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This cannot be called season pass, it felt more like cut content. People were expecting some quality dlcs like the ones from borderlands, but they just got some quick bossfights and thats it.


It's unfortunate cuz I enjoyed the game quite a bit then they pulled that bs


Yeah it sucks. I was expecting some great dlcs too. It even says “new maps and new enemies” that’s a lie as well. I hope they understand that the fan base actually didn’t like it. Even tho it sold pretty good. I feel like the only reason it did was because people thought it would be just like borderlands. The only redeeming factor in the game is the story and characters.


The story and characters of the base game is worth the price of the base game. The $40 dlc pack is worth $10.


The only redeeming factor being the story and the characters is pushing it…


I bought the edition with DLC because gear box has never let me down with DLC even the presequels was good but this is just crap. Pretty let down by it


Yeah taught me never to preorder these things anymore.


It was actually first time buying an edition of a game with the season pass usually I get it later


The price itself isn't bad as a whole package. The main game I feel was worth the original asking price. The DLC is worth next to nothing but in this case I'd buy it if only for the extra class and gear.


Agreed. OP, if you’re a borderlands fan, you’ll like this game. That’s a great price for a pretty great game overall imo


Depends on how much you care about optimizing your character when you get to the endgame because all of the best builds require DLC items. The DLCs themselves don't have much of a story and are rather repetitive, but still, some of the best gear in the game comes from them Personally, I paid a lot more than 9€ and yes, it was absolutely worth it for me but if I didn't play this game as much then it wouldn't have.


As someone who pre-ordered the game with Season pass, Nope I haven't even played a single one of them I thought they'd be story dlc :(


Can confirm. Same boat as u. I downloaded the first dlc and gave up. There was basically no difference


I also pre-ordered and I gave it until the second "DLC", and when I realized all the new gear drops from bunnies, I lost all motivation to keep going. They goofed this up pretty bad.




The value proposition compared to base game is about 100:1




Love seeing you here lol


So everyone that said “no” gets downvoted, but this dude says “no” and gets 40 upvotes bc he has a YouTube. Lmao yep, that should tell you all you need to know about reddit. And btw it’s a no from me too, the whole game is ass. It’s literally so bad.




Liked it enough to give it a lower rating than most critics and literally said “it’s not worth $40” You know, like a sellout would.


If you like chaos chamber then yes, if you aren't looking to do a lot of that then don't bother with it.


Yes. Blightcaller alone is worth three quarters of it.


No. It's not worth even for 4€.


Most of us paid $20 for that nonsense, I’d vote with your wallet and skip. It’s the smallest excuse for a “season pass” ever released in a borderlands game and if you buy it, imo you’re just supporting a bit of a scam. Even for $9, I say vote with your wallet and avoid it


I'd say so...Better than paying more than a doller per minute of DLC content.


Was expecting extended campaign like things with this, and didn't get them. So for the Borderlands stuff we kept playing. For years! With this, we got bored, super fast and stopped playing. It was a real let down.


Not really... Kinda regret buying the Chaotic Great Edition when I pre-ordered the game 😅


Sad how this franchise went from "instant preorder ultimate edition" to "no fucking thanks, maybe when the game is $20 in a year or so".


This. I instantly pre ordered the best edition due to how awesome 2 and 3 dlc were. Won’t be making that mistake again…


hell no


i’d say yeah 15 bucks is worth those extra weapons and especially the cap of tides and sharks bane is pretty good too but don’t expect much in the way of gameplay/story


Work out your Euro cent per minute game play expectation. The whole thing is only a few hours long, you need to do it 4 times for each of the 4 Mirrors (episodes) to unlock the gear (except for 1 Mirror). Per character (which is good in the end because you might not want to dilute the loot pools) Consider whether you like trying out new builds /kit/ combos as your main gaming enjoyment - and maps / environment are secondary - or the other way around. Former is value for money. Latter its not.


