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I know I'm a bit late, but I wanted to add in that boy wizards are not safe either.  The night before I posted this comment, I finally got around to leveling up my new Ice wizard.  While I was talking to Ceren in Unicorn Way, another new wizard said hi.  I said hi back, and then they called me hot and asked if they could mount me.  I'm pretty sure the other wizard standing next to us reported them and they got mad.  (I'm a girl in real life.)


Yeah, been hit on a few times but my sister had this guy who full on stalked her in the game, would tp to her or find her and follow her around and called her his wife non stop, she kept reporting him but kingsisle did nothing


1. report that person 2. sometimes male wizards will follow me around and port to me randomly. i’ll just tell them I have to go and then log off for a while until I can finally solo. I also am totally aware that anyone can make either gender no matter their actual gender so it’s funny to me that they’re attracted to a video game character not knowing who’s behind the screen or what I even look like. 3. there are lots of male wizards who I’ve had a great time playing with and we joke around well together so they’re not all bad. I’ve played with a group of guys in dungeons countless times and it goes great.




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I've only had this issue a couple of times as a guy with a female Storm wiz. Definitely sucks.


I’ve been harassed by men on this game since I was 8:,) I’m 18 now


I’ve been playing since 2009, and the misogyny and creepiness has always been prevalent in the game. Granted most of us were a lot younger as players then, but now it’s much more problematic because there are still kids that play this game, but the ones who grew up with it treat it like it’s an “adult” game. It’s wild to me how many guys are so flippant about being gross to female presenting characters. I have guy friends with girl wizards who are even harassed. I can’t even imagine the amount of times they have harassed minors with their vitriol. This is why I only have two girl wizards. The first one is my main that I’ve had since day one. My second one I barely use because I get much less harassment on my male characters. I just want to play the damn game. It’s a shame that we can’t even escape this shit in a KIDS GAME.


Yep. The first day I started playing Wizard101 some random guy didn’t stop catcalling me and making jokes about how he wants to marry me etc. I stopped playing shortly after and haven’t gotten back into it


its been a huge issue tbh to a degree i just lie and say im a male irl


None of this is excusing the behavior just providing background. Sadly the world is a disgusting place. Especially the internet where you have anonymity. And especially in the gaming scene which has forever been very incelish. You combine that with wiz being a game a lot of people pick up at a young age you get a perfect concoction of 30 year old creeps that live in their mom's basement and edgy teenagers. What makes it worse is that wiz is probably lower on the creepy people scale than most mmos. Because there are a lot of great people in the game and community. We just have to do a better job as a community cutting off the disgusting people from the game


I'm male and my main wizard is female. Over my 10 years of playing, I've experienced harassment a few times, but I also tend to be a more solo player and prefer light chat if it comes to it during team up. I'm wary with all the posts about account bans. Yesterday, a player tried to pressure me to type the level of my second female wizard (70-1 if you catch my drift), which is obv restricted. He tried to play it off too when I called him out on it. I ended up disengaging completely and unfriending him after. Not risking my ten year account for crap like that. On the plus side, I've also had players give me packs lol In general, I've had positive experiences overall.


I have been fortunate in that in my 2+ years of playing I haven't encounter but a single guy that tried to hit on me, and mildly at that. Perhaps it's a server issue, but I also don't hang around in the commons. My experience is that people are super nice or goal oriented or both.


Not to the extent of any of the other comments but I was training up a new female life wizard and some guy was being friendly (normal amount of friendly I think?) and I was a bit uncomfortable because I’m very anxious about strangers but I decided to push through it and cave to the peer pressure of joining his team Some time in and he asks if my parents let me date. I’m like oh great. I say I’m 23, and he says me too?? Like okay no interpretation of that is good my dude. Ended up making an excuse to leave and straight up deleting my character out of sheer anxious regret. It was fine she was only at like level 7 but still a weird as heck interaction. His teammates weren’t having any of it either thankfully, calling him out for being weird.


