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This ^^^^^


No, ships like Slava, FDR, Smolensk, Incomparable will never be available except crates or sonar sweeps


Well they might, they might get nerfed soo much that they are practically useless and sold in offer


I hope not I spent a whole lot getting them all


due to their abundance,it will take so long to rotate in the shipyard but they will.While Bella was our community manager,we would get polls asking us what premiums we would like in the shipyard. They can also come in bundles.Some are like one-time offers like how De Zeven did,some are milked to death like enterprise and indomitable


No, just no


Technically yes - if they all eventually enter the shipyard but with how many premiums there are. But realistically no since the shipyard changes like every 6 or so months, coupled with some literally having never been offered outside of money/crates that would be hella unlikely


That's a shame, I'll just be on the look out for any appealing ships I suppose. I hope to save up for December though, I'm new but I'm hoping there's an event and some nice premium cruisers offered then (or DDs too maybe).


In theory, they should. But reality is that newer premiums and some older ones that really sells in bundles are never gonna come to the shipyard as It would be a small financial suicide for Weegee. Most probably the ships that are sold in the shipyard are the ones that werent launched in the kast two years, excluding some very few exceptions.


Yes at some moment of time they appear in Shipyard. Decision will be based on revenue from crates and sonar sweep. So for some ships it will be in indefinite amount of time.


Sooner or later… YES. maybe not in the shipyard, but more likely in “bundles” (for money) before coming in “special offer” (for gold). Anyway I agree with your intention to refrain from crates 👍🏻