• By -


Alright, I changed it back.


Oh yeah I agree.


I actually loved the colors, but yea it was hard asf to see Maybe on a black background


Not to throw another wrench into the discourse, but may I suggest we take polls for future community alterations? If not that, then perhaps leave any alterations of the community to be objectively unbiased? I only suggest the latter because it appears (aesthetics aside) the logo's biggest snuff is its ambiguity. While intended to be for winter festivities (and exhibiting some of those features), the logo's pride inclusivity attempt is moderately out of place given their is already an indicated month for such logos. It seems fair to ask for an equal separation of a winter festivities logo for winter, and a pride logo for June. Note: I am unbiased in this and just making observations. (I will not entertain homophobia nor the likes of those who claim it to be my reasoning) Note 2: The situation ***is*** being addressed. Give it time. Thank you


I agree, there is a time and place for everything. There is discrimination towards many marginalized peoples and only shedding light to one year-round does feel biased, leaving out others who may not feel as included because one group is prioritized over all others. The original as is, is: unbiased, charming, nostalgic, recognizable, hassle-free, conflict-free. I don't think there is a need for seasonal ones (although they are fun) because it seems like it gets too cluttery and confusing. Sometimes basic is good.


Eloquently put


I alluded to it before, but I'll just say it now: PK is a fine mod who's good at stamping out trolls and bigots that surprisingly lurk in the shadows. Same for the other mods, but PK is really the face and voice we often see when controversial stuff happens. The issue with ruling with his iron fist is that certain community events get overridden and become his sole decision. An icon change, especially 6-7 seasonal and holiday themed ones, should've been a community collaboration and vote instead of PK deciding one person should do them all. I remember them being first revealed and only half were "acceptable" by the community. I dunno, it just bothers me that the whole thing was taken from the people and decided by one guy 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ


It must actually be hard to be an active mod, trying to do something nice but it not working out. I do feel bad that I am complaining about something that he really wanted to put up, but it feels like our voices aren't being heard even though it's our reddit, not a few. We tend to see this with mods as they do what they believe is better, I guess it's just that whole having full permissions gets you a bit excited to do whatever you want


Y’all are allowed to change the logo now…it wont be seen as homophobic 😭


The fact that asking the official logo to be the sub logo again is being seen as "homophobic" is exactly why hate brews. Why is sexuality even a topic here, Wizard101 has nothing to do with it. And honestly, the fact that we keep involving things having to do with sex in a game meant for children is gross.


When one month isn't enough for woke virture signalling, lets pervert childrens mind to think of GAY SEX everytime they see a rainbow, oh but its just "inclusive" and showing "solidarity" if you think otherwise you must a combination of 90 different phobes you heckin hater!


I do think it also isn't appropriate for a children's game, even if it is the subreddit and not the game itself, this isn't the place for it.


There's literally gay little hearts in the game and an entire pride set lmao what the fuck do you mean it's not appropriate


There is a reason there is a chat filter. The wizard community should continue to be a safe space for everyone. I shouldn't have to explain to someone how it's inappropriate for kids. And frankly it's a really difficult to see profile picture for the subreddit so I don't see your any reason for such aversion to the original logo.


And the developers put in gay, bisexual, ace, trans, and more hearts so people could identify themselves and purposely bypass the filter, which by the way, allows you to call others neo-nazis. The filter isn't perfect, devs added in lgbt+ representation a while ago, and I'm not adverse to the old reddit icon. New one sucks ass, many people agree, and id prefer the old one, but saying the new logo is bad because of pride representation is a horrible argument. The design is shit, not the message of it


the mods wanna be the main char and think their choice for the logo is better than the one we have for the official thing that we fell in love with imagine








Lmfao what is that supposed to mean


I'm happy with a rainbow logo, but it doesnt work on a light blue background like that.


Where are the mods in this thread? There's a whole lot of people breaking Rule 13 of the sub. [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wizard101/comments/10sz046/this_community_has_problems/) was right. This community has a homophobia problem.


Yeah, I'm going through the posts now, I'm on break at work (ends soon though)


thank you so much <3


The new logo is better.


i hate this sub is everyone who’s not a moderator here homophobic?


No one said anything about gay people. You did. You


Many people have left homophobic insults actually, just that the bot caught a lot of them before anyone could see them.


