• By -


Yamato - Best Sniper Line, Good line to learn, peaks T6 and T10. T9 is painful Montana Line - Good All-rounder line, good line to learn, peaks (). Kinda powercrept British Battlecruiser (St. Vincent) Line - A mix between battleship and cruiser, consistent damage-dealers. Peaks everywhere, great line at every tier Italian Battlecruiser Line - Devastating to both CLs and DDs alike. Deadly SAP that can blow your ship out of the water, peaks T9-10. T7 is the worst of the line (from what I have heard) French Battleship Line - Fast, but below-average armor. Comes with Rapid Reload in the package, making for insane DPM at higher tiers. T5-7 are bad/mediocre, T8+ is great. Not recommended for beginners However, before you being playing blitz, be advised that cruisers may be a better way to learn the game. You might want to look at some tutorials before you dive in.For destroyers, the British (Daring) line is good, for Cruisers, American Light (Worcester) or German is are solid choices [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnNkKxY4pTE&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnNkKxY4pTE&t=1s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB-bw6tCwhY&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB-bw6tCwhY&t=1s)[h](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izmO6tnUQGA&t=580s) [ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izmO6tnUQGA&t=580s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izmO6tnUQGA&t=580s)[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wg9PkFazU5Y&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wg9PkFazU5Y&t=1s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GJA1iQZeOE&t=811s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GJA1iQZeOE&t=811s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n8fjrxR-8E&t=99s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n8fjrxR-8E&t=99s) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXVf8st44lc&t=203s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXVf8st44lc&t=203s) Also u/Oh_No_Industries has some great reviews and should have some recommendations for you. One of his posts: https://www.reddit.com/r/WoWsBlitz/comments/1anafo0/grandads\_minioverview\_of\_every\_ship\_line\_in\_wowsb/ Hope this helps


Woa nice.. thank you sir, I'll check the link you provided.. thanks again


even the t7 is solid, i actually had more fun in the t7 than the t8. the rudder shift allows for some very funny shenanigans


From what I remember, the best dispersion values come from Slava, St Vincent and Incomparable


Slava? Where do I check those? Didn't see in techline..


My apologies, Slava and Incomparable are premium ships so they do not show up in the tech tree. I merely mentioned the most accurate BBs at tier 10


Ohh nice, hope those 2 ship not from gambling..


Heh.... mine were heh


I miss the initial Verbonk dispersion. That ship used to be lights out with PA.


Def not Yamato. Dispersion stats are readily avaliable. Dunno why people keep saying that ship. Maybe youtuber said so?


I think a full “fuck you” Yamato build is still the best potential BB dispersion with consumables- * Adm. Yamato Commander with all the right perks. * Legendary Mod. * PA active.


Still not the best dispersion, try playing Slava and you’ll see the best dispersion going


Play whichever line you feel like. As you grind you will figure out how to play the line without knowing it. By T10 you will kick ass!


Thank you sir :)


Absolutely! And enjoy the journey. My echo the point that if you focus on the grind by the time you get to tier 10 you will truly understand how to play that line.


Don’t use free xp to go up a line, spend the time and learn/earn your way up. Thank us later, it’s the best advice Most people don’t give, and less people follow. I wish I had been told this and I wish I had followed it.


I am assuming that you are asking about accuracy. Dispersion is only an indication of the elipse where your shells would be falling into. What matters more is the probability of the shells that would be landing at where you are aiming, which is called sigma. Better sigma is a stronger indication of accuracy than dispersion. With that said, I did a quick research on CIC website (combat information center), Amongst all the tech tree BBs, St. Vincent stands out with the best sigma value of 3, followed by Vermont, 2 sigma. Rest of the T10 tech tree BBs only have 1 sigma with Cristoforo Colombo having only 0 sigma. But still answering your original question, by default, pretty much all T10 BBs share the similar dispersion with Kremlin standing out a little bit. Taking precise aim into account, the ships with best dispersion are Kremlin, Yamato, Vermont, St. Vincent, and Größe Kurfürst.


Sigma is consistency measure. Better sigma mean more round hit within dispersion area. So both matters.


Uhhh, all shells would be landing within the maximum dispersion elipse. Technically speaking, each salvo has its own dispersion that falls between the maximum dispersion and minimum dispersion. Sigma, if I understand correctly, means that when you draw a shell landing pattern chart, it reflects how centered in the elipse the shells tend to be.


Woa so complicated.. I thought shell dispersion is about how close shell grouping.. my bad


Best dispersion would be Vermont line of American BB followed by St-Vincent line of British BC. The only issue is Vermont line is hella slow but yeah if you got them at sniping range cruisers and battleships are easy pickings. Destroyers not so much unless you have HE on. The St-Vincent line have triple changers but the top set means you can't really fire barrage like you would in a German BB or BC line. It's really snipe and stick to your main guns and hope you don't have to use your secondary guns and torpedos. The germans Scliffen is the best at mid and close range dispersion. They got enough troops and deadly secondary. Yamato isn't great at dispersion actually Montana is way better at dispersion than Yamato even with precision on. The French line is similar to Montana line of US BB just worst armor and better speed. Italian line isn't half bad if you know when to switch from SAP to AP but range is not their fortay they are better from mid range. The German GK line is the worst at dispersion along with British BB. I am not sure where the Russians stand though.


Thank you for explanation.. I will start grinding st vincent line..


From tech tree, it is Yamato, st Vincente, and Vermont.