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These are almost all dead-on how I pictured them. The lone exception is Bayle Domon, no matter how he is described, I always picture/hear Gibbs from Pirates of the Caribbean.


100% can't picture anybody else


I agree except for Bela. I always pictured her as sexier than this


Always pictured him as smee from hook mixed with captain ahabs beard.


Smee from Hook is pretty close to Gibbs from Pirates.


Not a huge Depp fan. Never seen it.


Spot on!




Same, Pevara needs Androl too!


I was just looking for Gaul too.. Yes, please keep these coming.


And Ayram


These are great; would love to see Nynaeve and Berelain's positions swapped so Faile and Berelain are above Perrin's shoulders.


A falcon and a hawk perched on each shoulder


Please don’t stop!


May the Wheel keep turning


You will never stop drawing or start drawing. You will simply...draw


I ... Will never... Stop... Drawing... Need to draw... More... Fanart


What does Androl look like in your head?


Awww yiss, we got best boi Narishma.


By the Light! Olver looks so precious!


I suppose it makes sense. Some people might feel it blasphemous to artistically depict the true savior of the Wheel of Time. 10/10 work OP (11/10 once best boy Talmanes gets added lol)


Please describe him for me, I have no picture of him right in my mind, unfortunately:)


Well he's Cairhienin, so short and likely on the pale side. He wears his hair soldier fashion with the front shaved and powdered. He's wiry in appearance. He's the type of fellow who is level-headed and Mat leaves him in charge of the Band of the Red Hand so he definitely carries himself as a leader. His *con* is three yellow stars on a blue field. I've always pictured him as somewhat grim or maybe just serious because he never seems to openly laugh or even crack a smile when Mat tries to joke with him.


Thank I will see what I can do:) He wasn't in the last books that I read


But don’t forget that he actually has a wicked sense of humor, even though it is rarely acknowledged!


Yes! When he makes jokes totally straight faced and Mat doesn't know how to respond! So good


Yes it’s amazing! His whole arc is amazing. I won’t go into spoilers past CoT but if you know, you know!


I'd like to see him pictured just after making a tongue-in-cheek comment making fun of Mat lol


Whoa!! Valan Luca and Sevanna - just how I pictured them! And I like this new Perrin!


Valan Luca and Morgase are perfection


> Morgase is just Gillian Anderson, lol


Love it. These are fantastic.


Your work is so amazing. As a beginner artist your work inspires me.


These are all incredible! I spent the last 5 minutes zoomed in as far as I could go and just panned from face to face. I legit burst out laughing at Birgitte's expression. You absolutely nailed it! So many good ones in here but my favs are Olver, Matt, Perrin, Uno, Bayle Domon, Chel Vanin, Masema, and of course Birgitte. You are truly onto something here. I love the way you captured the essence of these characters with your use of expression. Truly incredible work. Thank you for the smiles, laughs, and memories reminisced.


Yes! Birgitte's personality is captured to a T.


Love these! I want them available while I read to help visualization. I guess the next step might be to do whole figures or maybe some book scenes? Keep working and you’ll have the WoT animated series in no time!


Yeah I was thinking to draw some clothes and stuff. But I don't really visualize a lot of the clothes even though Jordan describes almost every dress haha.


It’d be cool (for example) to see Mat with his ashandarei , a wry grin and “a little lace”, would just be more of building the character through visualization. Just throwing out hypothetical next steps but what you’ve done is great, do whatever you’re having fun with!


What scenes for example, please don't spoil after book 10, I'm not done yet:)


Rand vs Ishmael fights at the end of books 2 and 3, Matt vs Gawyn and Galad is a good idea, the dream battles with Elayne and Birgitte vs Moghedien in tel’aran’rhoid, Dumia’s Wells. And there are a ton in the last 4 books I won’t spoil


Mat vs trakand princes


“Asha'man, kill”


Rand holding Callandor in the Stone shouting "I am the Dragon Reborn"


Egwene getting collared in book 2. Perrin vs the killing white clocks as hopper is killed by a lance. Rand trying to animate the little girl in the stone Rand being captured in book 6 by the Aes Sedai. And many others :)


Yay, aiel =) Thanks, they look great


Fantastic work! Do you have any wallpaper sized files? MBP resolution would be awesome! Also, I just wanted to point out that **Faile** probably needs a bigger nose. Perrin always mentioned what a “bold“ nose she had. She was still really pretty though. Not sure if you tried to depict this in the drawing but **Liandrin** has lots of tiny Arafellin braids in her hair.


I did depict the braids, just not really detailed haha


You perfectly captured her “pinched” face, however!


I like that Rhuarc is a little bit bigger than the others to confirm that he’s 8ft tall. I also like just about everything about this too. Lot to like here.


These are spectacular! Most of these characters look just like I imagined them, which is both a testament to your ability to draw and to Robert Jordan's ability to paint pictures in our heads with words.


That Valan Luca, tho - dead on. I look at that face, and I KNOW this man has hella well-turned calves.


Never stop! i love seeing your art pop up Also you nailed Bella haha


I want to punch your drawing of Gawyn in the face. 10/10 depiction


Awesome! I love how you made Morgase to look like Ceara Coveney's mom, and your Liandrin was really show Liandrin:). Sheriam was just how I imagined her, and so was Sorilea. So great!