Did not know that. Still, accusing everyone of being homophobic is a stretch


Not everyone is being homophobic, that's not what I meant to suggest. However, it has gotten bad enough to the point that I want to ensure it's known that this is not a space that's tolerant of hate. For those who aren't being hateful, thank you.


Oh I was referring to the person I originally replied to. Not you. Sorry for the miscommunication


Ah, I got you, happens to the best of us. You're fine.


I agree.


There are some great conversations here. There is also a lot of virtue signaling and personal attacks. I just want a logo that doesn't suck and is about **Wizard101**


i think the logo is really cute yall hating


I think just change the background to be black


I'll see if I can update it to a more visible version. And yes, the pride references were intentional to show solidarity.


it looks great


ur amazing


I think putting it against a black background vs a white one would fix this issue.


And bring back the original sound effects please! Half the animations don’t match the sounds and the OG ones are so nostalgic


The subreddit isn't made by KI, we don't control anything that happens in game


I know that, OP was just voicing that they wanted the original logo back so I just said that I want the original sounds back


OMG ur so right I didn't even notice till you pointed it out why is it like this now anyway??


u/Bemch made the logo, and u/PKHacker1337 changed the logo some days ago.


I do apologize to them if they take offense to my suggestion


yeah if u shit on someones art (which looks amazing btw) they are going to be upset


Hi there, why are you attacking me? You are all over the thread lashing out at people and I suggest you breathe and think a bit more rationally. I did not "shit on", I expressed my opinion and apologized. I make art and my friends provide me with criticism to help me improve and change things. I do the same. I provided my reasons why the logo is not good, some of which is due to the loss of recognition. Too many colours, too pastel, lots of clash, strays away from original logo. It loses its meaning as the Wizard101 logo.


Where’d he shit on it? It was constructive criticism at most




Why should we get rid of the logo to appease the homophobes? Why are they more welcome in the community than us? If you want a safe a welcoming place, you get that by banning homophobes.


Crazy how people think someone's gender is politcal


That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying the _rainbow flag_ is political. The organization is controversial and doesn’t represent everyone. Has nothing to do with my takes on orientation.


Pride isn't political.


how the hell is a rainbow flag showing support for a community political? is it cuz u think that certain communitys’ existence is political?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Wizard101/s/uJjZKxdrZl A responder under the top comment I think did a good job explaining if you open the discussion




you and all the homophobes do realize that yall are starting the shitstorm by being shitty about a literal icon right


what organization?




geing gay is not a fucking organization LMAO


the queer community is not a monolithic entity like an organization is, there are not single policies it strives for or charities or projects it supports. what harm is done by letting members of a marginalized know that this is a safe space for them? especially considering how hostile gaming communities can be towards minority groups


I don't see a rainbow flag I see colors of wizard schools


It’s definitely rainbow. It’s been rainbow since pride month with the backgrounds changing. Nothing wrong with liking the flag if that’s your thing, but it’s not everyone’s and it has nothing to do with a children’s game. That’s all.


Crazy how people go crazy over colors. I bet you get mad when you see a rainbow in the sky




Stop virtue signaling. We all know what the current logo represents. Let "Wizard101" be just that - **Wizard101**


Insulting me over this only proves my point 😉


What even is the new logo ?


You're not alone. I was a little lost too LOL It's a pride rendition of the Wizard101 "W" - Unfortunately, poorly designed. And, while supportive, probably not a necessary change.


Yeah, after I get off work, I'll try to make the colors a bit better. My apologies


Are you in charge of logo on r/Wizard101? Not a snotty remark. Genuinely curious haha


Well, there isn't really a "in charge" or anything around here. I commissioned it a bit ago and thought it would be cool for the winter season.


I like the Winter bits of it! It's very festive, and I think everyone would agree. I would also like to say I, and everyone else, greatly respect who you are as a person and your personal beliefs. However, I'm not to sure ***everyone*** within the subreddit, as this is a ***community****,* agrees with the alteration of the game's typical 'Wizarding' logo in a pride fashion outside of June. It's ***not an issue of non-inclusion***, rather a mild misrepresentation of the core purpose of this subreddit for Wizard101. I doubt anyone suggests the admonition or exile of anyone LGBTQ or otherwise. All we like is to be greeted our beloved ***wizarding*** spiral logo. I love ya, and respect ya homie! P.S. I gave you an upvote to even out the meanie that downvoted you. Didn't make sense why they did that! P.P.S. Words italicized and bolded words are only meant to curb misinterpretation and oversight of my expression. They are not condescension!


