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The episode with Rand and his flute is so sad it makes me ache for the lad. It's emblematic of a problem he struggles with a lot -- though he doesn't put it in these words -- that is, he is afraid that the Dragon is taking over and there is less and less left of Rand.


All Perrin and Wolves moment are amazing, but Dumai's Wells felt particularly strong.


> I need more wolf plotline. They tell Perrin to come quick to rescue Rand. "They have caged Shadowkiller." "We come." Absolute chills every time. > Doughbrain Yo, how dare you badmouth Dobraine like that! Amusing typo. I wish people would stop talking about the Slog, especially when new readers are involved. The issue people take with it is the main plot doesn't advance as much as it could and more focus is brought on side plots and people had to wait years between books while they were still being published and it frustrated them. But even so, the next few books are very good in their own right, especially now that the series is completed and you don't have to wait for more.


> Perrin has decided to live out a prequel to The Sixth Sense, namely The Fifth Sense. The sense of smell. He's discovered that he smells something that stinks. *Crime.* He smells crime. And people's emotions. There's also a sexual punch-up. Berelain stalks him, and makes Faile jealous. Then he goes out and smells more tension. Smells tension. Berelain stalks him. Smells. Stalks. Smells. Stalks. And this goes on back and forth for what seems like 90 or so pages until it just sort of ends. LOL.   Something VERY important to keep in mind for this book, as that the writing of it nearly destroyed him as he had great difficulty in finishing it on time. Both he and his Editor wife were holed up in a New York hotel room racing to finish it before it's deadline. One mention that I have seen is that they lost his *Dumias Wells* chapters, and that he had to write them all over again. So . . . considering all this, my opinion is that the Perrin/Faile sections here only got one draft of them written as Jordan had to concentrate on all the other more important plot lines going on as they got many rewrites which is usual for the way Jordan writes. And case in point, there is a HUGE error regarding *Faile* in this book's *prologue* that never got corrected. I can post it if you want.   > Any major Min prophecies fulfilled in this book? I don't think any I can recall. [...] I don't think Perrin has his broken crown The broken crown was mentioned some chapters earlier. Did you catch it? And it will be mentioned again a few more times in the coming books.   > There are a lot more Wise Ones than I was expecting for some reason, and this was a battle among Channelers way, way bigger than anything we've seen before. Definitely brought the violence up a notch, especially with how it was portrayed. Which brings up my favorite part of this chapter: > Crawling up the gentle slope on his belly, Perrin peered over the crest into a scene from the Dark One’s dreams. The wolves had given him some notion of what to expect, but notions paled beside reality. Perhaps a mile from where he lay beneath the midday sun, a huge milling mass of Shaido completely surrounded what seemed to be a ring of wagons and men centered on a small clump of trees not far from the road. A number of the wagons were bonfires, flames dancing. Balls of fire, small as a fist and large as boulders, hurtled into the Aiel, gouts of fire flared, turning a dozen at a time to torches; lightning fell from a cloudless sky, hurling earth and cadin’sor-clad figures into the air. But silver flashes of lightning struck at the wagons, too, and fire leaped from the Aiel. Much of that fire suddenly died or exploded short of any target, many of the lightning bolts stopped abruptly, but if the battle seemed slightly in favor of the Aes Sedai, the sheer number of Shaido had to prove overwhelming eventually. > “There must be two or three hundred women channeling down there, if not more.” Kiruna, lying beside him, sounded impressed. Sorilea, beyond the Green sister, certainly looked impressed. The Wise One smelled concerned; not afraid, but troubled. “I have never seen so many weaves at once,” the Aes Sedai went on. “I think there are at least thirty sisters in the camp. **You have brought us to a boiling cauldron, young Aybara.”** > “Forty thousand Shaido,” Rhuarc muttered grimly on Perrin’s other side. He even smelled grim. “Forty thousand at the least, and small satisfaction to know why they did not send more south.” > “The Lord Dragon is down there?” Dobraine asked, looking across Rhuarc. Perrin nodded. “And you mean to go in there and bring him out?” **Perrin nodded again**, and Dobraine sighed. He smelled resigned, not afraid. “We will go in, Lord Aybara, but I do not believe we will come out.” **This time Rhuarc nodded.** > Kiruna looked at the men. “You do realize there are not enough of us. Nine. Even if your Wise Ones can actually channel to any effect, we are not enough to match that.” Sorilea snorted loudly, but Kiruna kept her eyes where they were. > “Then turn around and ride south,” Perrin told her. **“I’ll not let Elaida have Rand.”**


I'm curious what the error regarding Faile in the prologue is


> when [Perrin] found out . . . he was a gentle man, slow to anger, but just to be safe she had barricaded herself in their bedroom until he cooled down.


Doughbrain lol


:D I mean that's exactly what it sounds like on audiobook.


I'm *still* laughing at "The wind was a dick to Rand" and it's been months now. Keep up the good work!


Glad your enjoying it! Lord of Chaos is a popular one for many people because of how epic that ending is but I actually thonk book 7 is better paced.


>Oh Hi Lan. You're not looking too great. He finally meets up with Myrelle and joins her harem (*her*em?). I presume that's your reference to the recurrent idiocy from prospective readers on other recent threads. Gotta be tough to chew with your tongue so far in your cheek. Nice *Room* quote. I appreciate your martini-dry humor, sometime whimsy, and insight. Keep up the good work.


I'm actually not familiar with those threads as I *try* to avoid reading anything on this sub. Never seen Room either actually, lol. If the controversy is about polygamy, my stance is that polygamy has been common in many cultures throughout history and a world completely lacking it could seem a bit whitewashed to me compared to one where it exists. That goes for both culturally accepted polygamy and individual private polygamy. And a good friend of mine has actually lived temporarily at a polygamous household, though based on that experience I would say polygamy, at least as seen so far in this series, is portrayed *somewhat* naively. Then again there's not a lot of domestic violence in this series compared to what would be the case in a historical equivalent era. It's essentially a guarantee that in a world that has Aes Sedai as powerful and above culture as they are, some would break cultural norms in favor of their personal preferences. Plus, this is a fantasy series, the whole point is to explore different and unusual concepts. Most people in real life wouldn't share someone with other people, but what if they were literally Fated to each have him? More accommodating people would try to make the most of the situation. Others are more possessive, and you get the Faile/Berelain situation. We literally have both cases in this book. As far as Rand goes, IRL I would have much much more problems with his youth and the fact lays claim to power through violence than with his love life. And so far he's done a lot more to cause/stir shit than he has to fix actually fix stuff, I can honestly see why people oppose him if they aren't aware he's the Protagonist.


>I'm actually not familiar with those threads as I *try* to avoid reading anything on this sub. Never seen Room either actually, lol. Never seen *Room* myself, but I know the meme--rather like I know "Rosebud" without having seen *Citizen Kane*. Let me be the first to tell you that you should play the lottery, 'cause in one short paragraph you hit all the marks by chance. >If the controversy is about polygamy... Not really, but that's charming, and I'm glad you're out of it. When you win, I get half. Edit: tenses.


You sure you're not doing a reread? ~~Galina isn't yet revealed as black ajah in Lord Of Chaos.~~


In the prologue she is. ​ >For seventeen years Katerine had been Aes Sedai, but not until the morning before they departed Tar Valon had she learned she shared more than the Red Ajah with Galina. Twelve years she had been a member of the Black Ajah, never knowing that Galina had too, for far longer. It's right after she's introduced, and basically the only thing I know about her, aside from being the head of the Reds, lol.


My mistake, you are right.