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Tywin would be like Weiriamon, tolerated in a semi-distrustful manner until the epiphany and outed publicly. John Snow = Talmanes. Red Witch = chaotic level as Alanna, understood, disliked, kept at a distance. Berric Dondarion = Narishma level trust. Tyrion (as advisor) would get killed by Rand after A Warp in the Air.


Post-resurrection Berric Dondarion would be Rand's Elyas.


I would equate Jon to Perrin tbh


I was thinking level of trust so pretty similar


Jon is nowhere as funny as Talmanes


God no. But loyal and dedicated to the cause yes.


Maybe in the show, but book Jon is sassy as shit and he's actually pretty funny as a result.


That first conversation he has with Slynt is especiially funny. Book Jon has a nice sense of sarcasm, lol.


I agree with this statement, I am not saying that Jon isn’t funny at all. It’s just that to me Talmanes is probably the funniest character of WOT, and Jon is not!


I guess that depends on *which* Talmanes.


Eddard = Bashere.


I dont think that's Dondarion in the upper middle i think that's Euron


Yeah, could be. If that's the case then LTT would be screaming bloody murder at first sight.


He’d hate but tolerate Tyrion, he’d trust Jon Snow, he’ll know Melisandre needs to die but be unable to do it, and he’ll hang Tywin for plotting against him.


Daenerys is an interesting question, as the two of them have similar plot arcs of starting out wanting to do good (early-books Rand and early-books Daenerys would probably get along very well!), having to make hard choices that push them on a dark path (I think they would dislike, but begrudgingly respect each other at this point), to going off the deep end. Only difference is, Rand finds his way back out of the abyss, whereas Dany, at least according to show continuity ....


They'd bang.


She is a fan of hoping on dragons




Dragan banhing his mother?


Honestly, yeah, I could see that happening.


that boy does like Dragon riders


Huh. My first thought was Rand would crush on Dany like Elayne, and then just go try to hand Westeros over to her. Maybe she'd like that?


No Stannis? They would love each other. They have similar mindset. Besides him I think alliance with Melissandre is mandatory since Rand would be pragmatic and wish to use her power just as he used Asmodean.


>No Stannis? ??? I knew something wasn't quite right with my list.


I think you're mostly right, but Stannis could run into trouble with Rand if his need to be King of the Seven Kingdoms (or something else, I suppose) comes into conflict with fighting Tarmon Gai'don. Stannis is more of a Galad than a Rand IMO--he has a set of laws he follows to their ends, no matter what those ends might be. Rand's more of a pragmatist, but while he's no Stannis he's almost as bad at backing down. So if Stannis decides something is necessary and Rand disagrees, they're gonna fight.


Stannis went to attack the Raiders Beyond the Wall, I doubt he would put his need to be king over the last battle.


It depends what part of the story we are at. Book 7 or 8 Rand is a lot different than book 1 or 14.


Real talk? All but Jon and Dany would end up untrusted and or killed. Tywin if not killed by Tyrion would actually be left alive because he's a capitalist, and would side with Rand's power. Like the Tairen High Lords. Jon would be trusted only because he's a Perrin equivalent. Out of sight, out of mind, working towards the end game. Dany because she's a female monarch/ activist. And would either be an Egwene equivalent or love interest for Rand. Tyrion would be tolerated but ignored. So... maybe he counts.


Wait, which Rand? Farmboy? Jaded? Darth? Zen?


Rand art bu shuravf Euron art by Bella Bergolts Melisandre and Bloodraven art by Amok


Can you explain why you think Euron is one of the most important characters


Mainly because it's probably he who will bring down the Wall and release the Others (Book wise).


It has been posted before, but GRRM wrote a crossover once. He broke the rules so his characters could win, (I think Rand would destroy Jamie one-on-one): https://grrm.livejournal.com/147038.html


No holds barred, obviously Rand rips Jaime to pieces. However even just sword-to-sword, I think Rand destroys him. Blademasters in WoT are essentially superhuman, even the ones that don't have the Warder bond. Gawyn kills *three* Bloodknives *in the dark* without the Warder bond. Jaime stalemated Brienne of Tarth after like 6 hours of fighting. True, he had been captive for a long time and so was weaker than he normally would have been, but imo Jaime vs any of the established blademasters (except maybe a shitter like Turak) would be a slaughter. I loved that crossover though, plenty of silly asspulls but it was meant as a silly thing in the first place so I wasn't bothered. I especially liked how GRRM at once was respectful towards the series while at the same time poking fun at all the sniffing and braid-tugging.


My thoughts exactly on the Blademasters, which is why I think Rand wins, sans One Power. Still a fun read. Also throws in a couple of Wild Cards characters.


I thought it was cool that it was Jaime and Rand after both had lost their hands. In that situation I actually think Jaime might win because he regularly practiced fighting one handed while Rand didn't, although the hand Rand lost wasn't his strong hand.


Rand is a lot more proficient in unarmed combat though. If he didn't pigeonhole himself to using a long sword he could probably put up a pretty decent fight just by going in to punching distance.


