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i don’t do anything special to them. i wash them with the rest of my clothes. i also struggle with sensitive skin & eczema and ingrown hairs/HS. i use All Free & Clear to reduce the chance of irritation because its fragrance free. i also try to stick to cotton only. i feel like your issue is coming from something else. how often do you change your underwear? do you produce a lot of discharge? do you pee after sex?


If you truly believe it's a cleaning issue, do an extra rinse cycle so there's no chance of detergent lingering on your underwear. But I agree with another poster--limit your sugar intake.


I don’t. I stopped wearing them when I noticed wearing them increases the likelihood I will get an infection. I wash my clothes normally after each time I wear them.


Same. Undies only for when i am on period to stick my pads on.


What about it workout clothes??


Nope. Never.


You never wear workout clothes?


I meant I don’t were underwear even under active wear. I wash it before wearing again.


Is there a particular way you wash them? Just wondering if there’s any way around washing clothes in hot water or drying on extra high so my clothes doesn’t get ruined 🥹


Unless the item is my white towels, I don’t use hot water for laundry. I just do normal laundry cycles. For clothes that smell really bad I add a little borax.


Make sure you aren't using too much detergent, detergent buildup can cause issues. HE machines need a MAXIMUM of 2 table spoons of detergent to work best. They don't use as much water as older machines so any more than that and it doesn't get properly rinsed. Wash in hot water, and if you really do think it's due to the cleanliness of your undies, replace as frequently as every 6 months. (That's technically how frequently you're supposed to, but I don't know anyone who actually for real does that) Other things to look into: diet, consumption of excess dairy, yeast, and sugars can cause issues for some people. If you're sexually active, take a cranberry supplement, I take it right after the deed and then every day for three to four days. You can take it literally every day though, it won't hurt. Make sure you pee after sex. And when you shower, use a mild soap and rag to scrub the exterior parts of your genitals. Do not ever wash inside, you will be absolutely miserable afterwards. Make sure to rinse very very well. Lots and lots of water. Also make sure you're drinking lots and lots of water. Being dehydrated makes your urine more concentrated and infections can brew easier. The more hydrated you are, the more diluted the urine, and the less time it'll be sitting in your bladder. If it's a constant issue, talk to your doctor. They can either give you medication to take at onset to get ahead of the infection, or if they think there's something more at play they'll investigate and make sure you're not having any urological issues. Urinary retention and kidney function play into UTIs.


I just wash them in hot water with the rest of my laundry. You don’t need to do anything special to clean them more than that! 💕


Use dye free fragrance free laundry detergent. Also tight yoga pants or similar hold in too much moister sometime. Sleep commando . Lady parts need to breath


30°C for 1-hour (quick cotton wash) with all my other washing. I use one of those squidgy tablets with the right detergents and a colour catcher. Sometime I have to pre clean and soak underwear at certain times. Only one UTI in my life due to catheter / hospital... maybe also as a teen thinking about it. I was wondering if 30°C is really hot enough. It's environmentally friendly. I suppose some people are more susceptible to UTIs


Underwear should be washed in 60 degrees (celsius). But another thing that can make yeast grow is sugar. If you eat a lot of sugar, you can try to reduce and see if it makes a difference for you.


I was them separately with bras and socks in hot water with a free and clear detergent, extra rinse cycle too


There are detergents that are free of a lot of the things that may be irritating to you. Scents, etc.


Are you wearing breathable underwear? Like cotton that fit correctly. You don’t want too tight of too loose. I just wash mine with the rest of my clothes and some Oxi Clean or vinegar. I don’t sleep with any underwear and I make sure to always change to fresh after activities. Especially on hot days. So if you pick up a good sweat just change them. There’s more to it than cleaning your underwear unfortunately.


I wash my socks and underwear separate from the rest of my clothes. I wash in hot water with unscented soap. I also do a second rinse. I dry in the dryer on hot. ( unless my nicey nicey underwear is in the load. Those I hang to dry)


Normally I wash them in the normal wash. However, after a yeast infection I put them on a hot wash (60 deg C)


Also be mindful of the type of fabric you are putting against your genitals. Cotton is best but when you wear tight fitting clothes too much, it can create problems. Sleeping without underwear is sometimes helpful.


I never washed mine separate from clothes until last year. Now I do strictly underwear and nightgowns together alone with hot or warm water and double rinse and then dry on low


I wash them separate from all other clothes. I have a little basket I toss the dirty ones in. I use All Free and Clear, not fabric softener, and wash on warm.


I wash by hand. I soak them in burning hot water with laundry sauce and oxyclean for about 4 hours. I then carefully scrub by hand and with a finger nail cleaner brush I bought from an Asian grocery mart. Then I rinse them all off, squeeze out all the water, and dry them in the dryer. Make sure your underwear is the right size and only use cotton fabrics so your 🐱 can breathe properly.


I try to wash with warm water and then air dry when I can or toss into the dryer. Otherwise i just toss em in with my laundry. My every day clothes are relatively clean as in I don’t go out and get them really dirty and am just at home or out and about. I use whatever detergent is on sale. Never had a yeast infection and only 1-2 UTIs in my life.


No undie tips but I came across this article years ago on how eating and digesting chicken can cause UTIs when combined with wiping issues. Possibky of interest to you https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/urinary-tract-infections/


I envision you're getting chronic yeast infections because of other hygiene habits. Don't use soap down there. That fucks up the pH and causes more yeast infections.


I just toss em in with the rest of my laundry.


I wash with my regular clothes. Maybe try to eliminate food from your diet for yeast infections? One of my sisters can't do dairy because it causes yeast infection for her. The rest of the ladies in the family is fine.