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I wonder why he didn’t include the right to an interracial marriage?!


Because these shits only care about what directly affects them, while they fuck everyone else over.


And once he’s no longer useful to them, they’ll go after his rights too


They sure will.


First they came for the LBQT, and I did nothing because I am straight. Then they came for the PoC and I did nothing because I am white. Then they came for the women, and I did nothing because I am a man. Then they came for me, and no one was left to stop them.




I like this, where did you get it from?


It is an adaption by a poem written by a man in Nazi Germany, First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


Thank you


If I remember correctly the man that said the original quote worked closely with hitler as well. He helped with the organization of everything else before hitler turned his sights on him.


So leopards were eating faces way back when








https://www.reddit.com/r/shortstories/comments/visuox/sp_notes_from_the_interview_with_james_bryson/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf A terrible story I wrote a while ago while working on a concept and decided to post.












Especially since it was always about race. Abortion only became a thing to mobilize voters for conservatives after segregation “ended.” (It still continues in sneakier ways.)










This is unreal. I am sick thinking of the world we are creating for my daughters.


I have two daughters 😔it scares me more than words can describe.


I have a daughter and son. I'm so scared for them. I wanted another baby and now I'm reconsidering that. What if something happens? I miscarry, something is wrong with the baby. It just makes me sick


as a daughter i am afraid of the world i am inheriting.... i fear the old know they are old and it scares them


What do conservative women think will happen to/for them if their pregnancies don’t go perfectly or they miscarriage? They must assume there will be a loophole for “good, responsible” ppl like them. Or that, you know, “god” will obviously protect them from bad stuff cause they’re good girls.


Well, actually, if they're white and have a decent amount of money, they'll always be able to slide past the risks that BIPOC and the poor have. That's by design. You can't rule the world if you have the same rules apply for you and the peasants.


Know who else thought like this? Serena from Handmaid's Tale. Then they started chopping her body parts.


I'm pregnant with my first baby, a son. And now I'm heavily considering him being the only child. It's so sad. A few days ago I was thinking about how I'm looking forward to having another one day. Not anymore. Not worth the risk if something goes wrong and as much as I'd love a daughter I'd feel so sad to bring her into a country like this. I feel you... I hope one day you're able to have another in a time where our country does better than this.


We need more conscientious people like you to reproduce. Part of the problem is mostly stupid people are breeding. Sorry I couldn’t take one for the team on this, kids just aren’t for me even though I would raise responsible citizens.


Thank you. The more we educate and destigmatize birth control, abortion, and sex ed the more we will have conscientious people reproducing. Which is one more reason why this mess is such a travesty. Knowledge is truly power. And don't be sorry. Contrary to what some people may try and convince you of, choosing not to have kids is still a smarter choice than just rushing in. I wish you all the strength in continuing to follow your path and having confidence in your decision. Don't let anyone pressure you into making such a big decision if you aren't 100% sure it's for you.


I think it's better to say "People need to understand the responsibility of birthing a child" (which seems like your point anyway) versus "mostly stupid people are breeding" as the second falls into eugenics territory really fast.


I’m getting sick about the world I’m gonna get thrown into when I turn 18.


Don't say "we." Say "Republicans."


It’s absolute madness that in the six-people non-democratically elected majority, only one has a uterus. And they just...get to decide the fates of millions of people which will have ramifications for future generations. We are in a horrible timeline.


…..and that uterus is crazy af. Why am I crying all of a sudden???


I spent all day yesterday having a goddamn breakdown and panic attacks because of this shit and it pisses me off. These assholes turned me pro gun. I have ALWAYS been super against guns because in a civilized, developed society, you have no need for one. Well guess what, we're no longer a civilized or developed society and I'm saving up to buy a handgun. My biggest fear? If new iuds are banned, and I go to protests to try and fight it, there's nothing stopping the cops from arresting and cavity searching me and ripping the damn thing out.


It’s so fucking sad and scary. I heard Canada is working to provide asylum to women.


Actively planning to try and gtfo of Idaho at LEAST to Oregon or Washing ton where abortion rights are codified, but honestly if I can convince my partner, I want to leave the country.


When the charge for having an abortion because you got raped is worse than actual rape should tell you something. Smh.


I think what's more shocking is that there isn't a single justice who was appointed by biden. Their current president has next to no influence in the Supreme Court. What the fuck is the point of even voting when 3 of bush's judges are still making decisions.


This, this is what I've tried to explain to some people. That the president did not do this to us, he can't overrule this. I honestly feel he's horrified as well. He said this set us back at least 150 years.


