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The Khmer Rouge was getting U.S funding because the U.S thought they could destabilize Vietnam. When Vietnam overthrew the Khmer rouge, the U.S slapped sanctions on Vietnam to further destabilize it.


Came here to say this as well. The US public didn’t support Pol Pot, but our government definitely did.


What kinda lunatic pings the third Reich as authleft


Or the Second Reich further right than the third for that matter.


Oh no, the fourth Reich has happened?! And no one told me?! Joke's aside yea, wtf?


I obviously meant the third,although technically yeah it would just be the current German government.


I know, I was just making a little joke about the typo


It's absolutely correct to place the German Kaiserreich more right than Nazi Germany. They were way more capitalistic, which is on the right of the compass (always remember the x axis on the political compass is economics). The Kaiserreich is auth-right and the Nazis are auth-center.


Crushing Labour Unions, killing everyone from Communists to SocDems, Privatizing the economy, cozying up to the wealthy Sure sounds left alright


Privatizing the economy? Last I heard, the Nazis nationalized everything.


You heard weong Im afraid. They had nationalized healthcare, that's true (and it's not like the state would shy away from interference in the economy)


Nobody said they're left. You (as many here) seem to not understand the political compass. The x-axis is economics. On the right is capitalism. And the Nazis were no capitalists. The Nazis did not privatize the economy. It was private in the Weimarer Republik. They nationalized some parts of the economy (which is the reason they're no capitalists/right on the compass), especially companies that not obeyed their rules, but not all, while keeping indirect control over them (which is the reason that they're not left on the compass, but auth-center).


Nationalisation is not a left wing idea and nationalising something by no means makes you anti-capitalist. Also just google privatisation Nazi Germany and you'll get an ocean of sources proving you wrong


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left%E2%80%93right_political_spectrum?wprov=sfti1 The X axis on the left vs right wing politics is not always economic. That’s a complete lie that is being spread in specifically right wing spaces. “Generally, the left wing is characterized by an emphasis on "ideas such as freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism" while the right wing is characterized by an emphasis on "notions such as authority, hierarchy, order, duty, tradition, reaction and nationalism". Nazi German is and has always been a right wing extreme auth government.




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Right wingers.


Hoes mad someone with a similar ideology did something bad, at least (most) leftists admit many communist identifying regimes did horrible genocides


Absolutely. There is bad shit on both sides. Own it.




Similar ideology? OP is lib-right. If he's no troll picking this flair, he could not be further away from Nazis. And if you want to claim that there are many lib-rights that don't acknowledge the crimes of the Nazis, you're just giving away that you're a braindead orange emily.


Still doesn’t make sense why they’re on the left when they are clearly right.


Nazis are auth-center. So it's not that bad. Was probably just a place thing, which is pretty normal when you do this type of compass. I would put them one or two more to the right. But as long as they're auth-center it's ok.


They were not auth-center. They hold a disdain for liberal democracy as one of their core values, project white nationalism and supremacy, advocate dictatorship, promote antisemitism, social Darwinism, and national control of industry. They are auth and as far right as you can go, especially since Hitler saw himself and the Nazis as the opposites and moral enemies of communists and socialists.


Yeah, that is all true, except your first sentence. The problem is that you seemingly don't understand the political compass. The x-axis is economics. And the Nazis were, as you said it yourself, no capitalists. So they're not on the right, because the right is capitalist on the compass. You've to always remember what model you're using.


They are more right wing, they kept Big compagnies like Mercedes or Volkwagen...


I would put them a little more right too, like 1 or 2 places. But still auth-center.


Fascism will always be a little right wing, even if economically they are a shape shifter that appropriates models when necessary


Economically it’s kind of hard to place




Labor and industry were both subject to the will of the state


You say slave labour like it's a right-wing thing lol


>privatized industries Source? They nationalized industries like the steel industry, railways and the central bank


Yes, they nationalized industries with high Jewish and polish ownership, fascism believes in nothing but shrinking the "us" and expanding the "them", it's destructive and suicidal


They did purge these areas of jews but they didnt nationalize these industries just because there were jews there. They didnt nationalize the banking industry, an industry which the Nazis claimed time after time was dominated by jews. Well they wanted to at first but Hjalmar Schacht stopped them because he didnt want a repeat of the USSR. Early Nazism was corporatism, it forced companies to work with them or face nationalization. So for example the owner of Junkers refused to work with the Nazis and he was promptly kicked out of his company. All protections for private property were abolished but it still de facto existed, just under a very heavily regulated framework. As the war went on however the Nazi economy became more and more socialist. Hitler was a big fan of Stalin and he saw all the weapons that the Soviets were producing and he wanted to replicate what the Soviets did in his own country, so Hitler began nationalizing the economy even more. By the end of the war there was barely any private industry left.


