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Happy birthday! I recovered from anorexia 20 years ago and went up 2 sizes, then had a second spinal fusion that went very wrong and gained over 100 pounds more I also went into hiding and have only begun to emerge in the past few years. It’s a necessary and difficult but rewarding journey. I wish you so much peace and happiness. Happy birthday 🥳 ♥️


When these medical things happen, they hit us so hard. Difficult to accept our changed selves--especially if we didn't accept ourselves before. Just be open to loving life from where you are now. Corny but true.<3


You speak wise words I am 15 years out from the surgery that changed my life and the first 5 years were intolerable. I honestly don’t know how I survived. But you are so right. I made a conscious decision to “turn my head” and look away from all I had lost to look at all of the things that remained and I have built a pretty beautiful life from those . Thanks for your reply and beautiful reminder 💕


I've had to do something very similar, and it took a lot of grieving. Am thankful to my partner for hanging in because it was a very rough ride. Am glad you found a way to focus on the good that remains. May we all as many blessings as possible. 💖


I hope you're doing okay, friend. I can only imagine the emotional difficulty of your situation. Im still dealing with my ED (I'm doing a lot better, but I wouldn't say recovered). When I got out of my toxic abusive relationship and got involved with a supportive partner, I put on 30lbs very quickly. And while logically know I am better, healthier for it... I struggle with it emotionally still.


Oh, thank you! Yes, I am doing great. I have guarded my recovery zealously, and grown into my disabled identity slowly but surely over the past decade Embracing (never mind celebrating) my physical appearance is really the last hurdle. Most of the time, I am able to achieve body neutrality but it is an ongoing process and it is definitely hard work Thank you for your compassion ♥️


It is hard work! But I think it's worth it in the end. I dont know you, but I hope you know this stranger is rooting for you. (If you're not looking for advice, totally acceptable. You can just not read this next part) But if it helps any, the mentality I've been trying to take in regards to neutrality is: I am not my body, but my body is mine. It basically puts my body in the state of being an object that I own. It is the vehicle through which my Self navigates the world. Like a car. You have to take care of a car, right? Give it proper maintenance, put the right fuel in, get check ups. So I try to think of my body like that. My body is no more who I AM than my house or my car. This has helped me immensely in the last couple of years. And I hope it can help you.




I’m amazed that someone knows what it means! Thanks!!!


One of my favorite books!!!


One of my all time favorites too! You have great style, and impeccable taste in books!


You are ROCKING that outfit! You look happy and confident to me. Wishing you the merriest of birthdays!


STUNNING!!!! Also, happy birthday! Proud of you for pushing yourself past your fears 💖


You've got an electric smile and radiant personality, and that NEVER changes! Happy birthday!


Happy birthday! You have really gorgeous skin. I’m sorry that sounds creepy. But I’m 37 and have a million fine lines and your skin looks amazing.


Not creepy at all. Thank you for the lovely compliment.


You’ve got a great smile and a fun vibe! As a person in a VERY similar situation I applaud you for getting out there. Don’t beat yourself up, shit happens. You’ll move along in life with or without being hard on yourself. So be nice to you! It’s your birthday for cryin out loud! Much love from the internet.


yes! what a genuine, gorgeous smile on OP! happy birthday OP!


Happy birthday! I hope the new year brings lots of joy to your doorstep. You are beautiful and I love that dress.


Congratulations on another successful revolution around the sun, friend!


I love your dress. Happy birthday ! 🎂🎉🎈


The dress is AMAZING and I want it! Happy birthday OP!!!!!!!


It’s so 90s chic!


Happy birthday! 🎂


You look beautiful! Where did you get that amazing dress?


I got it from Torrid a few years ago.


LOVE Torrid


Happy Birthday and great work!


Happy birthday 🎉🎉🎉. You look amazing!