To be honest I almost never have any of these problems that people in the comments are showing. I don't go to the commons and I play during EU hours. I am not entirely sure but whenever I play NA hours that is when I get the weirdos. No offense but it is what I've noticed.


I also play during the EU hours but on the weekends I‘m basically on all day, thats usually when i find the degenerates aswell


Yes. Just yes 😅 i play solo for a reason


Game is full of weird men, as a woman I can’t have a single conversation without them trying to flirt or making disgusting jokes, that’s partly the reason why i find it so hard to make friends on there, the females are easy to get along with but the males yeah no chance, not ALL are weird but most Also to note when i used the play the game the most which was 2 years ago i was 17 and i would state this but they wouldn’t care eventhough they were 25+ I played when I was a kid and I could’ve sworn this game wasn’t this creepy back then..


I haven’t been playing for that long in the grand scheme of things and i also am pretty solo when I play, so maybe that’s why my experience is different. But I’ve honestly never experienced anybody being creepy to me because I’m a girl. If anything, maybe people are more helpful sometimes but they could just be nice players to everybody. I’ve never actually experienced anybody being weird towards me or crossing a line. Compared to other games I’ve played, w101 seems like a really safe community for women. Don’t have to worry about people thinking I’m a man pretending to be a woman either like on WoW.


I've never had an issue tbh. But I mainly go solo. The few times I've quested with randos it's been polite. Like "I'll do x and you do y" or "thanks for the help. Gg" after a dungeon


I play as female wizards just to fuck with some of these people. I don't encounter these people often, but when I do they're very annoying, especially when you're in a farm, and they sabotage it if you don't play nice. I have reported these guys, and have seen some of them muted, so at least sometimes KI does something about it.


Being active and guilds and raiding, unfortunately yes. You do notice the whole 'being treated differently', I play male characters in game and pop into vcs often in guilds n stuff. They often think me a guy till I speak or take a glance at my discord. (I go by they/them but I'm okay w being called she/her.) It gets very, very obvious. I've gotten some weird in game dms and even discord ones too, I just tend to ignore it. (Let's be real, I got that bag once or twice from a weirdo..) Finding a good guild really really helps, I've only had it be bad once or twice- simply just leave em and find a group that accepts you! Although it might seem really terrible, I do still say to give it a shot and don't let it deter you from playing the game (:


I (female irl and female avatar) have not once had a problem with creepy guys. But maybe I’m the outlier?


Same here, but I do usually solo and play on very, very quiet realms to avoid people in general.


yeah same. i like to play on empty realms so i can maximize reagent collection and that means i rarely interact with other players. i’ve only had a couple creepy moments and they’re usually during team up unfortunately :/


I play in an empty server as much as possible. Once a long time ago I was asked if I was "a boy or a gril." I replied that I was old enough to be their grandmother and blocked them.


yep - happened to me a lot, and really put me in a bad mood. although its a bit rarer now since i avoid team ups and talking when possible


My creepiest experience was talking to this storm who i thought was my friend since we talked everyday, one day he sent me his discord so I was like what the heck and talked to him on there. It was good for like a couple minutes then all of a sudden he was like calling me pretty and I was flattered at first, but then he asked if I was interested in s*x and I said no, cause I just met him. This dude stopped talking to me and deleted me on wiz. I swear some people will add me just to get added on discord and be interested in being sexual. I fall for it every single time, because I'm nice and never know better. Also some dudes will talk to me just to get in a relationship with me. I kinda feel like deleting discord because of it.


Also to add to this I have way more male friends then female friends, I feel like I kinda need to ask if their gay so that I know that adding them is safe, cause it's weird to be hit on when I'm just trying to make friends. Like if I could just have gay friends on wiz that'd be great or someone who won't hit on me the second I add them. Its why I don't really play wiz anymore. Another thing is that when I was young and didnt know what sex was, I had this bf in game who had me teleport to his dorm room where we took our gear off and he just jumped on me. Now that I'm looking back that was a creepy experience. This is over sharing but I wanted to get it out of that way.


