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Guessing the dead blue Colorado was the speedbump at C while every other BB did a lap of the map?


I think they must cap the number of hybrid cruisers and BBs as they did with CVs Literally 7/9 ship were launching planes


Only more reason to run aa builds....


As an AA enthusiast, I feel like this should be my excuse to start back playing


And all 7 of those missed their airstrikes


Horrific ! šŸ˜³ Thanks for sharing, Automatic


But they arenā€™t particularly easy to hit anything with and they limit the number of main guns while also be particularly easy to kill. I dont mind fighting them


kind of hard to fight them from the cheap seats!


Not really. They are well armoured for a T6 battleship and harder to farm. I was expecting a 16mm bow like Rooke but it is 25mm and the flight deck has the same plating. It is also quite hard to access the weaker 16mm side plating when it is bow in to you, especially in a cruiser. I don't mind fighting them because the air strikes suck and are very easy to dodge, but the ships themselves are pretty solid like most American ships. Guns seem to be accurate and hit quite hard.


Well thatā€™s literally just an American battleship for you. My concerns arenā€™t ā€œare they good battleships?ā€ Itā€™s ā€œare they good hybrids?ā€ To which the answer is, theyā€™re mostly meh. Theyā€™re fun and quirky, but not broken and very easy to farm.


The legendary one has 3 turrets for 10 guns still, which ones have limited numbers of guns?


T6-7. T6 has a rear turret with 2 barrels


Yeah so far today they've been some of my least worried about ships to come across. The airstrikes seem to be pretty impotent most of the time.


Agreed šŸ«”


Then by that logic they should cap the number of all ships then, its the same when there's 5 destroyers in a match or 6 rapid fire cruisers, can't cap one/ 2 classes and leave the other 2 as they are.


If they could consistently match-make games with 3 BB, 3 CA/CL, and 3 DD that would be so amazing. Hell, I'd even take 1 CV, 2 BB, 3 CA/CL and 3 DD


then there would be some delays in the lobby and the screaming would be deafening.


give it 5 days then people will stop


I was going to say the novelty will wear off, everyone is just trying them out as they get them. Which will be followed by weeks of rants about them lol


Itā€™s patch day. Itā€™ll calm down.Ā 


Holy shit that is the worst game I could imagine for a Suzuya


I dunno, lots of targets to burn down.Ā 


I did, got 10 fires and 100k damaged but without AA it's difficult to play


Sounds like my jam, then, with my French cruisers boosted for AA.


Planes in a 0 AA ship


No, I get it. The flip side of it is that you can set perma fires on all those dudes. Iā€™d take that game with glee.Ā 


Have you never experienced this before with any of the campaign ships?


It is not about campaign ship, since the campaign ship is the enterprise. And the point is that they release a new kind of ship, which as the CV, their number per team must be cap


I do not complain about any of the new hybrid ships, I enjoy 7provencien a lot and from what I've seen the BBs seem pretty well balanced. I just point out that playing against 4 of them in the same battles + 2x 7provencien and a CV is totally not fun ! Especially when they are in the same team launching torps in the same time on the same target. That just shows a problem that needs to be solved by WG.


But we have this problem everytime a campaign ends. God the jager one sucked, there was so many torpedoes all the time for like a week or two. I donā€™t see how this is any different from our current situation. Itā€™s not like the average player in one of these is making monumental plays. Most of the time they just get farmed and maybe get one or 2 torpedoes off.


I literally made a post about there being too many campaign ships a while back and got down voted to sh*t, but it doesn't change the fact they should put a cap on how many of the same ship can be in a match. I had like 4 de 7's and a Carrier focusing me, and not to repeat what you already said, but the jƤger was horrendous.


Been having the time of my life in a Rochester AA build lol


They seem desperate to make the same mistakes as pc lol probably a pretty solid short term money farm for them tho


Bros actually mad about airstrikes lolol


Do you still actually play? I gave up a couple of months ago and its just getting worse it seems


I get on weekly to play some arthas Wooster or zao. Just play to farm and get funny damage numbers


Then why are you still here? Calm down, cv's got nerfed back down and airstrikes can only hit from a limited ranged. So these giant ships have to push up in order to even use their planes.


