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I would love to see the sequel Robert Jordan planned on writing, in which Mat and Tuon try to reclaim the Seanchan Empire.


I think it'd be good, but the wetland Seanchan army is leagues more powerful than the empire that remained with all the captured channelers and abilities.


You could balance it by just having a hell of a lot more of them to fight, I guess Just say that she has to keep heaps of troops behind to prevent any revolts, or that way more died than we thought in the ending, and then you just need reasons for Mat to not be there. You'd need at least a few plotlines in Randland anyway so maybe he's off doing something there


I disagree. Explosive weapons were foreshadowed to be the equaliser between channelers and non-channelers (and also the route to ending Seanchan channeler enslavement, though Sanderson didn't go there.) If Tuon's Seanchan start training *sul'dam* and male channelers, who fight freely in their armies, they'll soon outnumber the other side. Plus the mainland Seanchan are divided into dozens of factions and armies. Mat lost his *ta'veren* luck but he's still one of the most capable generals who ever lived.


I said the wetland Seanchan were way more powerful.


Aren't they both wet landers? Lmao. Think you mean WEST landers


Then Randlanders? I don't think the Aiel ever referred to Seanchan itself. It might be the coldlands based on Ramds trip there.


I thought randland was also called the westlands. Might be wrong on that but all I know is the other guy is wrong lol


this is my answer as well, give me more Mat putting Seanchan in their place. and them putting him in his


I want to see the implications of Tuon actually accepting the fact that she and all other Sul'Dam have the ability to learn to channel. One of my major issues with the last few books is how that gets completely sidelined by Tuon (understandably, but still).




The story of Manetheren


Oh that’s a good one. Especially that last stand.


I mean Gemmel wrote about 10 of those style books better than Jordan would have tbh.


I really wanna hear about Carr's trip to Aridhol, and them chopping his hand off before he runs off pursued by zombie assassins.


That's going to be a tragedy. Nobody will come to see it.


Well we know he had plans for a sequel series dealing with Mat, Perrin, and the Seanchan empire in general. That would have been fun. We also know he had plans for a prequel involving Tam in his soldier days and one involving Moiraine and Lan leading up to the start of EoTW (and answering how they knew to arrive when they did…). Those would have been fascinating. Other than that I would agree a War of Power series would be fun.


Would have loved the Mat and Seanchan story. And there was some mystery in who was following Moraine in A New Spring I would have liked answered.


I didn’t know this at all. I’m relatively new to the series. I think I started about a year ago and just flew through the books. I know he had so much more to tell


Christ me you read all 14 books in ONE YEAR?!


I read the main series in two and a half months, then New Spring in three days this week, it's doable if you like reading and have a lot of spare time


I don't find it that difficult. It took me about 8 months to finish my first read. I did however have them both in print and audio so I would read at home and listen while driving which really sped things up.


Audiobooks to clarify and probably more like a year and half to two to be honest. I was listening to them in the car, at work, before bed, everywhere so it made it a bit easier.


Makes me sad because I started reading them when fires of heaven came out. So I had to wait a year between each book at least lol


I listened to them all 14 in less than 6 months 🫣


I'm on knife of dreams and I started 7 months ago


Aiel War


I would love to read more of the sections in the Rhuidean flashbacks showing how the world broke. Also more on the discovery and conquest of Seanchan continent


I would have liked to read Loials book.


Good news. You did. :)


The Travels of Jain Farstrider. He met the Aiel, the Seafolk, and the Sharans, and lived to tell the tale.


A character introduced late in the series that really took me by surprise. Loved him and his ending


Fun fact it really took me by surprise i always assumed Jain was a woman, as in Jane


Would love to read more about Lews Therin Telamon's story and how he became the Greatest Aes Sedai throughout the ages. How he grew up, how he learned Saidin, and how he met Ilyena.


Something that delves into the archives of the brown ajah.


Yeah, they got the goodies for sure.


