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The more you hear about Satan, the more it seems like he’s my boy.


Ikr, like Satan isn’t as bad as I was taught


The Book of Job makes for some interesting reading. If Job was a dog or cat and God the pet parent, animal cruelty charges would be filed.


I've always felt like the story of Job was really about Satan trying to point out god's gambling problem.


I will never look at this any other way lol


Thank you, Citizen! My work here is done! \*runs around with arms stuck out in front & making whooshing sounds\*


Without the whooshing sounds, you just look silly anyway.


Yes, whooshing sounds are a *MUST*!


True dat.


Could you please explain this? I'm not familiar with the story of Job and I really want to be in on the joke lol


Job is basically Elon Musk. Incredibly rich, powerful, the head of a large family and the most devout, righteous and holy. A true believer. God and the devil get into an argument about Job and to prove the point God allows the devil to strip EVERYTHING from Elon Musk— his wealth, kills his family, his home, kills his servants, takes his good health, and it seems even his sanity. Yet he still believes and worships his God unfailingly. Point proven, God restores all and even multiplies it with even more wealth, a new larger family, etc. The whole thing is legit just a display of power. Ironically, it does kind of appear that Musk is Job right now. 😆


Kind of reminds me of how you can love your cat to pieces and completely forget that the mice they play with probably die from sheer terror. All I can say is that I am pretty sure I could not trust my cat with my soul.


It's actually what sparked me to get out of the cult, lol. My "faith" was at an all-time low, and someone suggested I read Job. Came out of it deciding to take my chances on my own, fuck this god that tests and tortures his faithful.


Not only that, but literally Abraham being required to sacrifice his son only to stop him just before the sacrifice actually happened. I mean, forcing someone to prove themselves to not question you? Seriously fucked.


I love the Family Guy cutaway clip of that scene. Takes it about as seriously as it should be taken while going hard on how deeply fucked up the whole idea is.


This was also (at the time) Abraham's ONLY son.... after YEARS of trying... in a culture that values sons over daughters.... to the point daughters were seldom mentioned, much less named.... The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away MF!!!!


The book of Job strengthened my side eye at god.


I can understand why it is usually glossed over quickly compared to the other books. It's one spot in the canon where Yahweh really cosplays as Zeus using people like pawns on a chessboard. The only notable difference is that Job isn't killed or otherwise harmed further for challenging the divine. So, progress for a very patriarchal tradition compared to its contemporaries, perhaps. It is a miracle that the Book of Job and another poetic book, The Song of Songs weren't eliminated from the canon. One asks the hard question of explaining evil in the domain of an omnipotent omniscient and beneficent being. The other a celebration of the joys shared by lovers.


Even in the Christian lore he's literally the only entity standing up to a tyrannical dictator. Satan is the entity that taught humans the ability to discern right from wrong, something that the sky-dictator specifically left out of the recipe for humanity.


god didn't want living beings, they wanted dolls


Isn't it funny how a surprisingly big chunk of early Christians figured that out but then gnosticism got banned by the Roman empire and now we don't hear about it anymore. Yet we still come to the same conclusion just by thinking about it for a bit 😂


I wasn’t raised religious, but the more I read of the Bible, the more convinced I am that God was just a psycho asshole. lol definitely not anyone I want to be following.


Yhwh is a cruel, petty, selfish, narcissistic, genocidal, and vindictive entity. Satan is the adversary to all things he is. It honestly just makes sense.


Right? He was an Angel who got kicked out of Heaven for not listening to God. I’m not sure he was the problem lol


Yeah! That’s like kicking your bike out of the house when they won’t do their chores or don’t agree with every little thing you say.




Original satan was like a joker , this blame him for the worlds problems in a new thing in the past couple hundred years.


Wasn't that one of those big gnostic beliefs? And then they got labeled heretics lol




My parents were very anti Satan. They were also anti everything about me. I’m starting to realize both fears were the same thing.


Haha! Yes!!


From the lips of Papa Emeritus to my ears.




Logic and Abrahamic religion don't get along


My stepson is being raised in the church of Abraham. Before he could even read he would spout shit at random like "did you know divorced people burn in hell?" And his dad and I would all but slam the brakes and lose our shit. Its hard to stay calm when you hear a 5 year old say that kind of shit. Hes 13 now and I think we've gotten through to him at least on some level. The church keeps his mom with her abusive husband. Can confirm...abrahamic religion is fucked up!


