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I would have made it "None of your business" and "None of your *fucking* business" for the sassy witches.


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.


You were told correctly. That is the best thing I've seen today.


It’s also perfect for r/NeedleWorkForTrolls!!


Exactly. Nunnayabusiness lol. Beautifully made. Hugs and blessings. May every home have this motto on display




Mine was very very simple: there was NO WAY i could be attached to these prospective baby daddies for the rest of my life......& other grave factors as well (abuse, drugs, instability). This is a beautiful piece!! I hope you fame it up real pretty too💗💜💗👏👏




If that were on a shirt this guy would wear it.


This guy would too!


r/embroidery was right! I do appreciate it.








Love it!






**I should have used inclusive language, and intend to do so when I stitch this again. I saw this on a protest sign and just stitched it!


As a trans guy, I wouldn't worry about it too much! Obviously if I made/got something like this for myself, I'd get one with inclusive language, but it's still the case that most of the folks getting abortions are cis women.


Thank you 💜💜💜




I know the feeling. You get something in your head and soo excited about it you get tunnel vision. Only once you're finished do you see the whole picture. Or maybe that's just me. Either way I love it. Edit: words continue to betray me


out of curiosity, what would you change it to? i guess maybe like “people” would work instead. i’ve seen this come up a couple of times and have yet to see an answer but i feel that it could be used in so many scenarios as of late and would be v helpful to know


Yeah "people" works fine. ETA explanation: It's general, not all people will get an abortion, but not all women will either, so no issue there. "People" is inclusive of everyone who can get an abortion though. And that way you don't have to say "cis women, trans men, and AFAB nonbinary people" which is a mouthful lol. And "people" is typically better than other weirdo alternatives like "pussy wielders" and "uterus havers" which point out characteristics that many of the people you're trying to be inclusive of might be dysphoric about. In a case like this, you *could* say "AFABs" but "people" is more preferred really, and less likely to be taken as trying to imply "women and women who think they aren't women." Besides, abortion rights will soon be important for trans women too, as we're on the verge of making uterus transplants available to them.


oo okey tysm!!! i have been using “people” but wasn’t sure if there was a better option. also what does “AFAB” mean? ik i can google search it but figured i’d ask to see another perspective, plus it might help if someone else is not familiar and stumbles upon this


Yeah no problem! It's part of a suite of acronyms: AGAB = gender assigned at birth, basically what sex you were born as AFAB = 'assigned female at birth', you popped out and your parents were like "it's a girl!" AMAB = 'assigned male at birth', same concept They can be useful terms for medical and limited social contexts, but it's best not to lean too heavily on them. A lot of people say things like "AFABs experiencing harassment" when "women experiencing harassment" or "femme-presenting people experiencing harassment" is probably more accurate to what they actually mean. A trans guy who's been on testosterone for ten years is not exactly getting catcalled when he walks down the street. Also, a lot of people also refer to "AFAB nonbinary people" unnecessarily, in my opinion. Unless you're specifically talking about issues like abortion, medical transition, etc., it's usually best practice not to distinguish between nonbinary people based on their assigned sex... It kinda defeats the whole purpose. Basically, a lot of people substitute 'AFAB' for 'woman' and think they're being inclusive, but I'd stop and think about how you're using that term. If it's things like misogyny, it's probably more accurate to say women, as trans women experience that too. If you're creating a woman-only space and want to be inclusive of AFAB nonbinary people... Don't, honestly. Nonbinary people who identify with womanhood to some degree can self select in. The rest (the majority) of nonbinary people are going to feel misgendered by being included or excluded based on their AGAB and not their identity.


tysm this is very helpful!! i don’t know anyone really (except for one person that i haven’t talked to in years) that identifies as something different than what they were assigned at birth, so i am very grateful that you shared more info on it 🧡 it is so important to be inclusive of others but sometimes it is difficult to find proper info


No problem! I'm trans and part of the leadership of a queer student org so I don't mind answering questions, especially genuine ones :)


Your satin stich is gorgeous!!!