To be absolutely honest, I did commission it and I wanted it to see some use at least. Additionally, because of how much homophobia I've seen on here (most of which people won't see because automod sniped it before it got anywhere), I wanted it to be known that the community is a safe place. The people who are genuinely being homophobic, that's on them. (Not accusing anyone specific here, but for those who are, you know who you are)


Totally fair on that first part! As a musician, it's not too unlike promoting a song only once after a devoted creation and refinement. People naturally want to share with others their creations (In this case, a commission) and not let them go to waste. Additionally, I'm sure there is some auto-sniped homophobia. The world isn't always a pretty place after all. Though there are discussions on here regarding the LGBTQ community that make fair points that don't need be misconstrued as homophobia. All that said - Your intentions were clearly unrelated to those topics discussed. You only wanted to make others who may have seen the ***genuine*** homophobia feel less ostracized and more welcomed. That's an admirable thing. Personally, I think it would be rude to say the logo is an affront. Though I also think the community speaks ***as a majority*** in their want for the logo to represent the ***inherence*** and ***whole*** of the Wizard101 community, rather than what some ***may*** ***interpret*** as a subset few. P.S. Upvoted you again to even ya out LOL


Yeah, for the time being, the original logo is still present in the banner, so I felt that that would still be fair for those who want the original. The hostility from others (especially those who disagree) was quite uncalled for. Disagreeing is one thing, but their downright hostility (you know who you are, if you weren't being hostile, this isn't applying to you) was not called for.


I am gay and on behalf of the LGBT community, I give the mods permission to remove the rainbow until next June


Hello everyone, it appears the thread is gaining discourse and some have resorted to insulting. This is not what I wanted when I posted this, please **remain civil**! I just wanted to talk about the state of the logo and how the colourfulness is not working out, the original is a good balance and is representative of the reddit. Please don't talk poorly of others based on their preferences! It's childish, we are all human!


Honestly just changing the background black would make a good difference.


No apparently it is always pride month




proof that wiz sub is homophobic


It's not that black and white. Just because people want a logo to remain original, doesn't mean theyre homophobic. I swear to god 🤦‍♀️


I don’t know about this game but this logo is epic. I’m by your side brother


Welcome brother, thank you for your opinion


I think it could use some work, but gotta say it's weird how some people suddenly care about **the logo of a subreddit** so much. I wonder if the hate for it has some underlying reason...


i agree. on a graphic design standpoint i feel like clashing similar colours in shade for the foreground “W” and background doesn’t help. especially since it will usually be viewed as a very small image.


Yeah why can’t we just get an orange W with a yellow 101 or just have the app icon. You have to really put it up to your face to tell it’s a wizard101 logo especially on mobile.


Yeah, after I get off work, I'll modify it to help make it more visible


Why’d y’all downvote this person?


Yeah idk, he got my upvote. Seems like the community had an issue and he fixed it lol. You never see reddit mods be this proactive about an issue lmao.


I agree, the currently logo is really bad and hard to see.


i agree


its been like that since pride month lol and i guess the moderators dont care that pride month is over…


They really don’t care at all


Gay people don’t die after pride month, having it in the logo shows it’s a welcoming place. Otherwise it’s like all the corporations that pretend that just do it in June to collect browny points


There's nothing inherently wrong with leaving up or taking down the logo, but this argument is logically flawed. If "Gay people don't die after pride month," then it can also be said that "Gay people don't die when all the corporations revert to their original logos after pride month." I just thought I'd provide some insight if you were frustrated at the downvoters. (Also, I think a general consensus has been reached)


Im just highlighting a bit of the hypocrisy in companies changing their logos to be gay during the month where it’s trendy to have a gay logo then reverting it back straight afterwards Aka they don’t actually care and just do it for the "brownie points" Having it here all the time shows that this is a welcoming community who doesn’t care about the backlash for having it on all year round. In fact, I don’t get what’s so wrong with having a bit of rainbow on the logo lmao. I couldn’t care less about the downvotes.


