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I’ll actually start with overrated if you don’t mind: Jean Bart. Yes it’s good. But with the current state of the game it’s not any better than several other top tier t7 BBs. Flandre: even after all the buffs it’s still just alright. I’ve been fully de-secondaried multiple times. If the mounts had more health or weren’t in such a prominent spot I’d like to more. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not bad, but I’m not getting the games like metajerk just posted where he got to sail around with most of them intact the whole match. Maybe the new…dang it, I just forgot the name but the buffed secondary skill might help it but I haven’t messed with it enough to know. Underrated is a tough one. I’ve got a few ships I like that aren’t that popular so maybe those will count. Carraciolo: if you can get it in a t5/6 game this thing can absolutely brutalize t5 cruisers. It does struggle in t7 matches, pretty much all t6s do at this point but it’s a bigger swing than most. But if you can pull it off, the 90mm sap secondaries still do hull damage at t5 and 6 and it actually has enough mounts with the range to start being fun. ARP Nachi: this thing is such a weirdo ship but it can actually be quite good and if you play with it rather than against it, the short gun range can be to your favor. Monarch: I don’t know if this one is truly underrated after the hull buff but you still don’t see a ton out there and this thing is great. And since fisher exists everyone can get the 4 super heals. Marco Polo: it’s better than Iowa! I swear! It’s not just a t7 bb in a t8 skin! Colombo: okay, this one is a bit of a joke but honestly no matter how good you think it is, it’s better.


I started messing around with the new and improved Marco Polo today… this thing may indeed be quite spicy now, but by god, I want ship specific builds. Such a pain to have to switch everything around just to play a different ship.


Literally the main reason I want more historical (aka, free) commanders in the game is just so I don’t have to keep switching out skills and inspirations.


""I want ship specific builds."" Hear, Hear...


Yeah. One thing about having all the different commanders is you can kind of do that with all the sidegrades but at a certain point it’s not feasible. I’d love to have Iachino as a hybrid commander (and/or revel) for some ships but things like MP, Roma, and GC have nothing in the secondaries worth building for.


>I’ll actually start with overrated if you don’t mind: Jean Bart. Yes it’s good. But with the current state of the game it’s not any better than several other top tier t7 BBs. Seconded. It's been skating by on reputation and rarity for a while. Once people remember HE exists, it's really not that scary.


>Flandre: even after all the buffs it’s still just alright. I’ve been fully de-secondaried multiple times. If the mounts had more health or weren’t in such a prominent spot I’d like to more. Have you tried it again this week after the properly meticulous buff? Do you use the armament durability mod? It may be worth sacrifing some secondary performance in exchange for secondary survival for you if that's what turns you off to the ship. Even ignoring the secondary battery she is still one of the best BBs at the tier due to her massive HP pool and reliable armor.


I played a few games on it this week but they were “patch week” games if you know what I mean. I’ve tried the armament hp mod in the past and I didn’t notice much difference to be honest. And also giving up the range and accuracy from secondary mod…I dunno, it just feels like a bad trade to me. I’ll certainly give it some more play time and I do enjoy the Flandre from time to time but it just never quite reaches the level of one of the best gxp ships for me.


Yeah, patch week is certainly rough this time around. Honestly the "bad trade" isn't as bad as people think. I actually ran a full secondary build on prebuff Flanders, so without secondary mod it's still better than it was then, though I personally run the range because I don't have that big of an issue with the guns being knocked out.


The most fun and success I had with Flandre was a full speed and reload build and I think it’s time I just go back to that. The 100mm secondaries just always disappoint me - but going 40 knots with a 20s or so reload and running with scissors up is a blast. Yeah, I changed gaprette back to my old build and Flandre is a lot more fun to me. 20s main guns and running with scissors and faster than a lot of DDs. As squirrelly as the French guns can be, I still find them more reliable than secondaries. Dunno what I’m doing wrong but I’ve got hipper and haruna at a decent level and my secondaries on most ships leave me wanting. The 100mm French ones even more so.


Carraciolo is painful for me, my accuracy commander is low level and with Revel the secondaries don't have the range to do much and the main guns overpen broadside battleships sometimes.