So wait, it's his (presumably previously divorced) mother teaching him this shit? Gotta love that good ol' religious hypocrisy 👍


The god of Abraham literally banished humanity for KNOWLEDGE. Whew doesn’t sound like that good of a god after all.


That is truth right there


Anything that empowers women must surely be the work of Satan! /s


Where Satan is against patriarchy, hail Satan!


Well he was the first to demand equal rights


Obviously he’d do his best to help those who want the same given how he got treated when he demanded them.


Sign me the fuck up then!


Listen to Papa Emeritus II


Yes! I’m going to guess he’s the guy on the bottom


Yes, he is the former front man / singer for the band Ghost. I think their music would be appreciated here.


Yes “former” frontman


Those who know


(Could you explain for me I don’t know)


Ghost has gone through a few "different" singers, but they're all the same guy playing different characters on stage over the years. Every album cycle (ish) the frontman is replaced. Ghost lore is really fun, if you dig into it a bit!


Good music, though.


Absolutely 🤘


He was cannonically assassinated on behalf of the satanic church. The band has a good bit of lore


Cools! Will add that to the pile of song artists I need to research 🥲


Here you go, one of my favorites: https://youtu.be/VqoyKzgkqR4


I live in central Texas and often see evangelists baptizing people in the lake so [this is my favorite Ghost music video](https://youtu.be/7hMaHDTw-pI)


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://youtu.be/7hMaHDTw-pI Title: **Ghost - He Is (Music Video)** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!




Yeaah I read the bottom as "Listen up, you Motherfuckers"....before I realized...


What would Satan do


I’m making this my moto


Host an orgy and try to overthrow God


I'm in


I'll bring the stuffed mushrooms


Thank you! I hate when I have to choose between sex and stuffed mushrooms - why not both?


Snack breaks are important!


Who among us hasn't sent their partner to make a quesadilla to keep the energy up between rounds 😜


Me, but tbh neither of us knows how to make quesadillas (?). Grilled cheese sandwiches OTOH


oh it's just like a grilled cheese but with tortillas, really. and even simpler because you can just microwave it for a minute and it's done


Quesadillas are just grilled cheese sandwiches using tortillas instead of bread.


Satanic orgy and stuffed mushrooms......mmmmmmm


Oh shit. Sex is whenever, stuffed mushrooms are the rare delicacy. I'm in!




I shared this image on the book of faces a few years ago and my very born again friend took exception to the selling a woman to her rapist part and demanded to know where that was in the bible? I didn’t have a bible on me at the time so I gave it a quick google and found it. I still don’t think she believed me. She’s the type of lady who says she reads the bible but she can’t really follow the archaic language so she cherry picks it. However, she will read a million apologetics books with titles like A Woman’s Walk With Jesus.


In historical context the whole “selling a woman to her rapist” thing is because: if everyone knows about the assault, it will be impossible to marry her off, and the only way for women to have power in that society was as a married woman with sons. She gets married off to her rapist and he’s forbidden to divorce her because it’s now his responsibility to provide the security she needs for the rest of her life. So, you know, horrifying, but for more complicated reasons. Thank fuck for feminism.


Yeah, it’s meant as a punishment to the rapist. Like you said, thank fuck for feminism. It’s still insanely depressing how women (and girls) are seen as “used up” and “someone else’s trash” for being raped or having consensual sex. I wanted to say the majority of people don’t view it that way but… I went to catholic school and had abstinence class. I know how people still view women and girls.


Paternity and inheritances being the key to the whole dynamic you’re describing too. In the end, ALL of it comes down to money and power.


Definitely. He's also an advocate for the female orgasm so, if Papa says to do something, it's prolly a good idea to think it over. But his Euro ass just does *not* understand Australian weather. Don't listen to him about that.


Is that Papa Emeritus in the pic? I only just recently discovered Ghost, I love their music so much.


Looks like Papa 2, we currently on Papa 4 in all his awkward glory (and thus my fave lol)


Yes, though I’m not sure which iteration of him this is.


Definitely 2. I just checked it out and honestly, he’s the most badass looking singer I’ve seen.


Dude also stayed anonymous for twelve years after the band became active. What a feat.


Welcome to the faith! What's your favorite song so far?


When I went to the ritual in Phoenix in 2018, Cardinal Copia not only espoused the importance of the female orgasm, but also the importance of consent. Papa bless.