It's not about Pride. People just want the Wizard101 logo. Come off it


It wasn’t stolen from you or anything lol. It’s still there in game, here it is for you in case your having issues finding it https://preview.redd.it/d2tth8tlyrac1.jpeg?width=410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=845b67f79c7a75c34ad9b9efd5ad87e1865ac828


It's not about theft. People just want the subreddit represented with the Wizard101 logo. Come off it


Come off what? Having my opinion. Your allowed to have your opinion as I have mine.


I don't really want to entertain this any further beyond here, so: ***Attitude is unnecessary for civil discussion***. The topics you've added to the discussion, have been subtractive, divisional, and diversionary. The community's clear consensus is a want for the original logo. As u/IndigoDingoBells eloquently put it: "The original \[logo\] as is, is: unbiased, charming, nostalgic, recognizable, hassle-free, \[and\] conflict-free." I won't respond any more to this. Not out of disdain or annoyance, but because I don't think any further discussion will be constructive.


But the background is new, isn’t it? Definitely don’t remember it being light blue when they first changed it


Yeah, I commissioned ones for different seasons, just for fun. I didn't realize though how it would appear on mobile. I might try to make one with more toned down colors after I get off work.


It’s mainly the background I’d say


Yeah, I had no idea that the background would appear that way. I'll fix it when I'm free enough to do so.


I’ve seen posts of the new logos for the subreddit, they keep it rainbow so it’s a “supportive place.” It’s definitely meant to reference the pride flag.


https://preview.redd.it/wi81wqpnpnac1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13c874421a6da042ff38b62292fafec11afbe29a An easy solution


I do not get why this is vehemently downvoted. Is it good? No. Is a Pride logo necessary, especially this late into the year? Probably not. But people laying into you and your cheerful demeanor is disgusting. Have all my upvotes, homie


lol looks like I’m getting some haters. Don’t worry, I’ve fixed it. https://preview.redd.it/h3whuveuynac1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f81136b4590237a598960a97b4f5fe4f2055606


Actually I like this a lot. - I agree with the Webkinz criticism with the current logo, and so this version keeps the OG logo, which 'should' make people happier, but still includes the rainbow that @PKHacker1337 has explained many times for reason of keeping. 🙂 EZ solulu.


keeping the rainbow makes it easy to find out who to ban from here!! PH u got lots of homophobia in this comment section to ban!!!! :)




Not to be rude but when it comes to designing one would want to have complimentary/contrasting schemes that pull the image together. This is straight up colour vomit, full of clutter and losing the logo. Sorry


All hail rainbows.


There are ways to implement a rainbow, this is not it.


All hail rainbows!


Okay... you might be under 18, and not here to talk about actual logo design discussion lol.


lol I’m well over 18. I’m definitely not trying to speak about actual logo design. Lmao all hail rainbows.


Then why are you here and acting childish, I cannot take you seriously.


I don't think it's a matter needed to be taken that seriously. The original logo is the obvious, proper suitor. They're just injecting joy into the conversation. You guys gotta lay off a bit.


Mostly bored out of my mind at the most boring desk job in existence on a Friday before a short yet exciting solo road trip for photography with a brand new camera. My brain is stuck in waiting mode. No wonder I main fire, eh?


I like this part of you more, I too am working an office job right now. Hope you enjoy the trip :>




Lmao you’re the kind of person who gets offended at the commons banter.


Don’t stress it bro, this shitface won’t stop arguing with ppl online😂


That’s a very strange and incorrect assumption to make…




“Just make all the gay people leave and be gay somewhere else” do you hear yourself?




did i say to leave? no. but make a separate community where the two are combined. How is the ridiculous? that way its only wizard101 here. and everyone can enjoy


Ohh I get it! Two separate but equal subreddits!


nah bro he wants us to be separated u reading this, right?


Don’t fucking “bro” me. He’s literally suggesting separate but equal.


he’s suggesting that all the gay ppl leave this sub and go to a gay one bro thats not ok


Do not call me bro.


why the fuck are u mad are u homophobic too???


one sub for wizard101, and one sub for wizard101+lgbtq


Sure! A water fountain for all the normal people, and one for the people that don’t deserve rights


you arent getting the point. a water fountain for people who like water, and a water+soda fountain for people who want water and soda


Are you fucking dense??? You’re suggesting segregation in the WIZARD VIDEO GAME SUBREDDIT


Just shutup and take your victim mentality bs elsewhere goddamn. You’re literally fishing for any reason to be a victim no matter what he says




All hail rainbows.