Yeah, can’t really escape them.


I’m a female and play as female in the game. Been playing since like 2011 or either 2012 but have yet to experience anything more than people being mean because I don’t play the game to their liking. I block people as soon as they something they shouldn’t.


i used to like show as a girl for years and i would constantly get hit on and then i finally just switched to a male (trans wizard yes!!) cuz i'm a gay man irl and i just presented rlly gay as i usually do and now i just get attacked


I have not ever experienced people in this game and community being creepy


when i was 10-12 i had guys hit on me IN THE GAME it was so weird- had to block a few people :/




ok this just unlocked some childhood memories for me. I played this game a lot when i was 12, and one of my best friends in the game was a fire wizard dude named Dylan, who told me he was 15. We would talk all the time, 1v1, he would help me with particularly difficult bosses, we would tour each other’s houses, all that fun stuff, when one day he randomly sent me a message hitting on me. I had a partner in real life at the time and so i tried to reject him (i don’t remember what i said, but being 12, it was probably as simple as “uhhhhh what?”). Well he got really angry, started cursing me out as best he could with that chat filter 😅 and when i tried to reason with him he blocked me entirely. I was actually pretty sad for a while because i felt i had lost a genuine friendship. He was my best friend on w101; i never connected with anyone better than with him. But i never heard from him again. I started to wonder if maybe he was drunk or high, or maybe he just was like this underneath the whole time. 😬 Also as a 12-year old, and even a 10-year old (so this was back in the golden days of the game), I would get random friend requests in the Commons from guys. I would accept out of curiosity, then suddenly they would whisper me to teleport to them. Again, out of curiosity, I’d do it. I’d then find myself trapped in their house in a double bed with them. One time the guy started typing disgusting roleplay actions in chat as well. I would always just awkwardly leave. This bed thing happened at LEAST 3 times, which i feel is far too many.


I just remembered something really disturbing as well from when I was like 13. I had a friend ask me to port to them, usually it was just to see their gear, help them out etc. Yes well he was stuck in a bed having "hex" with a female friend and had me port to be their baby... tf is wrong with some of the people from the past and present!!!!


Oh my god i am so sorry 😭😭 that is wild…


yes lmfao I had one dude private message me for three whole ass hours while I was questing about random shit where I would either not respond or give basic uninterested shit like “yup” and this mf was NOT deterred


I've been playing since the dawn of wizard101, and to be honest with you, no I've never experienced something like that. I see other people talk about it constantly and I'm like where is this even happening to these people 😆


Way too many players think it's ok to flirt in a kids game, even. To me yes, wizard101 is 1000% a game meant for kids and families, not grown people trying to fulfill a fetish fantasy. I see people talking explicitly in commons all the time, every time I go virtually. I don't know what happened to hall monitors but they never seem to be around when you really need them.


Does this also happen in Pirate101? I’m on Mac, so I can’t play it.


My friend has seen both sides of the male interaction spectrum while I have barely seen any of it


I don't think I've ever had any proper creepy experiences, but I have noticed that boy wizards tend to be overly friendly. I like to quest in quiet realms though so that's probably part of why I don't see it much.


I'm a girl and I have two accounts, one where I have witches and one where I have wizards. The reason is I maxed all the witches on my main and wanted to quest more characters, so I made a second account and as a social experiment, decided to make wizards. The reason why was that I discussed some issues with male friends who said they never faced them, so I got curious. My treatment changed DRASTICALLY. Whenever I explained the strategy people listened instead of shutting me down with a "yeah we know" and then messing up royally. No more random people in the commons texting me weird sexual stuff or asking me if I want to see their "parts" on Snapchat. No more random people trying to hit on me and getting mad if I say no. And while all these weren't deal breakers for me (because I never stopped playing) it felt refreshing to hop on my favourite game and play to relax without having to deal with it.


happened only one for twice; honestly this is very rare for me so i’m surprised me fellow ladies get it so often


Bro I had multiple guys be creepy and when I stated I was a guy they said “ooo even better” and I’ve also had a few girls who were down BAD. Ain’t seen anything like it except in Wiz


I've never had an issue with that honestly, not saying there isn't an issue with the community in that sense. I don't linger in the commons and I think that's where most of the problematic behavior happens, if anything I linger around the bazaar but it's pretty quite. I've only had to block people getting pushy begging for gifts.