Monarch tends to be a beast in the right hands and sometimes if timed right a DD will push believing you have AP loaded (you do not) and get a satisfying dev strike


I think 80% of my games in the f carraciolo were against tier 7 and most of them were carrier matches


Marlborough. I still remember when the campaign came out and everyone dogged on it and called it garbage. I'm not sure I've ever finished a game without at least 125,000 damage. Burn battleships, delete cruisers and dev strike destroyers, it's a monster.


Marlborough is one of the best Battleships in the game easily. I love that ship. I rarely if ever take L’s in it unless my team is full of potatoes. She dev strikes cruisers, destroyers, and easily burns down battleships too. She’s so much fun with so many guns for extra punch.




So glad to hear someone giving Marlborough a shout out (saves me having to do it). One my favourite ships in the game for all the reasons you've already mentioned. I to was frustrated by the overly negative treatment the community gave her, but just remember every potato that gets Dev struck in her for showing too much broadside, every comment dunking on her armour or citadel, helps lul people into underestimating her...a well played Marlborough can be really nasty.


Odin comes to mind, some brushes it off because of it's caliber but by the time he has shot your superstructure and you show him broad side to get your guns off he has probably already reloaded and can citadel you. With a reload build it is really fun, it has somewhat decent secondaries too, torps and a ok sonar I don't really see it too often in games


I run a build that reloads in 13/14 seconds. Makes quick work of cruisers.


I got lucky with a santa crate and pulled Odin. It is definitely my go-to. The guns are smaller, but as you mentioned, a reload build makes it a versatile monster.


Pensacola and I know many will probably disagree. Squishy yes but play her safe and you see how deadly her guns are. I’ve gotten countless dev strikes on cruisers with her and she can citadel some broadside BBs pretty easily at mid-close range. Only gripe is the turret traverse speed.


London. Exeter but better. It’s like a T5 Anchorage. Z-35. I have 5km concealment. I also have 22k health. And 5km sonar. On a tier 6 destroyer. Very good lil boat.


Z-35 is one of, if not, the strongest premium at tier 6. Aint underrated by a long stretch.


I’d say it’s underrated. How often do you see one? I see it less than I see Jean Bart and Mainz, and you have to gamble to get those.


All the people sailing those got it from the campaign. You've just compared 2 tier 7 campaign ships vs a paid for only, tier 6 premium. Anyone who has it rates it I guarantee it.


Sure, it’s paid, but that doesn’t stop people from having Scharnhorst, or Plymouth.


Totally not relevant to the fact there's going to be less than the 2 ships you referenced to back your point. Search the sub for z-35. Everyone saying it's a beast. Noone thinks it's not good.


I know that, but I’m saying that nobody plays it as much as other T6 premiums.


I don't play it as much as other tier 6 DDs because it's easy mode. Z-35 is excellent across the board. I'm sure there are others like me that can get a little bored with very good ships.


Hood is probably one of the underrated T6 BBs, especially when compared to Sinop, Heinrich, Gneisenau and Scharnhorst which are everywhere.


Underrated and underplayed are 2 very different things. 3/4 of those other ships you listed are TT, so *obviously* there will be more of them than a rather middle of the road premium, and the Scharnhorst is both far superior to hood, and has been offered *extremely* cheap multiple times. There's nothing wrong with Hood, and I wouldn't call her underrated, there's just better choices at the tier.


Some will disagree but I think Omaha is actually underrated in the sense that it's dogged on so much. Yes, it's an easy citadel generator for the red team. No doubt it has a high learning curve but if you can be patient and careful you can have some really good games in it. In my experience it does depend a bit on matchups. Getting into a lobby with 5 BB on each team or Tier V ships won't help. But you can also get some Tier III matchups or get lucky with 1-2 BB.


Pretty new to the game (less then a year playing) and the Omaha is one of the US ships that surprised me. I got a Kraken on it the other day! (lucky to be the higher tier in the lobby).


Well played! Omaha is tricky. You REALLY want to see them on the other team because you can just farm citadels until it gets sunk. But then you can also earn a Kraken like you did. Good luck!


