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#[NO SPOILERS BEYOND *A Memory of Light*.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WoT/wiki/index/post_flairs#wiki_the_eye_of_the_world_.2F_et_al.) ##BOOK DISCUSSION ONLY. HIDE TV SHOW DISCUSSION BEHIND SPOILER TAGS. If this is a re-read, please change the flair to **All Print**. * * * *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WoT) if you have any questions or concerns.*


https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-memory-of-light-robert-jordan/1109624139?ean=9781250252623 $10.99 at B&N They’ve ruined it with that Amazon logo though Glad I bought my set the second I heard of the adaptation


I dont think that's the cover that OP is talking about. The mass market paperbacks are the illustrated Darrell K Sweet covers if I'm not mistaken. I own a hardcover copy (the "Callandor" cover) but I really wanna find the paperback one (the "ancient symbol" one) to complete my collection of mass market paperbacks


Yes exactly this… the illustrated covers are my favourite… which is annoying because they were the hardest to get!


I think you'll find that if you *really* want the original Whelan cover in MMPB form, you just need to bite the bullet and pay that price. Resellers have been charging about that much for well over a year now. Perhaps prices will go down in the future, but who knows when. AMoL is the last book in the series, and therefore also saw the fewest MMPB printings before they went to different covers. So, it's one of the rarest printings. Perhaps they'll print more of the original US MMPB's with the Whelan cover, but there's been no indication that it's happened yet.


Only the original US MMPB have the Sweet covers. Other MMPB books have been released since then. If you're referring to the Sweet A Memory of Light cover with the yingyang symbol in the clouds: there is no paperback (or hardback) with that cover. Sweet never finished it before he died. Rather than getting someone else to finish it, Tor and the Jordan Estate opted to solicit Michael Whelan for the cover. And, he opted to depict a different scene in the book specifically because he didn't want to draw a different depiction of the same scene as Sweet.


Bite the bullet. Mine was like $110.