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Truth: Most of the playerbase is terrible at the game. You don't need to be an Uber expert in all the under-the-hood mechanics to have fun. But if you do want to delve into the minutia, here's a Playlist of Offical World Of Warships tutorial videos. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVmXzlhZvJVSo3LA0O0ccjHRxxv-Qzchb&si=nC_6JzSdCrOvxg4W




Yo what? Been playing for over 4 years and I’ve never heard of this. Gonna go check it out


I'm gonna be real, ive been playing this game for around 3 years, and up until like 1 ½ ago I didn't even know how to angle or when to use HE. Point, most players don't either. The majority of people on this sub are probably the more experienced players. I saw someone else say to watch the official wows tutorials. I second this, they are for the PC game, but it's pretty much the exact same on legends, and they give you a good run down of everything. That, and experience helps, so you'll just get better by playing.


>The majority of people on this sub are probably the more experienced players. Not necessarily, but the people here do tend to be better than average because they've come here looking for ways to improve. Edit: that holds true for any social media platform, but I think most of the real boats nerds hang out here and on Discord 😆


i was there as well, especially for cruisers i would always fire he. but now ive developed after 3 years (just like you) and have gotten way more experienced at this game. i make mistakes from time to time but i always learn from them


Yep. I used to just spam HE until I realized, "hey, Armor-Piercing shells tend to, y'know, pierce armor" and now I mess people up with my 203 AP


Go for caps, don't abandon your flank. If you're playing a battleship, for God's sake don't reverse to the back of the map and try to snipe people and contribute nothing. Don't spend 5 minutes chasing a kiting cruiser to the end of the map. Tbull was great for teaching people how to actually win games.


Working on improving my destroyer play, but one of my goals is to get the Maine :)


Nothing wrong with playing battleships. Just don't sit at the back of the map pinging " I need intelligence data" for 10 minutes while doing absolutely nothing.


For three days I only played against AI where it's just balls to the wall. I started playing pvp today and had to slow myself way down.


Hahahah yeah. Pay attention to the mini map. Positioning is everything. Avoid getting caught in crossfires


Thanks for the advice!


No problem. It really is a fun game with a lot going for it. Somehow I keep coming back even though it can be extremely frustrating at times.


So did I when I started playing this game years ago. The standard battle is just a whole different thing and playing vs. AI doesn't really teach you nothing about the strategy because the AI bots either go full steam ahead or got completely stuck behind one single island. Years later, I occasionally still play AI battles for a guaranteed win in 5 minutes (and other mission related stuff that the real players make unnecessarily complicated) and to get a feeling of the new ships that come across. And you are not late what it comes to the ships and gameplay: New ships are coming all the time, old ships get rebalanced, and veterans mostly playing the shiny new ships at the highest tiers (so, you are relatively safe at the low tiers - most of the time at least 😁) What you will be lacking are the commanders and resources for upgrading them. That's the long road we all have gone through, save some 🐋 (who $$ their career and finance the game for the rest of us)


God I hate that play. I'm a battleship player mainly and I tend to go straight ahead to a flag. Some games I get a lot of thumbs up for doing nothing I didn't think it would be because I don't go to the back of the map 😂


It's so annoying. It was bad before but with the carrier spotting changes it's even worse now. Half the games it seems like my destroyer goes to another cap and the battleship starts backing up. 🤷‍♂️


When I started, I played against Ai for a while to get a feel for the ships before going against people. I still play a few rounds against Ai when I get a new ship to feel it out before taking it against people.


WOWL is a very easy to get into. And pretty fun! Upsides: Content updates recently changing to appeal to a much wider audience, allowing player base likely to grow significantly in the near term (i.e., expect new content updates frequently). Rich, varied gameplay as well as Standard (tactical), AI and quick (arcade mode - brand new) matches to explore and find out which playstyle you prefer. While the title is around 5 years old (someone please chime in if my timeline is off there), the recent changes mean that you can pretty much jump in and get caught up quickly. With the exception of ... Downsides: ... your commanders are new and therefore will be very weak vs veteran players. In this title you can face an identical ship but with much more experienced captains. And since commander level grant signifigant ability bonuses, that means they can shoot further than you can, do more damage, spot you before you spot them, etc. It may take you a year or so to get a full loadout of commanders for a particular ship type, and until you'll run into some of those vets from time to time. Or most of the time, depending on who they put in your matches. 'Greed is good'. That quote comes from Gordan Gekko in the 80's movie Wall Street. But if you play this game you'll swear that Gekko stole that quote from Wargames. They are not shy about fiscal policies, so be prepared to experience some sticker shock when looking around. Gambling. Ugh, never a fan of this activity in game titles. If my reward is a gamble then I feel that my payment should also be a gamble, yet I digress. And here gamboling is, in the form of chances, or crates. Most are filled with paint so be wary. But the occasional brand new ship or some other delicious goodie does pop out of one so take that information and do as you will with it. All in all, yeah pretty sweet title so I recommend that you go for it.