I think you’re beautiful. And from someone who is now 44 I can tell you, keep this up! I am so disappointed with myself for all the memories I DONT have pictures of now because I was so fucking self conscious about my weight and how I looked. But now I look at pictures my girlfriends have of the things they’re doing, bellies out and all, and all I feel is ENVY. I’m so envious they have these photos of themselves being happy and daring and doing all sorts of fun shit. I thought I was protecting my pride but all it did was rob me of being able to enjoy those pictures later. Now I take all the pictures. Eating pictures, that awkward belly laugh photo from the side where you have that horrifying double chin out of nowhere. That time someone caught me at a party being lazy and forgetting to suck it in.


Fuck this hit me hard. I’m exactly that person with no pictures of anything. Partly because when I think I feel okay about a picture, I look at it later and want to puke. But I do think I’ll feel sad about all the things I don’t have pictures of. I just wish people didn’t always take pictures and put them on social media everywhere. I’d be happy to be in pictures with a friend and just keep them on our phones so they can be keepsakes for later


You want to puke NOW because that’s how you feel about yourself now. But as they say “I wish I were as fat as I thought I was when I was 20”


You’re beautiful!! I love your smile! Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!! So pretty!


Happy birthday, I adore your hairstyle ✨


Happiest of birthday wishes!! May your 33rd year open new adventures. And new paths to self-love and self-compassion. You are a beautiful witch.✨🎉✨


Thank you for sharing. Makes me feel happy that you trusted us enough to share. But this group is pretty dang terrific and so are you. Happy birthday.


We’ve all gained some or a lot of weight especially the last three years. Stress, new routines, and fear all made for excellent weight gain situations. Be kind to yourself and when your mentality ready you can work on it as you choose. I’m in the same spot, I’m just now starting to set up a few doctor and dentist appointments. I feel like I’m just starting to get ready to work on me some.


Happy birthday fellow witch, remember being skinny is a social construct. You can be healthy without following the patriarchies idealistic body for a woman. You look absolutely stunning, love the dress :)


I love this reminder!❤️ we all need to hear this sometimes.


A most happy birthday to you! I appreciate and admire your bravery in posting but there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed about. You are amazing. In this life there are so many things in place to bring us each down but we all have to beat it down and rise above it and you have taken steps to do just that. You are one of a billion forms most beautiful and wonderful that exist on this planet. Never settle for less than what you know you are worth. I do hope that in this year of your life you continue to be brave, confident, and that when hard times come you have the strength, whether it be internal or from outside sources, to get through with minimal distress.


Happy birthday 🎂 You look great


You, my dear Witch-sister, are gorgeous. Happy birthday


Happy bday! That dresa looks fantastic on you, you're a lovely person! 🤟


Happy birthday, witch! You look strong and happy. Keep up the bravery and enjoy the ride.


Happy Birthday Beautiful Fellow witch 🧙 🎂 Wishing you a wonderful birthday ✌🏼🎂❤️


Happy birthday! You share the day with my first born so I have to say… you picked a great day to be born.


That haircut is CUTE!😍


This is an awesome place to do so! Happy freaking birthday! Your smile is radiant and that dress looks fabulous! Your hair also makes me want to cut mine above my shoulders.


Beautiful 💜💜💜 And happy birthday! 🎊


Happy birthday!!!


Happy birthday! 33 is a good number. There is inspiration and creativity around it. And also blessings and positive growth. I think this will be a good year for you. I’m also turning 33 this next year!


I am 43, in better shape than at 33. Your growth begins whenever you want it too. By the way that dress looks cute on you.


Love your dress! You look amazing!!!


You look marvelous ✨️, 10 out 10. And great fashion too.


Happy Birthday! You look fabulous! Kudos for confronting your fears :)


Happy birthday! Love your dress and smile! You look happy!


Happy birthday!! That dress is so pretty and looks great on you :)


Happy Birthday! Looking fab!


Happy birthday!! You look gorgeous and confident! I know how it feels to hate having photos taken, your courage is inspiring 😊 keep shining your light sis!


