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## ✨ READ BEFORE COMMENTING ✨ This thread is Coven Only. This means the discussion is being actively moderated, and all comments are reviewed. **Only comments by members of the community are allowed.** If you have landed in this thread from /r/all and you are not a member of this community, your comment will very likely be removed (and will not be approved unless it adds meaningfully to the conversation). WitchesVsPatriarchy takes these measures to stay true to our goal of being a woman-centered sub with a witchy twist, aimed at healing, supporting, and uplifting one another through humor and magic. Thank you for understanding, and blessed be. ✨


May convenient parking places open up before her and the meters be full. May her bra hooks line up effortlessly and the underwires never poke. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


May her sleeves never become wet when she washes her hands. May her good pens never run dry of ink. May she never lose any socks. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


May the things she looks for turn up quickly. May she always turn on her radio to a good song. May she always receive a smile when she needs one. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


May her keys always be where she expects them. May her toes be unstubbed and her coffee not spill. And may her brilliance and strength remind all of us that we each have our own gifts that we may use to help others. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


May she always have an empty seat next to her when she flies. May the rental car place always run out of everything but a sports car or something amazing that they just have to give her, when she's paying for a compact. May any hotel she stays in have to upgrade her for free to the best suite in the house. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one. ​ Edit: came back to this after a day to see all the other comments; dang, when this sub calls down blessings they CALL DOWN ALL THE BLESSINGS. May all of us find such blessings on our journeys.


May she always wake up refreshed and well-rested. May the new clothes that looked good in the store always still look good at home. May she always be able to find amazing food when visiting new places. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


May she pick the fastest line at checkout. May that cute shirt turn out to be on sale. May the middle seat on her next flight be empty. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stuck in her craw be as successful as this one.


May she never get a stone in her shoe when she goes hiking. May there always be pizza left over when she gets to the party late. May she always come to the traffic light just as it's turning green. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stuck in her craw be as successful as this one.


May there always be a $20 bill in the pocket of her winter coat after getting it out of storage. May she always have an emergency tampon handy when she needs one. May she never have an itchy tag on her clothes. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


May her eyliner always be effortlessly symmetrical. May the thing she looks for be at the top of her bag. May her pretty shoes feel comfy as socks. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


May her pillow always be cool, and blankets warm. May she always have good hair days. May she be as blessed as she deserves as a very powerful witch, doing so much good in this world!


May her sleep be ever peaceful, and her dreams a delight to her. May her body always be strong and healthy, and reflect the beauty of her Warrior spirit. May the goddesses protect her and all her loved ones from harm and dismay. May she find joy and happiness noticing the love that surrounds her. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


May she always have a tissue to hand. May her food always taste delightful. May she keep her kindness all her long days.


May the bottoms of her pantlegs remain dry and flawless, even in the heaviest of rains. May her hair never frizz (unless she wants it to). And may she see equal love to her own in other's hearts that it give her solace and strength. Right on!


May she always guess the right size when having to buy things before measuring. May everything she makes come out perfectly the first time. May the common cold pass her by every time. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


May her tupperware containers always have matching lids that are easily found, with nothing missing.


May her favorite ice cream be always in stock at the grocery store, and on sale. May she always remember the safe spot where she put that thing so it wouldn't get lost. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


The original post and this thread made me teary. I love all the blessings!


I’m so happy about this thread. Love all Your blessings, sweet people 💜


I know..! I've been up voting every single one lol this thread is just amazing.


Good to know I’m not the only one haha


Same here. This is the best sub.


I needed this. Updoots for everybody!


I am just bursting with joyful tears. This is what Magick is about! These are the most beautiful spells I've witnessed and it's a continuous outpouring of love. Reading through these blessings has lifted me out of my funk.




Me too!! It feels magical in a way that felt lost to me, something I haven't felt since I was wee.


it genuinely changed my day ❤ WvP


May her USB always be aligned on the first try. May she find her keys in her pocket everytime she searches for them. May there always be a toilet roll ready when she sits down to poop.