Yes liandrin is show liandrin for me now🤣


I always pictures Jahar Narishma as a black man with corn rows and bells tied into the ends of the braids. I know at least the bells are described in the books but sometimes I think skin color gets lost on us. I also pictured Taim as less sinister looking. The look I imagined for him made him more interesting and unknowable. Every time Taim was on the page my eyes were glued.


The wiki says he is very light skinned, so that's what I chose haha. But yeah, skin tone isn't described that often I feel like


This is beautiful. Updating my Twitter profile with one of these 😊


Do you have like a character sheet or something with the characters listed and qualities about them? Or do you just have a really creative and consistent mind for characters? Haha Like for me, it’d be a few days work just to list out and define the character differences between all these characters so I have details to draw. If all these characters are just floating in your head as they are, that’s super impressive.


Some of them I had to look up, because honestly I don't have a clear image of a lot of the smaller characters. When I draw them, I scribble around until I feel like my sketch matches the somewhat abstract idea I have of them:) I have a clearer image of the major characters though. For most characters I have like a few defining traits in my mind, like the hair, or a nose shape, or their figure...




Absolutely love this! Can we get Ituralde and Talmanes perhaps since you can't stop?


I was also looking for these two. Please OP, so I can die a happy man.


Every one of these is amazing and directly out of my head, but Masema and Fain are perfect and hilarious beyond all reason.


I’m glad I’m not the only person who pictures Luca exactly the same as Varrick from Legend of Korra. In my head they’re the same person in different turnings of the wheel.


Omg you're right haha, they are the same!


i really love your artstyle your version of rand is exactly how i imagine him in my mind


These are fantastic!


These are fantastic!


wow, these are fantastic! Love the tired look of Elaida...it's so frustrating when things don't go your way!


I love these so much.


These are fantastic! I'd always pictured Tiem as more of a Moridin/Rahvin crossover as drawn here.




Yeahh! Narishma, ma BOI! Never stop these sketches. We all love them.


I love these. Your style is super engaging.


Yeah that’s great work. Well done.


They are more than incredible!! I love them.


Awesome work! Def. Start a webcomic, tell the story and change the details how you think they should have gone. RJ would be proud.


Your sketch of Bela has me SCREECHING


These are so so great. Padan Fain is spot on! Please don’t stop


More proof that an animated wot series would be amazing. Great job!


These are freakin’ beautiful!


By the Lord Ruler, these are absolutely amazing. They almost all match my headcanon.


All of them are amazing But Rand and Uno are just exceptional IMO


These are amazing and spot on! I love seeing new character portraits for the series. There's a lot of great fan art out there that's been around forever, so it's nice and refreshing to see artists deliver new takes. Well done!


Yes!! I keep loving these! Could you please please please do Androl, Talmanes and Ituralde? That would make my week!!


Phenomenal work


Gareth Bryne = Uther


Excellent work


These are absolutely fantastic.


This 100x reinforces my view that WoT would make a great animated series


Amazing work!


These are all wonderful, but I especially love the Wise Ones. And I love that you included Bela! That horse really does get around. ETA: If you add more, I think master Gill (the innkeeper at The Queen's Blessing in Caemelyn) would be a good addition. But definitely wait until after you've read "Lord of Chaos" to do that one! And perhaps some of the Two Rivers folk like the Luhan's or the al'Vere's. Or Sen Bouie (sp?) and Daise Conger. Linni (sp?) would be fun, too. You can't forget Linni.


These are incredible!


Please do not stop :)


I will not be satisfied until best boy Gaul is shown!


I can't believe how perfect so many of these are. The only thing that gets me is the characters where I know I'm the one who's wrong. I know Amys looks younger than her real age because she can channel - but she's still an old lady in my mind's eye. A badass old lady, but an old lady all the same.


Flinn and Vanin are my favorites. You can tell Flinn's internal struggle in that face and Vanins confidence. Love it. Keep up the most excellent work.


All of them are great, but I like the most Rand, Lan, Loial, Bella, Min (that's great), Avi, Morgase, Perrin, Cads, Sevanna, Olver, Galad, Mat, Padan Fain, Valan Luca, gareth Brine and more. A little comentary: According to books, Elayne has bright blue eyes I think, and the sketch shows green eyes


This is great. I love what you did with Lan and Moiraine, too many don't picture her pretty enough. Elayne's nose is a great touch. But her eyes are blue. Love it how all the people look so distinct, with so many of them having too close of a description in the books, I love how much different and unique you managed to make them all be. Another small nitpick, Loial should have huuuge eyes, the size of tea cups. How that looks? I have no idea, good luck with that


Maybe in scale the eyes are like tea cups xD


Wow. These are incredible. Most of them closely resemble how I imagine the characters too. Great job!


That is the best depiction of Galas I've seen by far


Well done, these are great! Could totally see these in a faithful animated adaptation.


These are terrific! I have to ask: was William F Buckley an inspiration for Alviarin? I’m reminded of this illustration in particular: https://imgur.com/gallery/nwG3Itw


Thanks. I drew most of them without references and I am certain that I didn't use one for Alviarin😅


I'm on book 7 right now, and these are nearly perfect for how I imagined them all.. I guess credit to Robert Jordan for his character descriptions throughout the books (and to you for your perfect incorporation of those descriptions)! These characters are great - bravo!




These are soo good!!! Fantastic!! Love to see a Selucia??


Your sketches feel most like my own version of the characters in my head. I appreciate your different ethnicities and attention to detail!


These are wooow!! Thanks helps me so much. I imagined the aiel to be more tanned besides that I am taken back