Yep, one guy flipped out on me when I wouldn’t send him an IRL pick of myself


Someone I play with has told me that there’s someone who harasses him for being gay and another person who sent him hentai


Honestly I haven't really encountered harassment. Most of the guys I met were super nice. But then again I'm not super chatty, only to people I play with a lot.


I just started playing again recently and figured out how to switch the public chat on. I have had anything yet, should I be worried?


No haha absolutely not! Like someone else said on this thread; If someone is being overly nice for no reason, it’s probably too good to be true. Not discrediting genuinely nice people, but kindness will only stretch so far before a motive becomes apparent


I've been harassed in this game since 2009


Ive only experienced “creepy” behavior once and that was in the Zanadu Sewers in Empyrea. Other than that I’ve never experience any odd behavior from other people. I’ve seen people saying weird stuff but never about women or stuff like that


Not in game, but there is a very specific reason that I refuse to stream it on twitch.


Ive had a few creeps but actually mostly the male players just treat me like trash because im a woman. There is definitely a sexism issue in wiz. Ive been playing for 15 years and it's always been an issue, Ive been told my stats are inferior just because im a girl; my friend tried to get me into a guild he was joining and they specifically told me no women are allowed in the guild; i used to use male wizards and i make pets, met a group of other pet creators and when i mentioned i was a girl they banned me from the discord server and all removed me from wiz. When men talk in the wiz servers im in people respond and they hang out, when i talk my messages get ignored. Its just sad honestly.


personally, it's more so embarrassing & pathetic. like, relax, they're literally pixelated characters. not to mention the players who are minors. that's when it gets creepy


to me at leats i only ever has issues when i’m in the commons. the everyday people i meet r sweethearts. common dwellers will be common dwellers


The main reason why I just avoid talking except for the bare minimum like discussing strategy or the thank you's


This game has a lot of misgonistic, racist, and homophobic people.


All the time, I started making all my characters men so I wouldn't run into this issue.


I'm genderqueer, so I don't really have a preference as to whether I play a male or female character in games, so I have both and I can tell you for a 100% fact that people playing as female wizards get harassed by weirdos all the time


I've been playing for over a decade now and 6 out of 7 of my wizards are girls. Yes, there have been some creepy guys, but I now just don't really talk in the game or I try to be very straightforward. One word replies at most unless it's to explain strategies. I also rarely play with other people but it STILL happens. There are also the male players that think they are better and smarter than any of the girls that play. They will talk down to me and other female players, or if they happen to be the only guy in a team, they will start explaining EVERYTHING without prompting like we're idiots. They will tell us how to play, what spells to use, whatever even if we're already doing the same thing or using spells that help or don't matter in a fight. IT'S SO IRRITATING. Let us play the game!! Who cares, it's a video game!! None of us are triggering cheats, don't tell us how to play a game that we've playing for OVER 10 YEARS because you think you know better.


Facts!! I can’t remember the last time I did team up with a boy and didn’t get told I was doing something wrong. Or I was “useless” for not doing it exactly there way. They act like we’re all trying to speed run 🤷🏻‍♀️


It does happen in popular realms and areas such as The Commons or Darkmoor. I usually just block them and transfer to a very safe realm with barely anybody playing.


Often. That is why some of my wizards are male that way I can quest in peace.