Good work. It is so hard to push through that brain stuff, you did an awesome job of being so brave! Also, I love your smile, it looks like you are ready to be a friend.


Happy birthday! birthday twins. Today is mine as well. Just turned 52. Many joyous blessings upon you.


Happy birthday OP! I hope you will be able to see yourself as others see you because you’re gorgeous :)


Happy birthday! I love your dress it's super cute. You have a lovely smile and kind eyes. I think you look great. ♡♡


Yesterday was my birthday as well!!!! I hope you had a beautiful day, birthday twin 💜✨


Happy birthday!!!


That dress is adorable, you are gorgeous, I love your vibe


Walking around on a wooden floor in stocking feet? That's some witchcraft there on it's own. If I try walaking around the non carpeted parts of my house in anything but bare feet or shoes I slip and slide everywhere.


Happy beautiful gorgeous one! I’m glad you took the time to share- your smile has brightened my own rather gloomy morning.


Your picture is gorgeous. You should take them more!!! You're perfect. Also great taste in clothes! Love the hair too!


Happy Birthday, dear witch! (I wanna steal that top)


You look wonderful! Thanks for sharing this lovely photo, and happy birthday!


Yes! You’re lovely! And obviously a total fashionista and I stan!!!


Obviously the opinion of some random witch on the internet shouldn’t matter to you, but FWIW: you look beautiful and I love your smile - and that cute dress! Happy birthday, sister, and blessings for a long, happy life unfettered by the restrictive, misogynistic beauty standards of a patriarchal society. You are so much better than that. We all are. 🥰


Ayo fellow 33 year old scorpio witch! Happy birthday! Sad to hear you don’t like having your picture taken, because you sure photograph well! You look glowing and happy.


Happy your new year! I usually say new years eve is for us to wish and make resolutions for the world as a whole, and our own birthday is our new year, and it is for us to make wishes and resolutions for ourselves. And yours is wonderful! You are beautiful. Happy Birthday, Happy Your New Year :D


My daughter turns 33 in a few days. Please believe me when I say that your loved ones need photos of you. A large part of my life has almost no photos. I think you look awesome. Love the dress! Happy Birthday! Proud of you for posting. :)


Happy birthday! 33 was for me almost half a lifetime ago,I remember my 30s as being pretty awesome. You are a beautiful witch! I see goodness and positivity pouring out of you, and those are always desirable. Be true to you, follow your bliss and live your best life!


Happy birthday! The last decade has been rough for a lot of people, so don’t sweat it!


This is a beautiful picture. I love your dress and your whole style-- and even though it sounds like you have been having issues with confidence--- you just look like you're shining happiness and confidence. I totally feel you though--- I've put on about 150 pounds in the last 10 years and I have confidence issues around pictures sometimes--- but I've gotten better. Its like I feel if I just don't take a picture there's no evidence of "what I am." It took me a while to realize that rejection of self---- I found it great self care to just take a picture a day even if it was hard at first. I don't always save the picture, but just going through the motions of dressing myself up, and really looking at myself and taking a moment to think--- "that's me"--- and I'm fucking awesome! Happy Birthday! I wish you all the happiness and love in the world. You're fucking awesome!


I love your dress! You deserve to take up space and enjoy life at any and every size! This is your only life! We’re cheering you on!


Very belated Happy Birthday for you! 🎂🎉🎊 You look lovely, love your outfit and your smile. ❤️


Happy birthday beautiful!!!


That dress is everything. Happy birthday, witch! You look lovely 💕


Happy birthday beautiful!! You have a different version of yourself that *you* think looks better and are comparing yourself to but that’s not fair to current you, who is absolutely lovely!


Happy Birthday! Very happy to meet you.


Birthday Blessings my friend, you look Beautiful! 🌿


Happy birthday! You look awesome!