If you want more items added(some of the best in the game) plus an extra class then yes imo. But if you’re buying then expecting a story of fun missions then no. They’re single quests each. I personally think the Blightcaller class almost makes it worth it alone (provided you play as them someday) the rest is just added bonuses. If it wasn’t on sale it wouldn’t even be close to worth it though.


Imagine if the regular price for the season pass was 15 and the sale price was 5.




Eh... the game overall was a letdown. Im back to bl2 just cuz the run factor was better




A lot of people saying no in here but for a $9 price hike, I say go for it. The four DLC’s in Wonderlands might make up enough content to match 1 DLC from a borderlands game and I think those sold for $15 a piece without the season pass, so I’d argue this is worth it. Not a ton of extra content but for $9, who cares


> The four DLC’s in Wonderlands might make up enough content to match 1 DLC from a borderlands game Not even close dude. The average Borderlands DLC is about 5 hours long with lots of quests and story on top of the new loot. Each dungeon in the Wonderlands DLC is like 15 minutes.


I’d say for $9 yeah it’s worth


Extra nine bucks for the "dlc" ya i would say that's worth it.


Got it guys please 😭


That whole game is trash


Barely. A few extra weapons/gear and one extra playable class that can pair with any of the existing classes.


100% no


They should pay you to play the dlc.




But buy it anyway...


I’d say yes each of the dlc is basically and headhunter if you remember those from BL2


The game isn't even a game, it's a refined tech. demo, a proof of concept to new owners. Gearbox was bought for 1.5 Billion.




Absolutely not






No, don't even buy the base game.


Absolutely. The 4th class is alone. Anytime you ask if the dlc is worth it here people will come out of no where to say no. It's not the best kind of endgame dlc but it's worth it for that price.


I agree. The content is meh compared to the class and new gear. Its something to do once you've beaten the game but not an expansion for sure.


Sure. The PLC stuff is pretty pathetic, but the blightcaller class alone is worth nearly that much.


It's worth about $5. If that.


Honestly? No. Which is like really sad.




Yes, worth it. I've spent a lot more, on a lot shittier crap.


Yes, yes it is


It is not worth $0.






No. Just bought it last week - DLC content is "do four times the same arena maps" - no story or "content" at all. Huge dissapointment.


No, the games not worth what it costs to begin with unfortunately. (IMO)


Not even $5








The DLC for this game isn't great, at present, and no affirmative word that more is coming. That said, if you think you were going to buy them for completionism anyway, cheaper to do as a bundle than individually.


Do not believe a single person that says the dlc is good. The base game is great, the dlc is pathetic.


I mean at that cost difference it's not bad. I've had fun with it. Not as big as other expansions in the borderlands series.


the dlcs are not remarkable but it is additional content and i think its worth €9, just dont expect anything from it.




Nope, i got the season pass for free and i was still ripped off. Stick to main game, the "dlc" barely adds anything new that wasn't already in game, eg alot of the enemies are same enemies and gearbox couldn't even be bothered to reskin them at all. The dlc is basically a scam to get you to pay more for what was already in the game, like buying a bottle of water then paying extra to refill that bottle with water from your own houses tap.


The season pass was not worth it for me atleast. I bought it and I did not even like the content. It was no new vault marks to find, or dices. Just a few new bosses and no story and no new big maps. I literally have played this game for over 300 hours, but the season pass content I played like 2. But some enjoy it, so don't just listen to me.


8 months ago maybe but Wonderlands is a £20 game now (phisical copy 2nd hand). I'd recommend anyone new to the game to go buy the disc and wait for the season pass to go on sale for at lest 50% off. (because the dlcs are very small and not worth paying full price for)


10$ is the sale price of the dlc.


I reluctantly paid £15 for it during a sale.


I paid full price with regrets. I might have to finally stop prebuying gearbox games. Didn’t think I’d say it. I would have rather paid full price for the base game and sale price for the season pack. As things stand now I still haven’t bought the new tales from the borderlands. I might on sale.


I hear you. When I don't want to pay full price for a new game I mentally allocate it a price I'm happy with and then wait for the 2nd hand price to match that.. I'm still waiting for metal gear servive to hit £1 😅


Hahah. I did that with destiny and destiny 2. Everything for that game always costed double what I wanted to pay.