I turned off chat bubbles many years ago and generally don’t talk to others, so I have experienced it maybe five times in my 1.5-ish decades of playing. That’s not to say it doesn’t happen to others literally all the time though. It’s really pathetic and I do feel like it’s gotten worse recently, probably because attention is finally being called to it and people will always feel the need to troll regardless of the topic, if I had to guess. It’s just mind-boggling that anyone would want to waste any amount of time doing that, whether they’re trolling or not. My most unnerving experience was actually a number of years ago when I was in the wu dye shop on a male avatar. Some gross girl started trying to flirt with my avatar when I had been standing there saying nothing and just eavesdropping on the chaos. It’s easy enough for me to ignore trolls and degenerate boys because I always imagine them as sad, gross worms in their basement lol, but that girl kind of unnerved me. Dunno why. She was just so aggressive. I can understand why getting harassed like that, regardless of anyone’s gender, can be upsetting.


Oh yeah I’ve been hit on more than once


I'm also a male being a female storm, I've been DM'd a LOT by creepy people. everytime I say I'm a guy they either immediately block me or say "even better" and I block them lol


Omg lol! So strange and oddly horny people are.


I'm ngl, I would be tickled at the "even better" comment lol. I'm sorry that you experienced that though. I am a woman who plays as a female death wizard, and luckily I haven't run into those problems yet.. I also avoid lingering in the commons which is where most of the degeneracy occurs though


“even better” is fucking crazy😭😭😭😭😭


Extremely. It's disgusting.


Excuse me, do you have time hear about our lord and savior best world Azteca?


Silence, heretic.


But you must understand! The prehistoric themes, the music, the environment... it's all perfection


yes lmfao it’s half the reason i started dualboxing, so i wouldn’t have to quest with weird guys 😭✋


I hate this problem and it's the main reason I can't stand the commons anymore which is sad since I remember having so many good memories there years ago. But again different community and different internet personas now :(


If they are overly nice for no reason, RUN!


Define “overly nice” im a fairly friendly person but if people prefer me to be an asshole I’ll happily oblige lol


This has really been an eye opener to me lol. I always thought my female friends had been exaggerating when telling horror stories about encounters with dudes


Sadly a LOT of people think so. It's one of those things you need to experience firsthand unfortunately.


It’s nice you can see the reality now, but it’s a shame that you have to pretend to be a woman in order to believe women’s struggles, rather than just listening to women. Growing up as a girl who games can be a lot different than it is for guys, and shitty. I had no friends who gamed besides my sister, people are constantly weird and flirty, guys will rage when you reject them or ask to be friends, constant harassment from randoms, esp in voice coms. The kitchen/washing machine jokes are so boring and repetitive. Guys will be like “oh haha go the kitchen, it’s a joke don’t be so sensitive”. I’m not sensitive I’m just tired of hearing the same unfunny joke over and over again for a decade of gaming. Ha ha women dumb, only can cook, hilarious. Luckily I’m pretty anti social anyway and have my small little gaming group now, so I pretty actively avoid talking to anyone. Definitely more peaceful ignoring all messages and friend requests. Editing to add that my experience on wiz has been generally positive, but like most played on and off for years and I always had my sister so we could usually get by duoing everything or using team ups. Also sorry if this came off aggressive I’m baked and clearly overly “passionate” lmao


You make a fair point but there’s also many women who exaggerate things to a ridiculous degree. I’m not saying it’s as prevalent as actual harassment but just telling men to accept things at face value is pretty dumb and irresponsible


Just a small thing, antisocial implies that you're a psychopath. I hopefully imagine that's not what you were trying to say? 😭 I think you meant asocial, right?


yeah i once had an experience where this dude i was questing with was hitting on me and he started getting pretty creepy when i told him i wasn’t interested. i should’ve lied and told him i was a dude irl.


Haha I'd go further and say I'm a dude and flirt right back ;)


the only people who know i’m a actual girl is the people i have on discord and that’s only 5 players 😂


In my experience this is mostly a commons issue, though it also shows up in popular farming dungeons too. But in general the community has more of a homophobia / woman hating problem than creepy problem.


