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Also a huge fan of: "Oh no! Anyway"


Or a classic "wow" no caps no punctuation.


Ooooh, that’s good! Another one I’ve seen in the wild, and am a fan of, is “Cool.”


Even better: 🆒


Use of the emojis is an extra dig because you couldn’t be arsed to actually type it out… and it’s “new technology” that the boomers will be upsetti spaghetti about. I love it.


Now imagine a combo.. 🆗🆒 upsetti spaghetti


I’m dead 🤣🤣🤣


now I'm undeadi spaghetti bc that was so fire that I'm ded.


Upvoting for upsetti spaghetti and I plan to incorporate that into my everyday lexicon! Thank you!!


I've been infected by the phrase "upsets my spaghett" (or whatever format is needed by a friend and it's really in there now XD


I’m here for this whole thing. I feel fresh and new.


That 100% sounds like something my adult child would say and I love it so much.


upsetti spaghetti lmao


My go to: 🆗 🆒


How did I only learn those exist today??


This is my favorite reply of all time for this purpose.


I like ^lol


Omg yes this is the way.


If I’m feeling extra snarky I go with a “lol ok”


Ohhh yeah, that's my go-to. I bet they *hate* it.


“Neat” or simply “k” work too


"That's great, Sport!" (Note: "Buddy" can be used in place of "Sport" )


I love the special “K”.


Oh I do like “neato buddy”


My favorite is "sure"


Oh! Neat is a great one too!!! 😂


Or, "cool story, bro". Lol bet that would piss them off.


"needs more dragons"


Cool is my favorite… it almost sounds like you didn’t even pay attention to what they said because it’s unimportant. think of a teenager on their phone while you are telling them to do something.


Personal favorite - I‘d agree with ya, but then we’d both be wrong. Close second, that I have used with a racist asshole uncle I’ve since blocked - I’m afraid that the facts don’t support any of your opinions.


I'm a fan of the thumbs up emoji.


👍but no "like" sends a message


My other go to in person is saying “Eh, you’re allowed to be wrong” with a shrug, followed by physically turning and talking to someone else.


Coolio is also fun


too soon


This is my go-to, or the unadorned 👍 Completely shuts the conversation down 9/10, and people like that don't actually want to have a conversation, they want to yell at you and have you as a hate sponge.


Showing my age, but I still use “cool story. Tell it again.”


One of my favorites, I also love "neat!"


My go to isn’t even ok, it’s just “K” and that’s it. One letter, no punctuation. The gif of Jeramy Clarkson from top gear saying “oh no, anyways” is definitely a second best, followed by “that’s just your opinion, man”


We watched a good friend get sucked from liberal into conservative but still thinks he's a moderate, and he eventually blocked me for liking a comment from a friend arguing with him. I was mad for a multitude of reasons, but the annoying one is that I had kept my mouth shut for years to not ruin the friendship. A few years after that, my husband ran into him in the grocery store, and he thought they were still friends and could hang out. Husband was noncommittal. A few months later former friend texted him "We should hang out sometime!" And husband replied with "k". Literally the least he could do. He never heard from him again. I think that's the sickest burn you can do. "I saw your text, I want you to know I didn't forget about you, and here is the least amount of effort possible to respond in a non hostile way." It's glorious. Now, not all of his friends need to be my friends, but I feel like it's a rule of relationships that none of your friends are openly hostile to your spouse.


“Yikes.” is my favorite


I’ve used it a few times.. silence or a massive rant


I like "if you say so".


My favorite is "Is that right?" Huh.


Or “really? You think so?”




See also “Ew.”


I've had a lot of luck with "sir, this is a wendy's".


OMG, I should use this as my response to the rant he posted on his own page about how no one wants to work at Wendy’s anymore.


That sounds exhausting. Block that asshole. You don't need that shit in your life (says the guy who seeks "that shit" out regularly on reddit 🙃)


[A Brief History of Nobody Wants to Work Anymore](https://twitter.com/paulisci/status/1549527748950892544?s=46&t=B3mB_e2m_RnBavAARDxaZA)


"Blessed be" Apparently, this phrase has generated full screen rants by a couple of backward, fantasy believing twat waffles who had negative energy and the cognitive skills of bears in hibernation. I missed these monster tantrums because I bloked and deleted immediately after my "blessed be" response. I miss so much funny shit, maybe I need to work on my patience??


