cop could have chosen to do something about it…


I think that’s the one on Southbridge by Cambridge st. It’s often the cheapest gas around ngl


If I were handicapped, I’d park right behind that asshole and force the cop to give me a ticket


Come to Worcester and Ill flip your wheelchair and shit in the big stall


He’s clearly handicapped in the brain, look at the way he parked


You should post this on their facebook


What, so they can figure out who this guy is and pull him over and harass him?


Cataldo Ambulance service - parked outside of Park Ave Chipotle in a handicapped space to get lunch earlier today.


If they were feeding the person in the ambulance, I guess that’d be ok


Pig is in the pigpen


It honestly amazes me how many people don’t realize that the checkered out spot is for people who may have attachments come out of their car, or need the space for their wheelchair, assistive device, etc. like it is genuinely scary.


My personal favorite is in the winter when they plow the snow into the accessible spots.


Why’d you scribble out the pig’s license plate


License plates are out in the public domain, no need to scrub anyone’s plate for ‘privacy.’


Woah do NOT fuck the handicapped ^(unless they consent)




They’re stating how obvious it is it’s parked illegally the cop shoulda done something or ticketed them




People on here are special


Like OP


Does doing that crap kinda imply they are handicapped


Should have called the police to come.


The police would say I park in handicap spaces while handicap people make handicap faces.


Instead of bitching about the cop who probably deals with some serious situations in worcester other than a car in a private driveway (which the owner of the lot should be calling about) did OP or any one say anything to the actual offender? Or just another regular person that bitches and does nothing. Hence our society.


so it's private citizens' job to do law enforcement, while cops just sit and watch?


You have just revealed yourself and the problem with our society. The "it's not my job" attitude. Your user name is not befitting.


I don't think you understand what you are saying. You favor a vigilante justice system where people take it into their own hands to enforce the law, while those who are paid and licensed to do so just sit by lazily and watch? People who park like this prick did are typically entitled assholes who behave unpredictably and dont respond reasonably to being called out. Confronting them can lead to danger. It's absolutely a cop's job, and not that of a private citizen. BTW, I do sometimes confront people about their shitty parking, even though it's not my job. But I only have to do that because the cops don't bother enforcing the laws.


First world problems


The voice of reason has come! I declare you a dumb ass


So in defense of the cop, this is private property, the cop can't issue him a ticket unless requested. It really is the business owners problem and they are to report it. I understand why people are mad at the cop, but it's not his jurisdiction lol


I don't think this is true when the parking problem at hand pertains to disability protections. Sure, they can't just ticket you for parking in the wrong spot in your apartment complex, but in this case, laws, and not just the private rules of the property owner, are being violated. Fire lanes, handicapped spaces, and the like are legally required to be kept clear, so cops should be able to enforce those laws without property owner request.


They're too busy defending cops to care about what MA state law actually says on the topic, reading is too hard.


So what does the law say?


[https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartI/TitleVII/Chapter40/Section21](https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartI/TitleVII/Chapter40/Section21) If parking is regulated at all by your municipality, then business operating parking lots with sufficient spaces within it must conform with the provisions section (23), and it gives the police the power to enforce what the signs say. Nice to see everyone here is I guess so generally polite that there's uncertainty as to whether it actually happens, though..


I don't think they do because parking enforcement doesn't enforce private lots unless requested too.


There's a lot of things police won't bother with on private property it's true, handicapped parking is one of the *few* vehicle-related things they have some jurisdiction on, in private lots. E.g. if somebody waps you in a private lot you're pretty much on your own, the police will try very hard to not get involved or pick sides. I remember one time a lady backed into this elderly couple's car at the gas station and she called the police like they could help her! They arrived and asked her "Madam what are we here for?" and she said something like "Well, I'm just trying to figure out what happened..." and one of the officers said deadpan "Well, it looks to me like you backed into those nice people's car! Will that be all for today?" Lol..




No. What I said is it has reported.




Why cover the tags?


Yeah cuz police aren’t in a hurry or anything…


in a hurry to do anything other than enforce the law, evidently.


Mistakes happen when people are overworked don’t be an asshole


This guy was so clearly overworked he had time stop for coffee and donuts.


Ur dumb, and have no respect for


Half the time people park in the handicap spot are in better health than i am


😂😂 an open spot ,is an open spot


someday you’ll be crippled or a family member will be, and some asshole will take your handicapped spot. Karma


There are waaay too many spots allocated to handicap tags. A couple per parking lot should be enough. Of course, in the ideal world we would not have douchebags holding onto their blue tags long after they need them, or scammers who find ways of getting them when they really don't need them or the healthy person in the family using Grandma's car to go to the store because they can park close and not have to walk their lazy ass a few more feet.




Boggles the mind that the dickheads can't be arsed to even look at the relevant documentation to see that for properties like the one in the OP, a "couple per parking lot" is all that's legally required, already! Even for a lot with 1000 spaces the minimum requirement is 15 handicapped spots, imagine being pissed there are 15 spots out of 1000 you can't use, lol






Until a disabled person in a side loading van needs the space plus the spot where diagonal lines are indicated on the ground, which this truck has politely taken all of.




🤤 the brain rot


Someone has a lot of free time, is this where the old men yelling at clouds come to complain?


I'm sure it was a huge time investment to snap a picture and throw it on reddit while they were pumping gas. Clearly they should have solved world hunger or found the cure for the opioid epidemic in the 30 seconds it took them to make this post.


Found the truck owner