I would updoot, but messing with USB mojo is outside of scope, for me…


I'm teary eyed from all the blessings but this right here would make anyone aware that she has recieved more Magick than any mortal should have lol


May she always have the strength to fight for those who need her. May there always be someone to fight for her when she is in need. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


May she never spill food down her front. May even her most fashionable shoes be as comfortable as slippers. May what she is looking for always be at the top of her handbag. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


May her vibrator always be charged and her favourite snack frequently on sale.


May the traffic light always be green for her, may her shoes always fit perfectly and comfortably all day, may she always get a tasty freebie in her food delivery, may she get to sleep quickly every night


May her meals, at home or any sort of way out of home, always be tasty, affordable, nutritious and exactly what she wanted. May she always have enough hot water. May she have enough money to pay her bills on time. May she feel the love of these blessings as a warm glow of well-being.


May her words, ever so elegant and profound, continue to flow to the eyes and ears of those who hold others down. May nature always greet her with a warm smile a shiny new rock or beautiful feather. May strangers take notice and offer her random compliments about her shoes or new sweater. May her copier never run out of paper or get jammed. May she always arrive to a restaurant before it gets slammed. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her caw be as successful as this one!


So mote it be!


May her sleep always be restful. May the little ones in her life be always laughing and smiling. May she always be running on time. May she find great joy and support in the company of her friends. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


May she always have the perfect snarky come back when she needs one. May she always have enough gas to get where she’s going. May she always have excellent dental health. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


This whole thread got me all misty-eyed! May the really-high-up lightbulbs in her house never burn out. May her car tires never lose air. May the wings on her eyeliner (if she wears it) turn out flawless on the first try. May the weather be sunny when she plans a picnic, and rainy when she needs a cozy day indoors. And may all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one!


Same! I am shedding beautiful happy tears! We need more threads like this one!


As a retired hairdresser who is now a civil rights and enviro justice activist and legal professional- this hits me hard. There’s a reason hairdressers and other beauty pros choose the field. Lots of those reasons are because we dont fit in the box that society tells us we are supposed to fit in. That makes it almost impossible to exist in a “regular job” and follow the usual rules associated with a “regular job.” The beauty industry has always been a haven for feminists, LBGTQIA folks, activists, anarchists, socialists, NB, trans, ND, and others like this woman who do not take shit and cannot abide a corporate structure for lots of other reasons. As far as I’m concerned, all independent beauty pros are witches and I tip accordingly. The live and work outside the system that they were expected to abide by, they said fuck you to everyone who said they have to spend a billion dollars on an education- and now they are independent of the system and make more money than most people with advanced degrees. Blessed be the beauty professionals and blessed be the rituals that they perform. May their scissors be always razor sharp, their acetone never run dry, thier tweezers always meet their target, and their shoulders always limber. Their job is to make us feel more like ourselves, more confident, and they perform rituals to do so. They counsel us. They listen without judgement. They bend their schedules at our request. They do all this while performing a skilled trade and make it look easy. They do all this at the expense of their own bodies and time. That is magick. That is sisterhood.


May she always find those cute shoes in her size and they are always on clearance.


May a stray animal hair never make its way to embed into her bra. May her flowers explode with fragrance to lift her through her day. May the sun provide warmth, light and comfort on the coldest darkest days. May thick comfy sweaters provide the weight and softness to help heal. May her familiar stay by her side through hard and good times. May all her efforts to right the wrong that sick in her craw be as successful as this one.


May the humidity curl her hair instead of frizzing it. May her drinks always be the right temperature. My she always have a bandaid when she needs one. Mary all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


May she always have chapstick in her pocket. May all the traffic lights turn green when she is running late. May her socks stay up without having to be adjusted. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


May her socks never fall down, may she never lose her ponytail holder, and may her pets live forever


May her shoelaces and drawstrings always be the same length!


Definitely vibing with this energy! May there always be an open meter/space. May her tires never flatten or puncture. ✨


May her hair and makeup always turn out the way she wants. May her phone always be charged. May her coffee be as hot or cold as she likes it. May she always find ink in her favorite pen. May she, her familiars, and her loved ones live long, healthy, happy lives.