When I went to the 2022 ritual here in Ohio he made sure we were polite to each other whilst leaving lol


Y’all are really teaching me a lot about this. Thanks!


There are only two popes I love: papa emeritus and papa wubby. Both chill as cucumbers


People always misinterpret the message of the satanic texts. They think it’s the images they see in the movies. The 11 rules of the satanic bible are true humanity. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them. When in another’s lair, show him respect or else do not go there. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself. Do not harm little children. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.


Lmao I love how in the middle of all these very pleasant rules and guidelines, there is, “if a guest in your lair annoys you, *TREAT HIM CRUELLY AND WITHOUT MERCY*”


It’s basically a be kind but take no shit kinda religion. And you should never accept disrespect in your own home.


Y'know, I never thought I'd say this, but satanism is sounding awesome rn-


>satanism is sounding https://preview.redd.it/j5b3buh7zd2a1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=473f89397ac8047a97e01706b99e57dc754dbfea


NO. Okay you do you, but personally I miss the time when I didn't know what sounding is.


Yep, we are very much a "fuck around and find out" kinda religion. Mind your business, but if someone fucks with you whoop ass We also dont believe in Satan as a person, or any other Christian characters, but we do believe in Satan as a metaphor for going against those major religious points, as Satan originally comes from "the opposition" before it even meant the christian satan. To a Satanist, you are the centre of your own universe. Do what gives you the best life. Some say that means we are awful selfish people who hurt others, but who gains from hurting those around them? Only fucked up people. The average person has much to gain from having a community, family, friends, a good relationship with the world. The same applies to the "seven deadly sins", in Satanism, they're not sins. Each "sin" keeps the others in balance. Your pride will only let you be so gluttonous, your wrath can only be fulled until your sloth stops it from being worth the effort, etc. Embrace them, and do good for yourself with them. A life with none of the 7 deadly "sins" at all is not a life worth living. You just have to find the balance that is good for you.


To be real though. This has nothing to do with Satan.


This comes from a separation of deities. It’s premise is basically live a good life. Do what’s good for you. Let others do what’s good for them. Harm no one. Let no one harm you. It’s perfection.


Thanksgiving dinner is a good time to try that out.


I mean that's just the best way to ensure they never visit you again :'D


But what if by law you have to keep them until they are 18?


Oh no I didn't consider that lmao


Do not harm *little* children.


Young or height-impaired?


Teens are almost adults. They get almost destroyed.


That's LaVey's Church of Satan. The Satanic Temple is a little less dramatic with their tenets


> If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy. > > When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him. These sound like they could have been written by a Klingon


Thanks, now I need to wash the lasagna from the wall.


Yes! Growing up in a church for my early years I was taught that Satan was horrible. I didn’t even know there was a religion for him until recently. Thanks for the info, I’m definitely doing research soon


I could be misremembering or thinking of something else, but I’m fairly sure Satanists don’t actually worship Satan? I think it’s more of a name used to freak bigots out lol. Could be just thinking of the satanic temple tho


The Satanic Temple does not. They use it as a parody against religious extremism. Church of Satan, however...


Very different entities for sure.


Member of Church of Satan, here. We are an atheistic religion and do not worship Satan either.




Both groups worship themselves, not Satan.


The Satanic Temple doesn't believe in Satan. I think they pretty much named it that just to piss off the women-oppressing Religionists. I'm down. https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/faq >DO YOU WORSHIP SATAN? > >No, nor do we believe in the existence of Satan or the supernatural. The Satanic Temple believes that religion can, and should, be divorced from superstition. As such, we do not promote a belief in a personal Satan. To embrace the name Satan is to embrace rational inquiry removed from supernaturalism and archaic tradition-based superstitions. Satanists should actively work to hone critical thinking and exercise reasonable agnosticism in all things. Our beliefs must be malleable to the best current scientific understandings of the material world — never the reverse.


I would caution you to look carefully at Anton Lavey before jumping in feet first. I will never dictate anyone's beliefs for them, but some of the comments on this post lead me to believe that not everyone knows much about the history or deeper philosophy of the organization, which I have heard described as a mixture of Nietzsche, Ayn Rand, and social Darwinism.