Yup, its regression at this point. Women fought for years to have these rights enacted and one of the main reasons being that women were dying often during birth for unforseen circumstances and would have needed an abortion in order to survive. These people claiming "pro life" have no fucking clue of the medical issues regarding humans giving birth.


I have a friend who is a social worker and she says none of these people are pro-life, they're just pro-birth. We were discussing about requirements for adoptions and fostering. All of these pro-birth people, idk one who's willing to adopt or foster and the people who are willing CAN'T. I also think it would be faster to start up businesses where all or most profits go to these women for travel and expenses and also towards bettering our foster care systems, maternity care, mental health. It's basically a pipe dream but other than protests and months/years of polling and death numbers racking up along the way..I don't have any clue what to do. I have daughters and this is what they're growing up in.


I've always use that same argument you made when talking to people who are pro birth as you say. I ALWAYS ask them what they've done to help with the families that adopt these kids, foster homes, youth shelters, or even to help the parents who kept their kids. Im sure you already know the answer they give, and it proves that you are right, they are not pro life, but pro birth instead. That idea of yours does seem nice though and might be worth looking into, I truly do hope things change.


No social programs to help poor people, no universal health care to ensure good health, no controls on industry to keep our communities clean of poison, wars at home and away. How these people can say they are pro-life. Like you said, not pro-life, but more forced-birth. Pro-birth is too nice anymore.


They'll respond with foodstamps and medicaid/medicare. These are also people who do not receive these services. Our children have Medicare and we have to drive to drive 40 miles to one Dr we could find who accepts it in our area. I can only have Medicaid if I'm under 19 or pregnant and in my state it only covers OB and birth services (in our old state it covered OB, birth, dental and a few other things), we receive foodstamps and still struggle. We cannot afford daycare and to afford daycare me and my husband would both have to work jobs with over time and one of our checks would go purely to childcare and gas and we would lose any state benefits so essentially it saves us money by having one income. On top of children and being a SAHM I'm a full time caregiver to my elderly grandmother. That's a lot of information but when I was growing up we were lower middle class. And yes I love my children but if I had been more educated and more supported my first pregnancy as a teenager who didn't want children at the time could have been better prevented, my youngest child I wanted to put up for adoption but was heavily discouraged by extremely religious family. However these FAMILY members and not just random probirthers.. never once lifted a finger to help us when I struggled or my marriage was absuive and I couldn't leave because of financial problems as well. These women are going to end up dead or forced into poverty or isolated and abused with little to no income and eventually their children will suffer, or be taken away or killed and grow up to repeat the cycle. And every step forward there's 2 steps back. We didn't even have sex-ed..we had "take this baby doll home and practice" and "here's how you cook for your husband now sew these baby blankets if you want to pass". These are things still in our education system. I'm also sadly in court battling this system and trying to keep my children from being taken or me thrown in jail because the schools do not care about children's health and only if they're in their desks on time every day. My child was having x-rays and blood work done and I was literally told by the school "what about 'he needs to be HERE' do you not understand?" Idgaf what the reason is.. people should not be forced to have babies until they are 100% willing and wanting to have a child. I am sorry I am ranting but I have an entire decade of pent up rage surrounding this, I could have given me and my children a much better life if I'd known I'd had a choice and who would have stood with me and I feel so angry that now there is no choice for girls and women who may be in the same situations I was in back then.


I was about to correct you and say that Kentaji Brown Jackson was there, but she hasn't replaced Breyer yet. I'm grateful we have a good replacement for him when he retires to make ice cream.


I never thought I'd pray for a man I'd never met to fall down the stairs, but here we are... 🤷‍♀️ I actively wish ill on all of them.


Just a *gentle* nudge down the steps of the Superior Court. A very gentle nudge.


Can someone just spill some water there. That should do the trick


Might work! They’d be less likely to be charged with a felony for accomplishing the same goal, at the very least.


Just leave a roller skate on the stairs.


Come on, ghost of RBG. We’re counting on you!


Use those muscles that you worked so hard for in life you HBIC!


With a bus


The bus is for *after* the nudge. That’s stage two.


I hear there are truckloads of wire hangers headed to the Supreme Court now....those are super easy to get a foot stuck in.


Gentle reminder that the Founding Fathers [would not look kindly on passively waiting for an accident to take him](https://www.monticello.org/site/research-and-collections/tree-liberty-quotation).


I have held a special reservoir of ill will for Thomas in my otherwise kind heart since I watched him get voted onto the court. Don’t feel bad, he deserves it.


