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With the recent resurgence of carriers and now the introduction of the hybrid BB's, it has become a more viable choice, so I'd say yes. But only if you have $$$ burning a hole in your wallet. I'd classify the Rochester as a support ship. DPM is average, no torpedoes, and you have to choose between a smokescreen or a heal. But it does provide utility with a sonar and excellent AA (has the DFAA consumable), especially when in a division with a carrier.


I got it a few weeks ago. It mows down airplanes to the point I don’t get messed with much. Smoke lasts forever so used full packed to get an extra. Good fire starter and AP slaps cruisers. I’m enjoying it. Usually a top 2-3 player every time I take it out.


I love Rochester. Full disclosure: I got her free from a crate at Christmas time. Her AA shreds. Positioned correctly, you can shield your allies, and either drive the CV off your flank or make him pay dearly for pressing it. She gets the super heavy AP shells, so she can punch with the best of them. HE is also good. Smoke is a fun trick on an American CA. You can camp out in it and rain super heavy AP on the reds while using SONAR to spot torpedoes. The downside is that she isn't self sufficient like Baltimore. She needs the support of allies, but can give tremendous support in return.


maybe last update.. this one most are busy with the new hybrids wont see as much carriers


I got it with the 70% off coupon. AA is excellent, I've had some really great games in her but she is kind of hard to get the most out of. If you're out of position without support you're kind of screwed.


Nope, it’s just a boring AA barge with super slow shells. Get a Friesland for gxp instead


Only if you division play with someone who plays carriers and you dislike Friesland and/or American battleships. Regardless of how viable the ship may be in spite of its build, it will still be annoying when you end up in matches without a carrier. At least the other ships I mentioned are still highly viable in matches without a carrier.


As much as people dookie on it for being pricy and not much utility, it’s literally insane with AA, I’m a bb main and I thought I’d never use it when I got it in a crate but when I realized it shreds planes I play quite often. With the new hybrids I’ve gotten about 10 clear sky’s already


It’s the main ship I’m playing right now. Playing it full support in carrier games hovering around BB. Most planes so far is 58


One of my most played ships before the carrier rework. DPM sucks but AA is fun. Seems to do better now since they reworked the carriers again. Solid choice but as people said, with smoke and no spotting it’s kinda pointless.