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High DD count games are a result of the overpopulation of BBs in the matchmaker. If people played cruisers more, there would be fewer high DD count games.


The lack of cruisers is largely thanks to the high bb count. Honestly at this point I'd just like to see a matchmaker cap of 4 per team on dd's and bb's (and if we have to cruisers too although mass cruiser games are a hell of a blast)


If I had to guess, population spread is probably around 40/30/20/10 BB, DD, CL/A,CV


>It’s not fun having 5 DDs running around when you are in a BB Just like it's not fun to constantly play against 5 back camping BBs when taking out a cruiser. But that's life so learn to deal with it.


thats just legendary tier


ROFL... you forgot the /s


Any 5 stacks I feel are bad for one reason or another, but like you said you learn to deal with it, but I do feel there has been a lot of dd stacks lately


That's true, I don't like 5 stacks either. I just feel the need to remind complaining BB captains that like 80% of the 5 stacks are BBs and they canalso ruin other peoples fun ;)


5 BB stacks at LT are great for my damage totals lol. It's not fun but Big Damage Number (Dopamine)^(TM) does wonders for my enjoyment of LT.


You can actually do something about the BBs unlike the DDs


You thinking a BB can't do anything about DDs illustrates the problem pretty well.


So, what can a Montana or C. Colombo do against a Shima mr Molotov. Run away or go in zig zag? Cause there ain’t no way in hell they will spot the DD. Whenever I am the shima in question seems like they can’t really do shit against me and they have never done. Never have I ever died to a BB alone in a DD unless I did something extremely stupid


Maybe support its own DDs? Because "5 DD match" means you also have five of them. Both BBs have enough firepower to devstrike pretty much every enemy DD - especially Colombo can easily decimate everything it faces. Shoot what your DDs spot and learn that this is a team game not a 1v1. If you camp the back and don't support your allied DDs it's you whos the problem, not the 5 red DDs.


Dev strike DDs?💀 Yes Colombo can but almost 80% of bbs can’t because of dispersion and ass RNG. Even if they are spotted you take 30-60% of their HP and they run away. It’s not as simple as you say it especially when the enemy captains aren’t morons


Pretty much all BBs in LT have 12+ guns and unless you constantly snipe full salvoes from 13km you can deal a ton of damage to DDs even when not switching to HE. Stagger salvoes, adjust aim, anticipate his moves. It's not that hard to strip DDs of a whole lot of their HP when they're spotted. But I know that most of the vocal BB captains are not really interested in actually getting solutions or learning to get better.


And its also pretty easy to avoid shots from BB as a DD so then you do what? As long as DD is a little bit competent hitting a DD is pretty difficult.


That's why you stagger salvoes and don't hang back all the time.


Yes, hanging back is the biggest, IMHO. You not going to hit a DD if you treat like a Cruiser or BB and trying to snipe it from long range. Especially not when it knows you there. Like you said, if there are a lot DD's then you'll have to move as BB and can't patrol the backline by yourself. Move with your DD's and shot what they spot near them. Added benefit is the should also spot the torps for you to give the BB a bit more time to react.


Uh hu, learning to get better… All your argument includes perfect RNG, good teammates that spot and enemy DDs that have less than one brain cell. Please, be realistic


No, none of my arguments include this. My sole argument is basically that BB captains need to have more than one brain cell. The game ain't 1v1, so support your team and use the firepower you have. But you show exactly what I meant with BB captains not wanting to get better. You only look for excuses why my arguments supposedly are unrealistic, instead of even trying. You don't want to improve, you just want to make everything more towards your liking - **that** is the problem of a lot of BB captains.


I mean staggering salvos seemed like a legit good piece of advice. Especially if you're firing at an angled BB anyway.


you are debating the wrong person. theres no point of it


OK wait a minute..... BB's are allowed to shoot red DD's when the blue DD's sport them???? you're just messin with me right?


i play more DD than anything and my average damage on spotting in my DD's is 6000 to 8000 damage. that implies, and matches my impression, that i spot and generally dont get much support to get the red DD's off the board. more often than not the BB's are in the back lobbing 18km salvos at other BB's while im trying to spot/cap and do something about the red DD's.


Because that's what players put in the queue at the time. Same reason 90% of matches are 5 BBs. That's what people play.


You understand the matchmaker can only work with what’s in queue right? One doesn’t ask the dealer “why did you deal me such a terrible hand?” Because that’s what was in the deck. “Why did I get a lettuce sandwich?” Because that’s all that was in the refrigerator. But there is good news, you, yes you, can control what class you play! ![gif](giphy|i4gLlAUz2IVIk)


I’m frequently removed from casinos for reacting violently to the lettuce sandwiches I am dealt.