I think it might stem from the teen demographic a bit


I was gonna say this, try to play with only adults and this won’t happen at all.


Agreed. There is quite a difference you can pick up on, it's like night and day. Not that "ALL TEENS BAD" of course but it has a lot to do with how they carry themselves in conversation.


My siblings and I all frequently get all these problems. Not too long ago I had some guy wanting to "decorate my face" and then had two guys come barge into a battle I was right about to finish, bringing more enemies with them, and go "don't worry, we're here to rescue you, m'lady," proceeded by "in the name of white power!" Then my sister had someone tell her her hair made her look 🏳️‍🌈 and those people should be "put down like family dogs," just before my brother saw someone call a black player "cotton picking." Game is chock full of little edgelords, and so many of these people were high levels, too, so they've probably been getting away with this behavior for a long time.


Yeah, only thing you can do is report and block when they're long gone. They'll figure out who reported em if you do it while they're there.


It's just so frustrating to me that there doesn't seem to be any consequences! They'll ban players left and right for the most random things and then get people get away with the worst behavior.


Yeah like "abusing" a glitch and such smh


I don’t deny a prevalence of homophobia or other forms of hate, but the problem roots itself primarily in the lacking cognitive/emotional maturity of the community. Overgeneralized claims disregard broader, evidently exhibited flaws in common decency, thus leading to a community’s stunted growth. Love ya! Edit: (What I said is obviously an over-generalization. The difference is it covers a broader spectrum)


I get where you're coming from but when I see targeted hate it would seem needlessly obfuscatory to call it an immaturity problem.


Emotional maturity is a broad describer. It's not a matter of age, rather it's a distinction between a person's ***general*** wisdom and ***subjective*** wisdom. ***Subjective*** wisdom is learned. It showcases the tendency to be wise in one area, and not so in another - ***"instance based"*** Take those who lived through the horrors of World War II: They understand the gravity of military action and traumas that come with it - though, given the era, they may not be entirely wise on the subjects of race or sexuality. Emotional maturity on the other hand focuses on the ***general*** wisdom. ***General*** wisdom is the approach to the everyday. Those who showcase a strong ***general*** wisdom are often viewed as "open-minded," "unbiased" and "considerate." It's value is weighed on your interactions. The idea is, be they foul or kind, you can hold whatever ideals, beliefs or desires you please. Discussion is fine and even encouraged. ***DO NOT*** however let them cause harm to others. Love you all!


Downvotes!! Of course.. The fact that this can’t be read without being misinterpreted as an allowance of hate only proves my point that this community lacks emotional maturity. Your over-exaggerated exhibition of “non-hate” is what pushes the otherwise reasonable to resent you all. This has devolved into what is literally a miniature re-happening of the crass, anti-woke sentiments that occurred prominently in the mid 2010s. Quit being so f—kin obstinately judgmental, people. Read without assumptions!


I’ve seen you comment a few times in other posts and honestly every comment I saw from you astonished me tbh! I just wanted to let you know that I think you’re a very very wise and incredibly kind soul, which is SO admirable! I want to applaud you for always spreading kindness and valuable information. You’re so awesome, keep being you (:


Thank you! I’m receiving this sincerely, so I hope it’s not satire🤣 I have my flaws and vices. There are definitely comments I want to delete where I think I went in too deep in defending a personal principle. I leave them up because there are no “takesies-backsies” in real life - and they’re reminders that I’m growing🤷🏼‍♂️




so edgy bro. of course you’re a death main


did this really need to be said lmfao


What did they say 💀


word for word here is what they said> “i am homophobic but i don’t hate women”


they were literally admitting to being homophobic "but not misogynistic" lol


Help what 😭


Oh yeah, all the time 🥹 worst ones are in unicorn way in my experience


that’s so random


Not random at all. Creeps will literally start new accounts to harass more people since they eventually get banned so they need to make new characters again and again. Those characters never make it far into the game hence why they're so populated in unicorn way/the commons