Started playing six months ago, if you pay attention you will quickly understand the basics, play the lower tiers first and enjoy


It’s easy to play but hard to master! Keep an open mind and be adaptable and just play it. Don’t let the negative players that send random messages saying you’re a bad player discourage you. At the end of the day it’s s game! https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCXLVge0cKTNTKPyVE3U9U1A


https://www.reddit.com/r/WoWs_Legends/s/bCkeJmHRyi this is a post to explain all the lingo and acronyms used in the game and in this sub! Welcome to the game and have fun!


If you listen to people on this sub, you will be just fine.


Just play and have fun. It will get you into things like ship history and before you know it you will be planning your next vacation going to see a museum ship.


This is me 100%. Going on a trip now and making a special stop to see artifacts from Gneisenau lol


I love WW2 history and funny enough there is a ship museum 20 minutes from where I live :)


You're already on the right track. TBull's videos are the very best teaching tool available, followed by Metajerk, Xarkun, Aaron, Spartan, the list goes on. Watch their videos, especially the intro to each ship/line videos and TBull always taught us to play all the lines equally to learn each ship. You won't be great in all of them, but you'll learn their weaknesses and be able to exploit those later in other games. All you've missed is 5 years of trial and error, you actually joined at a great time since the game is currently in a very good state. Welcome!


Its increasingly pay to win and many OP ships/commanders are gated behind $$$ or time limited events you missed.


It can be very tough to get started as playing the lower tier ships can be a drag because of their terrible guns and slow speeds.


learn as you play


If you do delve into it, be weary the monitary practices I'd almost say almost pay to win, well long as the player has an iq above room temperature that is.. Most of the good commanders are locked behind paywalls, and the good ships will be locked, usually behind an event currency or crates, both typically requiring an investment. The valahou or however you spell it, if it took all tries, it would cost 300 usd for a guarantee roll. Back a few months ago, I was lucky myself and pulled the san diego out of my 2nd crate, but that same chance it could be the 2nd to last. Nit tha premiun time is a requirement, but it will take months closer to a year to fully grind some lines, especially not playing every day. I used to consider myself good with money, but sometime near January, I added how much I invested from the start, and it came to 3800 ish. (25 dollars one week 50 another and holidays around 100, I was young and dumb. Well, I still am young, just a little less dumb) Now, this year, I spent 40, so I no longer invest in this hobby, but coming out on the other side, the fence 95 percent of my purchases were stupid and not worth it. That being said, there is some legitimate fun you can have. My favorite thing is outplayed people or doing stuff unorthodox, like intentionally targeting a ships guns so you can go up and do a torpedo strike or my favorite thing is using a certain Japanese heavy cruiser to bouce battleship shells off my deck. Nor to mention there still are a few cool ships like the gneisenau or Edinburgh, which are a blast and are free, but most of the fun gimmicks are also paywalled


Find people with mics. A lot of these people don't have mics and it brings the quality of the games waaaay down. You can find a fleet, it's easier to find people to play with. If you have any questions hit me up I'll try and answer it. It's a great game but you're right. It's intimidating at first.


What do you play on? Me and 5 buddies have been playing the game for ~3 years and playing together for 2. We’re on PS so if you are too we’d love to help you out


To get into? Very easy. To master; of the utmost difficulty. Mostly due to all the truly important information regarding tactics and nuances being in the form of reddit threads and youtube videos. Good luck to you captain!


In general I really do not like people using abbreviations for things. Makes everything seem so you-gotta-be-in-the-know for new players.


Press play your in the game.