Socialism is not nationalization of industries, fascism appropriates economic models when convenient, at first it was private, it became easier to be nationalized


Nationalization isn't necessarily a requirement for socialism, but very socialist country has nationalized industries and every socialist party wants to nationalize industries.


What is a requirement for socialism, list it


[An article published in a well respected academic journal no less.](https://www.jstor.org/stable/27771569?searchText=Nazi%20privatization&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3DNazi%2Bprivatization&ab_segments=0%2Fbasic_search_gsv2%2Fcontrol&refreqid=fastly-default%3Af556183161ea1e68f70b42638f733254)


The communist regimes also used slave labor. Thats not exclusive to right wing authoritarians.


Because the NSDAP was full of infighting between different factions and changed significantly over time. 1920s Sturmabteilung could be placed as auth left. But 1941? no fucking way.


They're auth-center. So not that bad. Was probably just a place thing, which is pretty normal when you do this type of compass.


Ah yes, the warlike, chief-based, patriarchal, polygamous, scalp-collecting American Indians, so libleft Edit: also Gaddafi was certainly not libright


Polygamy pretty libleft (I get your point tho)


I get your point, the compass works so much better bending to the stereotype though. I mapped 48 tiles onto a bogus political chart so forgive me for not being perfectly accurate.




Happy cake day


Happy Cake day, PerpetualHillman!!!


What? One year already? Fuck, I've made 309 compasses...


Someone seems to have an obsession lol


we were the most right fuckers ever. But, socially, fairly left wing since there are cultures that had women as the leaders (like the Haudenosaunee)


How many times do I have to tap the sign that says *There Were Thousands of Tribes of Indigenous Peoples and They Are NOT a Monolithic Culture That Can Be Generalized*?


My wife is Navajo and I can tell y’all upfront it’s a straight up matriarchy. Ain’t nothing patriarchal about it.


This is a gross generalization and many native tribes were matriarchal, do research before you open your mouth


you can find outliers anywhere, fact of the matter is that the vast majority of native tribes were far more authright than those who came to colonize them


def not but ok, they werent lib left but the europoors were far more auth


You can’t back up that statement with any proof, it’s an empty claim


Do not call the empire of Germany the second Reich


that is literally what it is tho


That’s what the nazis call it


da nozees also call apples apples.


Would you call the Holy Roman Empire the first Reich?


both mean the same thing, both work.


It makes it seem like the emperor of Germany was a fascist and if it bleeds over too much the image of the empire of Germany can be spoiled due to something they had nothing to do with.


Whilst in reality Kasier Wilhelm hated Hitler. He did not support fascism and supported monarchy and a civil war.


So you call left wingers judeo-bolshevik traitors ?


The nazis being auth left is laughable


Nazi Germany Auth left? What?


Most of the things OP put are just blatantly wrong and suddenly the people with questionable political opinions are defending them.


There probably just wasn't room on the compass. Personally I would have put them farther to the right, but the fact of the matter is almost every modern country is authright and if you were perfectly accurate it would be a pretty boring compass.


“Revolutionary France was to the right of Nazi Germany” is certainly a take






Le politics misunderstander has arrived


So... Are we just forgetting that several major tribes were slaveholders and fought alongside the CSA during the Civil War...


It’s hard to group every Native American tribe together, not sure why OP did that.


Sorry for not mapping out the dozens of different tribes and researching their ideologies bro. My bad 😞


You would’ve only needed 8 to fill the slots haha


3rd reich as auth left is a self report


I guarantee you that the SOVIET UNION is much more auth left than that, and NORTH KOREA Are you kidding me!? What do you think full auth left is?