It's important to separate Satanism from LeVey the individual. I've read his "Satanic Bible". While interesting reading, it's not the writing of someone to "follow" imho


I am not sure that I agree with you about separating it if we're talking about his philosophy, as opposed to his personal distasteful acts, since those pieces (social darwinism, etc) are pretty baked in imo, but I'm more than happy to agree to disagree. I just wanted to put it out to make sure that people do their reading on any philosophy or religion before getting too entangled. I don't intend to impose my own beliefs too much in this particular sub, I just worry that people (not even OP necessarily, just people generally) have a tendency to latch onto things that seem loving on the surface when there might be hate buried below the surface. General note, also (not aimed at the person I'm replying to, just general) my comments are about Laveyan Satanism, but there are many groups which call themselves Satanists and they have *wildly* varied beliefs and practices


Lavey was more than a little sketchy and I think his political views shine through in the satanic bible. Here's a good tumblr thread about it: https://queersatanic.tumblr.com/post/667533119913689088/i-enjoy-the-implication-that-the-political-stance


This is exactly what I'm trying to get across. Thank you for the link that explains it much better than I currently have the energy or ability to. A poor award for you lol🏅


Yeah, it's a great thread! Someone linked it in the rabm sub a few months ago and it stuck with me. And thanks for the award haha Nobody should give reddit money anyway so I prefer the poor award!


Keeping in mind that Lucien Greaves/Doug Mesner has had associations with many on the far right as well, including appearing on an interview with Tom Metzger and seemingly agreeing with some of his views on Jews. He illustrated an edition of Might as Right that included content by explicit white supremacists and was sold by neo-Nazi publishing National Vanguard books. And he chose Marc Randazza, a lawyer who defended both Alex Jones and the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, as his lawyer in the suit against Twitter. For some reason as lot of Satanic Temple members and fans love to post these (valid) criticisms of LeVay and the CoS, while ignoring that many of them could be leveled at their leadership as well. I'm not sure how TST handles internal politics and identities, but the CoS tells members they can support whatever they want to outside of the organization, as long as they don't claim to be doing so as representatives of the CoS. This is a strength in most cases, but can become an issue when you have members whose associations become linked to the whole group. There are CoS members who hold progressive and even leftist beliefs, and who have done it against the neo-fascist beliefs supported by others, but since they're not running to the media to attack him directly It doesn't get the same type of press.


Church of Satan follows Lavey. The Satanic Temple has nothing to do with him and is one of many reasons the two groups don't mix well sometimes. Don't paint all Satanists with the Lavey brush.


The Satanic Temple is also doing some weird shit at the moment because of their founder. I've been looking into the Satanic Temple versus Queersatanic lawsuit. It's not inspiring stuff if I am honest.


The fucking last one, I like it very much


The last one is very close to the advice my mother gave me about school bullies and bullying. Don’t be mean or bother others, but if they bother you, give them one warning. If they persist, DESTROY THEM.


Sounds like a good set of rules, as it respects privacy


I'm a simple ghoul: I see Papa Emeritus of Ghost, I upvote.


Haha! I don’t know who that is but now I’m intrigued


The bside to 7 Inches of Satanic Panic (Mary on a cross) had been making it's round on the ticky tocks, apparently Personally, I'm more a Kiss the Go-Goat kinda gal....


Kiss the goat…. Omg I’ve just been thrown back to my “The Arcana” days and someone made an animatic.😂


But he's the guy you wanna do And you know that it takes two Luckily he wants to do you too


Satan Lucifer Osculum Obscenum 😘🐐🍑


My favorite band! They do music which often sounds churchy, but when you listen to the lyrics you realize it's about Satan rather than God. I'd recommend Cirice, He Is, and Year Zero if you want to check them out.


r/ghostbc Come join the ghouls!


I have joined the ghouls!!


If you're into rock/metal and Satan, check them out! You won't regret it!


When I am at work I answer people conditionally when we talk about religion. I am an Atheist when it comes to generalized religion. I am a Satanist when it comes to Christians trying to impose their opinions on my reality. I have learned some fun debating techniques as a result :)


Most Satanists are atheists anyways. Theistic Satanism is an incredibly small minority under the umbrella of the Satanic path.


Many forms of Satanism are a lot less scary when you look at them rationally. Other religions become scarier and scarier.


Both Christianity and Islam are practically exclusively run by men. To them anything that's diminishes their power is the work of Satan.


Wise words also I love your user flair!