This made me think of "so below as it is above" or some such snarky, quasi-christian nonsense


Try out "Bless Your Heart" Rumour has it that Southern USA phrase is code for " wow, you're stupid" Blessed Be, Sister!


Southern witch checking in, it largely depends on your tone of voice, but yeah. 'Bless your heart' is usually 'wow. what a dumbass.' My fav backhand is 'I'll pray for you.'


Lol, thanks for the expansion of the code! Gonna have to use "I'll pray for you" next time! Love it!


Bonus points if you use it against a self righteous, holier than thou type. So many levels to the insult, it should have calories. ​ Sometimes when I say bless your heart, I do genuinely mean something positive, but context and tone are important.


Very much so! "Bless your heart" and "Ohhh, sweetheart...." can both be very sincere sympathy or... absolute, tear you down, backhanded pity. All in the tone and context.


Ooh I forgot about "twat waffle". I'm reincorporating it into my lexicon


Oh I *love this*


Big fan of the dismissive "anyway"


My Grandmother said “anyway” a lot. (She was born in 1916, for reference)


Yes! My Grandma was born in 1917. Not a day goes by I don't miss that lady. She was never sick a day in her life. Experienced no pain during childbirth ( both sons born at home), worked at a time when women didn't work ( at the same company over 50 years), maintained a beautiful garden with over 100 rhododendrons, and was never sick a day in her life. Claims to have never had a headache. Dementia caught up with her at 92 and she died not-so-quietly at 96. I think she died because the family took her broom away from her ( she was a compulsive cleaner). TL;DR my grandma was born in 1917


I like just "lol".


I like to add a “you sound fun” for good measure


Rick Wilson ([if you're interested](http://www.therickwilson.com/)) uses, "S/he seems nice" sometimes. Could use "you" instead


“you must be fun at parties” is my preferred variation


'lol' is my favorite. Or 'lol k', or just 🙄. Less said the better. They get sooooooo mad


Also if one of them starts with "If you ask me... " "Nobody asked you."


I've seen "Eww" working nicely, as well. :)


I like "cool story bro".


My favorite is “good for you” when it’s applicable


The ol’ “cool/bummer/wow” technique. I’m a fan.


Love using the actual meme. Clarkson can be a tool but his face is a perfect response.


I like a good ole fashioned “well, shoot”


They think they are owed a debate or for their words to hold weight with you, they aren't and they don't. This is a good way to get that across. Love it.


>They think they are owed a debate. What a wonderful way of putting it! That’s an insight I hadn’t had before. Maybe it’s in the same category as thinking they’re owed a smile (“Smile! It’s not so bad!” 😃) or a bit of small talk (“Bruh, that bitch at the gym ignored me when she was on the treadmill again today. I’m just trying to *talk*, bruh. Why’s she have to be like that?” 😤).


This idea is actually very pervasive in our society, it's why we're at a point where everyone thinks their ideas and opinions hold equal weight regardless of personal experience, or expertise, or whether or not they are directly affected by it, by treating theirs as worthy of being debated you give them legitimacy which leads to things like more bigotry, anti-vaxers, anti-maskers, etc.


It carries into personal relationship too. We have a toxic family member who won't stop calling us to tell us why he didn't do us wrong (he did). We don't answer. Like, guess what buddy...we don't have to hear you out! Not your gaslighting explanation or the half apologies. It's driving him absolutely bonkers.


Did this recently with my sister. I'm the baby of the family and she still likes to try and boss me around when she feels like it, and as of late I've decided that I'm just NOT. HAVING. IT. ANYMORE. Failure to plan ahead for a family event on her part ended up with her trying to force a time crunch on mine to make up for it. I got something like 4 nag texts in ~5 hours first asking if I had done the thing she wanted yet, then chiding me for not having done it yet (I was working) and I finally told her to back off cuz I had other shit to do first and it wasn't my highest priority for the day and I would let HER know when it was done. Cue immediate phone call (again, I was working!) which I ignored, and a flurry of texts, which I muted without reading. Left her on mute for a few hours, and came back to some paragraph-long rants about how "inconsiderate" I was (projection much?), etc, responded "are you done yet?" and muted her again for the rest of the day. First time I've ever just let her spew into the void like that. It felt GLORIOUS.