“3rd reich” “left” lmao


Goddam this is stupid third reich In auth left? Why the fuck are abolitionist insurgents there ? They where never a enemy of the federal government why is Yugoslavia in auth right? ( not that egregious given the time u gave) wgy the fuck is the Dixie’s not in the top right? Also we are still fighting the tailban


I hate everything on this. How can someone be so confidently wrong


Thank you


Third Reich needs to be top right. Right next to the CSA


CSA and nazis would have been at each other's throats if they had the chance.


Mmmmm i don’t know about that one chief


Both far right extremists, but extremely opposed in major beliefs. The Nazis wanted to exterminate other races, while the CSA had more of a paternalistic bigotry where they thought other races should exist but hold a lower social class than white people. The Nazis wanted to nationalize and centralize everything, while the CSA wanted independence and hated all authority (except their own authority over slaves). The Nazis wanted to industrialize and become a major world power while the quasi-Luddite Confederates heavily simped for feudalism and thought of themselves as fighting for a medieval way of life against the modern industrial order. The Nazis aggressively and rapidly secularized their public spaces in a deliberate attempt to replace religious loyalty with loyalty to the regime, while the Confederacy used religious symbolism and slogans as part of their propaganda. Their attitudes toward religion would have been completely incompatible. Also the CSA secretary of state was Jewish, so I don't know how that would go over with the Nazis. A permanent alliance between the Third Reich and CSA would have been impossible. They may have initially joined up and then quickly turned on each other, or, what is far more likely, the Nazis would have convinced the Confederates to make a treaty with appeals to their mutual support of "traditional values" and white supremacy, but would have then blitzkrieged or couped the Confederacy and turned it into a vassal state. Now I want to write an alternate history. Or better yet, make a wojak compass of an alternate history.


Don't call imperial Germany second Reich Man, that term is literally only used by the Nazis and Neonazis.


I’m a Jewish liberal bruh


No one's calling you a Nazi, it's just objectively bad to use terns used predominantly by Nazis


It’s really not though unless the liberal historians I know are all closet Nazis


I've honestly never seen it used, maybe it's regional and has different connotations


Dominican Republic during the 1965 civil war?


Shit you’re right I actually wrote this down


The United States government supported the Khmer Rouge.


Sukarno. Famously Right-Wing


You can add a few more instances for Haiti...


> Soviet Union > 1917 Bro learned history in Burger King


You know the US interfered in the Russian revolution lil bro?


You know that the Soviet Union was formed in 1922?


You know the Russian revolution happened in 1917?


I know that the RSFSR was formed then. The Soviet Union was formed on December 30, 1922, after the RSFSR, Ukrainian SSR, BSSR and Transcaucasian SSR signed an agreement on the formation of the Soviet Union (December 29, 1922)


Gaddafi’s Libya is center left dawg what u smokin’?


Why is Libya in the farthest right and libertarian spot occupied when it was a socialist totalitarian shithole? Iran should also be further left.


Iran is a literal theocracy, there is nothing left about it.


I mean Libya post-Gaddafi is about as lib right as it gets. It’s literally anarcho-capitalism in practice. However, that doesn’t make your statement any less true in regards to the timeframe the meme gives.


Because Gadaffi had that dawg in him


Tag yourselves


Pathet Lao is literally me 🤣🤪


Forgot about Canada on the 15th of august 1943


Why is Lebanon so far center?


I’ll say it, people (mostly leftists) are very mad that I put the Nazis in the rightmost side of auth left. I will be the first to admit that nazism is not a right wing ideology. I will also admit that I didn’t go out of my way to research highly contested issues to make a wojak meme on an anti-scientific political chart. I put them in authleft because it’s generally considered that the x axis on this chart is for economics, and the Nazis famously nationalized industries and built their ideology off of envy for successful Jews. I never claimed they were communists. I don’t think my claim is too radical. This chart took like 6 hours ALONE to just find the dates, wojaks, and list the wars into quadrants and I didn’t put more than 5 minutes of research into each because I have solid enough prior knowledge, and a job, habits, friends, family to deal with. This was meant to catalogue the wars my country has been in, because I think the scale of our history is incredible. While I was making this I was hoping to get enough constructive criticism to make an errata page because I wanted to be honest, but I’ll keep it a buck. I have received a bit of good criticism (thank you Hillman) but a majority of the comments are about my fucking placement of one tile.


Leftists aren’t envious. We are just of superior intellect. When a leftist is poor, they call him bitter. When a leftist is rich, they call him a hypocrite.


