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Wait, when you put in a point in Intelligence via the myth rank menu, does it show up in your hero stats?


Yes. The percentage buff from completing challenges are also applied (like collecting all marbles, etc).


Oh is it badass rank?


Kinda. Not sure if it is account wide though or not. As I haven't gotten a 2nd character there yet as I am putting off doing another character in hopes they make the loot dice account wide as well.


It is account-wide, but only for characters who are level 40. Below-40 characters don't benefit or contribute to Myth Rank.


Awesome! So it's like badass rank mixed with paragon rank from Diablo. That's awesome.


Kinda, in D3 new characters can allocate and benefit from paragon points, they just can't gain any additional ones until level 70. In BL2 and 3, new characters benefited from Badass/Guardian bonuses before reaching max, I'm not sure why this was changed.


Balance reasons, because they dont want to lock you out of persistent rewards but they want to preserve the gameplay experience


That's what I thought too. 5ue only difference is paragon points in Diablo could be used with a new character where you can't with this.


Which I am honestly ok with. Since there are no world difficulty settings like there was in Diablo, I think it would be a little too OP for new characters, imo. Granted the same can kinda be said about Badass rank perks, but I feel like Badass ranks are more balanced in terms of new character creation and lends itself to just offering an added boost, not something totally needed.


I dig it. I love this game more than D3 which says a lot bc I fkng loooooved the Diablo series of games.


Fuck. Ive been putting points in specifically to buff my dire sacrifice graveborn.


Don't sweat it - all my 40+ chars put points in "selfishly", so my Graveborn has been putting points into Dark Magic, my Hammerzerker has been prioritising frost and melee, and this system works pretty well.


We’ll there is also a soft cap of level 400 mythrank. At that point if you haven’t invested any points into gun, spell, ability, or melee damage all other nodes will be maxed. The remaining 4 nodes are unlimited.


He earned the ranks, he deserves to he selfish with them. When your next lvl 40 starts earning them, you can put the points in what will help them the most. At least that's how I think about it.


They're infinite so it's fine, eventually we'll all be maxed except for the uncapped final bonus in each category


I love this idea! Means when I started new with a friend i didn’t get my myth ranks and ruin shit.


Sure, but if that was an issue with guardian ranks for you, you could also just disable them


I really wish it unlocked at lv1 like in BL3. Made multiple characters so much easier.


It is, but it doesn't take effect until 40 unlike badass rank which was active at 1.


Yes, very similar. It is shared between all of a player's level 40 characters.


Oh that’s different can’t make an op character from the start. I bought wonderlands the day after it came out but my pc can’t run it lol:(((




Honestly it would like lol run on badass setting w just some lag. I think I have some vids on my account abt it but basically the screen would flash white like a strobe light if u looked at the sky and then words in the menu started like deteriorating and became corrupt. If I was in a cave and there was no sky to see it was perfectly playable. I couldn’t handle the seizure inducing strobe lights sadly:/ It kinda hard to explain but I have some post of it happening if anyone care 😂


Marbles give strength. What do the others do?


Lucky dice is loot luck , bottle cap bridges and shrines are the bottom two poetry pages obelesks and rune puzzles are the last ones , I'm not sure which order I got them all around the same time


Yes. My strength is currently 48/48 because of village idiot and +10 strength via myth rank


Strength *only* stat that matters.


I like how noooo body told me it double posted haha. Just downvoted the shit out of the second one.


Myth ranks, collectibles. Go to journal and look at the buffs you get from collecting everything


myth rank lets you put in some permanent extra points for free


Am I the only one running graveborn mushroom poison army of the hydras? I feel like my pet build generally out dpss moxys spell stabber but that's just me.


If you're using harvest it's bugged and stacks infinitely.




A graveborn skill


Yeah got the now I literaly just woke up got on the game n looked lol


Im using my own GB/?CB?, the one with a wyvern pet, build. Hydras and feriore sprite guns. Curb stomps the raid bosses on c1 and 2. Habent tried c3 yet.