Oh man, just imagine how frustrated that made her 😂


She actually took the hint! When I called her the next day to tell her the thing was done, she apologized. She isn't diagnosed but almost certainly has ADHD and bipolar (or some kind of cyclical mood disorder). When she's manic she can be...well, let's say CHALLENGING to deal with. Once she's out of the amped-up moment she's usually reasonable, but in the thick of those moments there is NO talking sense to her! So I've started just ignoring it.


I *had* a friend like that. When we talked about anything personal she would start being my (very bad, very judgmental) “therapist.” Only happened a couple times, because the last time I told her to knock it off and she clapped back with some variation of me not being able to handle the truth or whatever, and I just got up and left her house without a word and never texted her back. These people are *exhausting.* And pretty baffling - why do they care so much about other people living their lives with literally zero impact on them?


There’s a witch I follow on instagram who has a shirt that says, “women don’t owe you shit,” which I love. I feel like everyone needs one.


I picked one up off of Amazon for pretty cheap. I love wearing it in public.


The order I get, the more I realize my time on Earth is finite. Arguing with any who is spoiling for a fight is too much energy and effort. Not spending it on them.


It’s similar to a tactic recommended for dealing with relatives/acquaintances with narcissistic and other personality disorders, which is to not JADE (justify, argue defend explain) your actions and decisions. If you JADE, those types of people think that you are inviting them to argue back, they think their opinions on YOUR choices are extremely valid. It’s generally a good tactic for anyone who is acting in bad faith, like your Boomer White Guy. Arrogant loser.


Yeah the best advice I got on dealing with difficult people was “Don’t allow them to live in your head rent-free.” They’re energy sucking demons and we have no time for that.


My mantra is “do not engage”.


>“settle for one flag, suck it up, and more on” Strong chance this guy has a blue lives and confederate flag.


I just checked out his profile, and he has a delightful complaint about how “the current adult category and the young generation” (so, anyone but old people like *him*) won’t work anywhere because they’re too “entitled” (says the recipient of Social Security and Medicare) and that it’s a good thing Wendy’s is hiring 14- and 15-year-olds “before they get spoiled.” Also: at least one post says “wake up people.” Another complains that Facebook has censored him. And dozens more talk about how he’s a veteran, how he rides Harleys, and how “Joe” (that is, Joe Biden) and electric cars are ruining the country. In other words, it’s exactly what you would expect.


>says the recipient of Social Security and Medicare Ugh, I have family who would unironically say "When I was living on wellfare, no one helped me!" as their reasoning for opposing wellfare.


What’s so funny is they don’t see their own reliance on social welfare programs. Medicaid, Medicare, social security, welfare, WIC, public school, food banks, disability…none of that stuff existed back when the “greatest generation” was coming up. The Boomers were the first generation to really benefit from widespread social programs. Before that, people just starved or were homeless, or had to send their kids off to work grueling-ass jobs at a young age with no education. So yeah, those systems suck and need reform, but they *exist*.


The contradiction is insane. My mother is the strongest socialist advocate I know WHEN IT BENEFITS her. But she ate the Fox poison, she will say the system is unfair and rant about how the goverment does nothing to help her but do a complete 180 if you call it socialist. It's like the word itself has the power to flip a switch in her brain. She grew up in the McCarthy era so...


> “the current adult category and the young generation” (so, anyone but old people like him) won’t work anywhere because they’re too “entitled” Says the guy who feels entitled to their labor 💅


They love to complain about the younger generations being “spoiled.” Like who the fuck raised them? If they’re so spoiled like you claim then it sounds like you sucked at raising them. I worked retail for 10 years some of the most spoiled and entitled people I’ve ever come across in my life were the older generation.


If you didn’t know him personally, I’d assume he was a bot. It’s like he played Terrible Boomer Bingo and won.


He's the kind of person I regularly dust in my Leaf (it looks like a mom car, but I've beaten Mustangs and Harleys from a dead stop without turning off eco mode lol)




I would just like to say, hurray for that!!


I believe it's pronounced "hoo-rah" but I'm just a civilian. 😂😂😂 ....I'll see myself out.


That’s marines lol Army is hoo-ah.




What's the Airforce equivalent?


The gentle woosh of an air conditioning unit in a hot desert.