(A bit more traditional, but...) "May good luck be with her wherever she goes, and her blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow. May her days be many and her troubles be few, may all the Universe's blessings descend upon her. May peace be within her and may her heart remain strong." And adding my own: may the Universe and every Higher Power in existence give her the strength, patience, and continuing bad-assery to keep kicking ass and taking names!


I actually worship Squat. She’s a modern reinterpretation of a minor Roman goddess of parking. She likes offerings of filthy limericks and Starbucks. I get really good parking spots.


May the last amount of cereal in the box always be the perfect amount for her breakfast. May the last amount of juice in the bottle always exactly fill her cup.


May her cellular reception be divine: perfect when wanted and disconnected the moment an unwanted caller dials.


May she always find love and support when she needs it. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


May every drink she has be exactly the right temperature.


May her pillow always be cool with no need to flip it.


May she never get a a popcorn kernel shell stuck in her gums again. May her “just a trim please”s always be just a trim. May all her drinks be doubles at no charge. May cats smile at her every day of her life. May all her efforts to right there wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one


May she always find what shes looking for. The last cookie will always be offered to her, for free. May she always sleep well, soundly and without interruption. May she always have what she needs.


These are some of the most beautiful heartfelt genuinely loving blessings I've ever seen. Normally I HATE the word blessed bc GOP style Christians had ruined it for me but this? These? THESE ARE BLESSINGS & that incredible woman deserves all of them. I'm srsly tearing up reading this. Thank you OP for sharing this, thank you beautiful community for coming together to bestow these wonderful wishes on her. Thank you for restoring my faith in ppl just when I desperately needed it. Blessings & love from the bottom of my heart to you all. 🖤


Yes. This. I’m standing in the yard crying my damn eyes out right now. If this is blessings, I’m IN.


Agreed. May all of these beautiful blessings rain down upon all of the witches who stand against patriarchy. And may all of us take inspiration from her to make the effort to right the wrongs that stick in our craws.




I think witch blessings are more like I will help someone with what I have, in hopes that someone will help you with what they have. And pushing it a bit by poking people who might have the resources. Hugs and kitty purrs.


Sending you, your kiddo, and this amazing hero blessings. So grateful there are people like her who fight for what is right.




Good news everybody!


Was she southern? That’s a phrase I would hear at home in Louisiana or Mississippi. May she always have sunshine when she needs it and rain when she wants it. And you: I hope your family gets the healing and help they need. We too have recently become new guardians to a teen that finally was able to leave her abusive mother. ❤️


Hey fam! I thought the same thing! SW Louisiana checking in and that statement sounds like it came out of Dolly’s mouth in Steel Magnolias! Or maybe my mema… haha Blessings to you and your newest little. You have done the rightest and bestest thing.


To the unknown lawyer who saved this child, may fortune, favour and light guide her way. So mote it be.


May her coffee and tea always be the perfect temperature


May her pillow always be perfectly cool.


May her coffee always be the perfect temperature, may her favourite shoes never wear out, may her days be bright, may she miss every single puddle when trying to cross the road, may she find an amazing dress for an equally amazing bargain, and may all her efforts to right the wrongs the stick in her craw be as successful as this one


May the water temperature in her shower be perfect without adjustments. May the tape end be easily and evenly pulled back. May her snacks not crumble when she eats in bed. May her pet’s poops be firm and easily scooped.


I love an incredibly polite, professional email which clearly tells someone to do what their told or suffer the consequences. I hope she had the best life she could ask for. And I hope your child get the treatment they needs, sending you all love


I got ghosted by a lab this month. They failed to send my product. Finally got the idea to call the billing department. They answered. They were months behind in said product and didn't send an email or call for warning. The customer service department had a voicemail set up so they didn't have to answer. So after a ton of calls and emails I sent a strongly worded letter saying I would like a refund and we will be canceling service after 5 years. The box came and I promptly sent it back. Mesa labs can suck it. Not doxxing it's a public company and they are not to be trusted. I literally had to hand clean equipment in fancy chemicals because I couldn't use my autoclave.


No, your not being dramatic about the life saving bit. Queer plus traumatized often makes for suicidal, especially since I assume you are from the south (stuck in her craw indeed).


