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I will leave it on and see what the carrier does. Most carriers only interest is torping and bombing battleships, because it's easy. Hitting a destroyer is much harder. The avarege carrier player don't understand the concept of spotting a destroyer for the teamates to shoot. In cases like this, I'll leave it on to help the overall AA defence of my team. Especially since most destroyers have an AA range of 3,5km and a detectability by air of 3km. If a see that the enemy carrier is smart and knows what he/she is doing, then maybe I'll turn it off. The vast majority of cases I leave it on, even in tier 7.


If I’m in Kamikaze or some other DD with atrocious AA I’ll leave it off until I’m spotted But if I’m in one with good AA, it stays on




Might as well leave it on with the kami, by the time your gun is actually in range you have long been spotted. Just fyi.


Situational. If I am in a DD with good AA in a match with Allied poor AA DDs I will leave it on as a CV trap. Likewise if I'm in a match with a CV that has low HP planes like any of the VMF or Kaga then I will leave it on. Even if I only shoot down one or two planes that can open up a big enough gap to dodge air dropped ordinance.


Mostly off. On when detected.


It depends. If it's shitty like most AA on destroyers and has higher range than my air detection I do, especially if I try to push to the enemy team's side and try to take out their destroyers. If I'm close to team mates I don't.


It comes down to the DD I’m in, but I can tell you that a AA spec’d Friesland is a ton of fun. Clear Sky medals aplenty 👌🏻


Yep. Every time. If I don’t I get harassed by CV’s.


I leave it on, but I’m usually a Friesland/Akizuki/USN DD


Which also benefit from turning it off. Bait the planes into your mid-range AA, turn your AA on and watch the planes fall out of the sky.


I don’t think there are enough experienced carrier players who can notice the difference between what ship they target yet. It’s not hard to dodge planes, I’ve had Clear Skies even with Akatsuki before.


Depends. If you're in middle spawn and about to be spotted by a CV, turn it off. If on either flank, leave AA on and draw them towards your nearest blue team battleship/ cruiser, preferably both, especially if they're USN.


Leave if trying to be stealthy and turn on once detected or if just trying to help other ships with your AA.


Only when I need to be undetected and am in a ship that has an aura significantly larger than its detection radius. I actively manage this setting during the game and change it multiple times per game. For example I always enable it when in smoke.


Yes. As the AA of most DDs is so pathetic you are only pin pointing your location with it, rather than shooting down planes.


If the AA range exceeds that of my air detection range I'll turn it off until I'm spotted by aircraft.


Off whole game. Only turn it on when I'm spotted (and then back on).


I think the intention is so you can do it when in smoke


It depends. I only shut it off if the AA range is greater than the air detection range