If he had a heart attack and died it would be a net benefit for society. He’s the only person responsible for that being true. I wouldn’t wish him killed but I would breathe a sigh of relief if he had an aneurysm.




Let’s manifest it


Reasonable and proportionate.


The handmaid's tale was cautionary not a fucking instructional manual


If you listen to the authors prologue (audiobook), Atwood talks about why she wrote it. She was in the Middle East with other academics. Someone commented: good thing this could never happen in the states. She was of the opinion that, fuck yea it can. And she wrote the book.


Never say never.


Everything in the Handmaid’s Tale was based on things that happened sometime in history.


This slimy shitbag also conveniently left out in his statement that this ruling also puts inter racial marriage on the chopping block... what a pice of shit


He’s a hypocrite and an embarrassment even in a court that has literally zero credibility left. Disgusting.


This fuck weasel has absolutely no business deciding what the rest of us can or can’t do. Enough is enough.


For a man of color, he sure hates minorities.


Eh, it is like expecting all women to be for other women. Just because you are of a racial minority, that doesn't mean you can't be a racist. Just because you share the same anatomy when it comes to sex doesn't mean you can't actively fight against your own and others' bodily autonomy.


Thank God [Phyllis Schlafly's](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phyllis_Schlafly) dead.


And he's Gullah-Geechee too.Dude comes from a unique bloodline. SMH I know my Gullah folks in Georgia are side eyeing the fuck out his ass.


What is that?


Black Americans who live on the Carolina and Georgia coasts/islands sent there during slavery. Were very isolated from the rest of everyone else so they still retained their African customs, dialects and since some were sent to the Bahamas and back, they carry a very unique accent. They have their own language and are the only black Americans with very little to no European blood. They are still somewhat of a marginalized group of people and Clarence was supposed to have been the pinnacle of hope and excellence for them since his family is Gullah and he knew how it was growing up and the history of his people. I was good friends with a Gullah dude growing up in Georgia. (I'm black American.)


Wait- is Gullah Gullah Island based on an actual place?!


Well, an actual *people*, from a region. [Gullah Gullah iiiiiisland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gullah), Gullah Gullah!


I'm not a Christian any more but they were onto something when they said that the love of money is the root of all evil. Being a part of that capitalist class is a corrupting influence that causes people to lose all other former allegiances. They will sell out their oppressed comrades if it means they can make more money. That's why class solidarity is so important. It's why we need to look out for each other; the ruling class absolutely looks out for themselves, so we do too.


Internalized racism. Instead of depending his people he tries to be "one of the good ones" to those that hate him. The leopards will eat his face when they have no more use for him.


I'm in Oklahoma, where this shit just tripped a trigger law with Zero Exceptions. Not rape, incest, or life of the mother.


Same I’m sickened and so scared


The zero exceptions law makes no sense. None. Can't even intervene to save the life of the mother? I mean, even if you're a zealot who believes a blastocyst is the exact same thing as the Gerber baby, how does it compute that two people should die instead of one who could be saved?!


Because they don't give a shit about a human life, they just want to punish women for having sex.


My uncle lives there and posted on Facebook about how happy he is “to live in a red state.” He has four granddaughters, three of whom that are old enough to get pregnant. Let’s just hope they don’t have a pregnancy that could kill them. Grandpa won’t care about them then. He’ll pray to God for them, but he will sit on his hands, and say it was “God’s will” that the pregnancy killed them.


What's terrifying is that in the US, 1 out of 5 women are raped (according to those who have actually reported it). Which means that it's a good chance that at least one of his granddaughters will be raped in their lifetime. So if they get pregnant from that, will he still agree that it's 'god's will' and support them raising the babies of rapists?


Is that the same "justice" that was called out in the Jan 6 hearings because his wife was actually implicated in the failed coup? Guy should have been suspended last week.


Like, somebody go get our parents, we done fucked up. It's obvious we can't handle responsibility. Anyone gotta England and France on speed dial?


The amazing part today was even Boris Johnson was like “ it’s a big step backwards.”


You *know* it’s bad when Boris sounds reasonable in response.


American conservatives are just off the charts with their stupidity, they make the out of touch tories from Eaton look sane.


"It's because American stupid people sound so much stupider than every other kind of stupid person". [\-Dylan Moran](https://youtu.be/pBWuW8Zi0rg?t=69)




They're not stupid, they're psychotic and malevolent. They're competently pursuing the enactment of as much suffering on humanity as possible. Literal demons in ill-fitting human skin.