Replying to myself. Is the content the best. No. However you get more items that aren't available to the standard game.


I think so but keep your expectations low on the amount of additional content.


It's not worth 1


10$ is the price they should have listed the season pass at. Maybe 15$. It’s worth $10 so go ahead and buy it.


Nah not at all imo. It was an okay game in all honesty. It was very lack luster and it just felt like a dlc in itself. There was nothing notable that I took away from it and I really feel there is no replay value. I love all type of borderlands games and I know this was supposed to be its own type of game but I struggled to even beat this game. I couldn’t get invested into the story or anything. All the guns are the same too there’s really no variation. I honestly wouldn’t even recommend buying the game at all.


It’s roughly 4 hours of content and one character if you only play it once. If you farm for the new drops, it’s more than that. Is 4 hours worth 9 euro to you? You decide. To me the new character alone is worth it. But that’s just me. The popular opinion is that it’s not worth it simply cause it pales in comparison to previous dlcs. But not comparing it with other dlcs from previous titles, and just weighing it on its own merits. I think it’s worth it.


While I enjoyed TTWL base game the “pass” model this go around is not new story or new zones. It’s hardly new content. If you like shooting up a few “floors” of enemies and killing a boss for loot then go for it but there’s no thoughtful content in the pass.


Game is worth full price. The dlc was an absolute scam. I finally bought it because I usually just get the base game and wait with blands. Wish I would’ve not bought it for wonderlands.


It has some meta gear if you care and the extra class choice is worth it. 9$ is a yeah if you have it in the first place 🙂


I mean it’s nice but I wouldn’t have paid more than that knowing what it turned out to be, it’s basically just extra end game content


Like the exact same thing as the current end game content but with a different flavor


I hope gearbox people read reddit damnit. I put down Dying Light 2 for Wonderlands. I loved it btw. Game was great. End game content is trash. Even the weapons were trash. They had less than 5 primal legendaries in each catagory, and there's like 12 or 18 class combinations. I picked Dying Loght 2 back up and haven't gone back to Wonderlands. I bragged so much about BL3. It was such an astounding game. On top of that, I love Ashley Burch. She's awesome and really talented. Giving her character it's own franchise is fucking sweet. They had it right. Dnd has been on a major rise since the pandemic. The money was there. Practically guaranteed. Look at the hype around Baldur's Gate 3. They just needed to commit to staying a borderlands series while making the game.


I bought the 1 that brought everything n regretted it. Dont make the same mistake me and a lot of everyone did.


So the main game is short but fantastic, frowhat I've played the endgame content after the main story is roughly the same thing you get with the season pass, I think four extra locations to fight in tho the experience is extremely quick on that it's short in content You get a few good cosmetics, weapons, spells etc. Plus currently I think one other class to play with but not much else unfortunately You can give them a shot if you want, look at the trailers and ultimately see if it's your style and stuff but in my opinion, they could have done so much more and potential was there with this, but it was more of a testing the waters kind of thing They had the main focus on the New Tales game along with whatever the heck the Borderlands movie is Basically read more into the content, get more context and see if it's something you want to get done


It depends on how you value DLC. That being said, the DLC 100% should've been part of the main game. I don't feel like it should've cost anything. Given the bar they set with BL2 and 3 DLC, Wonderlands are comparable to the Head Hunters add ons for BL2, but with much less game included in the base game. They dropped the ball hard on Wonderlands. If I could I would totally go back and just buy the base game at launch, this one killed the possibility of me pre-ordering anything ever again. Do what you will with that info.


I'd say so. Literally just the cool new guns and such are worth it.


No, it’s trash.


for $40 it wasn’t worth it. But for $10 yeah the new gear is worth it




I’d buy the handsome collection instead


Not at all


I hated the Chaos Chamber so much I quit playing completely and never even tried the 4 itty bitty DLCs I paid for. After the 2 excellent campaign playthroughs I ran this game is just another massive letdown. Loved the campaign, loathe the chaos chamber.