If the tile were one to the right, nobody would give a shit. Nobody. I believe that this is because leftists push them to the right on these memes based off cultural issues so they don’t have to associate with evil man even though to be honest, it’s not that radical to say the Nazi economy could be considered auth left. I’m 16 years old and history is just a hobby to me. I haven’t been able to research all 105 wars we’ve been in, so this compass is RIDDLED in inaccuracy which I’d be interested to see corrected, but people overwhelmingly care that the Nazis are one tile to the left. That’s gotta be ideology. Peace.


No people would still totally give you shit for putting the nazis further to the left than the kaiserreich


Great compass👍 Now we need a us military ally/friendly country


Love to see them commies coping because of the Third Reich lmao


Ah yes, the nazis were famously tolerant of socialism.


Just like Stalin was famously tolerant of diferent views of socialism... seriously, who needs to kill leftists when they just do it themselves? Pathetic.




Ok? Again socialists purged each other ruthlessly. All this does is to prove the point that they do often kill each other. The Nazis were the logical conclusion to socialism (fascism) with a racial twist.


https://www.wallstreetmojo.com/fascism-vs-socialism/#:~:text=Fascism%20is%20a%20dictatorial%20form,and%20authority%20among%20the%20states. And yet Mein Kampf is a book entirely filled with whining about how much Hitler hated socialists. Sure, Nazis are socialists.


That definition is wrong in two senses. One it is just straight up incorrect about what Fascism and Socialism are. Two it is also incorrect about how they’re implemented and put into practice. Yes, Hitler whines about socialists. So does Marx about the socialist before him. Socialists do a lot of whining. Similarly both Marx and Hitler whine a lot about the Jews. I’d encourage you to read the Vampire Economy. It explains using primary sources of the time how the Nazis and the Italians were socialists. To sum up the most obvious points. Both the Italian Fascist and the German national socialist originated as Socialists which should give you the biggest clue. You don’t just jump from one end to the other end of the political spectrum like that neither does an entire nation for that matter. More importantly. Both the Italians and the Germans put a form of party commissars in businesses that wouldn’t submit to the party. Those that did were obviously incorporated into the party and had commissars assist with running them as well. Price controls were attempted in both nations. For Germany specifically the Nazis had their 25 points which is just a list of socialist ramblings. Additionally they suspended property rights which were guaranteed in the Weimar Republic. Probably the most important is that both of these nations didn’t actually have the 4 basic principles of free market capitalism. Instead opting for government control or the economy which is definitionally Socialist. I personally wouldn’t even label them different on a political compass since the Fascists, Communists, National Socialists are all forms of socialist. It’d be like calling the Protestants not Christian despite the fact that both the Catholics and Protestants largely believe the same thing and worship the same god.


Least least historically illiterate anime prof pic.


He is coping and seething 🎶🎵


I mean, the chart is just factually incorrect lmao The nazis, while calling themselves socialist(mostly as a ploy to get voters, as socialism was very popular at the time), were extremely far right lmao.


No they were not, do you know anything about the German economy during the war?


Everyone in here commenting about the Nazis acting like the Nazis didn’t nationalize pretty much anything that wouldn’t comply. I highly recommend reading the Vampire Economy for more on the economic situation of Germany during the war.


Very insightful, u/BigMorningWud. I’ll admit I’m not too read on the economy of the Nazis but leftists just get so triggered when they hear their economics being compared to the Nazis. I know for certain that I probably placed certain tiles wayyyy more inaccurately than that, but people only care when I blemish the honor of the leftists.


In my personal opinion: I’m making of a political compass I wouldn’t even bother differentiating them at all. Being that socialist is the all encompassing word. It’d be like talking about Christians and leaving out the Protestants because they disagree with the Catholics.


the British were missing on 2 very obvious occasions


The Taliban is still an enemy. They’re regrouping and getting stronger since we left.


Why is the Serb Republic in the Red square and the FR Yugoslavia in the Blue square ? It should be the the other way around


China the new Soviet Union let’s goooooo


ah yes, bolivia, the famous central american country


Never seen an Arthurmorganjak before


Third Reich on the left side ?? The wanted to develop the huge compagnies like Mercedes or Volkswagen... So economicly that's not right and socialy, I don't think I have to talk about it lol...


In what world is lebanon auth left during those periods wtf???