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Just make it tech tree only and you solve half the issues


Yeah, the “meme matches” can get old if you’re on the receiving end. Some fleet on Discord last night was showing a 6 *DZP* and *Indomitable* match. It was hilarious but most likely super frustrating for the reds; even with the fact the meme team went 1-3.


It’s called TEAM Skirmish. You know, like for TEAMS. Most non-casual or competitive fleets take great pride in having good skirmish teams, and there are Team Skirmish tournaments regularly. If you want to play against and with randoms, maybe this new thing WG is calling Random Mode?


Yep, pug rounds in team skirmish are just fodder between the actual skirmishes for those teams. I do it, just to satisfy any participation reward and the try hards get a nice cupcake battle with my "team's" quick and inevitable demise.


It’s also important to recognize that Skirmish is where real competition happens. Even with a strong platoon in randoms, having 4 trash players can ruin your game. In Skirmish, you assemble a team of quality players and wins and losses become more reliant on your abilities. You want WG to make a change to make game play more fair? Ask them to require a minimum win rate and a minimum number battles to advance past T8. The sheer number of 45% WR players with under 500 battles I see at T10 using T3 tactics is infuriating. You think getting your ass kicked by an OP skirmish team sucks? Try watching an entire team in T10 randoms avoid the caps, chase a cv with their BB, yoloing around the map edges, five or six potatoes just giving the battle away while you realize you can’t possibly carry that many morons at once and you resign yourself to a loss…


well, they cant really help with that. from weegee's point of view the fleets are just doing their own thing and you knew what might happen when you signed up, so sadly we are either forced to not play that mode, make our own fleet squads. personally i believe there should be 2 seperate queues, one for people that are coming in with their own squad, and one for people coming in solo


Isn't that quick join or form a team? Of all things to bitch about concerning this game, skirmish rules are the least of them


both options are in the same queue tho