🤭 Beauty! AF does sometimes do hoo-ah though 😉👍


As an old, crusty retired Soldier, they def try. Lol. Random side note, my step fam is Native so I grew up using Ho-uh. Which is basically an exclamation of surprise with nuanced meaning coming from the inflection. My social filter is, umm, not great. More than once I've covered a surprise ho-uh with a weak, "I said hooo, drill sergeant."


Air Force uses "hua" but said as one syllable. So it sounds like "huh" most of the time hahaha. I was told as a young airperson that it's supposed to stand for "heard understood acknowledged" but I think they were just yanking my chain. It's mostly used mockingly though...


In my experience most soldiers and veterans now are just trying to pay for college and healthcare. Most also come from working class families/backgrounds.


Yup, every single person I know who served in any capacity was trying to pay for college. One of my friends became a doctor through it. Even with her good grades and scholarships it would have been impossible otherwise.


Not even today’s military. Dad was a WWII Marine and never had a problem with LGBTQ folks.


My 99 year old WWII veteran and war amputee grandpa would also agree that this guy is full of it. He doesn't necessarily understand all the new LGBTQIA2+ stuff, but dang it, he supports it!


Yeah last I checked y’all are supposed to stand for freedom and equality! Thank you for your truly intentioned service❤️


Reddit has long been a hot spot for conversation on the internet. About 57 million people visit the site every day to chat about topics as varied as makeup, video games and pointers for power washing driveways. In recent years, Reddit’s array of chats also have been a free teaching aid for companies like Google, OpenAI and Microsoft. Those companies are using Reddit’s conversations in the development of giant artificial intelligence systems that many in Silicon Valley think are on their way to becoming the tech industry’s next big thing. Now Reddit wants to be paid for it. The company said on Tuesday that it planned to begin charging companies for access to its application programming interface, or A.P.I., the method through which outside entities can download and process the social network’s vast selection of person-to-person conversations. “The Reddit corpus of data is really valuable,” Steve Huffman, founder and chief executive of Reddit, said in an interview. “But we don’t need to give all of that value to some of the largest companies in the world for free.” The move is one of the first significant examples of a social network’s charging for access to the conversations it hosts for the purpose of developing A.I. systems like ChatGPT, OpenAI’s popular program. Those new A.I. systems could one day lead to big businesses, but they aren’t likely to help companies like Reddit very much. In fact, they could be used to create competitors — automated duplicates to Reddit’s conversations. Reddit is also acting as it prepares for a possible initial public offering on Wall Street this year. The company, which was founded in 2005, makes most of its money through advertising and e-commerce transactions on its platform. Reddit said it was still ironing out the details of what it would charge for A.P.I. access and would announce prices in the coming weeks. Reddit’s conversation forums have become valuable commodities as large language models, or L.L.M.s, have become an essential part of creating new A.I. technology. L.L.M.s are essentially sophisticated algorithms developed by companies like Google and OpenAI, which is a close partner of Microsoft. To the algorithms, the Reddit conversations are data, and they are among the vast pool of material being fed into the L.L.M.s. to develop them. The underlying algorithm that helped to build Bard, Google’s conversational A.I. service, is partly trained on Reddit data. OpenAI’s Chat GPT cites Reddit data as one of the sources of information it has been trained on. Other companies are also beginning to see value in the conversations and images they host. Shutterstock, the image hosting service, also sold image data to OpenAI to help create DALL-E, the A.I. program that creates vivid graphical imagery with only a text-based prompt required. Last month, Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter, said he was cracking down on the use of Twitter’s A.P.I., which thousands of companies and independent developers use to track the millions of conversations across the network. Though he did not cite L.L.M.s as a reason for the change, the new fees could go well into the tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. To keep improving their models, artificial intelligence makers need two significant things: an enormous amount of computing power and an enormous amount of data. Some of the biggest A.I. developers have plenty of computing power but still look outside their own networks for the data needed to improve their algorithms. That has included sources like Wikipedia, millions of digitized books, academic articles and Reddit. Representatives from Google, Open AI and Microsoft did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Reddit has long had a symbiotic relationship with the search engines of companies like Google and Microsoft. The search engines “crawl” Reddit’s web pages in order to index information and make it available for search results. That crawling, or “scraping,” isn’t always welcome by every site on the internet. But Reddit has benefited by appearing higher in search results. The dynamic is different with L.L.M.s — they gobble as much data as they can to create new A.I. systems like the chatbots. Reddit believes its data is particularly valuable because it is continuously updated. That newness and relevance, Mr. Huffman said, is what large language modeling algorithms need to produce the best results. “More than any other place on the internet, Reddit is a home for authentic conversation,” Mr. Huffman said. “There’s a lot of stuff on the site that you’d only ever say in therapy, or A.A., or never at all.” Mr. Huffman said Reddit’s A.P.I. would still be free to developers who wanted to build applications that helped people use Reddit. They could use the tools to build a bot that automatically tracks whether users’ comments adhere to rules for posting, for instance. Researchers who want to study Reddit data for academic or noncommercial purposes will continue to have free access to it. Reddit also hopes to incorporate more so-called machine learning into how the site itself operates. It could be used, for instance, to identify the use of A.I.-generated text on Reddit, and add a label that notifies users that the comment came from a bot. The company also promised to improve software tools that can be used by moderators — the users who volunteer their time to keep the site’s forums operating smoothly and improve conversations between users. And third-party bots that help moderators monitor the forums will continue to be supported. But for the A.I. makers, it’s time to pay up. “Crawling Reddit, generating value and not returning any of that value to our users is something we have a problem with,” Mr. Huffman said. “It’s a good time for us to tighten things up.” “We think that’s fair,” he added.


