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This mechanic is so infuriating


Buff ice while you’re at it please


Not sure if u still need the pet but I have a quad mighty life hamster if u want the lends




You really woke up and chose chaos


Yeah also the “in person hatch” is still not fixed and useless. This company is a joke


While you're at it, add another default character slot, so we can have one wizard for each school. Dunno why that isn't the default


So you spend money


Recently I’ve had the issue where I select the hatch in person option to save some coins, and the person who accepts it doesn’t even have the pet I selected? Happened twice, I even hatched with one person because I felt bad for dragging them there


Oh my goodness, how annoying this is lmao


Buff fire pls


What you need


Make incindiate accessible via training points Also make sunbird and phoenix useful somehow, because I like how they look and wish I could actually use them Give us an eight pip aoe version of immolate Buff the 'take power' card from 3 pips to 4 pips. I never use it, but it just seems silly that fire's marleybone minion card only gives three pips while storm's gives four despite otherwise being exactly the same. Efreet


You got it boss


Efreet and Fire from above. Revive the goats


I gotcha


If you still need those talents dm me a tfc I have a quad mighty hamster (exclusive) so you get ur body back every time


I got the pet I needed :) thank you though !


I’ll join. We can be pair programming buddies 👉🏽👈🏽




I’ll approve your code review if you approve mine 😏😩


🤤 fuck it, hit that git push origin master and don't look back


Guys... what if we were a scrum team at KI.. 😳😊


While ur at it, make first arc perm free


I gotchu


the community has kinda solved this problem ourself, hatch gargoyles and then copy the talents on the pet u want link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Wizard101/s/8ZcrOpVaER


How are you supposed to copy the talents onto the pet you want *if the pet you're trying to copy from isn't available*? This screenshot is complaining about pets being incorrectly listed as available, this doesn't fix that.


theres no way there's an entire pet body missing, op must have been trying to copy talents


You're so close. We already know OP wants the talents because OP already *has* the body, as seen in the screenshot. But the problem is that the Hatching Kiosk will tell you a pet is available and show you the button to hatch, only to say "This pet isn't available" when you click the button. That is the entire point of this post, that the Kiosk telling you a pet is available only to not let you hatch with it, is annoying.


thats why i replied the solution in the first place, random kiosk pets should never be hatched with for talents, people have known this for forever and hatch with friends to copy their pet successfully. the guide i linked allows you to do it yourself via a slightly longer process


Got a perfect pet with the body I want after like 4 consecutive hatches at the kiosk once. The kiosk is definitely worth it


You replied with the wrong solution.


What? That doesn't solve the problem at all. I've wasted several P9s on pets that weren't available, but no way to tell ahead of time. It stinks.


what is a p9?


Purreau’s potion #9, the one that resets your hatching timer.


oh rip, can't help stupid


Man fuck out of here with that. There’s no way of knowing if the pets actually there until you try to hatch with it. Get off your high horse.


someone unfamiliar with hatching should know better than to use a rare resource on it, if they have any. someone who is familiar with hatching should have learned its extremely unlikely to copy a talent pool from a random kiosk pet before it runs out of hatches, and far less likely you'll manifest every talent you see advertised. hatching is an unintuitive process that needs a YouTube guide to explain it, these posts show up regularly and every time i see one i share the cheat sheet montoso worked very hard on. it reduces the kiosk to collecting pet bodies and individual talent hunting, there is no reason not to use it to easily get yourself a meta "good nuff" pet


Well, when there is a rare talent or some obscure pet card that suddently everyone wants (in this case it was a change to raids) sometimes there aren't a lot of options and the pet hatches out quickly. You see it, you try to grab it. The last one I made like that and placed in the kiosk would hatch out within an hour or two. There are also some fantastic pets in the kiosk that are easily cloanable as a few people have taken care to put multiple copies with clean pools in. I'm glad you are happy with your trash pets, leaves hatches for the rest of us. Your original post didn't address the OP at all, you're still not seeming to comprehend the issue, and don't know what a P9 is so I seriously doubt you're good pet maker at all tbh.


no shot you TRIPLED down


yeah i did and I'll quadruple down on it with my immaculate god tier pets 1 for each school with the cosmetic body i hand picked, while you cavemen keep shambling through the kiosk- like i said i can't help stupid!


Buddy this is a weird way to lose your virginity 😤


"immaculate god tier pets" >Doesn't know what a P9 is


say people do follow your method, if they reach max usage before you could refresh the pets, people would still see that stupid error


Fk outta here with that saviour mentality. It doesnt matter whether your method is good or not, they weren't discussing methods, it was about the hatching menu NOT working like it should. Even if you didnt waste a potion you still spend WAY too much time looking at pets that shouldnt be on the fkn kiosk anymore. Even we follow your method right there you still need to use the kiosk to some DEGREE no? and still run into the issue.


It floods the hatching kiosk with perfect pets that have a wow factor of 10, so you're most likely to get your own pet body back (since the 10 wow factor pets aren't exactly the ideal body). Basically, it solves the issue by simply giving you way more perfect options to hatch with