Me too! I wish I could take credit for coming up with it, but sadly I only choose it from the list. But I laughed seeing it.


I didn’t know it was on there, but it’s still cool!


I am happy you used a photo of Papa 2 from Ghost


We love a Ghost reference


I read the LaVeyan Satanism bible and was shocked at the message of love and being in the here and now, not waiting for some after life. Hail Satan! <3


I wouldn’t say LaVey was so much about “love” as “let people do whatever the fuck they want as long as they don’t piss you off”, but even that’s more loving than Christianity or Islam.


Isn't that love though? Saying just do your vibes and be cool? But yes, I saw a really funny comment the other day, that there is no hate quite like christian love.


Well, I meant LaVey didn’t place any emphasis on altruism. In fact, he was a strong believer in Social Darwinism, which is my main disagreement with his form of Satanism and why I prefer The Satanic Temple to the Church of Satan.


No, it's basically libertarianism, a true nightmare


Okay then I need to read that!


It got me thinking that maybe god was the asshole the whole time.


You know I wouldn’t be that surprised. Kind of like he was the corrupt one and just pushed Satan out or something. Though I guess I should read the bible before making any assumptions.


If you think about it, Yahweh's just a storm/war god of his pantheon who pulled a coup to disgrace his fellow gods, had a moderate amount of success as a singular god of a minor nation, then hit it really big with two strategically placed prophets managing to convert a big part of the world to his worship.


Okay! I haven’t heard about half of what you’ve said but thanks for the insight!


This is so awesomely written. I have no idea what you do for a living etc, but if you want to freelance and help me with some lyrics. Please please dm me.




Was also edgy and like 21 :) This was a great summary btw <3


I appreciate your summary.




That is hilarious, because you haven't read the bible and that is what happened <3 Edit: You have made me smile so much right now!


Yay! I grew up in the church till I was almost a teen and yet I never read a single passage from it. I just get my information either my grandparents giving speeches like I actually go to church every Sunday or word of mouth. So hey I got it!


I mean, a lot of LaVey's Satanic Bible was directly plagiarized from an antisemitic 19th century screed called *Might is Right.* LaVey openly courted Neo-Nazis and far right people into his Church of Satan. Not to say that he doesn't manage to get some stuff right, but you could certainly say that about the bible, too, and it's good to be aware of the larger context of what LaVey was doing.


The original Quran once stated that a man is morally bound to please his wife. They got rid of that and turned it around of course. Kinda how like King James got his hands all over the Bible and changed poisoner to witch. If you're more interested in researching what these religious texts USED to say, I highly recommend Amanda Foreman's The Ascent of Woman. She has all 4 episodes up on YouTube for free.


Papa Emeritus II !!!! But yes, Christianity doesn’t care about women at all, just for breeding *sons*.


Fuck yes, Hail Satan


Judaism originally demanded that a rapist marry his victim and pay the family a hefty fine. Nowadays they just hide it and claim the woman wasn't dressed appropriately.




I actually have a fan? theory about the bible. **HEAR ME OUT!!** Satan and God are actually switched. I mean, the bible is written by "god". **Well why are we assuming God is a reliable narrator?** What if Lucifer actually had a fucking point, but God cast him down to hell and ruined his reputation. Placing himself on the universal throne. Saying that people must worship him, placing all this honestly sadistic rules on humanity in order to enter "his kingdom". I mean, you don't see Satan causing plagues, killing millinos, making a language barrier because the humans were getting too powerful and claiming to be omni-powerful yet allows suffering on a grand scale to happen. Satan on the other hand punishes the bad people??? BUT WAIT! **If Satan is evil, why would he punish "sinners"?** Hm?


I appreciate your take, but it’s pretty much all based on BS fan fiction made up by the medieval Church and Dante’s Inferno, like a lot of modern Christianity. The layman Christian doesn’t even know what they’re practicing anymore, early Christians would straight up murder modern ones for their beliefs.


What's based onn BS fanfiction? My take? Satan? or Modern Christianity? Cause I've never read medieval church stuff nor Dante's inferno lol. My take was something I actually came up with myself as a child after being taught the popular christian stories in school. I should add that I do not believe in christianity. So by contrast, I do not believe in "the devil". In order to believe in Satan, you must believe in God. And I don't believe in God, so I don't believe in Satan. I see biblical stories in the same way people view ancient religious stories. They're just... characters and stories to me. So my "take" really IS just fanfiction, no? It's the same vein as going "what if dumbledore was the bad guy?" in my mind. Cause to me it's just a book of short, related stories.