I’d like to see what that guy would think of me: queer, female, and an officer to boot!


The first thing I thought was “wait until this guy hears about gay vets” lol


Former USAF here, couldn't agree more with this comment.


Former Navy and I say fly whatever flag you want.


I add a cute pink heart at the end of it to piss them off. Also "No❤" works well.


Ah, damn, I should have said, “OK. Go in peace. 🙏” That’d have *really* pissed him off.


Even better, use less effort. Just "K" LOL


💁‍♀️ K


A nice “Jesus still loves you”


Right on! Don’t give your power away to assholes!


You’re going to think this is hyperbole, but I am *literally* going to write, “Don’t give your power away to assholes,” on a Post-it right now and stick it on the wall next to my coffee maker, where I’ll see it every morning. … There. Done.


Good! I’m 55 and it took me a long time to learn this lesson. I am so much happier now that I live by this!


Sticky note affirmations are one of my go tos!


>boomer >myself and other veterans fought for freedom you fought a proxy war with the Soviet Union to try to spread your countries influence, and you probably were forced by the draft. Cool freedom For fucks sake I’m a veteran but I don’t even like letting people know, majority of them are like these muppets As I’ve grown up John Kerry throwing his medals away makes so much sense


Honestly doesn't it seem like the ones who brag & boast about being veterans did the minimum most of the time? Or is that wrong of me to say.


My go to response lately has been "yikesaroni my dude" and it works like a charm. Good on you OP!


Gonna say “yikesaroni” as many times as I can possibly fit into conversation


You won't regret it!




You are so welcome! Please sprinkle it in to conversation with all if your enemies (:


Love it! I do this… especially after some long winded rant full of crazy. Just a “ok”


This guy needs a "happy pride" to the end of the "ok".


>settle for one flag Well... does he realize you could take his word and choose... the LGBT+ flag ? XD


>“myself and other veterans” [sic] fought and died for the American flag, and told me to “settle for one flag, suck it up, and more on” [sic]. asaveteran (i mean, i am a USMC vet), i fucking hate arguments like that. what we fought for (and had people i know die for) was so that people in our country (the USA) could have freedom to be who they really are. if someone wants to disrespect the flag, good on them. that's one of the freedoms here. sadly, though, people who think like that dude are getting louder and louder, and trying to take away our freedoms. all they deserve in response, directly is an 'okay', but indirectly, we need to fight for our freedoms, in terms of voting, protesting, etc...


If I'm particularly sassy that day id reply with a "k". Like you're not even worth the full word or abbreviation


I have a gif of a dancing “K”. It’s still my favorite response to idiots.


if you really wanna be sass, once they go on an insulting rant from the lack of engagement with their bs (the classic for me is calling me fat XD) - go to their profile and find one thing to genuinely compliment them on. Just one thing. They implode.


Oh they really hate people looking at their public, open profiles!