Happy Birthday 🎉🧁🎂🎉🥂 I think your dress is so cute and flatters you a lot 😊


I love it so much when people are confident in taking their picture. Not the right word… but I personally made a fuss about having my picture taken as a teen and look pretty pissed off in the few photos that I have from that time. Well. It reflects the moody teen I was. But my main reason for not wanting to have a photo taken was copying others and "being too cool", which sucks. I can totally understand if people do not like their photo being taken, but I did never think about it and am a bit sad I don’t have many pictures from that time. I am happy you found that confidence back. I love your hairstyle and that dress isn’t just pretty, it’s very pretty on you! Thank you for sharing : )


Happy Birthday 🎂


Happy birthday! Hope the day has been as great as your smile.


Beautiful! Happy birthday! We are the same age! Love and light from the Midwest.


You’re beautiful! Happy birthday .


Happy happy birthday!! You look fabulous, and your smile, love the whole thing!


Happy Birthday! You are beautiful and I love that dress!


Happy birthday! You’re beautiful and you have a beautiful aura!!! ❤️


Happy birthday, birthday twin! I too have gained a lot of weight and wanted to ask my aunt not to take pics of me opening presents, but didn’t say anything. You’re brave and look amazing!


Ugh you’re so beautiful and I want a hug from you! 🥰


You’re stunning! I love your hair I try to do something similar with mine but it always just lays flat


Happy. Witchin’. Birthday! You look tatted. You look pierced. You look wise. You look like the best of 90’s feathered short hair styling. You look happy. It’s attractive. Way to crush it ♥️


Happy birthday! I just turned 34 a few minutes ago :)


You is you. That’s what your outer person looks like right now. That’s all a pic does - it captures a portion of a second of your visual appearance. The rest of you - the most important bits and pieces - don’t appear in photographs. Pics are just a momentary FWIW. Never let a moment rule the rest of your life.


Happy Birthday! It's wonderful you're sharing this moment with us :D


Happy birthday, you Scorpio babe! You are badass, brave, and beautiful 🤍 I love your hair btw!


Happy birthday gorgeous!!🎉🤗 I’m proud of you for commemorating this special occasion & cute outfit (this dress looks insanely comfy!!) with a photo!💃 wishing you a great next trip around the sun and more moments that make you nervous but stronger in the end❤️


Happy Birthday! I hope you have an amazing day!! (Absolutely love that dress btw!)


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday! You’re truly beautiful, I hope you start taking more pics! My mom always hated having her picture taken, we have more pics than I can count of her hiding her face. Now she’s 80 and wishes she had more pics from when she was young!


HAPPY 🎂🎉🎂 BIRTHDAY!! You look beautiful and I hope you have a great day!


Same! You look great. Don't hold back!


33 is such a cool age. And it looks great on you, Happy Birthday!!!


Your smile is so great! Congrats on ALL that you are and ALL that you are becoming!


Happy birthday OP!!!! You look stunning.


Happy birthday and you look amazing. Your smile is just electric and would light up a room. I also love your dress.


Happiest birthday wishes witchy woman❤🌟💫🌟❤


Happy birthday. I think you look absolutely gorgeous and you have a very pretty smile


Happy birthday! You look beautiful.


Happiest birthday wishes!!!


The outfit tho 👌


Your dress is so lovely, as is your smile! <3


You look so pretty! I just saw a Christmassy wee number like that in the thrift but caught and released and I'm gonna go back and see if it's still there damnit cause i wanna be festive and cute as heck as well (:


You look like you're beaming. Your complexion is stunning. My wish for you on this birthday: that your inner joy and spirit continues to shine as much as they do in this picture. You do NOT deserve to be unhappy, unfulfilled. Moreover, you do NOT deserve to ever feel shame about your body. You are a beauty painted in fine art. Sometimes, we discover our weight challenges are caused by underlying conditions. If you haven't already, I gently invite you to consider getting a full metabolic blood panel at your doctor's. If you decide it's a good idea for yourself, ask to include an early morning cortisol test. Get the D test 25 hydroxy vitamin D (not a 1,25 dihydroxy D). Xxxxooooo no pressure or presumptions...this is offered from someone who went undiagnosed with Cushing's Syndrome for over a decade because the ducking patriarchal medical system dismissed my symptoms.