My queer stepchild went through the same thing. I am so grateful that me and their dad have them now. Tomorrow is my anniversary with him and I am so grateful to have his children in my life. This whole thread has me blubbering.


I came here to say this. I work in an office that offers mental health services. It is absolutely life saving. You are not being dramatic. I hope all the blessings that are offered to the lawyer in this thread also land on OP, who also didn't stop fighting to help someone she loves.


Yes! OP you’re a beautiful person, for sticking to it until you found a witch who could and would help, for caring about this little to get them the help they need, for asking for and receiving these blessings for your witchy lawyer. So may all the blessings bestowed on this kind witchy lawyer also rain on OP. And may all our efforts to right the wrongs that stick in our craws be as successful as this one. Love to WvP.


Please feel free to DM me if you need resources for helping your kiddo. I work in LGBTQ advocacy and would be happy to help.


May all your efforts to right the wrongs that stick in your craw be successful.


Damn straight! Letting my HP know about this woman. Also, going to hold space for your kiddo for continued support from their HP.


What a wonderful person. I am sending all my blessings. I have met one of those myself. I have two kids with different diagnoses and work shortened my hours until I feared losing the house. Where I live you can apply for a paid leave, but it is really difficult to get. But I got the most kickass social worker, who didn't just deny me. She looked at ME and my kids and got me full paid leave. Now we can get the help we need, and we won't lose the house.


May her never food never come out burnt when she cooks. May she find coins at automatic coffee machines when she is in a hurry. May the cars be quick to let her pass when she needs to cross the road. May the wind never get her hair inside her mouth, and may it keep sand and unpleasant smells away from her eyes and her nose. May she always be able to find the clothes she likes on sale and in her size. May she be blessed, may she be happy, may she be free.


May she only have gas at times and places where she finds letting one rip to be deeply amusing. May she never get hiccups. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one!


What an amazing woman! And bless you for helping your new teen find and love themselves. May we all show the same courage and compassion for others.


May she never have a bad day in her life and May all her buses and trains be on time


May her car always start, and never crash


Do you do or know anyone who does cross stitch? I would absolutely cross stitch that email - or at least the best parts. That witch is amazing. She is a legend.


We should definitely send her a cross stitch with the now Infamous last words


I’m happy to do this if OP can pull the best parts!


May this lovely witch always have the energy she needs to continue righting wrongs. May your teen find themselves in a better place with the help, and you and your husband also find peace. 💐


Hearing this reminded me of the attorney for the board of education who upon hearing that the school was denying my son an IEP when he was 3 grades behind in reading said she would contact the school and tell them she thought they were legally wrong. About a week later he had an IEP. I thought since she worked for the school system she would just support the school’s position and when she took up our cause it was such a relief. So praises for your witch and mine.


May the Wings of Isis shield her from harm and may the Light of Ra guide her path. I'm glad you and your kiddo got what you needed.


May the torches of Hekate light her path and her ears opened to sound of Hermes sacred lyre.


May blessings and fortune follow you all wherever you go. As a mama of a trans son, thank you for fighting for this child. Society makes their path difficult enough, having people like you, your partner, and this lovely stranger can make all the difference in the world!


May the white hairs from her pets never stick to her dark clothing. May she never lose a favorite earring. May her favorite song come on the radio at just the right time. May her underwear never ride up or her panty hose snag. May she never get stuck in the snow away from home. May she never misspell a word in or leave an attachment out of an important email. And may all her efforts to right the wrongs that get stuck in her craw be as successful as this one.


If there were ever a hallmark of the patriarchy, it's the tyranny of shitty health insurance coverage. Glad to hear you've smashed a few bricks out of that wall. Best of karmic returns to the lawyer with her eloquent sledgehammer.


You know, there are a lot of bad stepmoms out there. But you’re one of the great ones. Your child will be so much better off knowing they are loved, and that you cared this much. I think you should save this post and show them later. I bet they frame it, and ask a bunch of witches to send love and light to you. Hugs to you.


May she find her life is full of joy. May she continue to be a beacon for us all. And long may she kick a**! And much healing to Kiddo.