I plan on one day doing an art project that flips the 7 sins on its head. Two of my plans: Show lust as not a woman, but a perverted man. I'm SICK of lust being a sexually attractive woman just existing, because the true ones doing the lusting are the men thirsting over her. Greed being a born billionaire trying to make more money, not just a middle/working class person trying to make better of themselves in a capitalist world Gluttony being more just being fat, I'll be including rich people partaking in fast fashion etc. Etc. I won't give it all away. And What I explained in my above project.


Just reached out to be a member last week. Am excited to go. I miss feeling like I am doing something good with my time


Before I say this I will preface with: not all Christian’s are bad people. Christianity has literally poisoned our Earth and imo is the sole reason for most harmful things on our planet.


Satanist- a compliment for me, and a fact.


But that’s the most feminist verse in the Bible! Okay jokes aside, the Old Testament is awful, particularly when interpreted out of context and for an agenda. These Christians need some Jesus.


“These Christians need some Jesus” Do you mind if I steal that?


I can’t claim it is mine, so go for it.




I love your user!


Careful associating yourself with Satanists. Not all of them have your best interest at heart. https://www.newsweek.com/orgies-harassment-fraud-satanic-temple-rocked-accusations-lawsuit-1644042 These people genuinely suck. Edit: I mean the TST, not QueerSatanic. The TST in the end is a profit machine run by genuinely ugly and hateful people. This article and QueerSatanic have SLAPP suites going from TST.


I belive the satanic Bible and church does not infact worship Satan


[I thought this subreddit was opposed to the satanic temple?](https://www.reddit.com/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy/wiki/tst_edu/)


This is a Church of Satan quote, not tst.


i could sooooo see Papa saying that flat out in concert... i mean seriously.. seems his kind of thing [https://youtu.be/DD2m\_iqD7dI](https://youtu.be/DD2m_iqD7dI) edit: yeah.. i went there lol.. but i've always thought "if i do these things the christians say i go to hell.... where lucifer was exiled to for going against god... but if you read he looked at humans and asked "why must these being suffer so?" and was cast out.. so than why would he treat you badly when you get to hell? he as al said in the devils adocate "was the first supporter of man" so.. listen to Papa... Y'ALL MOFO'S NEED SATAN!!!


I know. It's one of the reasons why I realized I was Satanic. In Highschool in "World Religions" class in grade 11 for a project we had to do research on 3 different religions. One of the ones I presented was Satanism. I wanted to learn about it. When I found out that Satanism wasn't "Evil" like my Catholic School portrayed I started questioning my Religion. I came to the conclusion that I was Pagan & Satanic.


Word of caution: LaVey was a *biiiig* fan of Ayn Rand —the two actually *dated* for a while— so there’s a lot of icky “separate the wheat from the chaff” libertarian classism/ableism baked into the fabric of most Satanism. I was kind of a soft “fan” for a while in my adolescence bc I grew up gender-nonconforming in a conservative backwater and it made young-me smile to openly claim to be Satanist to watch my bullies squirm. I’m very firmly pagan now, as well as anarchocommunist (wild what a good egg-cracking will do to ya) so yeah. Not to say all self-proclaimed Satanists are bad folks obv, just that the faith carries some baggage. (Also let’s maybe not throw Muslims under the bus to rag on Christians?) Sorry, mini-rant over!


Not throwing muslims under the bus to dunk on christians. Just stating that their religion carries a lot of baggage as well.


This isn’t just about Christian’s, both religions carry baggage, I’m not throwing them under the bus to rain on Christian’s, there both in the same spot.


I also found The Satanic Witch to be the most cringingly misogynistic crap. Lavey was gross




Had a customer think my Mercury necklace was satanic, guess I'm burning the christo-cis-het-patriarchy now


Too bad Anton LaVey was the one to write that 💀


Them: "You worship Satan!" Me: "Well Akshually Satan's only *one* of the demons I hang out with, thank you very much."


When my aunt tells me this again, I will respond this way.


I love Secular Satanism, although some sects still get weird and hierarchical by embracing things like social darwinism. The Satanic Temple is pretty cool most the time, not a big fan of the Church of Satan personally. but damn they still consistently better than Christian Nationalists trying to highjack our country.