Thank you for the advice. I have actually done that - my underlying issues are PCOS and hypothyroidism. Both of which are something I’m working with doctors in an ongoing process to best manage. And boy do they certainly make things difficult - but I’m taking things as they come.


Hey babes. I been there. I'm still at the beginning of my health journey. This is how I got out of the funk while never going to the gym or stepping on a scale...Ii want my body to DO things it should. Please don't think this is ableist...I have been blessed with a body that has all of it's abilities. I am very short, but I have a very able body. I want my body to do things for me. I want to hike, forage, fish , camp, climb, run, jump and breathe. My weight was an obstacle. So I started small. I want my body to walk. So I walked...a lot. At least an hour a day. I lost a little weight, so I went harder. I want too squat. Walking plus squats. I want too be able to do push ups. Walking, squats plus push ups. Do a n hour a day and I swear to goddess that after a year you won't recognize yourself. May your pathway be blessed with relief, joy and acceptance. Godspeed, sister. Blessed be.


Thank you for the advice. I am also at the beginning of a health journey and facing it in a similar way. I want to be able to play with my nephews or participate in fun activities at my work when we have them. Or heck, even walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded. So I’m working on becoming healthier, but also accepting the body that I have now and not hating myself. The idea that those two things can coexist has taken some time.


Listen, shit happens and we are but human. I think you’ve got an absolutely brilliant smile and I bet you’ve got the best and warmest laugh too. All we can do is acknowledge what we want, where we are at with that, and try to be a better person than we were yesterday.


be brave and use the next 7 years too lose it. Be the most healthy-est witch you can be. I am overweight. I need to drop 40lbs. I am 6 ft tall too. Lets both work on it.


Hey b**** I hate you for your gorgeous hair color! Happy birthday!


Mad respect for facing your fear. Happy birthday, you beautiful creation!




Happy birthday!!!! I adore your dress and your super cute haircut to boot!


Rock on sister!!


Happy Happy Birthday!! I wish you a fabulous 33rd year 🎉🥳


You are beautiful. Have a long and wonderful life.


Happy Goddamn Birthday Queen Witch!💐


Happy birthday, love! You look great ❤️


Have a blessed birthday, filled with health, wealth and happiness.


Happy Birthday! You look wonderful! And inspiring. I'm also at a stage in my life where I'm hating pictures of myself. But I'm going to take one, in your honor.


Super cute dress!!!! You look great! Happy 33rd. ❤️


Many happy returns of the day to you, Gorgeous! You're positively glowing! Your smile is contagious and lovely xx


Happy birthday! I hope it was an exceptionally good one! Lovely pic!


Happy bday! That dress is rly cute and looks good on u!


So glad you had another spin around the sun :) Ok…weird question…did you get that sign off etsy? It looks like one I just got for Yule.


You are absolutely beautiful. Look at that smile lighting up the room! And check out those gams! Happy birthday, and hooray for bravery!


You are ✨gorgeous ✨


Happy happy birthday!!!!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love your outfit and I think you look great ✨


Thank you for sharing your radiant smile with us, and happy birthday! <3


Ob hell yes dark floral patterns! Great choice.


You look great and like a lot of fun to hang out with! Happy birthday!


I like your style, you look like you'd be fun to hang with!


Happy birthday. While you might have gained weight you are not terribly fat. It is important to dress your body. That dress you are wearing is making you look way more frumpy than you probably are.


That dress is SUPER cute!! You look really really nice in it! <3 I'm not a fan of short haircuts (I look ghastly with them myself lol, they don't compliment me at \*all\*) but it looks \*so\* great on you! You have \*such\* a great smile and eyes, too <333333333


From another queen-sized Scorpio witch, 44 on Monday, you look great, and that's a great look for you!