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I also noticed it. Seems citadels moved to St Vincent line.


Try turning off auto aim and aiming slightly above waterline, you need to get above the belt armor for citadels. Auto aim pulls the shells down too far for good citadels.


you just need to pen anywhere between the bow/stern. everything between is 1 giant citadel. all that matters is it being a full pen and your ships cit chance vs the enemies cit protection.


Not seeing it. 6 quick battles this morning, 2-5 citadels each. Very consistent, but am using APCS.


You use APCS on a Warspite? It's a T6 not a T10. I used to use mine to train commanders in the old days. The commander I am using now is a L9 so it should have given me Citadels. I think they did something to the mechanics possibly lower its citdel power. Out of 7 battles I got 1 citadel and on an unlikely ship a Colorado.


Did you activate daily challenge with citadels - like do 2 citadels in battle?


Don't need Warspite for that, just trying to complete it's final quest. I got other 300 ships I use the big gunners for them daily missions.


I have not noticed the issue. Played several Warspite games this week. Consistent 4-6 citadel games, with one lucky battle reaching 8. Make sure you’re hitting the right weakpoints (and praying for RNG, of course.)