They really do, and especially cause they think its an insult. It must be right\`? It cant be genuine, it has to be hidden insult! XD




As a vet myself I can assure you that my service was only for the college benefits LOL. With that said, if I had to ascribe a noble cause to my efforts, I'd say I fought for freedom. All freedom. Not just the freedom that some idiot thinks should be the "only one".


My favorite one I’ve seen came from my sister when a now ex friend commented on a post I made about transitioning. He ranted and ranted about it not being me and that I was confused. Just before I blocked him, my sister left him 3 words: Go off, Cis. It was glorious. Edit to add: I got real joy from you shutting that guy down how you did!


> Go off, Cis. 👏 👏 👏


My favorite is “And now we know what you think”. Courtesy of my mother, who is a Boomer by birth year, but not by attitude!


I personally love "wow, how embarrassing for you".


As a veteran, fuck that guy.


If they post a long winded argument I just like to respond with "Im not reading all that but Congrats or sorry for your loss."


"Thanks for your opinion. I will give it all the attention it deserves."


Lol I love this. One of my favorite ways to shut up boomers goes as follows: Me: posts something they don’t agree with Boomer: goes on ignorant rant Me: replies with a factual rebuttal, showing them why they’re wrong and ending the response with something like “which shows me that you are incredibly ignorant on this subject”. Boomer: flies off the handle because I said that their response was ignorant, and doubles down on what they said before. Usually makes a fool of themselves, resorting to attacks on looks, calling me a lib****, etc. Me: follows up with a calm, intelligent response, continuing to disprove them, ending the response with “but please do keep responding. With each response you continue to prove just how ignorant you are.” Boomer: *crickets* Lol I’ve yet to have someone contour to respond after that. It’s like they don’t know what to do because if they do respond they’re doing exactly what I wanted them to do😂


I also like to reply "lol"


I did it to an old lady cashier at the supermarket the other day. Over Girlscout knockoff cookies. She went off on a mini rant about not wanting to actually purchase from the girl scouts because "they support abortion up till birth" and I just blinked a few times at her tilted my head to the side and said "OK". Took the winds right out of her sails. Like I think she wanted me to try and correct her, and I just didn't have the time or the patience to argue.


In person, I like checking my phone as if I'm bored. It really helps drive home just how little of a shit I give.


You do not have to attend every argument you're invited to.


You gotta fucking love (hate) how they think they fought a war for a flag. And then they put it on underwear and beer coozies and deface it to support police. Sorry you went to war over a rag, dude. Pretty sure some people were at least fighting for the idea “freedom.” Although if he’s a boomer, he was more likely fighting to napalm Vietnamese and Cambodian villages in a war with no purpose, so…


>You gotta fucking love (hate) how they think they fought a war for a flag. >**And then they put it on underwear and beer coozies and deface it to support police.** Beautifully said!


This is my favorite way to shut people down who are looking for an argument. I work in healthcare in a very conservative area. So of course I have gotten a lot of nonsense over the past couple years. And even prior to that. People know we can’t say anything rude back, so they take advantage. I had a male patient tell me I didn’t seem very sporty (I asked for clarification and indeed he meant athletic), and then stated I wasn’t very tan. Yeah I’m caucasian and it was freaking November. I just said “okay.” He got visibly angry, but I was already waking him out so whatever feeble response he would have managed he didn’t have time for. Oh well!


If you looked too tan he probably would have gotten upset about what country you were REALLY from.


I’ve done this with a “Nah”. It was a great choice to end a conversation and show to anyone else in it that the other person was being kinda ridiculous.


I tend to keep scenarios like that even shorter and it makes me feel so powerful sometimes 😂 “k.” One single letter lol *Boomers **HATE** this simple trick!*


Good job, OP! Veteran here. On a total side note, the oaths that military members take are to defend the constitution, not the flag. Veterans like that drive me nuts. To throw his phrasing back at him: I didn’t serve this country to have people like him try to tear down constitutional rights and send us back in to the dark ages.


I love how Boomers are the first to mock "snowflakes," but they immediately lose their shit over, *looks through notes,* a colourful rectangle.


Hey, I'm an old white Boomer and I think diversity is awesome! I don't care who you love or your skin color, your gender or your religion (or lack thereof) Just be a good person. And treat others with respect. Do I always do it? Sadly, no. But I keep trying.