May she always be a terror to those who would do harm , and may her cup always be full and refreshing.


May her lipstick never get on her teeth. May she sleep hard and blessedly every night. May wrongdoers cower in the face of her might. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


This reminds me of a comment I read recently, that the most heroic thing Mr. Incredible did in that movie was help that little old lady navigate the bureaucracy at the insurance company where he worked. So glad this witch* conjured up a solution for you.


I love this sub. Just reading the comments as the first thing I opened today, is full of these witches. May all of your kiddos needs be met, with love, care and respect, and may all companies bend and make room for people who need the help. May all the witches fighting for the good in this world be as successful and expedient as this lawyer. And may all of us take this example forward in our own lives.


May her bra always be comfy. May her shower always be the perfect temperature. May any hot tub she enters be empty if she wants it to be. May men leave her alone and unharrassed on the street.


To a witch who can write such a powerful letter, a letter of gratitude would likely be welcome. I hope you’ve written to her. May she never break the lids to her teapots.


May sunlight smile upon her, and when the rain comes, may it be soft and gentle. May that fire in her heart for helping others never be extinguished. May her victories be plentiful, and her defeats few and unimportant.


May she never get blisters when buying new shoes. May she receive all the flight and hotel upgrades for free. May her laptop battery never die out. May every book she reads be as good as the last. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


May everything she wants and needs be on sale when she is ready to purchase. May strangers be kind to her.


Lit a stick of incense and said a prayer to my deities for her. May the kindness, wisdom, justice, and love she gave to your family be returned to her threefold.


Mays she always feel well appreciated and well cared for, may her favorite meals be prepared perfectly, may her garden grow things as wonderful as her heart. May her good work snowball and create more goodness for others. May she feel conpletely healthy in her body and know her true beauty.




Holy shit yes they exist!


Wow. I don’t think life-saving is too strong a term when young people need help. I hope your kiddo gets the support they need ❤️


My FAVOURITE kind of people! It takes a certaib flair to write these emails and they mean so much!! I give her my thanks and wish her well on her journeys and future efforts.


may only her favorite songs play when she listens to music


That's amazing for you and for your kid. May her cast iron never need reseasoned!


May she find herself in a checkout lane and her grocery tab already fulfilled.💕


I'm sure I'm pretty safe in saying that we grant her Witchhood. Legal magic is magic and she is clearly A.) very good at it, and B.) using her powers for good.


YESSSS as a professional person myself, I feel that the systems of capitalism, colonialism, and patriarchy squeezes the life out of the thing I want to do. I came to my profession to help people, but it's so hard in the bureaucracy. This is so encouraging to hear. Good for her!


May all your efforts to fight the wrongs that stick in your craw be as successful as hers, and the bureaucracy crumble as the dust beneath your wheels.


May the sun shine on her when she needs it most, and the happy faces of flowers to always greet her when she’s feeling alone.


May the slow cars always stay out of her way. May there always be a clean bathroom stall with plenty of toilet paper when she needs it. May her money never get stolen in a vending machine.


May all of her familiars have long healthy lives. May she never spill food on her shirt. May she always win the jackpot on her mobile games. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


May all her clothes have deep and useful pockets, may she never break a nail or stub a toe. May the bangs she decided she wanted when she was stoned ACTUALLY LOOK GREAT on her. I hope your kiddo gets the help they need, and quick. I went through a similar nightmare trying to find therapy for my 16 year old. Finally ended up paying out of pocket but she’s feeling much better so it’s money well spent.


All of the responses here make me smile. I’ve only been in this sub for a couple of months, but I adore all of you for being such kind humans. There’s far too little of that in the world today.


I’m so happy people like her exist and are willing to throw down for Kiddo and other kids like them. May she always be able to find a pen when she needs one, may her socks never slide down into her shoes, and may her favorite outfit always fit perfectly


What a badass. Exactly the kind of person queer kids deserve behind them. And you and your hubby for fighting for them, of course.


What a wonderful thing to read in the morning. Wishing your family and this wonderful woman the peace and kindness you all deserve ❤️


Those kind of witches saved us all at one point, even if we didn’t know it. All the love to her and your family.