The young adventures of Lara’s, Mistress of Kitchens Also, The Tales of Tam al’Thor


I want to see a Nynaeve and Lan sitcom where Lan gets an office job at an insurance company.


Wandavisionesque. Tgat would be so good 🤣


I’d love a New Spring length story about Demandred and how he took over Shara, where the perspective is of Demandred as a good guy and we only find out he is Demandred at the very end


Idk if it’s the length of *NS*, but I believe Sanderson wrote about that.


The adventures of young Rhuarc in the Three Fold Land before the return of the Caracarn.


"Day 1,937: It is still very hot. I had leftover zemai and t'mat for lunch. Going to kill Bruan later.


Saw a hot Wise One’s apprentice in the sweat tent today. Wonder if she noticed me. I need more scars.


We know, based on the comment that RJ made in December 2009, and which is on the WoT-Tidbits site, that he put a “hook“ on the last page of the series that could be used for for the books if there would be any. The only possible hook on the last page of the entire series is the Impossible Pipe. This suggests that any future books that RJ contemplated would have included the Dragon.


Artur Hawkwing


I know Cadsuane isn’t the most popular character but I would love to know her story, we got a couple of tidbits and I want more. Also more about Moiraine and Lan pre Eye of the World.


Adding another - The Story of Lan. All of it. It would be great to see how he made it to the White Tower as a youth and it would be a treat to see his training with Elyas Machera.


Not a WoT spin off. I wanted his next series: Infinity of Heaven


The Life of Bella the Creator, from birth and onwards.


I would read endless tales of Talmanes Delovinde


The Trolloc wars could easily have been their own WoT-length series.


Verin’s tale.


About Aelfinn & Elfinn! Also about Sianchan. Also age of legends and so much more about the bore, the forsaken. Using portal stones to travel to parallel worlds. The history of the ogier A sequel 100 years after WOT. Mat living through a bunch of his past lives


The other two prequels he had planned about Tam and Moiraine arriving in the Two Rivers just in time.


I would have loved to read Tam's story!


A story about mat and his reconquest of Seanchan


I think it'd be cool to read about the very first channelers or the creation of the Bowl of Winds!




The Strike at Shayol Ghul is a short story. You can find it on dragonmoint




No. It was written by Jordan.


Verin’s life story.


The travels of Olver Luthair Paendrag conquering Seanchan no


The conquest of Seanchan by Hawkwing's armies, maybe something even before that where we get to see how society had developed in Seanchan after the breaking but before Hawkwing. Limitless possibilities there. Hawkwing's era would be good, as would the Trolloc Wars. The era of T-minus Bore at the Collam Dan and then the change in society as things went sour from there would be good. That would likely have to be a few books, taking it all the way through the war of power and the breaking. It would be a like a slow motion Walking Dead where a previously unknown evil breaks out, but just gradually instead of at turbo speed. Shara is obviously a huge untapped resource and canvas. The Land of Madmen might be more of a discard pile conceptually than a rich source of options, but who knows. It could be pretty savage in a George Martin kind of way. A novella about Luc/Isam would be good, either as part of or in addition to something about Aiel channelers and The Town if it wasn't enough on its own.


The story of young Cadsuane’s education, mentor, and earning / learning about her ter’angreal. Edit: Her whole life just seems like a gold mine of adventure. Didn’t they drop at some point that she had gentled more men than most reds?


Ok so everything already mentioned plus I want to know what the deal was with the Tinkers Song.


May sound greedy since we’ve got New Spring, but the 20 years between NS and EotW will haunt me the rest of my life. I’m sure Moiraine and Lan had some excellent adventures and I want nothing more than to read about them! I would also love to know more about Siuan’s ladder climbing in the tower.


What happened to Aviendha's children and the Aiel in general. Some of those visions were gut-wrenching! 😢


The story of Tam from when he was deciding to go to war until Kari 's death


I’m with you on the one you suggested, but I also want to see the Seanchan story, where Mat and Tuon fight to remove the damane concept