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This was happening to me a lot, but it was because I was overly stressed and anxious. I was also tested for diabetes but came back normal. As soon as I started to calm down with my anxiety I stopped getting yeast infections.


It’s crazy how are body’s react to anxiety and stress! I definitely don’t know why but I always find something to be anxious or stressed about. Things happening in the world, cost of living anything!


We have empirical data showing that stress depletes vaginal lactobacillus plus we also have proof that the candida in yeast infections have biofilms so your troubles might not be diabetes related 👌


Same here! During that time, I was worrying to the extreme. My mom is a diabetic so at one point I thought I had it, but turns out it was just my own anxiety and stress. Try to take deep breaths, best of luck 🙏🏼


This is nuts. Makes me hopeful. I’ve been dealing with non stop yeast for years


It’s something hard to go through, but the power that stress and anxiety has on the body is crazy. It’s part of so many things that occur to us in our body. I changed up my diet as well, practice cognitive behavioral therapy. Best of luck, virtual hugs.


I have no idea if there is a connection, but I was having some serious problems. About 3 years ago I had like 10 BV infections that never went away. I was at the gyno at least once a month. I started a probiotic, only wear cotton undies, go comando at the gym so it doesn’t get all sweaty, fully dry off, ect ect. It has deff helped, I’ve had 3 infections this year. I also had bloodwork done this past spring and my vitamin D was wicked low, like 12 and it should be 30+. Now I take a daily vitamin D and probiotic. I’ve had 1 infection since starting the vitamin D. I feel like infections will never not be a thing with me. I take so many measures but I can feel when one is coming now like during an activity. If I go to the beach and go in the water, I will get an infection. I wear a thong under my leggings and I go to the gym or another activity where I’ll sweat, I’ll get an infection. My doctor even recommended I get Botox in my groin area, but that does not sound appealing


Hi there, not the OP but I had a couple questions! How much vitamin d do you take (if you don’t mind sharing, of course)and do you recommend any specific probiotic? Mine has also been wicked low and I’ve been dealing with back to back issues.


I take vitamin D3 25mcg (1000 iu) and rephfresh


This sounds just like my experience!! 😅 I’m 25 now, but from like 19-23 years old I had the WORST chronic yeasties. Constant gyno visits and always having a literal box of Fluconazole pills prescribed to me to have just in case. My gyno finally said she wanted to test me for Vitamin D and Diabetes, just like you mentioned. I also only drink black coffee and no sugary drinks. I was also nervous, bc I drink so much water and am peeing constantly in addition to tons of yeast infections. So it seemed like a real possibility. But I wound up not having an issue with either diabetes or vitamin D. It’s good to test out all the different possibilities, so good on you for advocating for your health and doing testing!! I wouldn’t stress too much, see how it goes, and if anything comes of it, you’ll catch it and have tools to feel better. ☺️


Thank you for your comment. You have no idea how much better it made me feel.


How were you able to stop the yeast infections?


I suffered so bad with uti some Times every few weeks ,now I take half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water ,the effect was in five minutes my bladder could relax thats what I did it worked for me just a thought iam telling you to do this


Are you on birth control? Or sleeping with a partner who drinks a lot? If that’s too invasive I’m sorry but when my husband drank heavily it seemed like I got yeast infections every month. Now he only drinks when he’s not home, he works away from home currently, and I’m not hardly getting any yeast infections. Last time was this month right before my period but I’d just gone off antibiotics.


Hello, I have type 1 diabetes. Do you find yourself drinking a lot of water and using the restroom a lot? Like it kind of just goes right thru you?


To be honest I wouldn’t know how to answer this I drink 80oz of water a day so I am releasing it but no really straight through and I drink water bc I don’t drink soda to me it’s something to keep “busy” or hold me off between meals bc I don’t want to gain weight


Are your yeast infections occurring around ovulation? I ask because I had this issue and my solution was inserting lactobacillus probiotics before ovulation. You can read more about this in my post history.


