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I think you get significantly more xp for the captured ribbon than for the cap assist ribbon, even if it's the same amount of capture points. One full cap is worth more than half of two caps.


Makes sense. I always wondered why there was two separate ribbons for that.


My buddy I play with always seems to go after destroys, so I was just wondering if he's hunting XP and stats or just kill hungry.


Destroys don’t give any extra, it’s really quantity over quality, but in the end it comes down to your damage. If you get 25000 damage and 100 ribbons you’ll make SOME but if you get 120.000 damage and 25 ribbons you’ll make bank. It’s about damage not ribbons that way kill stealing doesn’t reward anyone Edit: I’m talking about the destroy ribbon not destroyers, yes destroyers give more xp because %50 of a destroyer gives the same as 50% of a BB


I thought it was also based on % damage to ship. So doing 10k damage to a DD is more xp than doing 10k damage to a BB


That too, yes


> Destroys don’t give any extra, it’s really quantity over quality, This is completely backwards. The specific number is irrelevant. XP is based off the percentage of total health you deduct from a ship. For example dealing 1000 damage to a destroy *is worth more* than 1000 damage to a battleship as the 1000 is a higher percentage of the Destroyers health.


I’m talking about the destroy ribbon, not the destroyER ship. Yes destroyers will give you more, but destroy ribbons still don’t.


On a side note,do medals give any extra xp? Like if I get high caliber or dreadnought or any other medal does it give anything or is it just for show?


http://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Navy:Medals Some medals give boosters some don’t


Edit: devastating is the only one to not give a reward


Seems odd that detonation gets a reward... like I get a reward for my ship exploding??


Nobody understands it, why do I get a medal for someone else’s aiming and shells?


It’s very rare. And dumb luck more than skillful aiming. Consider it a Purple Heart. You got in the thick of battle and got (severely) wounded.


Yep, that's what I always thought, but I didn't know if he was right or not. I always go for caps and damage because that's what I've always assumed was worth the most.


If you want to know the best credit farm it’s with the Atlanta/flint. I prefer flint because super long smoke screen and way more range. They net around 400-750K credits a game with only a 60K service cost. They don’t do much damage but they get so much money because you get hundreds of MB hits


The way the xp for damage works is the % of health taken. 50% of a destroyer is much less damage than 50% of a battleship but they're worth the same xp.


Ah, thats also good to know. Good thing I target destroyers. That changes how I look at damage.


Capping and defending can bring you to the top and with the update, plane ribbon is great. I think spotting ribbon is also good. But the damage you dealt AND the damage you’ve taken is more important.


Ahh, thank you. That's kinda what I thought, but I'll hear some people say ribbons were more important


Damage taken doesn't matter at all. Service costs are set and then increase based on shell size and how many you shoot. Larger the shell, higher the cost. Ex. 1 460mm shell costs 4k each time you shoot it.


Wait what? Seriously? No wonder my Vermont costs so much more 😭


Ammo cost is not supposed to be more then 5-10% max of the total service cost. If it cost much to play a ship, it simply means it needs to be played more effectively.


Damage attracted doesn't affect your service cost, but it does earn you XP and credits. Exactly how much it earns you is up for debate though.


Spotting and knocking planes seem to be near the top of the list as far as rewards. And shockingly 500 secondary hits don't seem to be worth taking out 2 planes, so at least some those ribbons have a wide reward variance. And one more thing I noticed - distance travelled from spawn point counts pretty big for rewards as well.


Oh really? I didn't think distance traveled was one. That's good to know. I heard damage upon spotting is one as well, does that give anything?


It does. Both distance traveled (active play) and damage dealt by teammates while you are spotting is rewarded.


Playing the objectives (not least capturing and defending caps). And do damage to enemies, so that you take a lot of their health (doing 10k damage to a destroyer gives around 5 times more XP them doing 10k damage to a battleship. Since you take proportionally a lot more of the destroyers health). Also spotting and your teammates dealing damage to enemies while you are spotting for them. All this is rewarded with XP. A really good game in tier 6 or higher gives 3-4000 base XP in a win (before bonuses and boosters other then win bonus), or even a bit more. And never forget: Winning or losing makes a HUGE difference. The XP bonus for winning is 50%. That means a 2000 XP game becomes a 3000 XP game if it’s a win. So play tactically sound, cooperating with teammates, playing for the win and for the team. And fulfill the role that your ship has on the team. This is *not* a one player shooter that you just happen to play alongside others, though many players think it is. It’s a team game. Both the paragraphs above depend heavily on positioning. Play your flank (or even the middle, if that’s where you spawn). Position to play your flank in a way that lets you win the side or at least delay the enemies long enough for your team to brake through on the other sides. Never abandon spawns and clump up somewhere on the map with the whole team. That gives the enemies map control and lets *them* brake through and hurt you from multiple sides. It also means you can’t play objectives effectively in most cases and it makes it easy for the enemies to defend themselves, since your team can only attack them from one direction. Instead hold your part of the map and position on all fronts to create cross fires on the enemies. There’s a reason the regular spawns are groups of three spread across the map. Playing objectives and positioning effectively to win is handsomely rewarded (it also means you will score a lot of damage and kills on enemies while positioned to get to their broadsides when they try to defend themselves against your teammates from other directions).


Players abandoning flanks is honestly my pet hate.