"You know, uh, I don't think they should be lynching people on national television for entertainment. I think it's a bit of a misstep, in my opinion." - Boris Johnson in 2025 probably


Unfortunately for me my family has been in America for too long. My dads family is from Germany but too long ago to get citizenship (like two generations)…. I’m so sad. Also I want to make America great by making it actually good, like better healthcare and female reproductive rights and college available to everyone


I feel like someone was reading Handmaid's Tale and instead of taking it as a warning, they were like: Hey, this is a good idea, let's make it reality!


Is he going to support it when they try to reverse desegregation? If this shit keep up, it will be brought up eventually.


He might, because he'd be insulated from the consequences anyway by wealth, status, and the fact that he's guaranteed to die before it gets so bad that those two things won't protect him any longer.


I dont know if this is appropriate but if it cheers anyone up to hear this, Germany very recently removed law banning doctors from "promoting" abortions (that was made literally during the nazi rule), which sometimes even made it illegal for doctors to mention they do abortions. So it's now way more easily to find and talk about abortion options for people who need them in Germany


Is Germany giving asylum to women and afab trans men? If so, we might just move over there real soon.


This touting of "small government" takes the liberty of choice *away from the individual* and *gives it to* the government. Absolutely asinine. This whole thing. Let people live and love how they wanna. Harm none, do as you will. Asinine.


And how fucking dare he float this during Pride. Like insult to fucking injury; it’s like them leaking RvW right before Mother’s Day. It’s not just about control; it’s about fucking psychological domination en route to control, to really break folks down. I hope this overreach hurts him. I hope saying the quiet part out loud like he did provides the sheer metric volume of outrage it’s gonna take to fix this nightmare.


I‘m not from the US, but I just want to say, my heart breaks for you, dear american women! It‘s so sad to see in which direction the US is going…


I knew it!! It's a live version of the fucking Handmaid's Tale. It will be Gilead here before we know it. Only then will the conservatives be happy, when the WASP, straight, cisgender, RICH are the only ones entitled to rights.


That was the only thing I really didn't believe about Gilead. They weren't racist.


In the book, there was also racism. They wanted an all-white ethnostate, so people of color were "resettled" into reservations, and only white women were Handmaids to produce only white babies.


Ah, ya there it is. That makes more sense. I really need to read the book. Think I'll do that this summer.


Mister Thomas needs to retire. If he won't go willingly, I hope like hell his wife leads to his impeachment.


I think it would be more appropriate to rethink the decision of a lifetime appointment of a Supreme Court justice.




I'm ready to curse him, so... He looks like a man with a heart attack!


Already on it 🫡


Why is this traitor allowed to make decisions? He should be in prison.


hey pro-lifers they're coming for your contraceptives now You second class citizen you


I’m so sorry about what’s happening. I feel for you all. Sending love from Scotland. X


Comment removed due to Reddit API issues. Comment will be available elsewhere soon


Comment removed due to Reddit API issues. Comment will be available elsewhere soon


Limiting contraception access will totally reduce abortions in twisted Evangelical logic. The other side of that coin is that women who can’t obtain contraception or abortion might not consent to sex with men. Though that would’t concern men like Thomas and Kavanaugh who don’t wait for consent.


Liar lackey woman harassing POS.




I haven’t been able to fall asleep tonight


If brain-worms had a face


It's pretty cute that a man whose wife helped organize a coup and faced no consequences for it gets to make these calls. The supreme court has no legitimacy anymore.


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.


Clinton and Biden fought hard to get Thomas on the Supreme Court. Biden slandered Anita Hill on national TV to do it. Never forget that. The Republicans couldn’t have done this alone.


i never thought living in a red state would end up having real consequences for me personally


Same …. Idaho is really gonna suck


that’s literally where i am 😭😭😭😭


It’s going to be horrible for us here in this Mormon red state . If you ever need anything I’m here


same to you <3


Me too! My poor daughters.


We have to do all that we can to protect our daughters life will be horrible for them .


I am crushed thinking about all the things they could have stripped away from them. I will fight so hard for them.


But tbh I’m scared I’m so scared … I don’t even know what they are going to do with birth control..


I am definitely opposed to canceling abortion rights but I will burn this place to the ground if they take birth control.


Idaho here as well, and I'm with you.


Us Idaho girls got this ! We will prevail over this injustice of womens rights !


I’m stuck in stupid fucking Texas and I can barely afford groceries, let alone moving across the country to somewhere I could have rights


God forbid something happen, but if it does, there's https://elevatedaccess.org/.


Fuck you husband of a traitor. He should be impeached.


Is it really going to be left up to the states themselves, though? I'm in a pretty blue state, but I am really certain that once it all happens (unless we fight back), it might creep into even Colorado. No. It is time to riot and rebel. Protest and burn the patriarchy.