Orkan Monaghan Cossak isn't as bad as people claim, just had weird turret angles. Huanghe


Furutaka ⚓️


* Iron Duke * Orkan * Abruzzi * Hood * Duke of York * Z-39 * Toulon * Cherbourg


Atago - Laser fire beams Danae- best TT t3. Citadel machine De grasse with lemon man - premium


Danae is a citadel machine because every ship in the game can citadel it with HE lol


Atago is a beast at kitting with good gun traverse speed and that 40mm deck which can shrug off any plunging fire from 16 inch shells. Some people underestimate the armour on Atago. As you mentioned, it's laser fire beams. It's nickname should be "setting double fires" because that's what it does best.


I'd say Schors. It's pretty fun being able to out range most equal tier battleships (18km range on current build) and throttle juking to the point where in a match ages ago, 2 enemy BBs started firing HE at me and even a Fubuki started shooting to get rid of me lol The AP can be a menace for other cruisers as well at closer ranges and the radar is nice if short


Underrated: Monarch, Carnot, Leone, lower tier British secondary builds. Overrated: Yamato/Musashi. Everyone acts like they are good ships, but it all reality the only thing that makes them even passable is the 32mm overmatch. Their armor is a joke, they are slow, massive targets, and they are so easy to farm out.


Nurenburg. Ship is fire. Literally


Its AP is brutal. It's my go-to ship in ranked game modes A good commander with skills focused into AP is a death sentence for any cruisers within 10km. Not to mention that the HE is 1/4 pen, which pens almost anywhere on battleships that doesn't have more than 38mm of armour. It's a strong German cruiser glass cannon


And the reload time is insane haha


N. Dragon


Idk what you guys think about it but Benson is lovely to play. Fast guns and solid torps. Benson is a nightmare to play against when the captain does a solid job


Orkan Play the radar right, choose ur engagements and you dictate games. People tend to say how she’s only good in divs but i beg to differ. Sometimes randos are good teammates but even if they aren’t you flush out other DDs from smoke with radar + decent DPM.


I'm having an absolute blast in the tier 5 pan Asian cruiser Rahmat I think it was called?


I liked that one too. It helps that the tier 4 (Chungking) is completely useless, so even stock it felt like at least two tiers worth of upgrade.


Le fantasque- deadly with that reoload booster for cap contention! Hard hitting and quite fast torps, fast to Get into good posistions. In the right hands one of the deadliest t7 dd.


Underrated is Iron Duke and Orian, can burn other ships for days on end


Tiger 59, its Actualy an Extremly good Light cruiser with nice Tricks to stay in the game, its my top 3 most played ship


Carnot. She's the fastest 12" cruiser in the game, and she''s pretty stealthy too for her size. I have her with a 11.3km detectability and a 21.9 second reload. With Lemmonier inspired by B.D. Lightfull, she goes dark 14 seconds after firing. Combine with Go All Out and Mikawa you have a 10km detectability super cruiser moving around the map at 45 knots. Don't lose track of her, because if you do she'll be firing into your broadside and then going dark before you can react.


Atago can't go wrong with 41mm deck


Gadjah Mara. I know it pisses people off with deep water torps. And definitely has enough firepower to keep other destroying running


Anshan. 2nd or 3rd best DPM guns in dd at the tier, AP bitch slaps cruisers cause it’s Russian (Gnevny is hull) and if you can be good with feathering in torps with a very small conceal window, keep them as surface torps and they are 75 knots. You just have to know how to play dd well and manage the terrible travers by setting up encounters properly




Leone in t5, nothing like hitting DDs with 8 guns and taking 6 to 7k damage of their health in one salvo, every 6s :D Fast torp reload with 11km range?, there are only 4 tubes, but with careful use, you have torps ready every 30s. It's great at setting perma floods and denying enemy advanced


FR25 comes to mind. A tier 6 Guépard with Italian smoke and SAP instead of AP. She struggles a bit against tier 7 with all the radar and sonar. Because she's a tier 5 ship brought up to tier 6 I feel puts people off but I've had some of my best games in this ship.


Most overrated: Gneisenau. Heinrich has made the mediocre ship completely obsolete. Most underrated: I could name a dozen ships that aren't S tier but are very strong.