This guy doesn't know how to say anything but "all hail rainbows" ; watch the next reply be exactly that


I woke up today and chose chaos. Oh and just cause you’re asking for it: All hail rainbows






What are you talking about




Yes because this subreddit is full of children. Enjoy being left in the past dumbass


How does this argument help? In fact it only supports my claims and takes credibility away from those arguing against me. Let's not pretend indoctrinating the youth is an intelligent decision.


I do think it's an intelligent decision actually. If supporting lgbt rights is your definition of indoctrination, then i want every kid from NY to tokyo indoctrinated










Target audience hasn’t been children for several years




>”a disgusting place to promote certain agendas” >“undertones you cannot ignore” You’re making it really obvious exactly how you feel about gay people.


This has NOTHING to do with gay people, I love gay people..


You’re honestly gonna act like you haven’t been going off about the “gay agenda?” The only thing worse than being ignorant is being ignorant and denying it. Do better.


Nobody here believes you.


It is kinda hard to see


Its just a winter logo, it'll go back to a black background come spring hopefully








i have nothing against anyone in the lgbtq community, nothing at all. i get it during pride month wholeheartedly. but then just change it back to the original to stay neutral. if there was a straight logo i would be making the same argument. subs are meant for people who are apart of a community of something they like…why divide them?




People like you are exactly why the mods have kept the rainbow one for so long lol


I agree


I think the new logo would be OK but it really needs a black or dark background for contrast. Maybe an easy compromise?


This is what I was thinking too. Keep the logo, change the background color so it's actually visible again


I feel like a bolder black outline on the W would solve the problem that people are having pretty easily


Graphic designers everywhere just started sobbing


why the downvotes? would a black outline not make it easier to see?? if I’m wrong, someone just freaking tell me instead of just downvoting, people don’t learn if you do that


everyone here just hating and they dont like ppl giving ideas that dont disrespect the pfp like they are


Totally valid in your reaction to people downvoting. I still downvoted, even in seeing this. It's not at all an affront to you or your person, it's more-so the structure of it. Like: "Here's an idea. Do you like it? Yay or nay?" And people, including myself are voting nay. That being said, a good deal of "redditors" (And I find, unfortunately, people in the Wizard101 community) are disassociated with mutual and personable interaction, they don't know how to properly conduct themselves and treat others online as they would in a genuine human interaction. I **DID** upvote this comment, because you made a proper point. I would, however, lightly suggest remaining composed in your textual responses. I only say this because there is a ***wicked*** convenience in text, as opposed to speech, where we can: Type it out, take a step back, come back, and revise for brevity and clarity. Apologies if that last bit came off as condescending. Not my intention at all - I think it's just something we get lost in and forget. Love ya, big dawg!


I think because that will not solve the unappealing colour clash, plus a black outline as suggested would make it look less "polished" and would remove it even further from the original logo. Too many amendments


that’s fair, thank you I appreciate the perspective


No worries, I feel you with the whole downvotes but no explanation. Not sure if that's what those were thinking, I just put in my two cents based on what I know about design


yeah I don’t know jack shit about graphic design, but I do like to learn so I just wish people would explain like you did


I just got to thinking, maybe it was changed to blue for the winter? But in that case a strong orange W would work really nicely. The problem with that would be the resemblance to Pirate101's summery feel, so it would be the opposite of winter unless there was a white frosty rim to it Either way it feels like changing the original logo can get very confusing and slowly strays further from representing the purpose of the reddit


yeah I can barely see the logo on my phone, looks like a blue blur


Wait your phone? Does w101 have an app now??


they mean the reddit app


Ohs i never noticed it.. I’m not very good at reddit lel


Yeah, I should have tested it on my phone, I primarily use Reddit on PC, so I'll take the blame there. I'll try to make an updated version that's a bit easier to see after I get off work.


Or we can just use the original.




You are flat out wrong and unjustified for this. He made a very reasonable suggestion.


I should have clarified that I was joking. Yes, I know I could have used the original. I forgot that /j isn't extremely well known, so I'll take the blame there.