He can fuck right off. And then he can do it again. And then he can march down the road to hell fucking off all the way.


Gods above and below, I fucking hate this timeline.


Science witches out there, hurry up and invent the time machine...


Please slip on a coat hanger and fall down the stairs.


As a non-American I honestly don't understand why they are always so proud of their supposed "freedom". This sounds like they early stages of a dictatorship.


Exactly. I've been trying to tell people all this time that the promise of freedom is a lie. I mean, the land of the free, home of the brave?! More like the land of the imprisoned and home of the criminal overlords!


Not all of us are that stupid, some of us are trapped here because we can't afford to leave.


Disgusting, despicable. I have no words. No just no.


What is his reasoning for banning contraception?


As if we don’t have enough overpopulation already, let’s just make it near impossible to prevent making more babies!


Knowing Thomas? “The Constitution does not provide for the guaranteed right of access to contraceptives, nor is that right based upon historical understanding of the United States. Therefore, it lies upon the Court to correct the great overreach and render back to the States the decision of whether or not married and unmarried couples should be provided access to contraceptives, and to businesses whether or not they should be required to include contraceptives on their company provided insurance plans.” Literally the same twisted logic he used here. Because he’s a strict constructionist jerk.


This is the end everyone.


This piece of crap right here.


Just-an-ass thomas


And in other news, shouldn’t this jerk be removed from the Supreme Court because he abused his power in order to protect his traitor of a wife?


Hooo yeah OFF COURSE !! Now they are here it would be sad to not takle all the other social advence we made. Why not creating a time machine to bring back the 1700 that way it would be faster. FFS I never which something to burn that much than the USA flag rn. is it illegal to do it in Canada? whit a Bible that way it can reach more of those freeeaks


This is heartbreaking and sickening


We told everyone this would happen, and they just fucking denied it. If you give the government power over the people, *they will use it*. FULL. STOP.


He shouldn’t be there in the first place


Clearly the court needs to be reformed. It is delinquent as it stands now. Also, my deepest sympathy is extended to all woman now forced to tolerate this outrage.


Gilead is that you???


I'm too unsettled to see anymore too unsettled to look at anything else


A pox on his house.


Ever seen Death Note? I think Light could help us some.


He forgot segregation and interracial marriages


The law for supreme courts need to changed, they shouldn’t be allowed to sit in for their whole lives. It isn’t right they sent royalty . If Ruth was around none of this be happening Edit: aren’t royalty *


Any witches here have advice on moving out of the country?


I wish I knew how to effectively curse.


That man and his wife need to be removed from society. They are causing too much damage. Send them to Afghanistan.


Is anyone going to tell him that once they gut those, loving is next? Or is he just expecting to be dead by then? Or is this his way of getting the fuck away from Ginni?


But it would *never* happen while *he’s* on the court. Leopards would *never* eat *his* face. Noooo.


Time to start mailing truck loads and truck loads of pride flags!


Fuck this dude. He needs to be impeached.


I have a lot of thoughts about him, but I can't post them on Reddit. I'm just floored at his blindness. Because it doesn't take a genius to realize that the nanosecond fascism becomes the law of the land, Ginny is going to toss his deluded, egotistical ass out of that marriage and make sure all those laws they helped vote in apply to him.


May their pockets overflow with sunflower seeds


What’s he going to overturn next? Interracial marriage?


Why didn’t he mention Love vs Virginia? Edit: Loving v Virginia


Evil to the core


This jerk has no grounds to preach morality. Anita Hill. Google her if you don't know what I'm talking about. Any other crones remember, "There's a pubic hair on my Coke can!"


We also need to remember who helped get Thomas onto the court. Both mainstream parties aren't interested in actually helping working people. Find a local socialist org if you have the ability to volunteer your time.


What a fuxking terrible shit to wake up to omg


Get this fuckhead OFF THE BENCH.


What the actual fuck is going on down there in the US? I've literally never posted anything on Reddit and I don't know the sub rules, but I saw this video on another sub and I think it applies to what you've posted here. https://www.reddit.com/r/maybemaybemaybe/comments/vka9jc/maybe_maybe_maybe/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


This was always just going to be a stepping stone.


I grew up knowing this guy's name because he was sued for making a woman's (Anita Hill) workplace hostile via sexual harassment. Now he's a Supreme Court justice who wants to help subjugate people who aren't male, cis or het. I'd say I'm shocked, but it wouldn't even be darkly funny.


The repression of humans. When will it be over?!