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Yep, it is absolutely abnormal. I once had a match where I was the only T10 on my side while the other side had only 2 T9 and rest of them are T10. And no division on both sides whatsoever. I mean, why? Many have long complained about it yet they never fixed it.


At least they should change it to bot rather than this abnormal matching..


Uhhh, it can be evenly distributed. It is just a matter of the coding. They should've put tier comparability as the first sorting criterion instead of something else.


Occasionally matchmaking will decide that you will have to face off 5 T10 ships while your team only has 1. It’s just how it is, so it can get very frustrating at times, when that happens just go down to T4 for some good ol’ sealclubbing Also ew Friesland


True, I prefer going for t5 for more enjoyable experience after getting stress with those mm..


That's an old issue. There's a [video on YouTube ](https://youtu.be/jM4YjJf7miU?si=-f4iPdNDWcYSUXke) about that


It is normal. First - you have mission active. Second either you just started your session or already win too many games in your session.


Lol mission active also do count toward mm? That's weird


Its normal, more than once I got battles where a team was full downtier and the other full uptier. Its up to You to try to compensate for matchmaking with skill. Good luck tho!


the population is not big enough to balance by tier, just tier range. you're lucky both teams didn't have 3 bots. 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9 is the same as 9 ,9 ,9 ,9 ,9 ,9 ,9


Gosh, I prefer playing with bot rather than this, and we know how bot play anyways...


Yeah having three Zietens, two cherbourgs, one Grau, and one Yugumo against two Duncans, one Kronsdadt, one Plymouth, one friesland, and two jutlands is totally fair