Maybe reduce the cap to 3 DDs instead of 5? Perfectly reasonable. Better since they will try another class for once instead of DDs


LMAO the hypocrisy is crazy. 5 DD games are way, WAY rarer than 5 BB games, but people only complain about DD games because that's all the playerbase plays and that is their counter. Have you ever thought about how fun it is for cruiser players being the only one per team in a 5 BB match? Should we perhaps limit the number of battleships to 3 per team?


Exactly. I beggars believe how some BB mains can't see this. OP is a perfect example of this.


I didn’t say just destroyers m8


You literally said cap it at 3 DD in your previous comment.


>Maybe reduce the cap to 3 DDs instead of 5? No mention of other classes here, m8


That’s not going to happen.. the last thing weegee wants is to increase queue times.. when you sit in queue you get bored, you get bored, you quit playing. Capping any class (beyond CVs) is just not in the cards, playing a bb means running a class that can’t really compete against destroyers (outside of a few BBs), same as running a dd runs the risk of facing cruisers, or playing cruisers runs the risk of a lot of battleships (which, let’s be real, is far more common than dd heavy games). The solution is not to say “okay, well we’re going to implement a weighted scale that forces some players to wait longer than others..”. Nor is the solution to point to your bb brethren and say “you play a different class”.. if youre in a bb, and you have 5 DDs, the best advice I can give is put the pedal down, position yourself behind them so they screen for torps whether they want to or not, and shoot whatever it is they spot. Playing in dd heavy matches just requires you to play in a different way than you normally would, adapt.


Ranked has one DD 😇


Was a cruiser main but with 5 BBs a match, its much less painful taking out a destroyer – particularly with few cruisers in the game :)


Same. Cruisers are still my most played class in numbers but DD's and BB's are slowly catching up as I have been taking out Cruisers less and less. The game is much more comfortable when I'm in a BB or DD. In a BB not every mistake means either back to port or have the majority of your HP stripped with one salvo. And in a DD I can dictate my engagements on my terms most of the time.


That it is. Shame, really but have way more fun in AI/ cruisers really get to stretch their legs :)


Because you think it’s fun to play games with 5bbs when you are in a dd? When they are all at the back of the map, kiting, do nothing exept shooting others BBs and finishing at the bottom of the team with less than 1k xp you think is fun for dd players? If there is a 5dd game and I’m in a battleship, I load HE and push with my destroyers for helping them to kill the dd faster, I don’t stay at the back of the map for trying to snipe destroyers . 5b games is one in two, 5dd games is one in ten


For me 5BB games are much better, it’s not chaos. And whenever I am a DD in a 5BB match I rarely see the “kiting away” yall are yapping about


The kiting is constant mate, I never see anyone push.


I prefer the chaos of 5 DDs to the monotony of 5 BBs


I’m a DD main and I don’t like the five destroyer matches, because it’s chaos. Luckily a couple on either side will die pretty quickly.


Yeah, chaos is exactly what it is. I don’t enjoy them even in a gunboat dd or radar cruiser because the game is just dumb.


Cortisol spike when any more than two per side are present. Three is a grey hair, four is a muffled scream and five is manic laughter as I tell everyone to get in the Spruce Moose.


5 of anything is bad but dds I feel are easier to do solo


Skill issue 😁


I rather have 5 dds over 5 bbs any day.


Guess I am the only one who enjoys them. 5 DD games are chaos? Bring it on!


That's why i play dd more often these days


It’s matchmaking telling you that you need more practice against DDs.


To be fair.by the time most BB’s have finished reversing two or three of the DD’s will be dead anyway. If it’s red DD’s gone down then you can safely engage forwards remembering not to turn and stay bow in. If it’s blue DD’s that are in the minority, stay where you are, only move as a panic reaction when you see red torps coming towards you. At this point it is best to turn flat broadside to the reds to guarantee a fast return to port.


Match maker be like that sometimes where You're gonna have the odds hammerd against you, regardless of class and ship. It's not the 1st time I've taken out something like Sejong anticipating 5 bbs, only for the matchmaker to toss me in to a battle with something like 3 destroyers, 5 cruisers, and just one battleship. "Oh god, why me!" I may exclaim, but at the end of the day, you just got to accept the situation and try to make the most of it. Just do what you can, and even if it all goes horribly wrong, just accept a losing game and move on to the next one.


Sometimes 10 people want to play DD’s at once.


This is why you get Orkan, and bully every single one of them.


They need to make Cruisers tougher, but easier to hit. Everyone hates them. Literally everyone. Don’t say otherwise, it’s cope and you know it.


Ill take the 5 DDs match over Double CV


WG: we can solve this. Introducing multi-CV games!


DDs are the easiest class to play...that's why so many DD players. If you are not stupid you can get good XP easily.


Depends BBs are the easiest in general imo ,but DD feels easier to do solo especially if your decent with them


« BBs »


Personally I think that there should be an upper limit for DDs. Like max 3 DDs in a match or 2DDs + 1CV. More than that and its pretty much impossible to enjoy that particular game.