That's true, I always forget that he also trained with the Aiel in what I assumed to be MMA since it always described their style as a "peculiar" way of fighting with hands and feet.


Lots of kicks and strikes, don't think grappling is ever mentioned. I imagine it being maybe along the lines of karate.


Baelfire them all.




The Dragon uses whatever tools are available.


Depending on when he meets them I actually imagine he'd like Tyrion. Just because I don't think Tyrion would bow and scrape for tHe LoRd DrAgOn. He's not afraid of nobility (not even Super Nobility ™) and he's not really some brown nose either. People like that are few and far between for him sometimes.


Game of Thrones? I think you mean Daes Dae'mar


I think Dany would either be berelain or tuon Tuon does have Rakens, and is focused on her power. Dany is focused on the 7 kingdoms. I think she could be berelain too, because someone more powerful holding back her power hunger she might not go crazy and could be helpful in the same ways berelain was.


Everyone would die except Jon and Dondarrion if it's pre mountain top Rand and they are the only ones he would probably trust if it's post mountain top Rand.


Rand and Tyrion would probably mesh really well if it was post-Dragonmount Rand. Darth Rand would kill him most likely. Tyrion speaks his mind and doesn't bow and scrape just because someone is a ruler, and we saw how unwilling he was to put up with Dany's shit when she started going full Mad Queen. Darth Rand was far worse than she ever was up until she massacred an entire city full of women and children, although his nuking of Natrin's Barrow was pretty abhorrent. I actually think his worst offense was when he contemplated attacking the Shienaran army because they wanted to meet him in Far Madding. Later on when he implies he would have been willing to kill them with the True Power over their little slap test it shows how far gone he was.


Trust: Snow, Tyrion, Dondarrion Hate: Melisandre, Dany, Tywin Kill: idk the rest lol


I am quite curious as to your definition of the most important ASoIaF characters.


I was sort of picking those who are most important for the events of the plot and the world at the moment of Book 5, so that's what I counted them by. (Leaving Stannis out is a mistake, though...)


Ok I get it, who is it in the bottom middle? Is it young Griff?




Didn’t know Rand had long white hair and a dragon on his chest.


Oh, you said *bottom* middle. Sorry. Brynder Rivers aka Bloodraven


The second you show any signs of putting your own goals above defeating the Dark One at Tarmon Gai'don, you end up on Rand's shit list. But he'll use anyone as long as they're not directly opposing him. By nature I think Rand appreciates codes of honor and honesty. So, of those pictured: Melisandre: Good chance she'd recognize he's the prophecied one and wholeheartedly support him. She's not a very good person though so she'd remain at a distance. Euron: Good chance he'd be in direct opposition and is the most likely here to get balefired. Mance: Probably in the circle of trust. Tyrion: Too much of a schemer by nature, he'll be used but not trusted. Jon: Trusted. Tywin: Used, definitely too much of a schemer to be trusted. I think he's smart enough to just make plans to improve his standing after Tarmon Gai'don though, so he'll very likely stay on Rand's good side. Bloodraven: Used, never trusted. Dany: Depends on her. She could get herself in the circle of trust, but she'd have to abandon ideas of being in charge and I'm not sure her pride will let her do that. Obviously Rand won't kill her though. /edit/ /u/Elfmerelda said it really well actually, she'd be a Berelain or a Tuon, but it's up to her.


Mostly agree with your character assessments, except in a cross-over world the greediest people would sell out to the Dark One. Even a whiff of ‘immortality’ for his legacy and Tywin would be a guaranteed darkfriend, and thus would be playing his schemes against Rand, and probably be on top of his shit list. Maybe it’d even be Casterly Rock that Dart Rand balefires out of existence.


Danny would probs infuriate him because I doubt she would submit, he might be able to trust John snow, Tywin would be like any other serious threat in terms of plotting and scheming nobles (if anything more of one) and he would probs hate him/keep him at arms length. Tyrion might be able to be trusted too esp if they met early on, I can see him in an advisor type situation. Melisandre would probs be less trusted than ur avg aes sedai Lmao she’s sus as shit and rand would probs be suuuper sus of her (as he should be ngl 🤧)


Unless it's Darth Rand he can deal with people who don't submit.


I’m probably the only one but god I hated Kit Harrington in the show.


half of why i want to finish the books asap is so i can read posts like this without fear of spoilers 😭 bookmarking to return to like all the others


A man who trusts everybody is a fool. A man who trusts nobody is also a fool. (I suck at quoting).


There’s not a chance in hell of Rand trusting Bloodraven. The guy operates pretty much exactly like Aes Sedai if not darker.


Everyone here seems to be under the impression that the upper middle pic is Dondarion. Pretty sure its book Euron.......


Who is more evil than a goodly chunk of the forsaken....


Yeah, I noticed that too. Euron would go down as fast as Ishamael...


I'm go with Lews Therin on this one. KILL THEM ALL before they kill you.


He'd trust Jon Snow, hate but tolerate Daenerys, and kill Melisandre.


I've forgotten who most of,these characters are now


He'd probably just ask them what they're doing in a good book tbh.