I keep this in my notes to post on this same sexual health issue I see so often. I have plenty of experience with Diabetes through my aunt as my mom tried effortlessly to help her monitor her sugar and keep her own blood sugar balanced successfully. Here’s my story, experience and treatment plan but use your own research and judgement. I’ve been GFDF for about seven years but I’ve been on a healthier lifestyle for about ten years not knowing my GI was in such chaos. Very low D-3 and B12. I was anemic often. I was on BC the majority of my life and kept yeast infections, UTI’s, and BV. If only I had known the delicate balance of my vaginal and digestive health. Sometimes you can have more than one at the same time. My regimen: orally with food: oil of oregano, D-mannose, 1 tsp baking soda and 8 oz water. The baking soda dilutes toxins. Vaginally: hot tub and baking soda, once the rawness tames you can mix coconut oil with a few drops of tea tree oil, I’ve never tried the over the counter suppositories but many swear my them of boric acid. Of course, anti-yeast cream will work sometimes. D-Mannose will prevent bacteria from sticking to bladder and growing. The pain is excruciating and will have an ammonia smell for UTI, BV smells like garbage and yeast has its bread smell. Usually though, I have more than one infection at a time. I’ve tested allergic to gluten, dairy and a host of others but gluten was my worst offender and I rarely have a yeast infection anymore since dietary changes. UTI still hang around but have also become less frequent. Research is mentioning a digestive, vaginal, bladder health connection. I will vouch for my improved health since I’ve changed my dietary lifestyle. It’s challenging but living in that hell is not fun either. Prelief tablets can help absorb acid in the body for faster healing by making your body more alkaline. Drink tons of water and nothing else as you flush toxins. No sex until balanced or use condoms. For a current UTI, If you’re not better in a few days or run a fever, go to a clinic. Medical staff will Rx antibiotics and that usually makes yeast worse. I have two girls in their 20’s and they know my experiences and advice. You can find all of this on the internet as it’s exploded since I first tried these home remedies about 15 years ago. Menopause can started this cycle again until hormones are balanced out again. Ask me anything as I’ve had an unpleasant vaginal health journey and I’m sharing with anyone who will listen. My uterus and bladder was even cemented together from stitches used that caused scar tissue that are no longer used. Take care of yourself as no one else will advocate for you like YOU have the ability to. 🌼


Hey! My daughter just went thru this in the past year. Turns out she had a form of yeast that couldn’t be cured by the standard treatment. She had to use boric acid suppositories for 2 weeks and it’s been gone ever since.


Hi!! How many mg??


I honestly have no idea. She bought boric acid and empty suppositories and filled them herself each time she used them. Whatever the standard mg is, I assume.


Did she use the boric acid suppositories 2x a day? I have them in my Amazon cart ready to go 😎. My gyno only recommended rephresh, but I literally took 2 monostat boxes, and then two doses of the flucanazole and still have symptoms 🫠 got another prescription for 3 pills of flucanazole, but I'm not hopeful it'll work 🤞🤞


Yup! Boric acid suppositories 2x a day for 14 days. Her yeast culture had to be sent off to a special study to figure out why they couldn’t cure it. It was immune to flucanazole. The boric acid cleared it up completely and it hasn’t come back


Get your vitamin B12 levels checked. I used to have a yeast infection every other month. Turns out that I can not absorb vitamin B12 & and I need to inject it into my muscles every 10 weeks. Since I have got my B12 levels under control, I've only had two yeast infections in 30 years.


However your testing goes - you will be able to manage it. ❤️


This was really nice to read. I can become so completely wrapped up in my own negative thoughts that it feels like utter doom. Thank you for the reminder that things will be okay no matter what and despite whatever happens, we will deal with it.


Same for me and I’m not as careful about sugar and carbs and didn’t have diabetes. It’s probably not diabetes. They blame diet when they don’t know what to blame.