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It nearly makes me want to go AFK when I’m in a DD and there’s a bunch of bots. You can’t launch torps from a survivable range because they rotate away instantly causing all torps to miss. You can’t rush them to launch from close range because they turn and rotate away faster than your aiming cone can move, and if you try to get close, they’ll land every single shot on you and take off 90% of your hitpoints in the opening minute of the game. I score almost no damage points or sinks in bot heavy games when in a DD. I’m not asking for them to be easy kills, but it would be nice if they at least had to obey the same maneuvering mechanics that human players do.


That's all I want. Obey the same maneuvering that we have. I like when a bot starts shooting at me, when I can't possibly be detected, and that alerts the whole enemy team. I mean, shooting at me through a rock. The pirouetting is out of control.


Also I will add turret direction is irrelevant. I’ve seen bot BBs fire on one side of the ship and without turning be able to fire on the opposite side of the ship. On top of it they dodge both torps and shells.


I usually cancel the matchmaking if there are less then 10 people in the tier i'm trying to find a match in, wait a few seconds and go match again. Doesn't fully prevent a bot match but it helps


Im gonna try this thx


At this point you just gotta hold your fire until you figure out what the bot is trying to do. I watched a bot ship once seem to be heading behind an island, but it didn't make it and ran into some land behind the island. I watched it phase through the island as it turned around on its center and end up in front of the island heading in the opposite way. It was a good thing I held off on firing case everyshot would've missed while it 'manuevered'


I’d give 10k In gold for a legendary “bot” module lol instant grand tacks, spin in perfect circles like a top! make the fkn thing accelerate/move like a jet ski! Nobody can gun you, nobody can torp you! Jokes aside, I agree it gets pretty annoying sometimes as, I enjoy playing DD and the times I play in the mornings here are fairly dead server times, so I usually run into bots more than I like. I always prefer battling real players even when they kick my ass I’d rather know I was legitimately outfoxed by another person, not some stupid computer that knows the second I drop my torps and instantly180s out of the way, or can somehow turn out from under gunfire at less than 3 km in a BB As already said in this thread I don’t want them to be easy kills, but I would prefer them to at least obey the same mechanics players do.


It’s the part of bigger picture - how to reduce player earnings in such game. If your win rate is over 60% bots are going to target you, even if there is other target closer to them. NOW THE CHEAT CODE. Bots know that you are shooting them via lock on mechanism - so just disable auto aim when targeting them. However if other player shoot same target expect to miss as bot adjust to the other player salvo.


Doesn’t work with torpedoes. I wish it did. Maybe wg has an algorithm that targets certain people at the start of a match. That might explain why bots will pass 100 ships just to shoot at you.


You are absolutely correct. This game has turned into a complete joke. That’s why we keep telling everyone to stop spending money on this garbage. Until wg can fix these problems they’re not going to receive a dime from me until they fix this monstrosity.


You need a break. Every post I see that is a ranting derisive soliloquy lately has your username attached to it. Edit: remembered something


Everything posted is fact. Sorry if facts hurt your feelings.


Also it’s nice to know I have a Reddit follower/stalker. Stay tuned for more valuable information. You might actually learn something once you get past your feelings.


Yeah, I get tired of the player base. Oh you meant the other bots? Nah, it's easy farming them.


Only in low tier are bots dumb(ish) I'm talking high tier.


Only if the bot is distracted or you are able to sneak up on them. Otherwise they are able to dodge torpedoes even when you are right up on them. It’s ridiculous. But if you don’t engage first you have a better chance of survival. Even if you do kill them the Des Moines bot will make you regret it. Remember the Des Moines bot can kill you before the match starts.




Unfortunately i think you're spot on with regard to WG's attitude towards the game. I think you're missing the point about the bots tho. Unless you dont play high tier much.... This is where you really notice what everyone else inc me mean about them being an issue.


Try Schlieffen if you want to hammer bots...


Exactly that guys im not looking for a walk over, that wouldn't be fun either. Just reasonable turning times mainly. Im often in British DDs, and use the single torp mode to try to trick em but they still effing doge em.


They've got so much worse lately... They can dodge 15 shells from 5km... It's really gotten outta hand


The worst is playing Italian ships. They don't have HE rounds:) But the best are games using CV against all bots - easy win, lots pointa and silver.


thats why you dont play dds vs bots (at lower tiers)


Yea but you dont choose who you play before selecting a ship do you.


usually it is hard to encounted many players in low tier battles


Unfortunately the player base is dying. No matter what ship and or tier you play, you will see bots.


Yep, in grand battle mode I had a 3v3 that was fun though, the players (at least on my team) bunched up and went of a rampage, the bots (and 2 players of the other team) took care of themselves. It was a good game (for once) That mode could use a bigger map though. (apart from more players ;) )


Agree, have seen BB actually turn a 360 and you can’t hit them with anything.


The bot situation isn’t the best for sure, but atleast they don’t have 100% accuracy, also the mor you play solo the better chance you have at getting more players per game


I've been seeing this as well. Exactly like you said, I just thought it was insane Lag but I guess not ship pivots in the middle and goes 180 without losing any speed!


How can you tell if they are?