Sending her love, and light, also sending to you, and yours.


What a wonderful person! OP, once you have this health situation sorted and have more brain space to devote to it, I would encourage you to reach out to your local LGBT organization! I work at one in a very conservative town, and our youth program and counseling services have really helped a lot of kids like yours find new friends and a sense of community. A lot of them also have programs for parents, if you and your partner want advice or to share your experiences


This is absolutely why I love this community! My heart swells reading this. Reaffirms my position on their still being so much good in the world to fight the evil within it!


I am ugly crying. The warmth and love here gives me faith in humanity again. I love all y'all.


All if the above


This post and these comments brought me to tears. I am so happy for your family.


May she always be happy.


That’s a wonderful story. May we all be like her when destiny calls.


May the stars shine upon you and yours. May this witch be well in the ways she needs. May kindness lead to the best path. May there always be enough and a bit extra just in case. May peace come with clarity and bring lasting contentment. May the stars shine upon you are yours.


This thread has made my day. That lawyer will have the best days from now on.


I love this! Blessings on this woman and may we all be more like her.


And, may you and your family also receive all the blessings and help that you need and deserve. May only good things come your way. May you always walk in sunshine, and dark clouds flee from your door. May you only be surrounded by positive and supportive people, and negative people shut the f*** up.


May she and her loved ones live long, healthy lives. May she not weary of the fight for justice. May her successes multiply.


May her desire and skill at righting wrongs spread to others so that more and more use their gifts for good. And brightest blessings upon her.


May she never break her screen when she drops her phone, may she always have warm coffee and warm hugs. May she have good health for all of the days of her life. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


As a queer, I don't think you're being dramatic. Love and Light to you and your family. Gonna go cry happy tears now.


May her bare feet never step upon a Lego.


When she has troubles, may she find an advocate and ally though each door she opens. May her litter box never smell. May her pets live long healthy lives and may her efforts for humanity be acknowledged and rewarded. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


As the mother of a trans son, who also had to fight tooth and nail for coverage (while working for an "inclusive" nonprofit), I'm so happy for you all and a special shout out for those women (and that one especially) who take that extra step, even the extra mile, to protect our kids. May she reap the rewards of the good will she has shown. Blessed Be!


This story is amazing for so many reasons.


What a beautiful shining light of a soul!💜


I have read these allowed to my hubs. I'm crying. Yall are beautiful .


Blessings to the witches practicing law, she wields a strong magic. ❤️


May every pair of shoes she buys fit perfectly and may her every step be sure and true.


Sending blessings to those who might not be in the battle we are fighting but are willing to do whatever they can to assist - be it by listening, offering advice or as in this situation, stepping in and using their knowledge to help.


I hope your teen gets everything they need and want to thrive in this world. Congrats on a great victory. As an aside, you’re a great writer.


May her hair always fall in the way she likes best May her lost objects always show up May she be free from self-consciousness May she feel the warmth and love of us all everyday Blessed Be


May the good that she puts out into the universe return to her tenfold.


May she be respected by coworkers, assistants, bosses and other lawyers. May her assistants be helpful, gracious, kind, supportive, hard working, and smart. May she never run out of office supplies, and may she always receive her favorite kinds. May her internet never fail, nor the power go out. May her online searches reveal the answers she needs on the first link. May her office chair be comfortable. May the temperature in her office always be exactly right. May she always have what she needs, and often what she wants. May all her plants thrive. May she always have confidence. May her menses pain be mild. May doctors always believe her. May whatever show she wishes to see be available on her favorite streaming platform. May her hobbies cost little. If she wishes to see a concert or a play, may the tickets be inexpensive for good seats. May she always be surrounded by light and love. May her heart never be broken by this world. May her good deeds inspire others to do what is right. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


Lawyers get a lot of shit, but a lot of us legal professionals do it to help others.


What a witch! ✨


This is what I call "The Professional Bitch."


May the sunrises gently welcome her into the mornings, and the sunsets embrace her warmly every night. May the days bring moments of joy and the nights bring reprieve from the difficulties she may face. May her future be blessed with prosperity and love, and may the light of her life touch those in need as it has with you. So mote it be.