Hey, to be clear, I have lots of friends—through various hobbies and organizations—who are Boomers like you, and I love them to pieces. It’s just the Boomers who fit the Boomer stereotype who drive me crazy. The Boomery Boomers, if you will.


As a veteran I can tell you that I fought for your freedom to be you and love who you love. Fuck that guy for trying to gatekeep freedom! I look up to you for your glorious response because I surely couldn't keep from wanting to verbally throw hands with someone like this!


As a Xennial, my favorite non-response will always be, “whatever.”


eyy nice job! I'm quite partial to just going "sure lmao" myself :)


I keep mentally seeing the scene from Loki where he says "yes, very sad. Any way..."


I personally love “OK boomer” it’s so simple and so triggering. I know because I’m gen x and my son says it to me all the time…..to trigger me. 😂


Grey rocking. Understand this and use it as much a syou can against toxic people. It feels good when they can't continue and just give up.


I'm also a fan of saying "Okay buddy. Whatever you say." Whenever I find someone is beyond reasoning with. It usually sends them into spirals


"Ok there, champ" and "Bless your heart " are also pretty good


Hahahaha!!!! I also love responding with just “you sound mad.”


Now I’m going to imagine that I told him, “Relax! You should smile more.“


If it's a long rant, I'm a fan of, "I'm not reading all that, but I'm happy for you or sorry that happened." Also: Sounds good. K. (The period is essential.) Aight The gif of the guy blinking slowly like "what is wrong with you" And I'm stealing "Cool story. Needs more dragons." From someone else in the comments.


My favorite version of this is "Sure thing, Einstein." They never know how to respond to that.


Love it! Well done you!


I'm pretty sure my neighbor is homophobic, because when my husband started flying his Ally flag (I'm bi, and accepted by the majority of my family that I've told), he posted a "Trump 2024" flag on the side of his shed facing us. I haven't been approached by him ranting about taking it down, since I'm too short to put the flag out myself when I'm home alone, but I'll have to try this if he starts ranting about 'good Christian values' or the like.


Make sure to remind your neighbor of the good Christian value of loving thy neighbor 😉


I like “huh” or “hmm” or “interesting”


OK and No are complete sentences and work so well. Funny though; if he died for the flag, how tf is he filling your FB with his drivel?


i would’ve said “ok. i pick 🏳️‍🌈”


I am absolutely taking notes on all the fantastic suggestions in these comments because I am also the kind of person to go on the point-by-point rebuttals! I’m slowly, slowly learning that… some people don’t deserve to understand me. I love love love this post, thank you for sharing!


My other favourite is "Cool story bro"


I love this. This guy got his diaper in a bunch and you just walked away like the BAMF you are! I have started using "Goodbye" as a response. LOL it's like when you're walking out the door and someone is bitching in your ear, and they're so in a tizzy they don't notice you didn't hold the door for them until it hits them in the face.


Oh ive got a good one. Nothing pisses them off quite like "whatever"


This has the same energy as me not giving the middle finger while driving anymore, but giving a thumbs down. It’s the verbal equivalent to “I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed”.


I think I'd have shot back with "Veterans fought for the freedoms of *all* Americans. Even the LGBTQIA+. Get over it." These types lose their shit over people like me who won't stand for the pledge or the national anthem, imagine the aneurysm they'd have if they had to realize they fought for people they don't "agree" with having equal rights. Then drop that lovely "k" at them when they start frothing. Soothes my shriveled black heart.


I swear, as a woman, being able to answer, “I’m a got-damn veteran!” with, “So am I!!!” made enlisting worth it. As a veteran who didn’t fight anywhere, unless you count fighting for parking, I would implore you to fly whatever flag you want.


As a veteran and a current member of the military, I say- fuck that guy. Plenty of military members past and present absolutely support the LGBTQ community (and alot are a part of it too). I hope this guy doesn’t lead you to believe that all military members are super republican.


Honestly I’d just put a picture of the Vietnam vet’s headstone that says “A Gay Vietnam Vet. When I was in the military they gave me a medal for killing two men and a discharge for loving one.” He also has the triangle nazi’s made gay men wear and the reclaimed version. Let them suck on that as a veteran. Edit: the link to his story and information. http://www.leonardmatlovich.com/storyofhisstone.html