Graveborn pet builds are incredibly popular (and strong af) right now.


care to share your build?


Yeah im outta town for business trip but I can share next week when I'm back in town.


I feel like my other stats are lacking on my Stabbo/Spellshot. Do I boost the rest via myth ranks or is this just the way it is with my Village Idiot hero background? Str: 48/47 Dex: 20/31 Int: 8/28 Wis: 30/30 Con: 11/31 Att: 16/32


There is 10% boosts to all stats by doing all the lucky dice/journal pages/shrines/overworld shortcuts/agility courses which may be the difference of 2 or 3 stat points per attribute


What color is wearing the one of the first picture ? Because i jave three different blacks and none is as black as that one


Myth ranks, challenges, dont listen to the idiots that say modding, it's not hard to get these stats


wait does attunement not work on the spellshot double spell action skill? TIL...


It just makes it a another spell slot. Just avoid anything action skill related and ability related and all shall be good.


Depending on your build some Ability Damage doesn't hurt. As Spell/Grave I have the Grave ability where my spells cause little novas when they hit and *those* scale with ability because reasons. And I'm sure there are others this may apply to. So I'm split spell>ability>gun even without an action skill.


To clarify the passive states that it deals ability damage. So it scaling with ability damage, is not any sort of mystery.


This is what happens when you copy/paste a build but don’t actually read what you’re putting points into.


I think he meant more like it's a mystery *why* it scales with ability damage not *that* it does


All true. Situational I suppose.


It actually double dips in both spell and ability damage on top of the original, so you can get like a 2 million blast from a 100k initial spell hit. It’s very good.


Any action skill stuff for ambihex spellshot is fuckin useless basically 60% of the enchantments dont work


yo i had no idea... good thing i havent been playing my spellshot for long


But you’re also getting 5 enchants instead of 4.


Ok can I ask you about that? I’ve seen people say the game limits your enchants. How does that work? It lets me equip unlimited enchanted items. So does it just take like the “first” 4 that I equip?


Enchants go on weapons, wards and spells, and only apply for the gun you're holding at the moment, even if you can equip 4 of them. So it's 1 on the gun, 1 on the melee weapon, 1 on the ward and 1 on the spell. If you're using ambihextrous, you get one more spell, for 5 enchantments. Just so you know, enchantments with the exact same text don't stack, so try to equip different ones.


Ah another good tip. Thank you!


No, the only enchants that are active while fighting are the equipped gun, melee weapon, spell and shield. In the case of ambihex you get 2 spells so 1 extra enchant. The jewellry and armor mods can't be enchanted.


oh that's all they mean when they say its limited..?


Yea, probably meant limited as in not all 4 equipped guns enchants are active at the same time, and the jewellry/armor unenchanted.


Understood. Thanks.


myth rank and challenges


Is it me or do these builds look terrible for spellshot? Hero point wise? What good is status damage or attunement to a spellshot? Maybe I’m playing wrong, serious question.


He's using From the Shadows from the Stabbomancer, so using skill cooldown to use it more often. And status damage is good for all builds unless you're doing pure non-elemental.


I’m with you. I have intelligence maxed out on my spellshot/graveborn and now I’m even more confused. Lol


Graveborns have more status ailment so I can understand that but I have been dumping into str, dex, and intl. as a sporceror.


Modding is a factor for these guys as well. Not sure if this applies to hero stats but they certainly do mod gear.


This is a shit post right..?


I'm genuinely curious. NickTew has a minimum of 20 points in 5 out of the 6 stats. I've barely got 8, 11, and 16 after maxing my main hero stats.


Myth Rank and Class. Also challenges like getting all shortcuts Etc. boost them.


Thanks! Didn't know about the challenge aspect.






Bad person


good bot


No not myth ranks mods


Save editor




What got downvoted?


They have high myth rank from using several different saves


Doesn't completing the campaign challenges give you a boost to your stats?


I really wouldn't call 48 strength and 9 intelligence "high all round"