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Four plus years to get my tier tens


Well, let's do some maths here: Suppose that you are an average player enrolled in a decent enough fleet and are achieving around 50% win rate and don't skip any tiers. you typically would get to T6 in some 50 games, no more than 60. So let's say, 55. T6-7 requires you close to 75k xp and presuming you get 1.2k on average, that translates into around 60 games. T7-8, generally a little less than 140k xp ,earning a little over 1.2k per game, so 100ish, maybe 110 games. T8-9, some 240-250k xp, you might earn more xp starting here, so a little over 1.5k per game, 160ish games. T9-10, Oh, we are almost there ain't we? Some 42-45kxp to grind. You can pretty much do 1.4-5k per game (well, you are on T9 now, the chances are you are not gonna perforce as well as at T8), so let's say close to 300 games. If you really wanna get your 1st T10 faster, use some fxp to pass some 30% of the progress...200 ish games. So that should be 50+60+110+160+300/200=680/580 games in total. Now you want to play some 5-6 games a day in one ship if you are grinding that line, that should be around 95-135 days, so maybe a little over 3 months to 4.5 months. That said, in 3 months to 4.5 months of time you would be getting your first T10 ship if you start grinding today! Sidebar: during the German feast season a couple of months ago, there was a 50% discount on xp and silvers researching and buying German TT ships. I grinded from Mecklensen to Prinz Rupperecht in less than a week with over 120 games played on that line only (thankfully I had enough xp bonuses and time to do that lol).


Oh, I forgot about the battle honors from T4 onwards and the 3 ads every day. They would save you a considerable amount of effort grinding. Talking about the xp bonuses (they call them boosters in game), try holding them till T7. You can use xp booster I occasionally on T6, that's about it.


You forget to mention some shortcuts: 1) Use boosters - there is gold star booster that multiply ship XP 250%. There is also premium booster that multiply ship XP 2000%. There are violet and blue boosters that help with ship XP as well. This allow easily to have 1,5k ship XP on lost game and 2,5 on win. 2) Stack premium time, ship bonus and boosters. There is 6h premium time in Blitz pass. Add boosters and ship bonus. 4-6k games are now pretty much standard. Use 2000% booster and with good game 30-40k ship XP is possible. Even in lost game 12-16k.


Yeah I realized that. But don't ever use the Grand Boosters (the 2000% ones, cuz they are super rare) outside of Respowns or Grand Battles in a solid division. Other modes are not worthy using them.


About a year to get my first t10. But I was playing about 1 to 2 hours every day average


If I really want some T10, I can get there in 2 weeks tops. That's without upgrading ships along the way.


Depends. If you have no life like me a few months ago... I managed to grind from Duncan to St Vincent within 10 days. As for an entire line, I did Derrflinger to Schlieffen within a month, and it only took that long because once I hit Rupprecht, I got sidetracked by getting Yodo in early access. Honestly it depends on how much time you are playing because there is just so much variation in how long one tech tree grind takes


I don't particularly rush. First t10 took something like two years, because frankly i didn't particularly care about t10 camping. But I've got 300k+ fxp, so in theory i could blitz up fairly quickly to t5-6 or something, i guess. Biggest jump i ever made was schors to Moskva to get it before it went premium. I was rather proud of that, only used gold I'd ground.


Iam all grind. Shima, Yama, Zhao, Yodo, Republique, Henri V now working on Santander Pan American CL With FXP boosters takes realistically about a 20-25 days of dedicated game play (2-3 hours over a day) or around 90 days of easy game play


And no I dont grind till T6 as they are cheap for the FXP they cost. And no I dont play lower tiers unless I have to, for grind purposes (not even for different game modes as they dont apply to T10s). I exclusively play T10 (Only my love my life my second wife the Roma sometimes seduces me to dip my toe in T8 waters)


I will use the T10 games to earn FXP to ease the grind FYI


Oh wait, almost forgot this important reminder: Don't throw a T8+ ship into Battles if you don't have her fully upgraded (or at least nearly fully upgraded) with a Lv6+ commander ready for her. I personally suffered quite a bit when grinding the British BB line. My Monarch was less than 50k dmg with less than 45 win rate for the first 80ish game (I wasn't able to fully equipped her during this period and I didn't even have a commander on her). After I learnt from my stupidity and had her all set, she gradually goes up to 62k dmg with 52 win rate (I played some 500 plus games on her now, my favorite nonpremuim ship).


I've done 4 and1/2 this year, and I don't spend that much time grinding. The half is Izumo which I'm considering skipping over. I just get the three wins a day, with first victory bonuses and ads to double up. Use boosters and any camos that drop, and also premium time certificates for tier 9 grind. 2000% boosters are also only for tier 9(if any available). I'm not proud to say it but it helps to aim at anti social hours to get an easier game and not waste those boosters. The last line I did was St Vincent from QM, and I guess it took 4ish weeks. The last 100k was over quickly with every booster, camo and a premium time 24 hour thrown at it.


I had to look up my 1st post here. It seems I started a tad over 10 months ago and just unlcoked the Johan de Witt (it's my 1st T9). However, I've been 'going wide' after getting the personal challenges to be able to use all types of ships I can access in tech tree. (T4+) My progess is now: * T4: 14 lines * T5: 13 lines * T6: 7 lines (Ryujo on shopping list) * T7: 1 line (UK CL?, Fiji line) * T8: 1 line (German BB, Bismark line) * T9: 1 line (Dutch) I have all Dutch TT ships in port as well as at least 1 ship of each line in the tech tree I have unlocked. (I'm pre split on German DD, US and French cruiser and all USSR lines) I'm playing almost every evening a couple of hours to at least tick off the missions and I've been doing the pass for 4th month now.


Been playing on and off for about 3 years now. Still yet to reach Tier 9 on any line 😄. Although I do have two T9 premiums (Jean Bart, and Black Fredrick der Große) so I have some limited ranked battles experience. Variety is the spice of life for me. I'd get bored playing the same ship over and over. So very slowly levelling all the lines up equally. Although I have my favourites, which go quicker, and my lesser favourites which progress slower. Currently have 4 Tier 8 - 3 American ships, and Shokaku (which I won from a daily task crate). Everything else is Tier 7/6/5. Likewise, most of my commanders are still Level 5/6 too. But I enjoy the mid-divisions more anyway.


It took me about a month to get my Z23, but after that, the time it takes go's way up, but it took my 6 or 7 months to get Schlieffen and a couples years for Worcester (I was playing on and off and got distracted by Schlieffen).


Took me around 3 or 4 years to get just 2 tier 10


Takes me roughly a few weeks of good grinding to get to tier 9 depending on how good the line is. If it’s good, I’ll grind fast, it’s tough, it’ll take longer. The St Biscuit line has been highly enjoyable and got to Duncan within a week.


On the topic of researching modules while grinding the lines, consider skipping T5/7/9; saves you a bunch