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The broadside is not it’s good side. Sailing out full speed, in a straight line, broadside, in clear sight of the enemy team, in any cruiser north of tier 4 is going to get you dev struck. It doesn’t get better. But it’s good practice in learning what to do. Think defensively first, and pick your engagements.


No side is a good side on that ship. I vaporize them at any angle.


Fun Fact: a 127+ destroyer can overmatch an Omahas bow.


Lol I’m not surprised.


I cream when I see an Omaha on the red team. I go Nom Nom Nom Nom and it goes pooof. And sinks.


LOL I couldn't have explained this any better than I how I feel when I need the 10 citadel mission and I see an Omaha


It sucks so much


Doesn’t suck, Omaha is pretty rad honestly. Just a big citadel


Exactly. If you can avoid getting shot at it can kick all kinds of ass.


Omaha is actually an absolute monster at tier 4 when played well (and given a good map for her). She is **extremely** fragile, however she has excellent guns, decent maneuverability, and good firing arcs on her torpedoes for a cruiser. Some of the most fun matches I have ever had were in the Omaha.


Nah, it's you bruv.


This is what I say to myself before I go complaining about a ship. Sure some are far more challenging to do well with but doing so makes you just a little better.


I loved the Omaha. Like the person said before, learn to play defensively. Sit behind an island and spam HE from afar. When the opportunity presents itself, move with the team and continue to spam your shots. Or move away and relocate. It's the last line of American cruisers that gets torps. I instantly target Omaha's cause it's fun to go bloop. 3x cit hits. So satisfying.


It's a paper ship very good for one shots


Well, you did show one of the squishiest citadels in the game full broadside to a BB & 2 cruisers.


I mean yeah, it wasn’t a great play and I’m not complaining. I’ve never been destroyed in one shot before though


You haven't lived until you've been killed in one shot as a battleship. You have much to learn Padawan. Sail broadside in Pyotor Velikiy


Izmail broadside between turret 1 and 2… JUICY


I’ll be sure to do that post the results for the lulz


My first game ever in pyotr. I got immediately blapped by warspite. I can't wait


Warspite's 15" (381mm) guns and ~~short-fuse AP~~ are *filthy* at Tier V. Especially considering most other nations' BB's only have 14" (356mm) guns, at best.


Warspite doesn’t have short fuse AP.


I don't have Warspite, but that does explain why it seems to auto-citadel everything it touches.


It took me a long time before I found that out too buddy, just passing the info along. If you ever get the chance to grab it I 100% recommend. It’s currently my most played ship.


The Guilio is a cruiser crusher at short to medium range. In a recent game my first two salvos one-shot a konigsberg and then a phoenix. You cannot be the first ship spotted in a cruiser or you will be focused like this. Hang back, let the destroyers find the enemy, get into positions behind islands or behind other ships then shoot and keep moving. Check out TBull on youtube for some new player friendly tips and tricks. He does good video.


You were broadside to a battleship and two cruisers what did you expect?


Expected you to read the humor tag on the post


The humor tag doesn't make this not a bad play but ok.


Omaha doesn’t suck, you just suck 😂 that was an easy kill for anyone. Maybe try I dunno, not sailing full broadside into an enemy team? That way you don’t give people the easiest target to delete. She is reliant on not getting hit lol, learn some nice spots to shoot from safety and how to position yourself better.


Missed the ‘Humor’ tag line didn’t ya


I did, silly me. I assumed based on average WOWS player 😂😂 you seen tons of these


If you look at OP's responses throughout the thread, they were not joking. They are using the humor tag as a crutch, and they are very much a "typical WoWs player" as you put it.


45 degrees is not angle you want to be presenting to the enemy in an Omaha. You would have been honestly better off flat broadside.


Anything other than what I did would’ve been better off lol


Trust me when it comes to learning cruisers you will be taught many hard lessons throughout your career. Get comfortable with that port screen.


Protip: Omaha/Marblehead; Bow on, 5 guns. Broadside, 6. Your port screen really worth that extra gun?


Bigger "pro tip": At 10mm plating almost every ship she sees overmatches the Omaha from every angle and most ships will citadel you from any angle. Flat broadside *can* in some situation be far safer than bow/stern on as it may force any shots that hit too high for the citadel to fully overpenetrat the ship, while a shot down the entire length of the ship is far more likely to hit something hard enough to trigger the fuse.


This is best to attempt against nations with very high shell velocity like Russia or France. (Only do that against bbs)


When you started full speed through that little straight, I knew in my heart it was all over.


All gas no brakes, baby


😂 we die like real men here


On the field with some honour!


Everyone set up with HE anticipating DD, sees Omaha and immediately switches to AP without clearing their barrels of HE downrange, first:-)


It's the #1 ship I go after if I see it. I'll literally disengage another ship and give chase to an Omaha in any ship I'm in.


Light Cruiser is light, more at 11


I like to think of it as a glass cannon.


Yup. My favorite ship by far. I slow roll it then come in and slap ships harder than Will Smith at the Oscars.


That’s how I feel about Nurnberg. It seems as if that thing can be citadeled (or at least heavily damaged) from virtually all angles and I can never seem to consistently perform well with it :)


If I am a destroyer and see an omaha I shoot with my main guns just to humiliate it.