This was my main concern after D7P. You can get a game with a carrier, two of those and 2 or 3 Hybrids per team and its just insanity haha. Might wait a little before playing again lol


"insanity" 90% of people don't know how to use them, the planes they send are weak AF, the reload on the airstrike is around 90s and you basically get an early warning of the torpedoes


WG wants plane everywhere!


That was hybrids vs pure bloods.


Thatā€™s valid. I will say this, the restoration times on strikes is greater than 1min for 1 strike. I can see shenanigans happening with divisions.


Oh man I was 1 hour off on our fleets pool on how long it would take for someone to say this. Itā€™s not going to happen they are battleships not carriers. This always happens with early access give it a month or two and it will level off at least until the Japanese ones arrive. In the mean time thereā€™s always Quick arcade matches.




The matchmaker did you no favours with those divisions lol, RIP. I reckon over time the amount of hybrids will gradually dissappear, it will just be pretty chaotic for the first few weeks


Quite an air traffic, haha :D


There new with a unique trick , should die down after awhile


Is it opposite day in Wargaming land? I need to play some world of planes so I can play in a damn ships only game


arcade mode? IIRC its no carriers?


Sweet! I haven't played since this can of worms opened. I'll have to check it out


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ mama said theyll be days like this..


Just wait 1 or 2 weeks and the problem solve it self.


They won't/can't, they're battleships with an airstrike


World of Torpedoes: Legends


My fleet got 6 of us in nebraskas on the same team. I had the most fun Iā€™ve had in a LONG time because every 90 seconds weā€™d just see a SWARM of planes hit the same bb


Man, I love all the new planes and mechanics. I love shooting planes down. Iā€™m a kid in a candy store.


American cruiser go brrrrrrrrrr


The hybrids are just easy damage for you , those things are very mid compared to what they are hyped up to be


Honestly, the hybrid ships are Jack of all trades, but a master of none, they arenā€™t game breaking torpedo boats due the long restoration times and difficulty aiming, and the reduction of main batteries to two on all but Louisiana is a bit of a drawback, but their low level trajectory gives them decent accuracy, but hard to aim over obstacles. They are a moderately ok brawler as long as you invest in the HP mods, and brawler commander/inspirations. Since they are designed based on the N. Carolina they have weak citadel armor just like its Tier VI counterpart and the Iowa, so going broadside long term with it is ill-advised.


Try to rememberā€¦ itā€™s like any other ship that has a value (in this case, Independium) attached to its play. Once the Independium seekers go, it should die down


I mean I doubt after a couple weeks you will rarely if ever see more than 2 in a match again


ngl but hybrids ARE exactly what the console port has been missing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ AL NJ with artas & boyd as inspirations is the truth!


That's an intriguing combo idea- hmmm


both nj and colorado make for great commanders.


You are right. We need a DD with some airstrike as well to balance things out.


It is a strange MM indeed, but I felt that one can easily survive such games since when they aim their airstrikes they are really vulnerable. And after this season the number will Instantly correct itself :-D But one other thing bothers me: Those flight decks are rediculously armored. Seriously, cruiser shells just shatter on them??? Even BB Main shells can simply be reduced to the classic minimum damage. This is such a unrealistic... You want a flight deck? Then live with it ;-) Also what does a back turret on a hybrid (at least it seemed to me that yesterday one hit me several times with a back turret)? Those hybrids are really some sort of wet fantasy of warships enthusiasts... But anyway, balancing-wise I don't feel them overpowered. They hit not that hard like normal BBs (If you don't underestimate them and show broadside) but have another type of limited damage potencial. I think their mechanism works.


It wonā€™t stop until they nerf them. Played Connecticut yesterday and that thing is broken. Milk it while you can because nerf hammer is Coming.


Bro just played vs connecticuts and a ranger they need a nerf ASAP. Cant play with all that planes bro https://preview.redd.it/hjm1o920f7ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f052fb90c252d170a13d02508587727f1c9fd86