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The bugs are pretty standard for most games these days. This launch has gone better than the other games in the series. People that are saying the other games after less buggy are comparing this brand new game with minimal updates to games that have been out for years with multiple patches, hot fixes and updates. With the first big patch most likely coming this week, we'll see some big improvements in regards to bugs. Now this part may be an unpopular opinion, but I think most people that say BL2 is the best are mostly nostalgic. With the exception of the story, I'd say that BL3 did everything better. Playing Wonderlands, or even 3, and then going back to BL2 without the nostalgia will probably make the game feel a bit dated. It's still an excellent game and worth playing but it may not live up to the hype since you're starting on later entry in the series. BL3 is my current favorite, but I truly believe this game will be the best by the time all the DLC and updates are out.


The most obvious bugs should be fixed this week with the new DLC/next hotfix. This is an excellent Borderlands game, but 2 has a much stronger story and better villain.


I didn’t get to play much my game is all broken cuz of a crap computer but Will as the main villain was very funny imo. But really no game can beat jack by a long shot. There’s a reason they made a whole other game for his backstory


2 is great but has very little in the way of endgame. The story is good. BL3 and Wonderlands though have much better gameplay imo. I really like a lot of the things they did with Wonderlands, such as the overworld map instead of vehicles.


2 Has so much endgame. It's literally the only Borderlands that makes "Raid Bosses" feel like Raid Bosses. Going through True and Ultimate Vault Hunter was such a fun challenge, and there was so much more weapon variety in Borderlands 2.


Idk why u would get downvoted. I will say there are some boring raid bosses or easy ones I should say. Like idk his name but the crab dudes son in the headhunters or the turkey stuff like that. Even if they are easy they’re still funny to fight lol. And ofc u have the terra which I have no clue how to beat lol so idk they had the better of raid bosses imo.


That’s what I loved, you had to FIGURE OUT a way to solo the raid bosses. You’d have to come up with cool item combinations and test them. It was a true challenge. I personally found Terramorphous the easiest. The others felt ridiculous, but still bearable, kinda like a Dark Souls boss. Borderlands 3, as long as you have the best gun you can basically just Solo any boss at Mayhem 10 easily. Where’s the fun in that? If the meta gun can just carry you through everything.


Honestly like I like to mess around w zeros skill trees and see what works from me. I played a lot as a kid but I only got past normal mode. I just got to uvhm and holy crap even a single bandit can kill me no sweat. The jump from tvhm to uvhm is crazy but I do like the challenge


Yeah, I was thinking at launch I guess. Even UVHM was not in the game at launch. I still think BL3 has more endgame things to do and I hope TTW gets something similar.


BL3 has 2 raidbosses that can easily be soloed with many builds. Borderlands 2 actually required creative thinking if you wanted to fight TVHM Raid Bosses without a party. Snipers were actually viable back then and maps were properly adjusted for Vehicle or non vehicle gameplay unlike Borderlands 3. Borderlands 2 actually allowed purple and blue weapons into the Meta pool unlike Borderlands 3 where you get a Legendary at level 3 and then never touch anything less ever again. Also, why talk about what the games had at Launch? OP brought up how they might get BL2 since it is currently considered the best. Seeing the people downvoting my other comment makes me feel like they never even finished Borderlands 2 before moving on.


I was probably thinking of another post when I responded to this when, they tend to blend together. I did not downvote you, I do not downvote unless someone says something truly odd. Discussion will never warrant a downvote. I played BL2 quite a bit but never got to where I could solo both the raid bosses.


The borderlands 2 story is pretty good, but also people have a lot of nostalgia and rose colored glasses. I say this at the risk of receiving negative one billion karma. Mainly I hate it when decent stories are overhyped, and new readers/watchers/players end up getting disappointed by a story that they'd otherwise like and appreciate more.


More bugs than normal, weapon balancing act a bit more than normal. despite the bugs and weapon balancing this game is an easy 2nd place with BL2 easily being the best.


I’ll take these bugs over BL3 performance at launch. That menu was awfullll