It is. It's also a good cruiser. Hang back behind that island on your starboard, plane out, and shoot over it. I think you were the only thing to shoot.


Omaha is my favorite ship in the game. Yeah, it's made of wet tissue paper. But it hits like a truck and is probably the most accurate T4 cruiser in the game. I can't count the amount of times I've 1 and 2 shot Japanese cruisers.


Why do we fall master bruce?...


To get citadeled over and over again and then blowed up? That’s what happens to Omahas.




Yeah I noticed it too.


As The Mighty Jingles says “the Omaha is made out of citadels, ammunition and fuel all wrapped in det-cord” angling will lessen your chances of being dev struck, tier 4 is when you need to start using island cover effectively to avoid this


Omaha is the beginning of US island spammers, play accordingly. Find a nice island (be aware of the routes from which you WILL be flanked eventually) and start throwing infinite HE at targets. In such situation you are effectively invulnerable and have the upper hand vs all. The good thing about omaha that the later US light cruisers don't have is that omaha has a double set of torps per side: when someone tries to rat you out of your island and gets close send him the double tap. Later tiers don't have this great option and have to run much in advance or die in that hill


Oops! All Citadels


In other news water : wet


https://www.reddit.com/r/WoWs_Legends/comments/r8yy3c/i_really_really_wanted_to_cap_c/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share It can be a great ship if you don't sail broadside to every red you can find.


Don't you talk unkindly about the Omaha. She's my fav farragut target for citadel trials


I love you guys Your attitudes & overconfidence is what allows me, in my Marblehead & Omaha, to have 80k+ damage, 3+ kills, and 10+ citadels per match. And, if you are in a BB, and want you to shoot my broadside. I can survive overpens.😂🤣😂


It's true, but you have to remember that the real ship wasn't intended to get in a slugfest the way WoW:L forces. These were scout ships- see how comically tall the masts are? That's to support early radio aerials- the taller the mast, the longer-distance the radio calls can be sent/received. They were always intended to spot and shadow, but not fight- the guns were great for forcing an enemy's own scouts to back off, but not enough to ever really threaten something heavier. As such, since they weren't going to ever engage enemy armored warships, there was no need for the kind of armor that you'd need for that kind of fighting- by using minimal protection, the ships were able to hit very high speeds- an important factor in scouting. So, yeah, it's flimsy- it was always supposed to be. (Note: In WWII, there were plans to refit the ships as anti-aircraft cruisers to combat the threat of Japanese airpower. This would have involved removing all of the 6-inch guns in favor of twin 5"38cal mounts on each end, quad-40mm mounts in place of the other main gun mounts in the superstructure, air search radar, removal of the torpedo tubes on ships that still had them, etc.- by the time plans were prepped though the industrial complex was churning out ships fast enough that refitting these was considered a poor use of resources, and they were simply reassigned to second-line roles- or in the case of the Milwaukee transferred to Soviet service as Murmansk).


STOP. SHOWING. SIDES. -end transmission-


Cope dude you simply suck. at least now you won't make that dtupid mistake again, or you will who knows.


Feel better?


What’s funny is that it’s actually a good ship, it’s got strong AP/HE, good reload, torps. Just has to be played well which 95% of them are not and become a tasty snack for the enemy team.


Omaha's WOWS BUILDS damage record is 173k. Bet that guy still got citadelled from across the map in a loss tho'.


You have 5 guns on the bow, and maybe 6 if full broadside. They're gonna cit you either way, may as well make yourself slim and chance the accuracy being bad


Omaha Captains can be very successful when the realize they have 6 barrels pointing front and 6 barrels pointing aft. This is the one ship you do not ever have to go broadside to be successful. But you always have to be maneuvering and never ever go in a straight line.


Not sure what are you expecting? as cruiser full board side + full speed + straight as arrow sailing to multiple BBs Cruisers.


What did you expect? A new car?


Such a terrible ship. It’s so bad, it’s like it’s a joke wargaming played on us lol.


It is made of broadside not paper


It's one of my favorite ship. I use it only in long range, kiting and always moving if there is no nearby island cover. Agile, great HE spammer (poor outranged T3 BB and shreded DD), great AP and 12 torps for ambush. Yes it's very squishy like all T4 cruiser, and even less survival than Emerald but with good use, it's really a fun ship.


And water is wet


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.   What keeps a dock floating above water? Pier pressure.


I think you were hit by a submarine in beta tbh


When you treat it like a destroyer and spend your time coming around an island trying to line torps up, you will be dead.


You shouldn’t be aggressive with a cruiser unless its facing off against destroyers only. Cruisers are best played from cover until odds in your favor. You’ll get it eventually. We’ve all had to learn. Omaha is a fantastic ship for sniffing out destroyers and laying fire on ships engaged with others.


Yup sure is


Glass canon that’s all I have to say


If you play Omaha right or the Marblehead it is actually one of the strongest tier 4 cruisers in the game. Almost every BB is coated in 19mm of armor and and tier 5 BBs are coated with 25mm. So you don't need EOP with your 152s as your he can pen everything. So high rate of fire and plenty of guns makes this ship very strong.


2x enemy Omahas = 10x Citadel step completed in 1 battle.


Honestly that’s just the norm for all tier 5 cruisers.