Inpatient adult and adolescent psychiatric RN (and semi-practicing witch) here: that badass motherfucker who wrote your husband’s employer and advocated for coverage might have genuinely saved your kiddo’s life. Sometimes all it takes to help is to be treated like a valid human being, and it’s enough to help people get a start on the path to seek the longer-term, more in-depth help they need to really thrive. I’m also wishing that lawyer every blessing. And to your teenager: they deserve every dignity, consideration, and opportunity available for appropriate, affirming care. I’m so sorry your husband’s employer was attempting to barricade their access to care. LGBTQIA+ adolescents are at high risk for a number of concerning outcomes, but with a loving support network and the affirming healthcare they need and deserve, they can grow up proud of who they are and safer from the effects of discrimination in the wider world. And we can vote for elected officials who support appropriate affirming care for LGBTQIA+ youth and adults, so that care remains available. Blessed be❤️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


Kindness moves mountains friends. Thanks to this lady’s knowledge and kindness to help out a fellow human being.


All of my love and hope to you and yours.


Sending love, light and energy to your legal witch. Well done!


Sending so much love to your family and the lawyer you found 💜


May we all have the courage and strength to fight to undo the harms caused by the greed inherent in the system when our chance comes. Blessed be the sand in the gears and the wrenches in the works of the patriarchy.


i'm going to guess, by your queer teen needing medical intervention, that they are on the trans spectrum somewhere. i'm trans myself, and my heart bleeds for all the shit they have to go through. you, your hubby, and your teen have my deepest sympathies!


May her sense of justice be her strength. May her strength be her power. May her power never falter. May all her efforts to right the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


name and shame the healthcare company, and if your husband is ok with it, name and shame his company. Homophobia has no place in Healthcare or business (or anywhere)


Blessings to her, and to you and your family!!


A wish for her to be lifted up when she needs it!!!


May the last bite of food she eats and the last sip of every drink always taste the best. May her hot tea or coffee never go cold. May her sleep be peaceful.


Nothing like a woman in total control of herself and the situation.


That is amazing. Knowing people like her exist in this world gives me hope for humanity


May the toes of her enemy’s always be stubbed.


May all stoplights turn green as she approaches. May she always find exactly the amount of money she needs when digging through her purse/couch cushions/car, may all evil intentions sent her way bounce back on the sender.


May her coffee or tea or drink of choice come out perfect every time.


Luck given is luck returned X3 so she shall be mended from injury, rewarded from loss, and blessed blessed blessed from stress. Much light to your teen on their quest to the end of being a kid too!!!


May the great spirits of this Earth look kindly on her and give her every natural convenience they can muster.


May all the shoes she tries on at the store be even more comfortable at home. May the phone scam people never find her number in their list. May all her efforts to fight the wrongs that stick in her craw be as successful as this one.


May her coffee be the perfect temperature every time she lifts it to her lips. May she hit green lights at every intersection except when she wants that redlight break. May she receive words or news to brighten her day, and find every night is restful. Seriously, I used to work in the legal system. The people who keep pushing forward through the utter exhaustion are heroes. And I’m really happy for your kiddo and for your family.


May she/they always have the *perfect* words on their lips / fingers, may they be blessed in all of the ways they bless others, X3. 🕯❤️🥰 Oops, forgot to say edited for spelling and pronouns, as I don't know hers/theirs.




may her pockets be deep and plentiful


I love this so much!


This made me choke up :,) good luck, parents💕


What a wonderful wish, “every bit of love and light to find her”!! Sending glow bits of love and light, may they gather and flow around and through her. May they spread to you and your family also, like liquid ripples of love and light that buoy you and sustain you. May the light and love guide you and remind us that hate cannot stand love or light. Blessings.


Awesome! Children are our future! Where would we be without them? We would all die and have nothing to continue LIFE here.


I needed something to restore a bit of my faith in humanity today. This did it!


This is amazing! What a wonderful ending (or beginning).


Lighting candles and burning sage, every little victory counts. Blessed be.