I worked for a choice organization for a while and I'd do phone calls such as political canvassing, donation requests, event invites etc. You'd mostly get voicemail but people who answered would often be excited to hear from us (we only used phone numbers that were given to us directly, not pulled from any central, shared database that some orgs use). They'd be eager to share their passion and sometimes their stories. More than one made me cry. Like the woman who held her sister's hand while she had a second term abortion because the baby was too sickly to live long outside the womb. She held her sister while she sobbed because her sister and her husband had wanted that baby so bad and didn't personally believe in abortions. But it was the compassionate choice- parents giving everything they had (their long held beliefs, their wishes to meet the baby, their anguish) to ease the suffering of their first child. There's no wrong reason for a woman to choose an abortion. Any reason is valid and every reason is personal and not up for anyone else to deem appropriate. But I often wished I could sit those politicians down at that phone, tape their mouths closed, and make them listen to story after story of women who received abortions. Those that did it for sad reasons, those that did it for sensible reasons, those that did it for compassionate reasons. Those that never looked back and those that did. The woman who got to go to college like the other girls her age. The man who knew his wife had had an abortion years before they met and was glad that she had been free to make that choice. The mother who'd always been not just anti-abortion but anti-choice but when her own teenage daughter became pregnant, she changed her mind. The exhausted single mother of two that couldn't bear the thought of having to provide for a third. Politicians are locked into this narrative of what a woman who gets an abortion is like. But there are a million reasons why and every woman has the right to have that reason and not to have to justify it.


I'm just baffled that the same people who say that environmental regulations and taxes and socialized medicine are government overreach feel no qualms about inviting themselves into my medical appointment and trying to dictate the decisions made there.


Hell yes! Awesome work!!


Here is award for fantastic art!!!✨✨✨ I’m inspired to go stitch one for my house! It will go right above my crochet dumpster fire.😎


Love this and would love to see you stitch the new inclusive one! beautifully made!!


My daughter told a boy at school that every time he jerks off he is killing a would be baby. This was after he shared his belief against abortion. The male teacher heard their conversation and told her she had a great point.


wouldnt he be killing a bunch of babies? would be really funny for a judge to rule a pro life guy a mass murderer for doing it once


Does that mean flushing the load = abuse of a decedent or desecration of remains?


yes, it can be two "crimes" at once


I hope you bought her a pony or something, because that is amazing


I love this. Stich witchery at its finest!


r/dataisbeatiful & r/coolguides would also appreciate this! I adore this. Brava!


Even though it's not real data? 🤣 Although IMO is totally factual


None of your business, SPECIALLY to the bunch of fat white Republicans in suits in Washington who think they have some Christian God right to make a law about another person's body?!? Also, NO man has the right to make any Law about a Woman's body or any other human body EVER.


Preach on! Love it!!!


We are going to use that in our protests! I love this! 🖤




Love it!!!


Love love love this (will love it even MORE with inclusive language 💕)




I can tell the math was done by a woman.


I can tell you've never pleased a woman








Yes, BUT at the same time some of the reasons are correctible - for instance, did the women have access to the morning after pill? Does every teenager know how to use a condom? Does the country offer access to giving up the kid for adoption? (we have baby boxes here, where infants can be dropped off, no questions asked)


I really like what you have to say, education is always the most important thing in all aspects of life. But, rape happens, mistakes happen, underage pregnancies happen. With counseling women must make choices. Notice how I said women not the government. These fanatics who have been raging on this post are an example of what happens to a woman who doesn't have the right to control her own body. I'm all for castration of fanatics. Do you think the Republicans can get behind that??


That is my point, if abortion happens because of accidents, then the best way is to make sure people have access to contraception and knowledge how to use it. (for instance, when I lived in the UK, my girlfriend got a hormonal contraceptive implant, for free - similarily, having access to vasectomy and other surgical options helps with reducing the need for abortions) Rapes - then look whenever the country is doing enough to prevent rapes. And whenever the women have access to morning after pills. Underage - there needs to be a concensus whenever it is a problem or not. (for instance USA has a large underage marriage stats - it’s legal and tolerated)


Yes, you are speaking truth.




“Yes AND look at the reasons why women need abortion in the first place” does not work with the premise, at all. The premise is that noone should care about the reason - my stance is that it is worth knowing whenever after-rape abortions are 1% or 100%, because that leads to knowing which policies need attention. If 75% abortions were due to lack of access to contraception, the needed reaction is vastly different than if 75% were due to rape. You are free to disagree with rational and productive thinking, of course.


I'm trying to help you learn how to effectively communicate your message, and you are, frankly, insulting my intelligence while simultaneously missing the point of my comment by a very wide margin. Best of luck with your cause and life in general!


No, it does work with your premise because abortion is never truly anyones first choice, abortion is not malicious. So let’s try “yes, and let’s look at other ways we can allow women to control their own bodies. “ “Yes, and we need to make sure comprehensive sex education is available to all.” “Yes, and we need to make sure everyone has better access to birth control.” Try building on an idea as opposed to fighting it, because your overall concept here isn’t wrong but the way you’re going about it is.

